Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 035 Consequences

Pain, flesh and blood... It was as if the red-hot iron braze poked in the body, and the pain of thousands of needles came like a tide, as if to drown himself. This is Lin Xiao's feeling.

What does it feel like to be shot by an ordinary person? When the bullet penetrates the body, there is actually not much pain, but it feels wet and numb, as if it were a slight electric shock. The pain will not be felt for a long time after falling to the ground. You can only feel the pain when you cover the wound. If there is no response, it will be a trembling.

Because the nerve reflex arc of ordinary people takes time to transmit the signal, many people on the battlefield are shot and do not know it.

Why do you touch your body on one side? In fact, it depends on where it is wet. What is wet is blood.

There are often such scenes in modern movies - the undercover comrades are still alive after being shot at close range, being shot three times and still wandering around, and then kill a criminal friend who was also shot twice.

In real circumstances, if you are shot like this, your arm will definitely be killed. If you don't send it to the hospital quickly, your life will die. At a short distance of 200 meters, taking AK47 as an example, even if you wear a bulletproof vest, it will be penetrated. If the bullet enters from the front, it will only leave a small bullet hole, which is the so-called "peanut", but it will cause a hole hole the size of a bowl mouth in the rear... Have you ever eaten Lanzhou beef ramen? Look at that bowl, it's that big.

To give a simple example. A German airborne soldier who participated in the Battle of Market Garden wrote in his memoirs:

That day, they were arranged to reinforce the trapped German troops. After getting off the truck, he was hit in the calf by an American soldier with a Thompson assault rifle running from the side. Suddenly, he saw the bones and skin on his calf flying out. He clearly saw a small leg bone on the ground and a bullet shot off. Half of his ear, he recalled that it was really an unforgettable pain at that time. He went to hell. He didn't feel it for 5 seconds when he was hit by a bullet, but later it was like a million needles pricking you.

So the actual situation is that if you are shot in the arm or leg (not a bullet and scratched skin), you will immediately lose your fighting ability.

And what is the concept of the power of sniper bombs? Hitting the head, just like throwing a watermelon on the ground from the 20th floor, is properly torn apart~~ hitting other parts is also a devastating wound, and there are few lucky truths...

So even if he finds the enemy's secret attack, Lin Xiao can't make any effective evasion and counterattack in an instant, and the damage caused by this powerful sniper is horrible... His chest was directly sunken with a fist-sized wound, but the bullet exploded and rolled in his body, treating Lin Xiao's whole back as a broken drum and directly bursting...

From afar, he seemed to be killed like a cow across the mountain. The front seemed to be fine, but the rear was already in a mess. The internal organs, flesh and blood, skin and organs all turned into a mess of flesh and blood, spraying seven or eight meters away!

After all, it is the life-threatening sniper of a long-range sniper, sacrificing the powerful attack power obtained by melee and defense. The bullet that quietly cuts through the sky smashes the pale and powerless defense shield supported by the rhinoceros jade pendant with an unstoppable and destructive momentum, like a fallen leaf in front of the meteor, suddenly shattered~~< /P>

It turns out that in the face of absolute attacks, the remedial measures are so pale and powerless.

There are often such scenes in movies. A undercover agent is exposed, and his accomplice B immediately gives him a shot. A pretended to be shot to the ground, and Classmate B continued to be infernal.

In reality, it is impossible. Even the most advanced bulletproof vests can't prevent rifle bullets at close range. At close range, you can't even defend against pistol bullets. Especially the perverted five-four pistols and *.

And 200 meters away, the bulletproof vest protects against bullets. It can't protect the combatants very well. The momentum of high-speed rifle bullets is so large that it is difficult to imagine that no one has ever experienced the battle.

A U.S. soldier once hit a bullet in a bullet, although he did not wear a bulletproof vest. But five of his ribs were shattered, and fragments of ribs were inserted into his heart and died immediately. Because bulletproof vests are more used to prevent shrapnel and bullets. At medium and close range, bulletproof vests sometimes cause more serious injuries in a few cases.

The rhinoceros jade pendant is originally a major commodity in the city, which is specially used to offset the damage of long-range attack, but once the damage exceeds its upper limit, the jade pendant will break. To put it simply, it is the magic version of the bulletproof vest~~

As an urban arms smuggler, how can Lin Xiao not have a certain grasp of the power of various firearms?

The least lethal is undoubtedly the 38 caps made in Japan, followed by honest assault rifles, sniper rifles, tank cannons...

There is often such a scene in the shadows. The cannonballs fly to everyone and lie down, and the cannonballs explode around. Then the warriors stood up and patted the dirt on their bodies and continued to fight. Such a scenario is basically impossible to occur in battle. Take the 105-caliber howitzer of World War II as an example. If a shell goes down, most of the people on the football field will not survive, whether you hide behind the bunker or lie on the ground. In fact, a considerable number of people on the battlefield were not directly hit by shells, but were killed by the impact.

That's why the cannon is called the king of war. During the Soviet-German War, many German soldiers were killed in reinforced concrete bunkers.

This is similar to magic. The more powerful the attack, the higher the restrictions and requirements on the frequency and number of attacks.

As for the so-called "human sea tactics" only appeared in the era of cold weapons and during World War I (the famous Van Wendeng meat war that led to the withdrawal of human sea tactics from the historical stage, because of the appearance of Maxim's heavy machine guns, 60,000 British and French forces were killed in just one day).

The real meaning of modern so-called human sea tactics is to concentrate superior forces against their inferior forces.

So in real battles, it is carried out in a battle formation. The distance between the two is about 20-50 meters~~


What happens when a 7.62mm rifle bullet penetrates the human body at a speed of 850 meters per second?

First of all, he will leave a small mouth with a diameter of less than 1 cm on the skin at the frontal injection point, and the huge force formed by the warhead when passing through the body will shake the organs, and then penetrate the human body at a speed of 570 meters per second. The diameter of the bullet wound formed by the shock wave may reach more than 12 cm!

Unfortunately, a 5.8mm*40 bullet hit Lin Xiao, and the effect was a geometric multiple of the above data. Because it was an armor-piercing bullet-like killing bomb, Lin Xiao felt a violent sense of subversion when she was hit by a 1200m/s bullet, and then the whole hit part quickly began to ulcerate, and a cavity like an ashtray appeared in the whole part...

If it is hit on the head, the wound will be more terrible, and it will lift 1/3 of your skull! John, President of the United States Kennedy died in such a way that you can see it in the live video.

And then? If the warhead happens to break through the artery, the blood can be sprayed 10 meters away under the strong pressure of 83.3 ml/s pumped by the heart. If it is in the room, it becomes troublesome to clean up the scene. You have to clean all the blood stains on the walls, furniture and ceiling and some dirt brought out by the warhead.

When the bullet fell to the ground, there were about 4,000 milliliters of blood in the human body, and in the next few seconds, the amount of bleeding quickly reached 1000 milliliters. A person who was bright, lively and thoughtful a few seconds ago is now on the verge of death, which refers to women. If it is a male, 400ml is enough. This concept can be transformed into direct senses through the measuring cylinder in the chemical laboratory.

"To be honest, I really hate the feeling of death~~" Lin Xiao lay on her back, lying on the ground, her eyes slightly lax, as if she hadn't woken up from her sleep.

For ordinary people, after being shot and losing consciousness, the muscles of the body will relax, including *, the victim's incontinence, which means that in addition to blood stains, you will also be stained by your own excreta. After that, the human body began to cool down, because the room temperature (constant 25°C) is often lower than the body temperature (constant 36°C), and the skin is a bad conductor of heat, so the originally healthy and elastic human body finally feels like meat food clearly marked on the chopping board.

Visually, you feel scared. In addition to a large amount of blood, you will also see body fluids oozing from the wound, overflowing internal organs and yellow subcutaneous fat. Due to blood loss, the deceased's skin was blue-yellow and had some brown bleeding spots. Then the human body began to swell strangely, and the skin color gradually turned dark brown, especially the dead in the tropics. From the sense of smell, the wound began to emit a strong odor, which was just a fresh visceral smell, and then gradually turned into a stench that can stab the brain nerves. With this intersection of vision and hearing, an insect began to give birth to its own white cub in a fertile corpse...

In addition, if you wear a bulletproof vest and the bullet hits you, as if an 8-pound hammer hits you, you will fall back and may break a few ribs. At the same time, due to the inertia of the head, the weak neck, and the neck nerves are crushed, you will faint. If you hit the helmet, even if it is not broken, the helmet will break your skull or break your neck.

So Lin Xiao hates the appearance of death.