Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 040 Cut the grass and eradicate

A conspiracy theory, several people were sweating coldly, and even the black long straight lady with small stars in her eyes did not move back a few steps, covered her chest with a frightened look, and finally saw Lin Xiao's true face~~

"OK, can't I do it if I don't ask?" Lan Hai wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a frightened expression.

"Well, this is a good boy." Lin Xiao nodded, "How long will it take for you to use the power next time?"

"If it was before, it would take at least one hour to rest. And now, after eating your cheese, the rest time has been shortened by about half.

"In half an hour?" Lin Xiao pondered and asked, "Why were you surrounded by those ninjas?"

"Does this also need a reason?" Miss Hei Changzhi shook her eyes and said, "They are Dongying people. Coming to my Heaven without permission is an invasion! He had to be caught beheading in the trial court. An unrighteous thief, everyone will be killed..."

The black long and straight lady said indignantly for a moment, but remembered something. Her pretty face immediately came down and complained:

"Bright, why didn't you kill those two escaped guys together? Now we will definitely be hunted down. It's in trouble.

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "You have such long white legs, you won't chase them by yourself."


"On the way here, I met the Red Lotus followers, Japanese little ninjas, and you members of the Yanhuang special energy team." Lin Xiao smiled lightly and said, "The virus crisis broke out in H city. It can be said that this place has become a big hornet's nest, which will explode with a touch, and then blow up your face. It's not surprising that the Yanhuang Teuneng team came to deal with it, but I'm curious... What did Japanese ninjas and red lotus demons come for? Don't say anything to me about maintaining world peace!"

The three people in Lanhai looked at each other and said with a wry smile:

"This is the S-level secret of the Yanhuang Teuneng Team, and ordinary people can't..."

"Hmm?!" Lin Xiao narrowed her eyes slightly and snorted coldly.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, but I can only reveal a little bit. Other content has strict confidentiality regulations, and we can't say it anyway." Blue Sea took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "On the one hand, our action is to save the citizens of H City, and on the other hand... The corpse king dragon is related.

"The corpse king dragon and the zombie who came back from immortality for thousands of years, and he retains all his memories, which is likely to be another evolutionary direction that human beings dream of... He should still have the undead medicine prescription snatched from the emperor.

At this point, Lin Xiao has understood most of it. In the final analysis, there is only one thing that so many forces are plotting, that is, the immortal medicine prescription in the hands of the corpse king dragon. Long life, this is an unattainable dream of countless human beings. Now there is a living example, how can it not be crazy?


Half an hour later.

The energetic Blue Ocean once again became a pseudo-USB data cable. One end was linked to Lin Xiao's "PC terminal" and the other end reached into the "big Internet of H City" and began to investigate and search for the people who provided intelligence portraits of Lin Xiao.

This kind of action of looking for needles in the vast sea of people is quite difficult. It is very simple to scan it roughly, but a careful search consumes a lot of soul energy. However, at Lin Xiao's suggestion, the corpse brother can be skipped, and ordinary people can be skipped, mainly targeting the same "mysterious man" as himself. In this way, the workload will naturally be much smaller.

Time passed minute by minute, and nearly five minutes later, the soul fluctuation of the blue sea finally came into Lin Xiao's mind:

"I found..."

The next second, a three-dimensional picture of a gray back/view appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

On the screen, a group of ten people are on the second floor of a large Womar supermarket, cooperating with the tacit killing of the corpse brother. The leading man is about 1.8 meters tall, with a ferocious scar from the eyebrows to the corners of his mouth, coiled on the left side of the price, with short hair upside down and energetic. A big pass knife is used, which is as fierce as a mountain and as fierce as a knife.

The picture only lasted for two seconds and disappeared. Lan Hai, who was lying on the ground and "retaining the corpse", opened his eyes, and a large pool of sweat flowed under his body again. His face was pale and blue, as if he had just been rotated ten times or eight times. He got up and howled, grabbed the hamburger handed over by Lin Xiao and swallowed it.

Even so, two seconds is enough time for Lin Xiao to write down the nearby buildings and terrain.

casually clicked on the handheld computer distributed by the Yanhuang Teuneng team and called up the satellite map of H city. After scaling at a size of 10,000:1, Lin Xiao looked for the landmark building in the image and quickly locked the large Wal-Mart supermarket located at the intersection of an avenue in the southern district of H city. It is about 20 kilometers away from the location of Lin Xiao and others.

Lin Xiao squinted slightly, and Lin Xiao sneered at the corners of his mouth: "Team Yuntao, we're coming..."

It's better to do it first, and then suffer. The hatred between the Yuntao team and the god team has long been insoluble. Either you die or I die. Even the simplest Feng Xiaoxi doesn't think he can shake hands with the other party.

The Yuntao team was originally one of the four strong teams in the East District, but unfortunately it acted arrogantly and didn't know how many enemies it had annoyed. In the past, no one dared to take the front lightly, but when the team chased Lin Xiao and several people, they were ambushed and killed, and the main players lost nearly half in an instant. The remaining members were unable to support themselves and were soon seized by other teams. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Lin Xiao and others would have been chased to death by the Yuntao team.

Breaking people's wealth, such as killing parents. The smooth Yuntao team was designed to be killed by the Tianshen team and had to be a mouse in the sewer. This act of "destroying people's wealth and killing parents" doomed the hatred of both sides to be insoluble.

Lin Xiao is not a good man and woman, and he can't wait for someone to come to the door... In fact, most adventurers believe in simple ideas:

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Vengeance from morning to night!"

"Cut the grass without rooting, and the spring breeze blows again."

"It's better to do it first, and then you will suffer!"


It is with the idea that "it is better to do it first, and then suffer", Lin Xiao planned for a long time. He left the team alone, mixed into the survival team, and then found the Blue Sea, and locked the position of the Yuntao team with his soul out-of-body ability... It's time to fight to the death.

Gently exhaled, Lin Xiao opened the seal of dominance and quickly contacted Lao Huang through the team communication channel: "The target has been locked, and the coordinates are (1742,1232). It's time to carry out a plan to eradicate the grass."

Lao Huang's serious voice came from the other end: "I understand!"

Hanging up this side, Lin Xiao took out another milky white snail the size of a fist. The snail's eyes were raised, double five dull, and huddled in the shell. It was the phone worm in the world of Pirates. After Lin Xiao paid 300 points, he slowly stretched out his head, closed his mouth, and spit out a delicate and touching voice:

"Lin Xiao?"

"It's me. The hunting plan has started. I need your help."

The dance answered in a low voice and said slightly playfully, "Does the little woman dare not obey?"

Recalling the phone bug, Lin Xiao pondered for a moment, took out the pure gold and diamond-inlaid local tycoon gold mobile phone and dialed a certain number.

A few seconds later, a gentle and deep voice sounded over there: "It's me, the captain of the reverse blade team, Fang Han."

"I'm Lin Xiao... The hunting target has been locked. It's time to meet.

There was a moment of silence, and Fang Han smiled in a low voice, "I know."

After taking away the pure gold-inlaid gold mobile phone, Lin Xiao took out a small conch, blew a breath, and listened to the sound of the sea breeze blowing from inside. Then he said:

"The target has been found, and the hunting plan has been launched to ask for support."

The sea breeze became the calm voice of Chu Yuntian, the president of the Alliance, and said:

“...... What's the chance of winning?"

"More than 90%."


After put away the sound transmission conch, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and said to Lan Hai, "Okay, let's go."

Seeing Lin Xiao's trick, she took out one strange thing after another. The black and straight lady opened her eyes wide and was the first to raise her hand and jump out:

"I'm going, I'm going! Whoo, take me with you!..."

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "You will die."

"Hmm, billions of people die every day. I'm afraid of nothing."


So tough... Lin Xiao can only bow to the wind.

20 minutes later, at the top of an apartment building in H Shinan District.

God team (eight people), mercenary team reverse blade team (four people), fat silence trio, alliance Chu Yuntian (11 people), Wu Qingcheng and two companions, a total of 29 adventurers, plus three people from the fourth team of the Yanhuang Special Energy Team, gathered together at the invitation and employment of Lin Xiao.

"It's time... Cut the grass and get rid of it!"