Infinite King

Chapter 6 Anna

Gaijun felt that he had had a dream, a long dream. In his dream, he seemed to see Xiaoyu again, and Xiaoyu was still so beautiful and obedient. However, the man appeared again, took away his light rain again, and laughed at him again! But this time, Gaijun rushed up and tore the man to pieces in extreme anger. Yes, fragments!

"Do you want to get strength?"

"Who... is talking to me?"

"Yes. As long as you promise to help me complete my revenge, I will give you this power to tear apart the power of all sentient beings!"

"Well, then, I agreed!"

Then came a dazzling light. A little girl appeared in front of Gai Jun. Yes, a little girl in a primary school uniform, Alessha.

"Dad see how good little Aretha is! Although no one thinks so. There was a trace of confusion in Alesha's eyes in the picture, as if she didn't know why others treated her like this.

Then the angle changed, and a group of children appeared around. They shouted, "Burn this witch, burn her!"

It seems that Aretha is narrating: "Their parents say that Aretha is bad. Unlike others, Aretha doesn't have a father." When the picture appeared, Alyssa hid into the bathroom in horror. After seeing no one through the crack of the door, she was relieved.

"Alyssa is so lonely. You know what will happen when you are a little girl alone." Looking back, a cleaning man looked at her. Then there was Alysa's scream and the famous brand that saw the male cleaner's chest: Colin in a trance.

"There's nothing even Alyssa's mother can do!" Aleisha's voice sounded again. Then the picture appeared. Teresa hid in the corner. Her mother Dalia came over and hugged her and said, "Don't be afraid, it's me."

"Although I love my children deeply. The family doesn't love Aretha, which scares her like those people. This time, Aleisha refers to Chris Bella, her mother's sister, Aleisha's aunt, who looked at Aly and said, " Even those children know, your daughter... Why didn't you say your father's name? You have brought evil to everyone, and we should gather believers for judgment to cleanse this unclean thing. And Alyssa in the picture hugged Dalia in horror: "Mom, what did she say?"

Chris Bella continued: "You are too weak, dear sister, it's always like this. Trust us, Daria, believe in everyone's ability, and we will recover our innocence!" Then there was Daria's silence, but she had acquiesced in Chris Bella's approach.

Narrator Alyssa continued: "So far, the town has gathered many times. In order to restore the so-called innocence and purity, there is also a special local practice, that is, that restaurant, which was originally intended to guide Ross, but I can't wait." Then the picture flashed, and Chris Bella appeared again and said, "You can go, Daria. We should fight not to offend people, but to sin itself. Then Alesha shouted desperately, "Mommy, mommy!"

"Gaijun, can you feel this feeling? Lose your lover, such as your light rain!" Alesha continued to say that Gaijun's consciousness was a little trance, and the figure of Xiaoyu seemed to overlap with Aresha in the picture.

"Tell me, what should I do?" Gai Jun said in a cold voice.

"Their blind belief stopped me from the church. As long as they don't accept their fate, I can't get in, but you can." Alyssa said, "I'll send you out now. As long as you find the church, then I will give you the power to destroy all sentient beings!"

On the other side, Murong Shanshan looked at Wang Lin's unconscious appearance. Although she had been fed a strawberry to relieve her coma, it had no effect. The current situation is that Wang Lin of the whole team is in a coma, and all the rest of them died except Wang Jian, who did not know the situation, and Murong Shanshan's real defects were also reflected. Although Murong Shanshan sometimes doesn't act like a girl of this age, she is really a 14-year-old girl. When others are still acting coquettish in their parents' arms, Murong Shanshan has seen many deaths, and now Wang Lin, who seems to be the spiritual pillar in the team, is in a coma, and Murong Shanshan is completely at a loss.

Rose also saw Murong Shanshan's current situation and took a deep breath and said, "This is really crazy. All kinds of demons and monsters appear. This town is already too dangerous. I know, we have to calm down. My child is not here. Before this happens again, we have to find my daughter and then we can escape here together!"

Murong Shanshan wiped her tears and replied, "But I don't know where to start. Shall we wait for Wang Lin to wake up?

"No!" Ross looked at Wang Lin with a complicated look, then closed his eyes and said, "We didn't find this before. It's from a restaurant. I don't know where it is, but I think Sharon is in there!"

Only then did Murong Shanshan remember that she was familiar with the plot and felt irritable, but she could not return to the main divine space without completing the task, and could only continue to stay in this dangerous world. Now Wang Lin is in a coma, relying on their two weak women alone, or taking a Wang Lin who doesn't know when to wake up. As long as he encounters the giant swordsman again, he will die without death. Moreover, through the plot of the movie, it seems that the next dark reward will happen when they are about to enter the church, that is to say, if they are still procrastinating, they may not be able to enter the church!

A trace of firmness flashed in her eyes, and Murong Shanshan knew that Wang Lin's life was now in her hands. She once said that I want to be a doctor because I don't want to see anyone die in front of me. And now it must be time for her to keep her promise.

"Let's go, find that restaurant, and then we'll get out of here!" Of course, this is only for Ross, but it is obviously very useful. Ross leaned over and carried Wang Lin in a coma, and then the two left here.

Following the sign on the road, the two quickly found the hotel and looked at each other. Suddenly, they heard a woman calling for help from the hotel: "Help, get out of here, sinner!"

Rose was shocked and rushed in, and Murong Shanshan also followed. In the dusty restaurant, two women were facing each other. One of them was Dalia, whom everyone had seen before, and the other was a young woman, but her hair was messy and looked sloppy.

"Faith is our gravedigger, bringing disaster." Daria half bowed and said coldly.

"Get out, get out!" The woman held a fruit knife in one hand and grabbed the stone on the ground with the other hand and threw it at Dalia, as if she was afraid.

Daria was not hit, but she still said with an angry trembling voice: "You, the man who threw the first stone, the lamb without a shepherd, the shepherd without a flock, your sins have trapped you here!"

"You don't spread rumors!" The young woman huddled together, and Ross ran forward quickly and ran to the young woman and asked, "Calm down, we won't hurt you. She's gone."

The young woman looked up. Sure enough, Dalia had left, so she relaxed a little, but she still held a knife in her hand, which made Murong Shanshan frown.

"What's your name?" Ross asked.

"Anna, my name is Anna." The young woman replied, but she looked at the two women and Wang Lin in a coma with a trace of curiosity, as if guessing the origin of the three.

"Anna, what the hell is going on here? Who was that woman just now? Ross's heart moved and suddenly asked. When I met Dalia before, I wanted to ask for some details, but I found that Daria was half crazy, and this Anna was obviously awake, so I couldn't wait to ask.

"I've seen her. Dalia was kicked out, and even the dark forces don't want her! She also lost her daughter. Sinners should cut off sons and grandchildren!" Anna gritted her teeth and seemed to hate Dalia very much.

"She also lost her daughter? Anna, listen, my daughter is gone. Can you imagine how scared he is? Tell me, have you seen her?" Ross was shocked and subconsciously asked, then took off the necklace and showed the photos to Anna, but Anna shook her head and said, "She can survive if she has faith, if she doesn't..." Obviously, she hasn't seen it. As for faith or non-belief, Ross didn't care, just thinking that this woman had been brainwashed by religion.

"Bear Anna, what are you doing here?" Ross suddenly asked.

"Mothers need more food. This turned out to be a restaurant, and there are many well-preserved cans. Anna answered truthfully.

"You mean there are other people here?" Ross was overjoyed. If Anna hadn't seen her daughter, maybe someone else had seen it, and it ignited hope again in an instant.

Anna nodded and said, "Chris Bella protects us. We take refuge in the church." At this time, Murong Shanshan also breathed a sigh of relief and finally let Ross know the location. Everything finally returned to normal. Now she only needs to develop according to the needs of the plot.

However, Murong Shanshan knew that after learning that there were other people in the plot of the movie, Ross seemed to have forgotten the purpose of coming to the hotel, so she had to go to the store and find the oil painting from the closet. The content could not be seen clearly, but it could be seen that the school's oil painting came from the same person. So he said, "The No. 111 closet was taken out."

Rose was very smart and guessed * at once, so he said, "Let's go to Room 111. Maybe the clue is there!" Then he looked at Anna and said, "You go with me, and I'll take this!" Ross grabbed the fruit knife forcefully and then took the lead in the hotel corridor.

Anna is also very knowledgeable and follows silently, but it is a little different from the original plot. There is no policewoman Sibir to ask about the cross figure, and Anna does not say that they are the descendants of the witch hunter Yunyun. In short, three women and one man arrived between Room 109 and 113, but there was no Room 111. Murong Shanshan violently tore open the oil painting in the middle... It was indeed one claw, and then walked in in the stunned eyes of the other two women.

The walls in Room 111 have been broken, and the walls of the building on the other side have also been broken, less than one meter apart. Murong Shanshan jumped over, and Ross followed Wang Lin behind his back. Everything was similar to the plot, but the time was a little faster. When he arrived in another room, Wang Lin behind Ross suddenly twitched and woke up.

"You're awake!" Murong Shanshan looked very surprised. In an instant, she conjured up a physical grape. Wang Lin also ate it directly. Then she looked at the surrounding environment and was obviously stunned after seeing me. Then she knew something in her heart. At the same time, she was secretly glad that Murong Shanshan was a kind and good girl after all...

At this moment, Ross seemed to see a dark shadow flashing on the stairs of the room. She was shocked and immediately caught up. To be honest, I really don't know what this woman thinks. In such a dangerous place, she chases after her as soon as she sees a figure... If he hadn't been the protagonist in the Yuan movie, she would have died thousands of times...

But this time she was very tragic, because the place where Aretha's evil thoughts should appear in the original plot was empty. No, it should be said that Ross couldn't see the illusion of the evil thoughts, and then she heard a voice that seemed to be exactly like her daughter Sharon: "Look, I'm burning!"

So in her surprised eyes, a cluster of flames rose in the empty corner, and then a shadow of a little girl who looked like Sharon appeared in the flames.

Ross covered his mouth in surprise and suddenly asked, "Are you Aretha? Oh, my God, you are her twin! Where is my Sharon?

Aleisha smiled faintly and said, "Church, where you can know everything!" Then in the flames, the illusion of Alessa disappeared.

Before that, Ross shouted and alarmed the three people downstairs. Wang Lin rushed up with Murong Shanshan and happened to see Ross with an unnatural face.

"I just saw Dalia's daughter. It seems that she brought us here. She just told me that I can know everything in the church!" Ross looked at Wang Lin with complicated eyes, "Mr. Wang Lin, would you like to go with me?"

At this time, Wang Lin and Murong Shanshan's faces changed greatly, and the same word flashed in their minds: the plot changed!

"Wow-wow-wow-" downstairs, a large group of black crows rose to the sky, and Anna suddenly looked up and shouted, "No, we have to go, we have to go!" Darkness is coming!"

Wang Lin and the others have already, and then looked at Murong Shanshan and trotted after Anna. So, is there something wrong, or do we think too much? Wang Lin gritted his teeth and asked.

"No, after you fell into a coma, I have been following the plot. There is no mistake at all. Is it deliberately arranged by the Lord God?" Murong Shanshan also looked ugly, but she still said everything she knew.

"Maybe. Since entering this horror film, I have a bad feeling that something important has been neglected by us, and what we have neglected may be the way to survive this horror film!" Wang Lin looked ugly, clenched his fist, and then suddenly let go and asked, "Shanshan, if we die, are you afraid?"

"Are you afraid?" I was asked this question again, but Gai Jun was no longer there, and Murong Sansha didn't know how to answer this time, so she simply didn't answer this question. Wang Lin lowered his head and thought with flashing eyes.

At the same time, about 100 meters away from the church, Gai Jun looked up at the cross on the roof of the church and muttered, "Finally found it!"