Infinite King

Chapter 41: Martial Arts and the Extreme Sea Reincarnation Team

I was speechless all night. The next morning, everyone was woken up by Lu Yan's shouting when they were still asleep.

Last night, Jason officially worshipped Lu Yan. Lu Yan also agreed to this request and promised to accompany Jason to the top of Wuzhi Mountain. People who practice martial arts pay attention to diligence, so as soon as the sky was dawn, Jason was pulled up by Lu Yan's ears.

"A day's plan lies in the morning. Morning is the best time to practice martial arts, and it must not be used for sleeping in! Your foundation is too poor. I will squat for two hours this morning, and then I will teach you some basic movements!" Early in the morning, Lu Yan let Jason get up and let him walk. Instead of complaining, Jason looked excited. In his opinion, such a serious and responsible master will definitely cultivate him into a generation of heroes.

However, in less than half an hour, Jason was so tired that he was almost shaky. The terrible thing is that as long as he moves, Lu Yan will whip him, which is really fierce.

The reincarnation team, which has been woken up, naturally can't sleep, but listening to the sound of Lu Yan's bamboo whip hitting Jason's body is already numb and can't bear to look directly at it directly. The person who can still fall asleep now is really a strong man.

Gai Jun looked at the god watch on his wrist, and it could still show the time, about six o'clock. He took out some delicious cakes from the space bag, divided them for Li Jialei and Su Qing, and then ate them. I'm used to getting up in the morning and not brushing my teeth, but I don't know if it's a special constitution. At least the average line has no foot odor or bad breath, and if I don't brush my teeth, my breath is fresh.

The newcomer looked at Gaijun's trick-like thing from a thin tinker-like dimensional pocket, and easily took out several pieces of cake but did not give it to them. For a while, there was a little **.

Gaijun will naturally ignore their **. Although the space bag has 5 cubic meters and is full of all kinds of ingredients, Gaijun doesn't want to talk about these foods to those newcomers. This is not his selfishness, but that he does not have the concept of taking care of others in his mind, not to mention these newcomers who will die at some point.

Li Jialei naturally took her favorite strawberry cake and ate it with a smile on her face. Gai Jun thought of Li Jialei when eating, and also took out Li Jialei's favorite taste, which made her very happy. When she ate this cake, she also bit it, as if she wanted to taste it slowly.

Su Qing shared his idea with Gaijun and Li Jialei yesterday, and there was a charging system. That is, in horror films, it does not protect the safety of newcomers. Unless the newcomers are willing to pay 3,000 reward points/horror films, then Su Qing will help or provide strategies. Of course, if there is a newcomer who chooses a doctor in the team, he only needs to pay 1,500 reward points, but he must unconditionally serve Gaijun and others.

This is also an idea that Su Qing thinks is more appropriate after careful consideration. Seeing the advantages of various talents of the Northern Desert Reincarnation Team, Su Qing felt that the Eastern Reincarnation Team can be divided into three forces, one is the home team led by Gai Jun and Li Jialei and Su Qing as members, one is led by Su Qing, all newcomers or semi-newcomers who are willing to pay fees, and the other does not want to pay rewards. People with points.

Gai Jun immediately agreed with this idea. In the movie world of "Ghost Call 1", although they reached an agreement with the breeder team, they seemed to be affected by that resentment. When they returned to the main god space and woke up a little, not to mention Li Jialei, even Gai Jun himself was not This is highly recommended. Anyone has the right to survive. If you completely breed newcomers and deprive them of all reward points, Gai Jun is worse than Wang Lin, and even worse than pigs and dogs.

Now Su Qing divided the two cakes in his hand to the women in the two teams, summoned the fierce spiritual wolf, cooperated with hundreds of spiritual poisonous bees, and captured a boar in less than half an hour. After a simple cleaning, Su Qing began to roast wild boar meat.

There doesn't seem to be any food prepared by the Beimo reincarnation team, so after seeing Su Qing roasting a wild boar, Chen Jinnan, the young man in the team, came forward and smiled and said, "Brother, you are so big, can't you share us with us? I can also barbecue, and my skills are not bad.

Su Qing made some seats without hesitation so that Chen Jinnan could operate the grill. In fact, Su Qing can't barbecue himself. Just now, it was just a whim. Now that Chen Jinnan can barbecue, he is also happy to give this favor. After a while, the whole grill was fragrant.

If you want to say that this Chen Jinnan barbecue is really good at meat. Simply without seasoning, he can make wild boar meat so fragrant that many people present have looked at him with new eyes. At this time, Chen Jinnan walked brazenly to Gaijun and said, "Gaijun vs. Zhang, can you give me a bottle of Maotai? Just one bottle is enough."

Gaijun took out a bottle of Maotai from the space bag, which is the kind of high-end Maotai with 5 reward points exchanged. This time, Gaijun's sale is generous. Chen Jinnan, who got Maotai, smiled, walked to the barbecue grill, took out a small tube from his pocket, stuffed it into Maotai wine, and then put the whole bottle into the wild boar. Before long, there was a slight sound, and the whole forest was filled with a strong aroma of wine. At this time, both Gaijun, who had breakfast and Jason, who was exhausted, would all focus their eyes.

Lu Yan first pumped Jason's waist with a whip, but then turned his eyes to the barbecue grill and seemed unable to resist **, so he said, "Cough, the first day of training should not be excessive. Let's go to dinner together!"

Jason would not refuse at this time. He was eager to go there early, but he still understood the most basic respect for his teacher and respectfully asked Lu Yan to go first. After a while, 24 people present circled around the barbecue grill and watched Chen Jinnan slowly turn the wild boar.

When the first ray of sunlight shines and illuminates the golden wild boar, almost no one can resist **. Fortunately, Chen Jinnan shouted an orange bow, otherwise the first battle between the Eastern Reincarnation Team and the North Desert Reincarnation Team would break out. Li Jialei is worthy of being an assassin. She opened the shadow dance step and rushed to the edge of the wild boar meat. The colorful butterfly wings lightly scratched a piece of hind legs weighing about two catties, and then floated away.

The thief Tuo of the Beimo reincarnation team is said to be the descendant of the thief. He looked at Li Jialei, who was many times faster than him, swallowed a mouthful of water and scratched a large piece of meat with the rusty bronze fish intestine sword, weighing about five or six catties, and then became a member of the reincarnation team of the eight immortals crossing the sea. Fortunately, there is plenty of meat, and even newcomers who move slowly have enough breast meat to eat.

Gai Jun took the golden and oily back leg meat that Su Qing gave him, bit it gently, and suddenly the juice overflowed and flowed into his throat. Not only the fresh fragrance of firewood and the mellow aroma of Maotai, but the original taste and taste of wild pork are also unchanged. In short, it is really a delicacy in the mouth.

A breakfast completely brought everyone together, at least on the surface. Lu Yan drank a little wine and continued to abuse his newly accepted apprentice. Jason also showed full enthusiasm and did not complain at all about gritting his teeth to complete Lu Yan's perverted instructions. Whenever he can't hold on, he will secretly look at the golden swallow while talking about the pipa. He seems to be able to relax for a while and rejuvenate again, but in exchange for Lu Yan's whip: "Focus on and eliminate the seven emotions and six desires!"

Thousands of miles away, a middle-aged man with a luxurious and solemn face wandered in front of a row of beautiful women. Although every woman in front of him is the kind of beauty that harms the country and the people and smiles, the middle-aged man does not feel amazing at all. He just wants to observe the items one by one.

"Report to the general!" While the middle-aged man paced leisurely, two soldiers in Yujiang Army uniforms rushed into the Yujiang Palace of War. The leading man knelt down and reported.

The man with a solemn face suddenly frowned, and his right hand suddenly pinched the chin of a beautiful woman with pink and peach-like face in front of him, and said faintly, "I'm so bold. Didn't you see that I'm busy?" Although his tone was very light, the majesty even made the notified man sweat coldly.

"General, the legendary golden staff suddenly appeared in the middle of the earth." The man said in a trembling voice against fear.

As soon as the middle-aged man heard the three words of the golden staff, he immediately withdrew his right hand, slowly walked to the man and said for a long time, "Impossible." At this moment, the two men kneeling on the ground almost believed that a light sentence could change other people's minds, which was simply terrible!

It's just that the man at the head was quite strong-willed. He pressed his teeth and said, "Now there are rumors everywhere, and they all say that the prophecy will come true!" General..." When he said this, there seemed to be a big stone weighing 10,000 pounds all over his body, and it was very difficult not to say a word.

The middle-aged man played with a wrench on his thumb, then turned around to look at a stone statue in the center of the temple, and then smiled and said, "Those ordinary people are full of prophecies and keep talking, just like sucking *. Can't you quit? Do you have any bad news to tell me?"

The man's voice was hoarse at this time, but he could still speak, because he said in a tone that almost no one could understand: " more!"

The middle-aged man smiled and looked back at the more than a dozen calm beautiful women: "Let's continue!"

At the gate of the hall, the two Yujiang soldiers kneeling on the ground did not move. Suddenly, a breeze drifted by, and the two of them actually blew with the wind, and their bodies gradually dissipated. Finally, in that place, it was completely impossible to see that another person had knelt down not long ago.

On Gaijun's side, these two days are quite leisurely. Because Jason's martial arts skills were really poor, Lu Yan decided to stay here for a period of time and teach Jason some of the most basic skills. Unexpectedly, Jason was only three minutes hot, or he had no patience at all.

"Wave the stick, hit hard, and work hard at the same time! Rotten wood is hard to carve, alas!" Lu Yan sat directly on the ground angrily and really didn't want to look at Jason again.

Jason's whole body is full of small wounds cut by grass leaves. For two consecutive days, Lu Yan kept asking him to get up early, and then came to this vegetable field to keep weeding. He didn't teach him a single move, which made him angry a lot. At this time, when I suddenly heard Lu Yan say this, I was immediately angry and went back to him: "I have been your herbicide for two days, and you sit there drinking and enjoying happiness like a capitalist. When can I learn kung fu?"

Lu Yan laughed angrily and asked Jason, "Do you want to learn kung fu?"

"Of course!" Jason answered decisively without hesitation.

Lu Yan didn't say a word, quickly walked to Jason, grabbed his bamboo stick for weeding, and nodded to his chest, saying, "This is a blow. I'll teach you how to block it tomorrow."

Jason was immediately discouraged. He knew that Lu Yan would not teach him kung fu today. He looked at the endless grassland in front of him, and his heart was furious. He picked up the stick and roared crazily, as if his father's enemy was killed in front of him.

Gai Jun saw all this in his eyes. These things have appeared in the plot, but it is still a little interesting to see them with his own eyes. However, Gai Jun's heart moved, slowly walked to Lu Yan, took out a bottle of free liquor that can be obtained in the main space room, threw it to Lu Yan, and said, "Lu Yan, I don't know why you taught Jason to learn advanced skills?"

Lu Yan sighed and found a relatively flat-looking boulder and sat down. He said helplessly, "Jason's disciples are so bad that I can't believe that he is the chosen one. In this way, I don't know when he can have the strength to go to the top of the Five-Finger Mountain to save the Monkey King.

Gai Jun signaled a toast to him, poured in half a bottle of white wine and said, "So there are us guardians. We are waiting to receive an order to help the chosen one save the Monkey King. I want to learn martial arts and your martial arts.

Lu Yan laughed after hearing this. He did not hide his suspicion and said, "Actually, I don't believe what guardian you are at all. I, Lu Yan, am not so easy to deceive. I can see that most of your teams, including the North Desert team, have no malice to us, so I have put up with it. But you, Gaijun, I can feel the murderous intention hidden in your heart. I, Lu Yan, a wine fairy, am not a decent gentleman, and I have offended many people in the past. If you want to kill me, why don't you give me a reason?" He enjoyed the liquor thrown to him by Gaijun, but he was not defensive at all.

Gaijun smiled, but he was a little wary. He seemed to ask casually, "Oh, is it? Aren't you afraid that I will poison your wine again?

Lu Yan looked up to the sky and roared loudly: "Today, there is wine, today is drunk, and the Ming Dynasty is spreading flat boats." After saying that, he looked at Gai Jun again and said with a smile, "I'm a fairy. You can't kill me!"

Gai Jun sneered and then got up and left. If you haven't seen the plot, Gaijun will think that what Lu Yan said is true, but now, Gaijun won't believe it at all. Gai Jun did think about how many reward points there would be if Lu Yan was killed, but he was afraid, yes, afraid of the evil value of justice. In this movie, what worries him most is not the Jade God of War, not the Monkey King, but the Jade Emperor!

Zen master, this noun passed by in the movie, but Gaijun remembers it clearly. In his conversation with Jason in the teahouse, Lu Yan once said that only Zen masters or people with artifacts can open the door without doors, that is to say, the Jade Emperor must be a Zen master!

Will killing Lu Yan and others cause the pursuit of the Jade Emperor? Gaijun asked himself countless times, and the final answer was: I don't know. Just like your dog, whether it's a fierce dog or a good dog, was bitten to death by another dog, will you go back and bite that dog?

There is no absolute answer!

At the same time, during Gaijun's spiritual scanning, three kilometers away, a monk in a white robe drove a white horse to the position of everyone. Gaijun's heart moved, and the monk was finally about to appear!

At the same time, hundreds of miles away, a group of people suddenly appeared in a desert, no less than 11 people. About dozens of seconds later, nine young men and women woke up in turn, and there were as many as nine old men.

One of the little girls who looked only fourteen or fifteen years old looked down at her watch, seemed to be stunned, and then smiled and said to the rest of the people who woke up, "Oh, my God, this introduction is really complicated." Then she looked at the scenery around her and said bitterly, "Don't do this. Where have we been thrown?"

A 30-year-old man in the team couldn't help laughing when he looked at the little girl's expression and said, "Captain, don't complain. At least it's in the Eastern Land. If this is thrown to the Lord God somewhere in the Americas, he will cry.

The 14- or 15-year-old girl in front of her is actually the captain of the strongest team in this horror film! The captain of a team will never be idle, that is to say, the strength of the girl in front of him must be quite terrible!

The girl made a naive and innocent expression, then took a look at the two newcomers who were still sleeping and said to a middle-aged man who was nearly 40 years old, "Uncle, please introduce the situation to the two newcomers later. Although they wake up a little slowly, there should be one with potential."

The bald middle-aged man smiled bitterly and ignored other people's laughter at him. He seemed to be familiar with this feeling. He slowly stood up from the ground, but his movements seemed to be a little slow. However, if you look closely, you will find that the legs of this middle-aged bald man are actually empty, with only two empty trousers, and he is now floating in mid-air.

At this time, a woman in the team who had been sitting on the ground with her eyes closed suddenly said, "Oh, I found them. In our east, in the forest of the plot, it is about 400 kilometers away from us. It seems that one of the teams is a freshman team with only three elderly people, but their team has a mental power, whose mental strength is comparable to mine. The other one seems to be the captain, which is a little strange, but I can't say. The other team should be an old team, which is not very strong. At present, the two teams get along well with each other. What should we do to adopt a friendly communication model?

The original name of the little girl is Youyou. The name seems to be too cartoonish, but it is very much in line with her appearance. She nodded and said, "Anyway, let's meet them first." The information previously exchanged with the Southern Wasteland Reincarnation Team can come in handy. This horror film is not something we can complete alone. When the horror film is over and the Monkey King is rescued, everything will proceed according to the original plan.