Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 033 Xingdang

The title is as follows:

"The apes on both sides can't stop crying because it doesn't wear autumn trousers."

"The flow went straight down 3,000 feet, and it was suspected that the stool did not bring paper."

“...... In front is a line of the canyon, which can only accommodate a small boat. The summer flood season in the Misopotamia Mountains has arrived, and the floods are flooding, and it is impossible to slow down and slow down. The two ships have the same speed and the same angle, but only one can pass through a line of sky canyon, and the other will be wrapped in floods and hit the cliff and smashed to pieces. There is a fisherman on one boat and five fishermen on the other. How to choose to save people?

Isn't this a classic philosophical paradox? It's the same as "there is a chicken or an egg first" and "Give me a lever and I can move the earth"... I'm full!

Compared with Chen Jingrun's proof of the "1+1=2" of Goldbach's conjecture, Lin Xiao was more distressed by those sacks of draft paper, which took many pens and how many trees to cut down.

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Xiao said:

"If you are a superman, you can do everything in the world, and only do leisure, then it can be perfectly solved in minutes."

The stall owner shook his head.

Lin Xiao continued:

"If you are an ant, then everything you do is useless. The arm can't be used as a car, and the ant can't withstand a big ship."

"If you are the fisherman, of course you will save your life. Because living is the most important thing.

"If you are one of the five fishermen, you will also save your own life for the same reason."

"If you are just an ordinary person watching... Don't worry about eating salty radishes and go home to wash and sell sweet potatoes!"

For Lin Xiao's answer, the stall owner obviously couldn't accept it and hummed, "A group of nonsense!"

Lin Xiao sneered:

OK, let's discuss it carefully. If you were the fisherman and you survived, were the other five people forced to die by you?


"If you are one of the five fishermen and you still survive, will the fisherman alone be forced to die by you?"

“...... I'm an ordinary person, not a fisherman!"

"Ha, that's even more interesting. People are struggling on the edge of life and death and will encounter a disaster at any time... You don't want to save people, just watch the monkey play next to you!"


People are not animals, and moral condemnation cannot be ignored, so Lin Xiao cleverly shifted the topic to pragmatism, which is a clever answer to the paradox. But in fact, this answer is meaningless.

This is the difference between idealism and pragmatism. Some people pursue practicality, some people pursue romance, and it doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong.


The result of the debate was that Lin Xiao successfully obtained a little military rank from this "compassionate" and "unfounded" philosophical thinker.

However, after all, this kind of sophistry is difficult to be elegant, and there is a long argument, and the final income is pitiful. Therefore, after challenging the two propositions of "Carnayadis' board" and "whether the gods are omnipotent", Lin Xiao left~~

In one sentence: the end of physics is mathematics, the end of mathematics is philosophy, and the end of philosophy is theology.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Xiao also found "buying cakes" in this cultural living area.

What is cutting cake? It is more expensive than tea duck eggs, a sacred product equivalent to the same ounce of gold. Didn't you see people kill directly from the food street to the cultural leisure hall?

Just like Sister Feng and Teacher Cang taking off their clothes together, everyone is probably going to see Sister Feng. Things that are not easily seen attract attention.

With the thought of "Brother is a local tycoon", Lin Xiao boldly bought a piece of cut cake. Well, the taste was really sour, but his face was a little painful~~

Continue to move forward and soon come to a handicraft distribution center. Most of the basins and tiles are shaped by various mud fetals, and occasionally various gods and demons in mythical stories are vivid and lifelike.

For example, the thing Lin Xiao played with in his hand was a miserable white skeleton, and his arm bones were crossed into an X-shaped shape behind his head, and his eyes exuded a penetrating red light, as if he wanted to eat.

If it is placed in the hands of modern people, it must be a realistic toy with a red laser button light in his eyes, but Lin Xiao can clearly feel the power of taboo and curse from the statue...

"Flying Siren banshee stone sculpture (broken), this is a broken stone sculpture, and its other parts are scattered in all directions, so it is impossible to turn on powerful forces for the time being. After pieced together, you will get a real taboo Siren statue, and summon up to three Siren banshees to fight for you at the same time. But before that, you will continue to be cursed by the Siren banshee, and the upper limit of mental strength will be reduced by 15% and the luck value will be reduced by one.

"Well, it's really impossible to take advantage of it." Lin Xiao put down the stone carving, shook his head and sighed, "Just think about it. You can't take it seriously."


After another period of walking, I met a "civil dispute adjustment trial court".

Lin Xiao listened for a moment and understood the general origin of the matter - the love story between the princess and the farmer, or the love and hate entanglement between white, rich and beautiful and handsome.

Actually, Lin Xiao really wants to insert a sentence: Fairy tales are all lies~~

Don't you see the seven dwarfs jumping up and down? Isn't the last princess still abducted by the prince?

This incident tells us a truth: the mistress may have a counterattack day, and the spare tire is the spare tire after all.

After the loneliness of "invincible cold in the high place", Lin Xiao once again realized the second of the four sorrows of life:

...... There is always one thing that will never be forgotten in your life, but will never be mentioned in your life, such as first love; there is always a person who often remembers it in his life, but always lives in a lonely heart, such as his ex. There is always a glass of wine, the feeling of being drunk before drinking, and the feeling of being disappointed in love; there is always a saying that tears flow first, and I am still single.

Why single?

A few oil poems are summarized: there is no upper limit on the amount of food, but there is no lower limit on the score.

Social failure, lazy people are still looking forward to the peak.

People are ugly and face-controlled, and friends prefer to stay at home.

Singles are always pretentious and capricious without money.

In fact, the group of single dogs can be further subdivided:

Loyalty and single-single Tibetan mastiff.

Kill Matt and dyed his hair yellow - single golden retriever.

Too honest and obedient, he has no personality and sometimes smashes furniture - single Labrador.

Too clingy and old to accompany - single Alaska.

There are also too lively and often people who don't want it - single husky~~

Lin Xiao is not very interested in this kind of entanglement such as love and love. In one sentence:

When the vision is higher, the ideological awareness will be different. When you are young, you will not let go of everything. In fact, many things are heavy if you don't want to give up on it. If you can't bear it, you will collapse. If you can let it go, it will be light, so light that it will not affect your hair... Of course, this does not include your weight.


A bad diet can cause diseases, and if you get sick, you have to treat them, which involves ancient Egyptian medicine. And this is the second place that Lin Xiao found to earn evil value.

As far as BC standards are concerned, ancient Egyptian medicine can be said to be quite developed and has been classified into a very detailed level. According to the ancient Greek historian Herodox's record in his book History: "... (Egyptian) medical technology is divided as follows: each doctor only requires palm Hold a disease instead of more. There are doctors everywhere I go. The division of medical business is very strict. Each doctor is responsible for a disease. Some doctors only take care of their eyes, some only take care of their teeth, and some are only responsible for taking care of the stomach..."

In a word, the division of labor of ancient Egyptian medicine is quite detailed, and it has pioneered specialties, including ophthalmologists, dentists, headache doctors, abdominal doctors, hand and foot doctors... and so on. However, unfortunately, the prescriptions they prescribe... In addition to common herbs, they also like to add all kinds of soil and all kinds of strange animal feces and urine - just like in Journey to the West, Sun Wukong used horse urine to pinch pills to cure people...

As for the ancient Egyptians' treatment of toothache, it is even more horrible - after killing and peeling a fresh mouse, it stuffed it into his mouth and chewed like chewing gum, while the mouse's tail is still upturned outside... Archaeologists are studying an ancient Egyptian mummy in 4000 BC. At that time, a peeled mouse was found in its digestive tract, which showed that this medical method of "eating mice raw" was not fictional.

In a sense, the method of eating mice to treat dental diseases fully reflects the primitive medical concept of early humans "what to eat to supplement" (rats love to grind their teeth, otherwise their teeth will grow so wildly that they can't eat and starve to death).

So it may be difficult for modern people to survive in ancient Egypt. Not to mention heavy physical labor and lack of entertainment activities, I'm afraid that they will be stripped and shaved as soon as they arrive there, and then suffer from dental caries and stomach diseases because of unhealthy diet, and then they will be told by quack doctors, and even forced to eat raw. Rat. It's not easy to survive the adaptation period, and looking back, it's already dusty and frosty~~

Lin Xiao found that the trauma treatment in ancient Egypt was also very strange, mainly using moldy bread to treat wound infection... It is rare for these people to realize the existence of penicillin bacillus, but is it really good to apply it whole piece without doing anything!

What's more, when these barefoot doctors can't diagnose what disease the patient has, he will claim that this is a ghost. At present, he has entered your body, sucking up your bone marrow, and then slowly devouring the body... The only countermeasure is to pray for the gods to exorcise evil spirits. The exorcism method is like this. First, let the patient take the exhalant and vomit in the dark, and then let the doctor jump vigorously on the patient, trample on the patient's body while shouting: "Go back, evil ghost! The spell of Horus is calling you - he will cut you off and tear you apart!" The scene where the supreme treasure is trampled on by JJ)

Obviously, after being tossed around, ten patients who are already weak will really be summoned to heaven by the gods.

Of course, Lin Xiao looks very good...