Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 073 Fighting 3

The head was robbed, and a painstaking calculation was in vain. This time, the overlord was really indignant and aggrieved to the extreme. His eyes were about to stare out, congested*, and he couldn't wait to tear up Lin Xiao to pieces before giving up.

There is a kind of hatred that breaks people's future like killing parents, "blocking" (it can't be written here for fear of being checked) wives and children~~

There is a kind of pain that can be reached but the fingertips pass, and it is too late to regret~~

This hatred is not worthless, and this hatred is not worth it. So... Don't stop!

At this time, the whole battlefield was divided into two parts. On the one hand, the overlord and the scattered adventurers hunted the dragon, and on the other hand, the demon team fought to the death with the glorious knights led by Nicholas.

After Lin Xiao launched a money sniper to grab the killing of the dragon, it directly aroused the anger of all adventurers in Europe and the United States - the immortals came to the peach party, but finally let a monkey head taste fresh. My uncle can stand it, but grandma can't stand it!

Therefore, the pursuers with different intentions quickly approached the regiment of the two strong teams under Lin Xiao's "leader", and the final melee finally came...

The first force, the demon team.

The second force, the Knights of Glory.

Third-party forces, ordinary adventurers in Europe and the United States.

The fourth force, Lin Xiao and Chimoto Sakura.

And then the mechanical legion was finally touched, and the fifth force represented by Adam appeared...

In the hidden valley hundreds of meters away, the mechanical soldier with a heavy and cold, silver-gray metal streamlined body raised his head, with a red light in his eyes, and the strange electronic synthesis sound echoed low: "Didi, the combat system is opened, the target is locked, and the second set of strike plan is chosen... Launch!"

Adam's home world is Red Alert III. At the moment of the uprising, how can he stop without extracting the best interests with his strategy and means?

These mechanical soldiers are based on soldiers with three times the physical quality of ordinary people copied through the human replicator of the Soviet base, and then combined with the life mechanical transformation technology of the Rising Sun Empire, and mass-produced fighters, of course, under the restrictions of domination, can bring out mechanical warriors in the home world and Not much. Most of the time, this kind of combat unit and the mummy warrior often summoned by Lin Xiao are similar to the Death Guard...

At this time, the mechanical soldiers who had been waiting for a long time participated in the battle. First of all, it was the first round of all-round three-dimensional coverage. The flame smoke exploded after the rocket gun landed illuminating the whole dome. Although the demon team tried their best to dodge, this kind of map cannon-style attack had no technology to speak of. Two unlucky people were directly blown up and spit blood - although the attack was not fatal, it was unbearable to suffer too much.

After the fight, 20 mechanical warriors in the rear aimed at their respective targets at the same time, and one plasma accelerator gun after another began to shine.

At this time, the demon team, which originally had a huge team of 18 people, has now fallen below ten. As long as it can kill the other two more, it can lay an absolute victory.

However, at that time, Yun Wuxin suddenly took out something and threw it at the mechanical warrior: "Break!"

This is a cylinder-shaped pulse bomb that looks like a thermos cup. In terms of appearance, it is no different from ordinary tactics*, but the surface flashes with blue light spots, such as a dream flow.

(electromagnetic pulse bomb, also known as high-energy microwave bomb, has no power. It is characterized by the destruction of electronic devices and computer targets for command, control and communication. The radio launcher on the bomb can emit billions of gigawatts of microwaves in an instant, which is equivalent to the electromagnetic waves emitted by a nuclear explosion. It can penetrate underground fortifications and follow the holes of cables and air conditioners, which is enough to paralyze all underground fortifications, power supply, telephone communication, television communication, computer and other systems, but it will not hurt people's lives. Known as the "electromagnetic killer", it is a new type of mass destruction bomb between conventional weapons and nuclear weapons.)

The blue halo swept through within a radius of half a kilometer. The moment the halo is swept away, many high-precision indicator lights flash briefly, and then the chips of almost all electronic devices in this range are affected. Many adventurers who focus on strengthening the technology side jump and scold their mothers. One of the most eye-catching is a guy flying around in the sky on a green magic skateboard and an Iron Man armor exchanger who fought with him. At the same time, he fell from the sky and shouted...

Under the influence of this electromagnetic pulse wave, the mechanical warrior's dynamic trap and thermal imaging system analyzer were burned at the same time and directly extinguished after bursting a fire.

Adam's first round of blow was casually broken by Yun Wuxin.

However, this is just an appetizer.

Without looking at the mechanical warriors whose core parts were burned and could not be started without great efforts to repair, Adam's hand stroked, and the void was like a wrinkled lake, with a layer of light ripples. It seems that someone gently cut it with scissors, and a black space gap quickly appeared, and then two metal giant hands poked out of it, grabbed both sides and tore it fiercely...

"Ghost King Mecha!"

Rumbled, a huge arm more than ten meters long and protrude from the black hole. The silver metal reflects the cold tone, which is dangerous and charming. The gorgeous streamlined shell perfectly interprets the combination of power and beauty. There is also a light sword burning white flame in the metal arm!

The light sword is 20 meters long, with blue lightning flowing on its surface, and even the air can't withstand its huge pressure and makes a "cracking" trembling cry.

Lin Xiao once saw the strongest individual killing machine in the Rising Sun Empire on the lost island. At that time, he was still a difficult rookie. In the face of this horrible killing machine, he had no confrontation at all.

(Ghost King Mecha: Red Alert 3, the ultimate individual combat technology of the Rising Sun Empire, the cold executioner who destroys everything.

Design purpose: advanced anti-armor robot.

Manufacturing party: Guri Garo Robot Company (unconfirmed by intelligence), mass production party: mecha factory.

has attack methods: double-eyed dead light cannon, rotating torso, fully jointed limbs, unmanned, fully automated navigation, and particle destruction lightsaber designed and manufactured by referring to Star Wars.

Skills: Brutal collision, destruction raid.

The body is made of outer space metal discovered by crazy scientists in the Rising Sun Empire. It has strong resistance and has the characteristics of automatic repair and energy replenishment.

Evaluation brief description: The human fighter armor is ten stories high and looks like an ugly cannibal wrapped in iron. The robot's eyes are hidden with energy weapons that can melt the tank in a few seconds, and his body can also become a terrible killing tool, smashing anything in front of him into pieces with his huge arms and shoulders.

In an early battlefield report, a tank platoon encountered a lonely ghost king mecha, and then... The tank platoon was completely destroyed, and the specific battle process was unknown.)

After a long time, I saw this ultimate killing weapon again... Lin Xiao is sure to tear it down into a pile of scrap iron in ten minutes.

And Adam's killing machine, which was once used to press the bottom of the box, also seemed to have become his usual means of attack, and did not make Yun Wuxin have any shock and fearful reaction.

The huge sword crossed the sky and split down without any hesitation. Suddenly, there was a wail from the sky, and the air burst and roared. A no fancy blow, a groundbreaking blow! The sword light fell, as if the world was ecstatic, and the huge wind pressure came to his face. I believe that even a fierce warrior like the overlord could not survive this attack.

At this moment, Yun Wuxin raised his hand and fought back again.

"Roar!" Two huge armored Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly appeared out of thin air and rushed out of the oblique thorns, blocking the killing of the particle destruction lightsa of the ghost king mecha.

The particle destruction lightsaber collided with the steel Tyrannosaurus Rex made of unknown metal, splashing with a large dazzling spark, and the harsh friction sound made people dizzy and tinnitus.

Three super war weapons fought together, and others hurriedly shifted the battlefield. No one wanted to be affected by this attack, and they would be seriously injured if they did not die.


As more and more people joined, the melee became more and more fierce, with blood and meat dancing together, and gunfire and roaring. People have always been group creatures and will be infected and asimilated by their environment. For example, the ancients "entering the room of Zhilan for a long time without smelling its fragrance, and entering wine and meat for a long time without smelling its smell", such as "in the process of calm lectures, abrupt laughter will cause everyone's laughter"... Up to now, this big fight can no longer be stopped by one or two people.

Madness and reason, destruction and rebirth, only living is eternal.

Nicholas laughed and came to Yun Wuxin again. The leader of the Knights of Glory was extremely strong. He beheaded the enemy general in the chaos and retreated without danger. Most of his health was restored with the help of healing techniques and life potions.

"The destruction of the demon team is just around the corner! When you didn't let that group of beasts stop violating Anya, you doomed the end of your damn and dirty team!"

At the same time, in the face of the attack of Adam and Nicholas, Yun Wuxin also felt the pressure and frowned and said:

"I have a resurrection stone in my hand that can resurrect your woman..."

Now, Yun Wuxin has also begun to compromise.

Who knew that Nicholas's face suddenly twisted and roared ferociously:

"Do you think I don't have a resurrection stone?! But Anya only belongs to me. She has been invaded by you people. I'd rather her die!"

Yun Wuxin slowly raised a disdainful smile at the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "A ridiculous moral cleanliness fetish."

"What you say, this time, either you die or I die!"


On the other side, Lin Xiao is still being hunted down. The overlord was determined by the weight, and all the people in his eyes were Lin Xiao, and he was endless. Under the effect of the war chain, he finally chased Lin Xiao at this time. With a roar full of endless anger, the steel fist hit Lin Xiao fiercely.

Lin Xiao folded his hands in front of him and took the blow. His arms were like a huge hammer, and the pain poured into his mind. He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

"No one can save you this time!" The overlord strode after him, and the chain hammer fell down fiercely.