Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 086 Xiao Su's Killing Move

At the same time, Lin Xiao and others staggered, and more than a dozen zombie ninjas came out of the shadows and came to the crowd stiffly and mechanically.

The bald man suddenly grabbed the front of the team. Between the splashes, a zombie ninja body jumped up from the pool. Its skin showed a dark brown color. Because it had been soaked for a long time, the surface was covered with a layer of white mucus, which was very ugly. The bald strong raised his hands and raised his head. The sound of "bang" hit the ground, and the invisible shock wave blew out, blowing away the nearby fog dust, and even the zombie ninja was blown down.

But before losing his balance and falling down, the zombie ninja suddenly opened his mouth, and spewed out a large mouthful of yellow-green **. The bald man was stunned and buried his head in front of the bronze tower shield. As the main MT of the team, he would never retreat!

The yellow-green disgusting** splashed on the shield, emitting an unpleasant white smoke. At the same time, an adventurer has shot the zombie ninja in the head, and three shots burst his head. The rotten smell overflowed and his brain splashed!

The muscles on the bald strong face twitched. The ** spit out by the zombie ninja not only corroded his shield very mottled, but also splashed on his shoes, which quickly corroded in, and it was painful! He roared, threw the tower shield out of his hand and knocked the zombie ninja's chest sunken. The second corrosive venom that was about to be ejected suddenly vomit weakly, rolled and twitched and did not move. However, in order to avoid another sudden fraud, an adventurer quickly fired a flame arrow to set the body on fire.

Lin Xiao strode to the bald-headed strong body, burned a hot dark flame on his left hand, and pressed it on the bald-headed strong foot. The fire flashed, and the bald shoes caught fire in an instant, but the corroded area of the feet was also wrapped in flames, which dried the venom and burned the bad muscles. Although it is still hot pain, it feels much better than the previous tingling pain of twisting into the body like a living thing after being contaminated with venom.

"Let's have a simple treatment first, and then take root when we return to the city."

The bald man spit and nodded in pain.

However, the crisis is far from over. The zombie ninja jumping out of the water was blown up, and stiff footsteps sounded again in the dark. Unexpectedly, more than a dozen zombie ninjas appeared again in an instant.

After seeing the power of the venom just now, everyone's faces immediately changed. If you are biochemically sprayed by these zombie ninjas, someone will definitely die!

At the critical moment, Xiao Su suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "I have a prop to solve them, but that's my last resort..."

"You take action! The loss is shared by all of us!" Lin Xiao immediately said, "And you have the priority in the distribution of the last booty and get more than one!"

"Mom, fight!"

Little Su gritted his teeth fiercely, and the muscles at the corners of his eyes twitched because of heartache. Then he suddenly took out a very old-looking cyan square stone from his arms, and an old man's head bulged from the stone. He raised Fang Yan high and shouted:

"Huangshi Gong! Thousands of thunders fell!"

The cyan square stone suddenly became transparent and invisible, and then dozens of terrible lightning flashed down from mid-air. If the sword hit the ground like a gun, it formed a lightning fence that rolled through the ground directly! Several deep ditches were full of dirty burn marks, splashing earth and stones. The surrounding vegetation is broken and withered, falling like rain!

The zombie ninja who staggered from the darkness, like a lightning rod, was hit by the dazzling white lightning with thick arms and flew out without saying a word. Smoke all over his body and was hit by several small lightnings in a row. He fell to the ground and rolled a few times, but he didn't move. From afar, the whole body was split into coke, emitting smoke.

"Well done!" Lin Xiao was overjoyed.

The bald Qiang also laughed and patted Xiao Su's shoulder vigorously. The previous unhappiness disappeared, "Brother, good job, I really saw you correctly!"

If there are no two or three, who dares to go to Liangshan? Adventurers who dare to wander alone in the horrible city of H city, where "corpses and brothers walk everywhere, with many mutations like dogs", would have burp long ago if they had no means to save their lives.

However, everyone didn't expect that Xiao Su was still holding such a big killer in his hand and directly bombard the surrounding zombie ninjas with one move. The power was horrible, and even Lin Xiao sighed that he was inferior to himself.

The adventurers who survived the disaster for the rest of their lives were still immersed in the joy of the rest of their lives. Only Xiao Su looked at the blue square in his hand and dissipated into blue smoke. His lips trembled twice and suddenly cried:

"My Lord Huangshi, woo~~~"

Everyone looked at each other in consolation, and finally could only pat Xiao Su on the shoulder and repeatedly ensured that the task reward would be given by him with a big head before appeasing the miserable child.

This wave of ambush was smashed by everyone with almost mythical killings, and the seemingly rotten and invincible zombie ninja was not enough under the brilliant thunder.

seemed to be scared by everyone's mysterious power, and the surroundings quickly quieted down. This kind of small harassing attack has never appeared again.

The werewolf returned to the team, and the wound on his abdomen had been scarred under its strong recovery ability, but it would take some time to heal. Of course, another way is also good.

In this dangerous and gloomy villa, it is a very necessary choice to keep your combat strength at the peak. It can be seen that the werewolf brother was very dissatisfied with these zombie ninjas, cursed and spit, and decisively chose the second method...

He took out a fist-sized heart from his pocket, and then didn't care about the contemptuous and surprised eyes of the people around him. He bit it with his canine teeth and swallowed the essence of blood in his heart as if sucking jelly.

With his big mouthful of sucking, nourished by the flesh and blood essence, the wound in his abdomen had an energy supply and began to heal rapidly, and soon there was only a faint red line left.

"Look at your expression, isn't it just a elk heart? What a fuss about." The werewolf rolled his eyes and said, "If you can save it, how can you take the house?" These hearts are usually good to bite as snacks. Although it is difficult for the first time, they will get used to it once they pass.

Seeing everyone's constipated expression, this guy became more and more energetic. "Hey, don't mention it. I was a creamy little student at the beginning, a cute Xiao Zhengtai's development route. If I hadn't come to the city, how could I become so manly? But then, the smell of the elk heart is very ordinary. The most wonderful heart I have ever eaten is the princess of the desert chief..."

“...... Get out of here!"

Blowing is innocent. The key is that in the dark night, you bite a heart with blood and evaluate the taste and taste of different hearts. It's so lost!


At this time, Lin Xiao had walked to a complete zombie ninja, put on sterile gloves very smartly, and then took out a set of medical tools. Then, under the strange and surprised gaze of a group of adventurers, he divided and dissected the zombie ninja in front of him and studied it carefully...

"It's not the corpse brother virus. The flesh and blood cells of these ninjas have lost their vitality, but it is obvious that they still retain the wisdom of their lives... Then, there are two possibilities: one is that the ninjas in the stronghold have developed certain results from mummies and applied them to these ninjas, and the other is..."

taking off his gloves, Lin Xiao ignored everyone's feared expression, "Keep moving forward. No matter what the result is, don't give it a chance to grow!"

Through the golf course in the backyard, people quickly came to a storage warehouse. The door of the warehouse is open, and you can smell a strong smell of blood from afar, as if there is some ancient beast lurking in it, which makes people's scalp numb and dare not take a step beyond the thunder pool.

Lin Xiao's fingertips lit a fire and flew to the dark warehouse. Everyone saw clearly that there seemed to be a gloomy wind flowing in the dark, and the flame just shook and extinguished.

Everyone looked at each other in contemptration. Lin Xiao curled his lips and summoned another executioner. The huge butcher was as fat as ever. He drooled at the corners of his mouth and wore an iron mask on his head. He roared, and then took out a fluorescent stick at Lin Xiao's order and strode into the dark warehouse.

With the cold light emitted by the fluorescent stick, everyone saw the environment inside clearly - the corpses of ninjas in black piled up into a hill in the center of the warehouse, and at the top of this "corpse mountain", sitting on a mummy wrapped in dark brown blood-spotted gauze, sensing everyone's gaze, this week The mummy with a deep black fog slowly turned her head and looked coldly at the crowd with a pair of blood-red eyes...