Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 064 Flesh Pie

This flesh-and-blood monster has strong resistance and strange power, which is almost as good as the knight in his normal state. Of course, his IQ is still a hard injury~~

Lin Xiao also has no anatomy for this guy who is covered with rough scars after sewing, maggots wriggling and black stinking mucus in the wound. It simply caught fire.

The knight wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, took out his bandage and wrapped the wound on his thigh familiarly, and gasped:

"This monster doesn't seem to be an ordinary corpse brother..."

Lin Xiao nodded, "Yes, because it is just a killing tool made by Honglian's flowing water workshop."

Looking at the confused eyes of the three people, Lin Xiao explained:

"I have dissected some corpse brothers before and found that they can actually be regarded as another evolutionary creature, but these blood * strange, but there is no sign of biological civilization. It is purely a hodgepodge of corpses controlled by secret methods and can walk and jump. Well, it's similar to Chinese zombies.

Little fat wondered, "What's the difference between zombies and zombies?"

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and said helplessly:

"A zombie is a corpse that dies after human brain cells are infected with a special virus, and the body relies on residual instinctive activities, just like the definition in the American drama Walking Dead. But in fact, there are still many bugs in it.

"To give a simple example: because zombies only exist instinctively, zombies will not farm and produce, and their peers will not devour each other. That is to say, 99.9% of zombies in the world are hungry and cannot enjoy delicious flesh and blood. In this state, a day or two is acceptable, and a month or two months are barely reasonable. You have been wandering around for a year or two, so it's unscientific, right?

As we all know, there will be no perpetual motion machine in the world. The actions of the human body also need to be supported by advanced biological energy. The main source of biological energy is through food intake, and tense moments can also be provided through cells. But have you heard that drinking the northwest wind can fill your stomach?

"The average person can't drink water for three days and eat for a week. In the American TV series Walking Dead, those zombies have not had a rest for two years. They have nothing to eat or drink. They are beaten by the wind, rain and the sun and rain all day long. Won't their skin ulcerate? Won't the flesh and blood be stiff? Won't the muscles atrophy? Where does the energy that supports the body to run, climb and move come from? Have these zombies learned to use photosynthesis? Or is there a built-in solar heating panel?

"For two years, these zombies are still running hard on the land of the United States, and I look anxious for them."


Lin Xiao shook his head and continued:

"As for the zombies of the Great Heavenly Dynasty, it generally refers to the corpses that do not disperse from resentment after death, which are resurrung by chance, let alone for the time being. But zombies and zombies have one thing in common - they are essentially corpses.

"But are these corpses? They have heartbeat, can breathe, pick fat and thin, and even use some simple tricks... If racial prejudice is removed, they are completely another evolutionary form of creatures.

Little fat blinked his eyes, "Does this have anything to do with our current task?"


The sky is gloomy, covered with dark clouds, and the air is also cloudy and stuffy. It seems that a storm is coming.

Lin Xiaodao:

"We followed the mark of the Wind Team all the way, but we met a stitching corpse monster here. As the saying goes: there must be evil in abnormal places... Check it carefully."

Push open the rag and half-covered door panel, and Lin Xiao stepped in first.

The classroom is dim, the tables and chairs are in a mess, and the original smooth marble floor has been covered with a layer of gray mud. Every time you step on it, it will make a "poof" sound, and the strange stench goes straight to the forehead. If you are a clean person, I'm afraid you can't stay for a second.

Faced with this horrible environment like a slaughterhouse, Lin Xiao did not change his face and walked to the depths step by step.

There are several messy corpses in the classroom. The reason why they are described as " messy" is that the parts of these corpses are missing one after another, and the shape is strange and unique, and only a rough human figure can be seen...

For example, the body on Lin Xiao's left hand side: the limbs are crossed by chains and fixed to the wall, but the head is like a separated ladle, directly missing half, revealing the gray brain tissue. The other person was covered with rusty wire, forming a "no leakage cycle" from his lips to his anus.

There are also humanoid hedgehogs that make people's scalp numb. It seems that there are countless cones growing in his body, supporting the skin to the limit. It seems that it will explode with a slight touch...

There are also devil muscle people who have been stripped of their skin and reveal bright red muscle tissue...

At the end of the classroom, there is a huge hole in the wall, surrounded by masonry and debris, as if the stitching corpse monster came from the opposite side. At this time, there is a black thing growing rapidly in the hole, as if to hide the secret.

Lin Xiao came closer and looked inside, but this black hair seemed to have the function of isolating the line of sight and can't see the opposite situation at all. If it is as deep as a bottomless abyss, it hides many unknown dangers.

I don't know if it is an illusion caused by dim light. The cold stone wall always gives people a feeling of flesh and blood wriggling. The black substance seems to grow from the stone wall, just like a blood scar from a person's body that has been injured for a long time. There were a lot of black hair-like things coiled together in the wall, weaving into a dense net on the hole, which was these things that blocked Lin Xiao's sight.

At this time, Lin Xiao was also skillful and bold, or full of confidence. He walked directly to the black hair. With a flick of his fingers, he lit up a faint fire. When he approached, he found out what kind of black hair was this? It should be some kind of plant, densely woven together. It's like a girl's braids.

These black substances look not only like dead people's wet soaked hair, but also like kelp that has just been harvested and not dried, emitting a very disgusting smell, which is disgusting. Lin Xiao stretched out her hand and felt very cold, tough and elastic.

At this time, the three knights also came over, silently looked at them carefully, and suddenly said:

"I seem to have seen this..."

It seems to recall the past, and a trace of remembrance flashed in his silent eyes, saying:

"When I used to study in the United States, I went back to China every summer vacation to help my father celebrate his birthday..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces immediately changed...

"So you are still a returnee?"

"Realistic version of white, rich and beautiful!"

"I didn't expect that there had been a white swan lurking around me. I hate to have eyes and don't know pearls~~"

Silent, angry and funny, he said angrily, "Are you finished?"

Lin Xiao nodded with approval, and then suddenly asked in a very 'frightened' tone:

"You are not the third type of creature in the legend: female doctor, are you?"

“...... Go to hell!"