Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 03 Companion

(PS: I really can't hold on any longer. I'm sorry, everyone, bow~~ It's nothing to look down on me, just don't curse.)

"It turned out to be him..." Lin Xiao suddenly realized.

King of Sniper, Simon. Haye. He began his career as a sniper in the "Winter War" between the Soviet Union and Finland. In an environment of 20-40 degrees Celsius, he wore an all-white camouflage costume and killed the Soviet army. A total of 505 Red Army personnel confirmed to have been killed in the war by him. Other unofficial statistics indicate that his result is 542.

This guy is a legend on the battlefield, the white death in the eyes of Soviet soldiers. Simon Haye is also a "god" without a scope. What's more surprising is his magical face, which was also hit by a sniper with a Dam bullet in the battle with the Soviet army on March 6, 1940. The bullet hit his jaw and ran up through his left brain. He was rescued by a soldier in the rear, who declared that nearly half of his head was missing. A few months later, Haye miraculously recovered.

But... Why is such a guy locked up here?

Lin Xiao continued to move forward. Before long, he saw a very "normal" human, wearing a black tights, bulging and upturned, sexy and enchanting redhead.

This time, Lin Xiao recognized his identity at a glance without any other information. The iconic tights and red hair, coupled with the beautiful and refined Scarlett's face, was the "black widow" in the Avengers.

Of course, she should be called Natasha here~~

(Natasha Romanov was born in 1928. She was raised by a Soviet soldier because her parents died in a fire. At the age of two, Natasha was favored by Soviet intelligence agencies and became a member of the "Black Widow" program during World War II. The "Black Widow" program is a human transformation program for female orphans with development potential. The selected female orphans will receive fighting training and genetic modification in secret bases to make them look better than The real age is younger. Natasha usually hides her true career as a ballet dancer. She also got married under the arrangement of the Soviet government. After that, due to her husband's fake death, Natasha, who was in the dark, had to return to the organization for further study, and eventually became a chilling black widow.)

When Lin Xiao passed in front of Natasha, the woman actually shook off amorous charming eyes, which made Lin Xiao shout.

The triangular head in front of him finally stopped in front of a prison door, and Lin Xiao also looked at another prisoner on the road with him.

The thin figure is caged in a black windbreaker, wearing a black gentleman's round hat, and under the hat is a mask that looks like laughing and crying... V weirdo!

V is obviously also very cooperative. There is no resistance or *, but quietly let the triangle head lock him with a chain, as if what he will face is not the fear of death, but a leisurely afternoon tea time.

After selecting the two prisoners, the triangle stopped and took the lead in stride.

Lin Xiao silently calculated his footsteps, time and distance and found that there were 120 "cells" in the belly of the mountain, which contained all kinds of "abnormal human beings". Werewolves and vampires were too ordinary. Lin Xiao even saw a translucent ghost!

Although it is just a glance, Lin Xiao still sees the creatures imprisoned in each "prison". Among them, there are nearly 20 suspected adventurers in Europe and the United States, and most of the prisoners are monsters. White Death, Natasha and others are also extraordinary. One is A sniper like killing and cutting wheat, one is a cold-blooded and ruthless female agent. It can be said that there is no ordinary person here.

What disappointed Lin Xiao was that he did not find the figure of Qianben Sakura.

The three walked silently, left the prison area, and stepped on a plank road carved on the cliff. Below is a dark chaos, and there is no light. If you fall down, you will die.

"Good morning, sir." A low, hoarse and magnetic voice sounded from under the mask.

"It's an honor to meet you, V." Lin Xiao said with great interest, "Do you mind if I call you that?"

"Of course, identity is only a form of essence, and my essence is a masked person." V's voice sounded again, "The name is just a symbol, and I will live forever in my mind."

Lin Xiao sighed, "I think there is a sentence that suits you very well."

"Please say it, I listen to you."

"The thinker is destined to walk alone in the wilderness, because the more noble the soul is, the less tolerant of the world."

V slowly tasted this sentence, and then bowed slightly, gracefully: "Thank you."


The two talked happily and cordially, from the weather in London to Plato's spiritual love, from human origin to the cosmic starry sky, astronomical geography, southeast and northwest~~

During this period, the triangle head did not stop, did not speak, and even his footsteps were as stable as ever. Each step was as accurate as measured with a ruler, leading the two people to keep moving forward.

When Lin Xiao counted 590 seconds in his heart, the triangular head in front of him stopped and silently pushed open a door cut on the cliff.

The door is very ordinary, which is a common home jujube red wooden door. When it is opened, there is even a worn "crunch" sound at the door shaft.

The door was pushed open, and the warm yellow light came from the door*, giving people a feeling of leading to a new world, as if... Truman finally opened the door and stepped into the real world.

Behind it is a cliff with a triangular head, and the front is a place of warmth and light. There is no need to say how to choose.

As Lin Xiao and V strange guests stepped into the entrance, the wooden door behind them sbanged and closed, and there was a difference between heaven and man.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Lin Xiao has considered knocking the triangular head off the cliff, regardless of whether he can kill it or not. The question is, where can he go after knocking it down? Go back to the original narrow, dark, rotten and dirty pig cage? Or did you commit suicide by jumping off the cliff with the triangle head?

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Xiao suddenly sighed helplessly, "Isn't there no choice at all?"

The front V monster had entered, and Lin Xiao had to shrug his shoulders and follow in. At the moment when she was illuminated by the warm bright yellow light, Lin Xiao felt that the blood of her whole body was surging from the soles of her feet, and the gravity seemed to be reversed at that moment, making him fall into the water in an instant.

A strong sense of weightlessness and dizziness poured into his mind, and his mouth and nose seemed to be blocked by some kind of **. Lin Xiao felt like a substance thrown into the toilet. His power dissipated instantly and moved at high speed involuntarily under the drag of the water. He couldn't open his eyes at all and suffered quite strong hydraulic pressure all over his body, as if he had returned to the experience of drowning when he was an ordinary person.

Not only that, but also the head began to become drowsy, and the messy memory picture flew by in front of me, like a paste in the head.

Illusion? Trap? A maze of mind?

Lin Xiao is a little confused. He did not struggle, but slowly swam in the direction of ** flow, held his breath, suppressed the chaotic spirit and began to think about the current situation, and tried to find the direction of breakthrough.

About 30 seconds later, Lin Xiao suddenly felt that the pressure on his body was light, and his back was leaning on something, making him a lying state.

He tried to sit up, but didn't expect that this action made his upper body poke out of the surface.

"Hmm?" Lin Xiao opened his eyes, and the bright light made him a little uncomfortable for a moment. When he saw the situation around him, he rarely showed surprise.

At this moment, he saw his bathroom, and he was lying in the bathtub.

This home is not a small villa in the city, but a "worm house" rented by the gods in reality.

"What... Did I fall asleep in the shower..." Lin Xiao said.

Well, it's not actually a "swelling house". To be precise, this is a garden building of about 100 square meters.

Well, in fact, it is not a rental house. This is one of Lin Xiao's "temporary loan" residences after staying for half a month.

Well, in fact, it's not a temporary loan. Do I have to know that this is the house where Lin Xiaojiu occupies the magpie's nest?

There is nothing difficult in the world, but I'm afraid of people with intentions. In this era when the original wife and mistress, plus mother-in-law and three women play, you will be rewarded if you have a heart. Don't you see that the flow of WeChat strangers is rampant? Although the appearance is harmful to aesthetics, as long as you turn off the lamp, gritt your teeth will pass~~

The first thing is to get rich. Economic strength must be strong. The second thing is to be promoted. You can have several times in life, and you can rise to the first level. The third is a woman. There is a saying that she wakes up and is in charge of the world and lies drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman. Men become bad when they have money. This sentence is naturally good.

In V's words, people often use sincere appearance and pious behavior to hide a devilish heart.

Rich and powerful, if you don't pay a little attention to women, you are not a saint, but a euge.

Where there are people, there are disputes. In fact, it is not difficult to borrow strength or something. As long as it is well grasped, a "temporary" house is really easy...