Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 036 Killing and Dancing

When he heard the prompt, Lin Xiao secretly exhaled:

"Wow~~ It's getting more and more interesting. First, it's the Red Lotus Demons, then the Yanhuang Special Team, and now it's Dongying Ninja... What exactly is the purpose of these people?"

At this moment of the engagement, Lin Xiao also roughly figured out the details of these ninjas.

They are not as magical as the ninjas in Naruto, with many means and positive energy... Although these ninjas have superhuman power, they will not be able to split, water escape, Tianzhao, Rashomon and other big moves. The means of killing are also daggers, traps and assassinations, but they are faster, more powerful, and have certain special abilities. Although the skin is a little thick, it will also die if it is hit by a few more bullets, and it will not be possible to cheat the body from time to time.

Low-level ninja is only equivalent to the level of a second-level corpse brother, with a reward of 5 points of killing. In someone's words, I can play ten!

It's like a first-class corpse brother is limitedly stronger than ordinary people. Their physical variation is not high, and well-trained soldiers can kill them. The second-degree corpse brother is more or less tricky, and his physique is obviously much better than ordinary people, but it is still far from that of adventurers. The third-level corpse brother is probably not much worse than the adventurer, while the fourth-level corpse brother is very difficult to deal with, such as the demon snake, the ancient giant crocodile, the super black earthworm and so on. It's almost impossible to fight one-on-one.

As for the boss who is stationed in the city library and has been born again for thousands of years, it needs all adventurers to be pushed down together.

The battle continued. After witnessing Lin Xiao's "brave" performance, these soldiers were already quite admired by Lin Xiao. A soldier ran to Lin Xiao and saluted him loudly and shouted:

"shir, ask for support! The enemy's army is inside.

Lin Xiao was speechless. He regarded himself as a member of the Yanhuang power army. However, as the old saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Lin Xiaoken helps them kill Dongying ninjas, which is naturally regarded as a "friend". Now that the army encounters an attack, naturally can't let go of this great help, let alone piss him off, and take five steps of blood splashing... Well, there is another possibility, that is, Lin Xiao thinks too much. In fact, his big soldier really regards him as a member of the special group.

As soon as his eyes turned, Lin Xiao said to the soldiers, "I'll go in. You stay outside. Don't let anyone go."

"Please be careful, sir. There are many ninjas in it, and the adults of the power force are fighting with them." The soldier replied.

"I have my way." Lin Xiao nodded.

"Comrade, I'll accompany you in!" The soldier gritted his teeth and said viciously.

Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head, "You stay here to clean the battlefield and pay attention to be vigilant. Give it to me inside."

took out two* and threw them in fiercely. A large area of smoke rose up and filled the whole space.

"We can't see it!" The hair of the channel shouted loudly.

The gunfire was loud, and even a ninja guest starred in a soldier, shooting around with a submachine gun, but he didn't know that Death had quietly touched it.

With the cover of thick smoke, bulletproof jade pendant and spiritual armor, Lin Xiao quickly touched a low-level ninja's side, covered the opponent's mouth with his right hand, and the evil bone dagger plunged deeply into the opponent's throat.

The blood sucking effect of the evil bone dagger was launched, and the vitality of the low-level ninja was quickly lost. It was corroded and infected along the wound. As soon as his hand was released, the ninja ploped to the ground and died directly.

Sound and firelight are the best targets, and the blind shooting of ninjas in the dark provides Lin Xiao with a target direction.

With the wailing from time to time, there has been fewer and fewer gunfires in the thick fog.

Someone shouted: "Don't shoot!"

The gunfire stopped.

People groped with each other in the dark and carefully asked each other.

A low-level ninja accidentally met someone and asked, "Who?"

"It's me, Graves."

The low-level ninja breathed a relaxed breath.

At this moment, a dagger in the oblique thorn suddenly slid across the throat of the low-level ninja and spit out a blood spring, and the low-level ninja named Greyforth was full of face.

"He's here!" Graves shouted.

All the guns fired at the same time, beating the Graves into a sieve.

"Is he dead?" Someone shouted loudly.

"It's a pity, no." The voice came from behind.

At the same time, the cold blade stabbed into the opponent's back.

One after another low-level ninja was harvested by Lin Xiao in this way. When there was only the last ninja left, the man finally couldn't stand it anymore and screamed and ran away to the rear.

Turning around the long and dark corridor and seeing him come to the spacious garage, the low-level ninja was finally relieved.

There are still several ninjas in the garage who are fighting with a group of people with the same powers. Naturally, the battle scene will not be crazy and cool, but also dangerous and inexplicable.

Seeing the low-level ninja flee, a higher-level ninja scolded, "Why did you run back?" Haven't you broken through there yet?"

"A guy killed us all!" The low-level ninja shouted.

"Who is it?" I resisted anger.

The ninja shouted, "I don't know. It's dark everywhere. I can't see him at all. He killed the iron man and the orangutan..."


A bullet shot into the back of his head, and the powerful bullet kinetic energy directly stirred his brain into a ball of paste, and then the bullet deformed and exploded, blowing up his whole cheek.

After suffering such a serious injury, the ninja naturally didn't hum. Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground and died.

The ninjas in the garage looked at the direction of the passage with horror and anger at the same time.

With the rhythmic footsteps, Lin Xiao's figure appeared like a ghost.

It was like a bloody god appearing in front of everyone, and Lin Xiao's expression was cold and slightly arrogant. The black storm Gonitz waitress on his body is stained with blood stains, a silver left wheel in one hand, and an evil bone dagger shining with a light red light in the other. He is wild and unruly, but he has such a strange feeling.

A ninja shouted and raised his gun and shot at Lin Xiao, and several other ninjas also shot at the same time.

Lin Xiao raised his gun and rushed to the enemy with one hand, and the silver left wheel suddenly spewed the flame of killing.

Both sides did not dodge. The thin ninja howled and pulled the trigger, which made Lin Xiao's body white light. Lin Xiao rushed forward with bullets and shot two low-level ninjas in a row.

The next moment, Lin Xiao rushed to the side of a low-level ninja, and the evil bone dagger in his left hand drew a cold light and cut the throat of one of the low-level ninjas.

The low-level ninja's head actually drilled into his chest, and the evil bone dagger scratched the void on the headless body. The next moment, the low-level ninja's head came out and smiled ferociously at Lin Xiao.

If ordinary people see this scene, they will probably be scared out of heart disease, but Lin Xiao sneered and said, "Interesting."

Flying up and kicking the lower body of the low-level ninja, the low-level ninja screamed and squatted down on the spot.

Lin Xiaoyou sighed: "It's a pity that you can't shrink everything~~"

Before he finished speaking, he cut the chest of the low-level ninja with a backhand.

On the other side, a low-level ninja threw his gun and suddenly howled at Lin Xiao.

This howling formed a huge air wave. Lin Xiao only felt a rumble in his ears, as if someone had stuffed a big firecracker into his ear, and the huge air wave pushed him off the ground like a bomb. In the air, Lin Xiao had locked the ninja with the afterglow of the corners of her eyes. While rolling in the air, she would hit the heart + revolver launch, roaring, and a burning bullet soared out and hit the ninja's chest in an instant.

The power of this shot is really horrible, like a cannonball, directly blowing the ninja's chest into a head-sized hole, flying flesh and blood, and spraying his internal organs. The low-level ninja fell on the spot.

The air wave stopped, Lin Xiao fell to the ground again, and there was a stream of blood at the corners of his mouth.

This low-level ninja's sound wave attack actually has the ability to ignore defense, which can directly penetrate the holy light shelter and cause damage to Lin Xiao, but the damage itself is not too big, only causing Lin Xiao's 50-point decline in life.

However, the huge sound wave still made Lin Xiao's head buzz and her eyes were dazzled.

At this time, a low-level ninja suddenly rushed in, holding a rocket gun in his hand.

Lin Xiao raised his hand and shot the low-level ninja's wrist. The low-level ninja's wrist was interrupted on the spot and the rocket fell to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the low-level ninja hooked the rocket gun with his foot. Only then did Lin Xiao see that the low-level ninja was barefoot, and his toes were extremely long, which were no different from his hand. The low-level ninja's face showed a smile at the same time.

Lin Xiaoli knew that it was not good and quickly jumped back. The toes of the low-level ninja had been pressed on the launch button of the rocket launcher.

The rocket roared at Lin Xiao.


Rockets with 300 points of damage exploded beside Lin Xiao, and the huge explosion wave lifted Lin Xiao again. The holy light shelter completely melted after suffering 200 points of damage. However, Lin Xiao had escaped first, but failed to receive more damage. As soon as he landed, he shot the low-level ninja with one shot. The life.

Another low-level ninja quickly rushed to him, and his right hand turned into a bone-shaped blade, which was fiercely/inserected into Lin Xiao's chest.

Lin Xiao raised his left hand and launched a thunderbolt. The fist was wrapped in a dazzling thunder, and the sound of rubbing against the air was like hundreds of birds singing, harsh and sharp.

The low-level ninja was immediately hit. He howled and spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and the bone blade on his right hand suddenly soared and shot directly at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao rolled on the ground, and after all, he was a step late and avoided the fatal blow on his chest. The sharp blade penetrated his right arm and nailed him to the ground.

The huge pain made Lin Xiao's forehead sweat. He gritted his teeth and waved the evil bone dagger in his left hand to cut off the sharp blade of the bone joint.

The low-level ninja bone blade was cut off, which was equivalent to cutting off the whole arm, and the life sucking effect of the evil bone dagger was launched again. The low-level ninja howled for a while and finally lay on the ground motionless.

This round of attacks also made Lin Xiao confused and hurt a little.

At this time, two other low-level ninjas rushed over, and the bullet suddenly hit Lin Xiao, hitting him white.

One of the low-level ninjas roared and made a wolf roar. He stretched out a pair of sharp claws and took out to Lin Xiao.

At this time, the four ordinary soldiers next to him took a step forward and stood in front of the "sorically injured" Lin Xiao, but Lin Xiao inadvertently enjoyed the treatment of an officer.

One of the soldiers was standing in front of the low-level ninja with sharp claws and was pulled into his heart by the low-level ninja and dug out his whole heart, but the soldier also poured a shuttle of bullets on the low-level ninja before he died.

The low-level ninja was also quite strong and stood still. He threw the soldier out. The other three soldiers besieged him, but another low-level ninja opened his mouth and spit out a turbulent flame and enveloped the three soldiers all over.

Four soldiers were killed on the spot by two low-level ninjas, but the next moment, two bullets burning with red flames came in an instant, hitting the left and right temples of the two low-level ninjas and passing through their brains.

The bodies of the two low-level ninjas shook and finally fell down.

Lin Xiao took a long breath, and then struggled to pull out the bone blade cut into her right arm. The bone blade intersects with the bone in her arm, making an unpleasant sound of friction, which made Lin Xiao just want to die.

With all his strength, with a fierce shot, the bone blade finally came out. Lin Xiao threw the thing to the ground and looked up at the Yanhuang special team members in the melee.