Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 079 Return

"The mission is over, and it is forced to return to the adventurer's city."

The countdown to return sounded, and ten seconds later, Lin Xiao and Qianben Sakura turned into a glimmer of light and disappeared into the sky...

Immersed in a mysterious state that seems to be awake, but this time there is a feeling of heart palpitation, as if something very bad is about to happen. Before Lin Xiao looked for the source of fear, the next second, he and Chimoto Sakura had appeared in a spacious room.

The unchanged style, the same tone, although cold and hard, is much better than the dark and gloomy underground jungle.

Lin Xiao stretched his body and said, "All the repairs will be deducted from me!"

Physical fatigue, dark injuries and other things are all within the repairable range, a comprehensive repair, which can be called a 360-degree all-round annual inspection without dead angles.

Two white rays of light fell from the sky, and Lin Xiao's body slowly floated up, and bursts of numbness accompanied by a sense of comfort came from the limbs... Before returning, Lin Xiao was severely beaten by the overlord. The blood she spit could be made into a pot of duck blood fans. She must be treated for the dark injury.

The big screen in the space appeared, and the city began to calculate the completion of the task of the two people.

A scene flashed on the screen, the arrival of the abnormal human research center, the leisure time in the blackcurrant Internet cafe, the bloody dance with dark creatures, the exploration in the Mod Caesar mental hospital, and the leap soil stall under the street lamp. The pleasure of the later Magellanic Wanchai Pier War, and the embarrassment when being chased around by adventurers in Europe and the United States... Finally, his confidence flew when he shot the dragon.

City of God... At the last moment, Lin Xiao was not the most evil, but Adam, who had never leaked water. He only did one evil thing and got a huge evil value, which is... Deceiving God!

The closest place to God is not necessarily an angel, but also a demon.

"Ding: You successfully survived and completed the 'extreme leap' task, evaluation: excellent."

"Cross-regional missions, challenge the limit of ability, and get double rank rewards according to completion."

"You got 100 military rank points."

"During this period, all the rewards and benefits you get can be brought out of the adventure world."

"Complete challenging achievements: fearless. You met and killed a powerful plot creature, the Dark Dragon Knight. 500 points will be rewarded.

"Completed the challenging achievement of 'ecologists'. Have a super-friendly relationship with any three non-human races. 300 points will be rewarded.

"Completed the challenging achievement: spiritual bone craftsman. At least bring a bone back to life.

"Completed a challenging achievement: evil elements. Kill five city patrolmen.

"Completed the challenging achievement: primate killer. Kill and dissect a primate with your own hands, and master its internal structure.

"Completed the challenging achievement: Diary of Madman. Kill an adventurer in Europe and the United States and cut off his left ear to make a diary specimen.


In addition, it is the bloody key dropped by killing the western cowboy, and the things opened are exchanged for a reward of about 6,000 points. After that, it is the A-level side plot and 9,000 points obtained by killing the dragon. At the same time, there are also small surprises with advanced titles.

The advanced milestone of the title 'Dragon Hunter' has been opened. Dragon Slayer.

"Kill five purebred dragons (1/5), and you will get the title of Dragon Slayer Warrior. Strength is increased by +5, the maximum health value is increased by 10%, and the damage to the dragon clan is increased by 5%. Only five titles can be equipped at the same time.

However, if Lin Xiao's teleportation card, high-explosive hand/thunder and other strategic materials are calculated together, Lin Xiao will lose about 5,000 points instead. As for the key dropped by the dragon, there are many people, and I don't know which guy took **.

When the settlement was completed, Lin Xiao planned to lead Qianben Sakura away, but at this moment, the royal sister in white suddenly said:

"Ky, improve your strength as soon as possible, and there will soon be a catastrophe. If you continue to be idle like this, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.

Lin Xiao raised her eyebrows and said:

"I would like to hear more about it."

The royal sister in white is a full-time treatment employee in the settlement room. Her origin is mysterious and mysterious. Most of the time, she is in a state of "walking" and treats the returning adventurers according to the set procedures. After the battle of the mummy, this is the second time that the royal sister in white took the initiative to answer Lin Xiao. And as soon as you open your mouth, it will be a "catastrophe".

The royal sister in white shook her head silently and just said:

"If you don't reach that level, no matter how much you say, it's nonsense... I just woke up from the retreat and saw you. It's just a matter of fate.

Lin Xiao only felt that Chimoto Sakura's little hand in her hand trembled and her eyes narrowed slightly. Just as she was about to ask, the royal sister in white once again resumed her programmed smile, leaving only a lingering sound:

"Take advantage of the opportunity and strive for a glimmer of life. I hope to see you again after the catastrophe. After all, too many people have disappeared..."

Returning to the Adventurer City, Lin Xiao looked at Qianben Sakura and asked softly:

"You must know something, right? Tell me, you don't have to bear it alone this time.

Chimoto Sakura's drooping eyes trembled slightly, looked up at Lin Xiao deeply, and hesitated and said:

"This is a big horror over everyone's head, but I didn't expect it to come so early this time..."

"Have you ever thought about what kind of existence the adventurer city is?" The first question raised by Chimoto Sakura made Lin Xiao stunned.

What kind of existence is the city? Paradise of the gods? Devil's game? A huge virtual game fantasy, or a dream?

There is a lot of speculation, but so far no one has made it clear that at least low-difficulty adventurers are not qualified to contact these top secrets.

Seeing Lin Xiao's hesitation, Chimoto Sakura said again, "Is the adventurous world we have experienced real or illusory?"

"Real." At this moment, Lin Xiao replied affirmatively. Although there are unscientific settings such as data attributes, blood volume, drops, etc., the real situation is that each world has its own roots and history, and the creatures encountered are not NPCs that only know how to act according to the program. They are indeed people with flesh and blood and character.

"What about the real world? One of the parallel universes?

Lin Xiao was thoughtful and only felt that all kinds of information was rolling in her mind, but she could never catch the most critical thought.

"Reincarnations are also adventurers, and most of them are top strong men who have mastered the art of reincarnation. But have you heard about the five-difficult adventurers for so long?

"Yes! The reason why reincarnations are willing to pay a great price to get a chance of reincarnation is not only to experience the joys and sorrows of the Long March, but also to have a more horrible existence than the success rate of reincarnation, which has a success rate of no more than 20%! Combined with what the white royal sister just said and the reaction of Chimoto Sakura, this change seems to be a disaster for everyone! However, the higher the strength, the higher the mortality rate, and the lower the strength, the more likely it is to survive..."

This is also easy to understand - there is no difference between low-difficulty adventurers and ants. If you are a tiger, do you choose ants or rabbits when hunting? It's clear at a glance.

However, even if the ants are not the main target, the tiger will still inadtentionally trample on a few ants when hunting rabbits - if they die, they will die. It's just because of your bad luck. What else do you want to bite!

This is the sadness of being an ant.

I don't know what Chimoto Sakura remembered, and said quietly:

"The five difficulties seem to be a threshold, behind which is a beast that can devour everything. There were also top teams trying to break through, but the end ended in defeat. And every counterattack will kill most of the adventurers in the city... This is like the law of heaven and earth. Monthly losses, tides and tides always appear every once in a while. Activities such as killing competitions and urban carnivals are just means used by urban managers to delay the arrival of disasters. But just like capitalism dies and economic crisis exists every day, there are some things that we can't avoid if we are afraid..."

"So it is..." Lin Xiao sighed.

Chimoto Sakura's fingers gently outlined in the palm of his hand, which were iced, cool, delicate and smooth, but at this moment, Lin Xiao had no other thoughts. Only those Indian words were translated into two words: Brahma!

At this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly remembered the famous saying written by Oda Nobunaga:

Fifty years in the world, compared with the sky, is a small thing. Looking at the world, dreams are like water. Once in your life, you will be destroyed immediately. This is the seed of Bodhi, full of chagrin and heart..."