Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 030 Customs

"Well, rub shoulders, ***~~" Most of the residents here are women, and there is no word "clothing" at all. The two pieces of meat on the chest are trembling, with various shapes and sizes, which makes Lin Xiao's eyes open and feast his eyes. However, the difference in skin color is still very boring.

Compared with this back/scape setting, he was more curious about how ancient Egyptian women prevented chest sag during development when there were no clothes to wear, how to make sunscreen with natural herbs produced in ancient Egypt, and how to weave simple menstrual belts with reed stems rich in Nile... In ancient times Egypt has neither sanitary napkins nor toilet paper. The so-called papyrus is not so much paper as a thin three-splint, and the price is also very expensive. No one is willing to wipe their buttocks...

Far away, Lin Xiao found the "Supreme" Egyptian pharaoh sitting firmly on the Golden Throne. He was just wearing a short skirt or waist wrap called "Nugebai", with a shirtless upper body, a headscarf wrapped in a scarf, and a necklace around his neck. He was still wearing sandals or sandals on his feet... Huh? Why does the Pharaoh's dignity always remind me of the shirtless watermelon vendor with a towel on his head downstairs?

This industry is too devalued. Isn't it dignified at all? It's only seven or eight kilometers. He meows completely two worlds!

As for the typical clothing style of Egyptian women, it is a modern "Chnik" - a sleeveless tube-shaped tight skirt with low breasts and shoulders, either long or short, sometimes with one or two shoulder straps, similar to the simplified version of the modern bar dancer's low-cut skirt.

From the upper aristocracy to ordinary people, there are basically two kinds of Egyptian clothing. Men wear short skirts naked, and women wear off-the-shoulder low-cut skirts. The style is not much different. The difference is only in dyeing, pattern, fabric texture and gold and silver decorations.

Shoes in ancient Egypt are also very expensive. Most people choose to walk barefoot, and only rich people can afford to wear sandals. As for socks, bras and underwear... were not invented in that era, not even trousers - trousers were originally created by horsemen. The farming nation did not wear trousers at first. Even conservative Chinese people did not wear them until King Zhao Wuling's "riding and shooting in Hufu" that they put them in the robe. Trousers.

(You can imagine the scene of Confucius reading "gentleman is frank, villain often chirring" while accidentally revealing * in public... Hahaha)

In addition, even after adulthood, Egyptians are often ** at home - there was no air conditioning that year, the room was sultry and hot, and they would soon get wet with sweat when they put on clothes. At that time, the quality of dyes was not very good, and the colored cloth was easy to fade after wearing it a little longer.

Therefore, the clothes of ancient Egyptians, which are actually equivalent to modern dresses and uniforms, are worn in public places to show their identity. As for casual clothes and underwear... At that time, the cloth was surprisingly expensive, and a piece of wrap around the waist cloth (similar to the crotch cloth of modern sumo wrestlers) was regarded as valuable. And women's tube skirts that consume more fabrics are the most essential and valuable dowry for girls. Similar to the modern "three pieces of marriage", it's good for ordinary people to have a good dress at home - in this way, everyone usually has to **.

In this way, in ancient Egyptian society, it is common for people to run naked on the street, do business in the market, or even attend banquets, which is not worthy of shame - however, clothes can not be worn, but amulets cannot be worn, otherwise they will Being laughed at.

Therefore, the ancient Egyptian nobles did not like to travel very much, not because of shame, but to maintain their own style - just like modern rich people must drive limousines when traveling and wear high-end fashions to dances.

Of course, if you are lucky enough to receive a guest invitation from ancient Egyptian noble families, it may be very eye-catching - in order to avoid damaging expensive clothes, the maids of ancient Egyptian noble families usually work ** and only wear clothes on formal occasions when they go out, festivals or hold banquets. And they often only wrap their waists but show their breasts - in order to save cloth, some women only wear short skirts or waist wraps like men. For example, several famous female pharaohs in history often bare their breasts and scolded their ministers in the magnificent hall.

Therefore, in the homes of powerful people in ancient Egypt, it is true that groups of young ** people can often go in and out without shame, just like the ** scene shot in the adult magazine Playboy.

In addition, perhaps because the development of the clothing industry is too tragic, the ancient Egyptian makeup and body painting art is quite good - drawing eyebrows and eye corners with ink; drawing green-gray eye circles with malachite and aluminum ore; making lipstick with red ochre and ointment; dyeing nails, palms and soles of feet with loose flowers Color; as for the most fashionable ancient Egyptian ladies and ladies, they will also paint their * gold and paint * blue - it can be imagined that they must have exposed their breasts and even ** attended the banquet.

Wild history records that because many people are used to ** travel, the ancient Egyptian court actually invented the profession of "* beautician".

Therefore, when the flower-hearted male slave owner is having an affair with the ancient Egyptian ladies, remember to let her take a good bath first. Otherwise, you will unfortunately taste a mouthful of pure natural toxic and harmful minerals during sex, which is not a happy thing.

As for the low-ident Egyptian slaves and dancers, *, they are usually **. The only difference is that there will be some gold and silver decorations on the dancers and * - in a sense, ancient Egypt was a huge celestial camp.

As for letting the Egyptian dancers wear looming gorgeous veils and dance belly dance with veils... At least it was the era of the rule of the Roman Empire, or later, it was after the invasion of the Arabs.


Filter these knowledges that he once knew in his mind, and Lin Xiao could only "hehe". Fortunately, this guy was shameless and followed the principle of "following the Romans" and soon mixed into this lively ancient Egyptian community. Of course, Lin Xiao will not eat other people's tofu indiscriminately without figuring out the laws of the local tribe. Besides, the skin color and race are different, and it is easy to produce aesthetic fatigue, right?

Looking at the ancient Egyptian beauty walking around the street, Lin Xiao laughed: "Throw away such a superfluous thing as integrity and clothes!"

In fact, if you think about it carefully, running naked does not seem to be absolutely unacceptable for modern people. After all, at present, we are not living in a feudal era that pays attention to three chastity and nine martyrs. Isn't there also an island where 200 ** people live outside the port of Provence in modern France? Recently, the Taiwanese people also seem to be actively learning from Europe and the United States, and have repeatedly opened illegal celestial camps in the suburbs of Taipei...

However, what makes Lin Xiao speechless is that the two black Obasans don't seem to intend to make Lin Xiao easy to pass, and there is a more shameful thing waiting for him next - shaving!

Probably due to the heat of the environment, the ancient Egyptians paid special attention to cleanliness and were used to shaving all the hair and body hair that were easy to hide dirt, so as not to breed body parasites such as lice and induce various terrible diseases - the medical level of that era was also a tragedy.

But in this way, almost all Egyptian men and women have become bald heads and are replaced by various wigs. Over time, bald hair and wearing wigs became a habit of the ancient Egyptians. Poor people could not afford to buy wigs, so they wrapped a headscarf instead.

Conversely, if someone has very * hair on his body that is not shaved, he will be humiliated and ridiculed by others, saying that he is dirty, unlike Egyptians.

At first hearing this sentence, Lin Xiao's face turned black. Damn it, this is a naked slap in the face. If he dares to shave his hair, how can he explain to Qin Yujie and Feng Xiaoxi when he goes back? Hundreds of people can't argue!

With a black face, Lin Xiao directly exerted psychocontrol on the two Obamas, then pulled a turf and a headscarf from the side, packaged them, and strode into the gathering place...