Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 056 Brothers hold on...

rubbed his swollen and numb cheeks, and the big man coughed and broke the meaningless farce quarrel.

"Gentlemen!" The big man said loudly, "The deceased is over, but we still have to work hard to survive, so I don't think it's time to argue about right or wrong."

"We are now grasshoppers tied to a rope, and it is difficult for anyone to jump away. If you really care about your own lives, please don't say any more nonsense that will only anger both sides but is not good for the situation.

I glanced around, and the big man said lightly:

"At this time, it's better to think about how to solve the problem and how to survive."

While waiting for a reply, the big man covered his careful observation of everyone's reaction by rubbing his face.

This is reasonable and makes people unable to find fault. So most people's eyes were focused on the big man, which made him secretly happy.

This is a kind of silent recognition, which builds prestige bit by bit through the way of moistening things silently. Trust may not be enough, but it is enough to influence the thoughts and actions of these people at a critical moment.

People's hearts have always been the most difficult to control. Most of the people of the Celestial Empire believe in kingship and benevolence, so they are also ceding the land and proclaiming the king. Liu Bei, who is in the acting department, is much better than Cao Cao, who is a practical.

The same is true in the city. A selfish and ruthless master, the followers behind him are certainly not as gentle and generous to help each other.

The strength and power of the Tianshen team are the strongest in this group, but unfortunately, they have always been "clean and unhumane", so the right to speak has been gradually controlled by the big man Meng Hao.

It is that gold will shine wherever it is placed, and the dung beetle can stink wherever it rolls. Some big leaders do have the qualities - the mind of formulating action plans, the organizational ability to arrange people to cooperate, their own strength, good quality and personality, etc. So as expected, he became the vague leader of this team.

I enjoyed the eyes of other people's inquiries, and the big man said in a low voice:

"Now is indeed a time when we need to work together. Although there are inevitable contradictions and frictions within any group, I still hope everyone can make concessions. Everything will wait until you leave this damn place..."

The meaning of the words is obvious: everyone should work together to leave the world alive, and then you will die. Why do you like to do it~~

This is undoubtedly a compromise solution to the problem. Unless you really want to fight or die together. Unfortunately, adventurers are all human spirits, and stupid things that are not good can't be done~~

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, the big man clapped his hands and said loudly:

"Well, after tossing around for so long, I believe everyone is also very tired. Distribute the materials found, and then rest for a moment to recuperate their spirits."

It is worth mentioning that the arrival of the dark world caused four adventurers to die. According to the adventurer's observation, at the moment of the arrival of the inner world, the church shelter began to flash vaguely, and then disappeared within a few minutes, and missed the group of people who hurried back. Let these people only ask the sky with tears~~

took out the searched food, and the adventurer began a dull rest. I don't know how time flies, and the food quickly ran out again. There is no choice but to let the believers go out to find food by themselves, and then "normal" to die a few, or go out to find supplies by themselves to see if they can return before the cathedral disappears... Well, this time no one is willing to be fat. Everyone will go whoever they like~~

So, while the world did not come, the believers who were forced to make a living put on protective clothing, carry canaries, walked out of the church in groups and threw themselves into the thick fog.

Then, the bad news came. When the world came, only two-thirds of the crazy believers returned, and most of the others were 'hehe'.

"What's going on?! Haven't you lived like this for more than 30 years? How can so many people die?

A crazy believer with tears and snot on his face and sadly said:

"We met a monster as evil and powerful as the executioner (triangle head)..."

When you hear this, the adventurer understands... The evil and powerful monsters that appear are simply the dark side of adventurers!

The adventurer's face is pale. The dark side of everyone can actually move in the surface world, which is unexpected. This search for supplies took only two hours, and nearly 30 people died in a wave of travel. According to this death method, the believers in the whole church will soon die cleanly, and there will be no one left! Will this church still have a fart effect?

"It has happened, and it is useless to regret it." The big man said in a low voice, "But you can't let the believers die so meaninglessly anyway. What do you think?"


What else can I do? Horizontal and vertical is a death, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.


I don't know how long it took, and the world subsided again. By the time the bright light brightened outside the window, the adventurers had tidied up their bags and were ready to embark on the journey again.

Just entering the town, the scout walking in the front suddenly raised his hand as a warning and frowned:

"The situation is wrong!"

Everyone glanced around and their pupils suddenly contracted. Sure enough, unconsciously, the surrounding environment has changed.

The light is not darker but brighter. The fog covering the whole Silent Hill is much thinner, and the sky has become light gray as if the sun will break at any time.

However, people's sight has not expanded due to the enhancement of brightness and the dissipation of fog, which is due to another special change. At first, the ashes that fell leisurely disappeared, and were replaced by the increasingly urgent dust particles, which were gradually connected into lines, as if they were splashing and pouring. In the sound of 'rustling', the whole world was filled with this line composed of ashes, like the gray snowflake texture of the old documentary, and everyone was in This is about to become the past... It's not as if, but that the world has indeed become a dead and withered gray, and there is only this color of adventurers!

Wow... At this time, the sad air defense alarm sounded again, as if it were roaring in everyone's ears, high and harsh.

"Daw! Go back! Why did the world come when we came out less than ten minutes?

"Don't worry about this, brother."

"It's important to save my life. I don't want to meet those dark bodies anymore."


The sky is no longer slowly darkened like last time, but quickly darkened at an exaggerated speed.

The ground, houses, trees, cars, benches, street lampposts... Everything in sight is peeling off their 'skin'.

The dull metal knock sounded, and the echoing vibrato was from far and near, as if it were a collision between the giant hammer and red iron in the steel mill, making the adventurer's anxious heart more and more irritable and hot.

Those peeled skins rose into the air like mottled floating hairs in hot steam, and the hell of rust iron and blood appeared in front of everyone again.

Rolling magma flows under the iron frame separated by several nets, and the world of the iron frame is full of broken loopholes and bloody limbs. Just below the net, behind the barbed iron fence, under the burning tree like oil wax, in the dirty corner, in the boiling lava...

Those who are like suffering in purgatory are still bleeding, crawling, twitching, wailing, and begging for help...

This is the deepest hell!

Soon, there was a red rain in the sky again, a fishy and sticky blood rain, and the sobs and howling of the dead came from the corner. This is a party of horror and nightmares, a carnival time for all bloodthirsty people.

At this time, the big man was still shouting:

"Don't panic, everyone keep the formation and retreat at the same time!"

Don't panic? Fuck you/mom, don't panic! I'm so fast, why should I stay with your group of jokes? What if I go back late and the church disappears again?

Seeing that the triangular head is condensed by pieces of dandruff flying ash in mid-air, and the black wave of hellworms has bulged from the magma, like a well-like swarm gnawing up, watching strange-shaped monsters with four legs swarming, and their respective dark bodies looming in the darkness... What else don't say? Panic? Then when can I panic? After death?

"Dead Taoist friends will not die. Brothers, hold on and open the way in front of your home!"
