Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 058 Collapse

Under the coercion of death, Jin Shengtan had to give in. Maybe he still had some guilt and shame in his heart. But...

"Fight to your mother! I already knew that you were an anti-bone boy! Shit on the street!" Rolling Stone broke his mouth and cursed.

Yang Fan, a semi-mechanical reformer, also kept cursing:

"Fuck you! I really regret why I didn't rape you at the beginning**! B bitch!"

Maybe they had a gap, or maybe they were overwhelmed by the anger of betrayal, but in any case, with these foul words spewing out, the remaining guilt on Jin Sheng sigh's face quickly disappeared, his face was indifferent, and he left here without humming.

At this moment, everyone knows that the big tree of Yuntao team... It has been completely collapsed, and there is no possibility of returning to the sky.

Jin Shengtan's rebellion is undoubtedly the sharpest nail, which pierced the weak interests of the Yuntao team and pierced a crack that cannot be healed.

After all, this is a world of adventure, a place where people don't kill themselves. Since they know that they will be defeated and die, that's not righteousness, but stupid. With the lesson of the previous car, naturally someone can't help imitating.

Fools can't live long. No one will be a fool if they can get to this day.

The premise of fighting desperately is that there is no way out, but now that there is a way out, why do you have to fight to the death?

At the critical moment of life and death, righteousness and friends are empty. As long as you live, it is a big deal!

Lin Xiao smiled and laughed:

"Everyone is smart, and the ending is doomed. Today, the Yuntao team will definitely be destroyed! However, you have the right to choose to live peacefully or die meaninglessly!"

"Which is life or death, fate is in your hands."

At this time, with the success of Lin Xiao's secret countermeasure, the huge battlefield has completely quieted down. Everyone is watching and choosing... Humiliating life, or meaningless death.

After a moment of silence, Yang Fan, a semi-mechanical reformer, was the first to come over. Under the siege of the reverse blade team, he had been beaten to half disabled. Many places exposed metal bones, a big hole in his chest, flowing with black oil lubricant. As he walked, he shouted:

"Jin Shengtan's shit-like thing has left. He is your closest brother! What other reason do I have to continue the fight to the death?

He looked at Xue Tao and sneered sadly:

"Big Brother Xuetao, I'm sorry for you. I'm just asking myself. If I die in the battle, even if we win this battle in the end, the chance that you will resurrect me is no more than 20%. Like that bastard, I, Yang Fan, am also a marginal figure in the team! How much I suffered, how many tears I endured, and endured the transformation of mechanical assistants in my room every day. I don't want to experience the process of electric drills into bones and replacing blood with oil... It's hard to get to this day. I really don't want to die worthless and meaninglessly!"

"I'm sorry, Boss Xuetao." Yang Fan walked to Lin Xiao, "... I promised your previous request to leave the Yuntao team!"

Lin Xiao didn't blink and smiled, "It's okay to leave, but you have to pay 20,000 points to buy your life."

Yang Fan trembled all over and roared sadly and indignantly: "You are *, **naked*!"

"Maybe, but I don't know which 20,000 points is more valuable compared with one life?"


Lin Xiao insisted that Yang Fan had no way out before he opened his mouth** naked extortion. In addition to the name of cowardice and position of running away from fighting, his words just now also gave up his own way out and would never integrate into the Yuntao team. Either pay for your life or die obediently. How do you choose?

Lin Xiao smiled. After all, if you don't take the money for nothing, you will be punished by God~~

After bargaining and making a gag, Yang Fan finally paid 15,000 points to buy his life, and then gritted his teeth and turned away.

Lin Xiao came step by step with a calm face and said lightly:

"In the end, it's just to live. This is the highest scale of the existence of the Tower of Meaning... It can be said that the destruction of the Yuntao team has become an irreparable foreable conclusion. Tell me! Do you really want to die with my God team?"

The eyes of several members of the Yuntao team flashed and unconsciously stopped their movements.

With Yang Fan's departure, the whole team had a "domino"-like chain reaction in an instant, and everyone's expression became subtle.

"For a failed captain, a destroyed team, and contribute your life meaninglessly. This is a very simple question. Life or death is up to you to choose and control your own fate."

Is it really worth giving up your life for a team that is about to be destroyed and a pathetic captain who fails?

The experience of survival has always told them that if you want to live and live for a long time, don't be a hypocritical person. You can only get a disdainful laugh in the space for the matter of killing your friends.

Life is not benevolent, the law of the jungle, and the survival of the fittest.

There are still brothers who turn against each other. In the final analysis, everyone is just a swary who gather together for the supreme purpose of "living". If the two sides are evenly matched or even have a slight advantage, they will not be as one-sided as they are now, but the current situation is that the number, strength, morale, people's hearts, all-round defeat, and there is no possibility of turning the situation.

Abando your life for the sake of righteousness... Sorry, we are not this great yet.

The eyes flashed and the secret communication was endless. After a while, the two signed a dominating contract with Lin Xiao, took off the team badge on their chest and turned away.

Team Yuntao completely collapsed.

In the end, there were only the last four people left in the big team: blood waves, iron faces, rolling stones, and white robes that kept beating gophers on the ground.

At the moment when Jin Sheng sighed and left, Xue Tao closed his mouth and stood aside with a blank face. Even Yang Fan's sarcasm did not pay attention to it at all.

It was not until this moment that he suddenly laughed in a low voice, covering his face with his hands and his shoulders shrugged crazily. Because it was not until then that he suddenly found his biggest weakness...

is not Lin Xiao's layout or their ambush, but his own arrogance, contempt and arrogance, so that he has always been at a high point, looking down at others with looking down. In the end, he found that he could trust him and could sacrifice his life and death together. Brother, there are only two people.

Dozens of adventure worlds, have seen countless enemies and countless partners, have won the glory of the regional top four teams, but also suffered the defeat of Waterloo. However, he never woke up, did not realize the indifference of the people in the team, did not give enough respect to the enemy, was proud and arrogant, so that he was finally counterattacked by insects that could have been killed casually, and the huge team collapsed.

It turns out that I am such a failed person...


Many people think that in the battle against Yuntao, the core of Lin Xiao's plan is two.

The first is to divide the encirclement, create local advantages, and strike the morale of the enemy. This can be seen from Lin Xiao's previous methods, such as hunting, isolation, beheading, etc., that he has indeed been doing so. The second is to use the weaknesses of people's hearts and the team to hide contradictions, oppose their team members, and finally achieve the purpose of subduing people without fighting.

But now everyone has found that these are not Lin Xiao's core intentions.

Lin Xiao's real intention is to create all favorable combat conditions for himself through various means, so as to win a superior position.

First, call friends, gather brothers, arrange ambush, and select the battle site.

With this home advantage, Lin Xiao is in a strategic situation that can be attacked and defended.

You can take the initiative to attack and clear the target through ambush, sneak attack, siege and other means. If you retreat, you can turn into the wind and quickly leave the battlefield. Even if the final situation is unfavorable, you can ensure your own safety and your strength will not be affected.

As long as he has this home advantage, even if the final result is still that he is still defeated by Yuntao, he can escape from it at any time to ensure his own strength.

This is actually an eternal strategic idea in war. Real resourceful strategists always prepare for defeat before they seek victory. Only those young men who have not been honed by the battlefield will always fantasize about how to defeat the enemy before going to the battlefield, but never think about what will happen if they fail.

But I don't know that only by standing on the undefeated can we win!

The end of this battle is finally settled at this moment...