Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 067 into the urn

The strange sound of drums echoed from the corridor, and a white smoke shook in the torrential rain. The zombie dragon, who was originally red-eyed and was about to shake off his arm and fight, suddenly sobbed and made a puppy-like whine...

Then the "very powerful, domineering and fierce" zombie dragon children's shoes actually made a "sh brake" on the ground. The four hooves dug out two deep pits on the cement floor, and then desperately shrank their tails to ** and turned around to escape desperately. Panickness like a homeless dog~~

In the face of such an incredible thing, people naturally couldn't help staring for a while, but Lin Xiao and others didn't know how many strange things they had seen. They immediately reacted and refused to let go of this great opportunity to beat the water dog. In particular, Lao Huang was chased by the beast just now, and his heart was angry. He immediately launched a savage charge and rushed out.

Although the final result of the chase failed to hunt the zombie dragon on the spot, Lao Huang abruptly cut off the long crocodile-tail of the panicked dog.

In the sad howling of the zombie dragon, the blood suddenly dyed the nearby ground, but it imitated the ability of the gecko to break its tail, throwing off the broken tail and blocking Lao Huang. Then he didn't turn around at all, endured the pain and fled, and got into the sewer where the turbid water rolled in.

Seeing this scene, Lao Huang had to give up. Fortunately, he cut off one of the beast's tails and regained some face.

The thickest part of this bloody long tail is like a wine barrel, and the length of the broken tail is even close to six meters. The skin on the surface is very tough and thick. Judging from the thickness of the profile, it can reach at least two centimeters. The cord-shaped bright red muscles inside are still twitching and trembling, showing the huge explosive power contained in it.

When Lao Huang's finger touched this thing, he immediately got the master's prompt: it was an unknown item to be identified. Everyone knew that although this battle seemed to be a failure, it was definitely not a fut for nothing.

After all, in the carnival, the explosion rate of monsters has also increased significantly. So far, people have collected nearly 100 keys! Among them, the fourth-order corpse brother is almost killed, but there are not many good things, and most of them are comforting rewards...

Looking at the zombie dragon riding the dust, everyone couldn't help laughing.

-It's like two groups of people took off their arms and fight. One side first hit a set of tiger mantis fists and played vigorously to capture the 18th road. After finally warming up, the other side also put on the carriage and cannon. This previously majestic and murderous guy was timid at the last moment and turned around. My son ran without a trace.

At the end, there is still a sentence far away:

"Wait! I will come back again!"


After laughing, everyone quickly became serious.

What kind of danger is hidden in the building behind him?

"Drums..." Lin Xiao looked up at the roof, but saw a gray rain fog, and the heavy rain seemed to fall. A touch of thousands of broken jade condensed between heaven and earth was cut, and the constantly messy bead curtain was ethereal and unreal.

Lin Xiao muttered: "Let's go first. You can't be drenched."

Walking into the teaching building and baking clothes with flames, Lin Xiao suddenly asked, "Where are Xu Le and the others?"

"I don't know. I haven't received any reply." Old Huang frowned.

According to this big place, once the signal of asking for help is sent, Qin Yujie and others should be able to come to support soon, but after such a long time until the end of the battle, no one still saw them. And... This building is too quiet.

There was no footsteps, no breathing, and no fighting sound. Except for the sound of drums just now, the whole building was dead silence, and the silence revealed strangeness.

Lin Xiao nodded and said:

"When the distress signal is sent out, it is impossible for them not to support, so there are two possibilities: first, they are delayed by something and can't be separated, and second, they have entered a certain area and have not received your signal at all..."

Lao Huang stared: "I'm asking for help, not for help! A gentleman's stealing books is not for theft, which is completely different!"

“...... Mr. Dacai.

"This building is so big. If there is a fight, we can definitely hear it, but the current situation is that Qin Yan and others have disappeared, and the adventurers who entered the building before have also disappeared, otherwise they can still hear a little movement. Therefore, I prefer the second inference that they have entered a region of magnetic field chaos/signal shielding..."

Xiao Pang looked at each other silently and thought of the hole blocked by black hair on the back wall of the big staircase classroom on the fifth floor.

Because the existence of the hole cannot be seen from the opposite side, that is to say, this big hole is just a very thin incision. Now think about it, it seems to be an arbitrary door, exuding a mysterious atmosphere, tempting adventurers to break into it and being swallowed up by darkness. Maybe one step into another dark space...

After a moment of silence, Lin Xiao summarized and analyzed all the intelligence information just collected, and a vague idea appeared in his mind, and then smiled:

"First of all, this is just a regional task, which means that the difficulty will not be unbelievable. I believe that Xu Le and their strength may be trapped somewhere and unable to get out of trouble, but self-defense is still more than enough... But before that, let's go to the top floor and see the source of the drums~~"

Naturally, everyone had no objection. They went all the way to the sixth floor, then threw their flying claws to hook the eaves, and easily turned over. Even Xiao Pang could play dazzling cool actions.

In terms of the current physical fitness of adventurers, it is as simple as eating and drinking water. In fact, ordinary people can also do it very easily. The reason for hesitation and fear is caused by psychological factors. Once they are afraid, they can't let go of their hands and feet. After all, falling from the sixth floor is not a joke. If you are lucky, you may be safe and sound. If you are unlucky, your head will hit the ground first, and you can only say goodbye to the world. What I'm most afraid of is that I'm stuck between death and immortality, half alive, amputation paralysis and other problems. At that time, I will really hate ghosts...

There is no building on the roof, only a row of neat Suning solar water heaters, fainting the aperture in the heavy rain. Several people looked around carefully and did not find any drum racks or anything like that. Instead, they found a dark hole in the northeast corner. The canine teeth on the edge of the hole were intertwined. Looking in, they looked deep darkness, as if even the light could devour, and they didn't know where to go.

Lao Huang rolled his sleeve and wanted to jump into it, but was stopped by Lin Xiao. "If a gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall, the best way to break the dilemma is to jump out of the game... This trap is so obvious that it is obvious that the other party is sure that it will be difficult for us to get out of it.

"In that case..." Lin Xiao's eyes flashed sharply, "That blew it up!"

The whole building revealed that it was gloomy and weird. Xu Le Baiyu and others, like other adventurers, disappeared without a trace, as if there was a smell of "conspiracy" in the air.

In the face of such an obvious trap, Lin Xiao said directly:

"This administrative teaching building covers an area of 300 square meters, and the architectural style is also a type we are familiar with. Ordinary reinforced concrete pouring... However, such buildings must have a good load-bearing structure design in advance. If you want to blow it up, you just need to find a few important blasting points..."

"In this way, you look for the blasting point outside, bury the explosive bag, set the time five minutes before the arrival of the mission time limit, and be ready to respond at the same time." Lin Xiao quickly said, "Take advantage of this period of time, I'll take a look inside to see what's going on."

Quietly worried:

"Didn't you say it was a trap inside? It must be very dangerous, or I will go with you..."

Lin Xiao rubbed her silent hair and said with a smile:

"You have to have confidence in me. You know, I never do business at a loss."