Infinite Dharma God

108 Chapter Plan

"From this, the second set of tactics and beheading..."

Haotian, the captain of the Sirius, said in a low voice: "When the corpse king has strong negative state resistance and high mobile combat ability, most of our attacks will fail, but will give him a opportunity to break through. At this time, we must adjust our strategy and implement the 'beheading' plan.

"The so-called beheading plan is a combination of the top strong men of our teams to create a killing opportunity at all costs... After all, the corpse king is an immortal monster, and I happen to have an item in my hand that can cause great damage to immortal creatures.

He said and showed this item, an ordinary alchemy bottle containing a pale gold ** bottle.

Its attributes emerge:

"Tears of the blazing angel: the archangel Gabriel was punished by God and shed the last tear before his fall. He was blessed by the cardinal-level pastor of the Holy Church. The potion with powerful holy power can be used to dispel evil. It itself is very harmful to evil creatures. It is used to smear weapons but imposes "sacred power blessing" "It can cause damage to evil creatures. One bottle requires two B-level side plots and 8,000 points. Origin "Hell Detective"

There was a sound of inhaling cold air around. I've seen a rich one, and I've never seen such a loser!!

As a disposable consumable, the price of this thing is a little expensive. After all, a high-explosive* also requires 50 points, and low-level magic scrolls such as "Thunderfalling" also only need 300 points. "Frost Chain" only needs 500 points, a double B-level side plot, 8,000 points of Saint Water is really expensive to make people's teeth sour...

If you hadn't been prepared or bought it yourself, this thing would definitely be on the shelf and would have been ignored for a lifetime.

But expensive means that the effect is good. The tears of the blazing angel Gabriel have been added to holiness by the cardinal-level priest. I'm afraid that the effect can live and die! The most important thing is that this is certified by the master and the quality is guaranteed!

I'm afraid that even the ancestors of the blood clan, Dura, Vladimir, and even the existence of hell demons can be destroyed, and it will be seriously injured. If the whole bottle is thrown into the mouth of the corpse king, how terrible will the damage be?

And as Haotian gently unscrewed the bottle cap, a trace of pure sacred breath overflowed in an instant, making the dark and cold night sky extremely warm for a moment. It was not the warmth of the body receiving heat, but the warmth of the heart being washed.

Under this warmth, the fatigue and tiredness of the adventurer's heart were swept away, as if there was a pair of gentle hands, gently touching his whole body, making people want to moan comfortably. But those dark blood strengtheners can't enjoy this kind of treatment...

Holy power is gathered by people's belief in light, hope, and pious prayers for beauty. People who walk under the light under the holy light will wash away the fatigue of the body and soothe the wounds of the soul, and it is the strongest killing weapon for evil spirits.

And at this time, everyone really understands what the beheading plan is...

"As for the candidate to launch the final kill..." Haotian smiled and looked at the others of the Jifeng team. "Let's leave it to Li of the Jifeng team. I believe he won't let everyone down!"

Everyone was in an uproar. The final kill reward of the corpse king can be imagined that the captain of the Sirius is so generous that he is willing to give up easily?

Li, the last member of the Jifeng team, wears a pair of sunglasses and looks six points similar to Bruce Lee, but his sense of existence is extremely low or his concealment ability is extremely strong. He leaned quietly in the corner with his fists. Everyone looked at it, but there was a vague illusion that he was fishing for the moon in the water.

It seemed to see everyone's doubts. Haotian explained after consulting with his eyes:

"The reason is very simple... Because Li is a demon hunter!"

Everyone suddenly appeared.

Demon-Hunter, or demon hunter, draws the power of demons to fight against demons, and eventually transforms itself into demons.

The sword warrior in "Demon Hunt", the demon hunter in "Ghost Cry", the magical girl in "Magic Girl Xiaoyuan", the ghost swordsman in Dungeon and Warriors... Of course, the most famous one is the one in World of Warcraft, and depending on the situation, Li's enhanced ability is this.

"Demon Hunter? That blind Illidan's occupation?"

No wonder he wears sunglasses all day... Illidan is blind. This bloodline relies on intuitive battles that are higher than the sense of smell, but the eyes can't be used.

But think about the cold-faced Li's transformation into a very beastly style of Illidan during the battle, wearing only a pair of trousers, a small braided arm, and an arrogant tattoo... Inexplicably a little excited.

In the face of everyone's gossiping eyes, the corners of Li's mouth twitched slightly, and the next moment, a murderous spirit soared out.

The coat is torn, but Li's body is full of strong muscles with steel knots but smooth lines. The cold metallic luster faintly flows under the tight skin, just like the powerful beauty of the ancient Greek hero sculpture. But perhaps because of the bloodline, the skin did not turn bronze but remained white and red.

However, even if this skin looks a little creamy, no one will regard it as the flesh and blood of human beings. This is definitely the battlefield blade that can only be condensed by the essence of many trials!

British martial arts and bodybuilding coexist, but there is no roughness and barbarism like the blind Illidan... In order to wash his white, Li also really worked hard.

Haotian smiled bitterly and explained, "Don't guess randomly. Li's personality is not very good..."

...... Legend has it that a cross-dimensional war broke out between the demon world and the world 2,000 years ago.

At this time, Sparta, a swordsman who was originally in the demon world, stood up to protect human beings. With his own strength, he beat the emperor of the demon world back to the demon world and sealed the dimensional entrance between the demon world and the world.

Black Devil, Sparta.

That is, the father of Dante and Virgil brothers in the game Devil May Cry, who fought against the whole demon world and sealed the Dark Knight.

And Dante and Virgil, who inherited his bloodline, are also extremely powerful. Virgil's gorgeous dimension chopping and horrible space movement. Dante's various skills to the realm of transformation even surpassed his father's strong strength in the later stage. Nero, who inherited part of Virgil's magic, was also strong enough to be comparable to Dante in his prime. Fight against one or two.

The power of this family can be seen by the strength of the three half demons.

Perhaps Sparta's strength is not as good as the leader of the Burning Legion in the vertical and horizontal universe, but he is by no means weaker than the usual gods and demons who can block the whole demon world and stop chaotic fetal movements, and the flow of skills is undoubtedly more suitable for adventurers.

And Li strengthens this kind of semi-magic hunter's bloodline. Under the super combat talent and intuitive ability given by the bloodline, he is indeed the best person to put "the tears of the blazing angel" into the body of the corpse king.

Exhale, Haotian continued:

"Of course, there is no absolute, and this set of plans is also likely to fail. Then, at that time, we can only carry out the last battle plan..."

"What plan?" Someone asked in a hurry.

โ€œ...... Fill it with human life!"

"What else do you have to add?" Haotian slowly glanced around, "If there is no objection, ten minutes later, we will launch the first round of siege to the corpse king with the cooperation of the Yanhuang special energy team!"

It seemed that the atmosphere was a little heavy, and Haotian laughed again:

"Relax, it's just a corpse king. More than 200 of us adventurers act collectively, and even gods can kill them!"

โ€œ...... You will win!"