Infinite King

Chapter 50: Eastern Region vs North Desert 2

When Gaijun and others rushed through the front line of the sky, the people of the Beimo reincarnation team had long known where they had gone. In desperation, Gaijun and others could only walk to the west.

Speaking of the period of this horror film is three months. In the original plot, it took Jason to practice martial arts for a month or two, so now it has developed to this point in less than ten days. Gai Jun and others don't know if there will be any chain reaction. At least Gai Jun found that many forces have appeared in the world inexplicably. For example, the Black Tiger, such as the Sand Emperor. However, fortunately, at least the main line of the plot has not changed. Jason still rushed to the Yujiang War Temple with a golden staff, and Gai Jun and others could only rush forward to the Yujiang War Temple as soon as possible.

Of course, this desert is not so good. At least if you only know the west, you may not be able to get out. In the movie, the demon monk himself was not very clear about the route, and finally went out by mistake. However, after entering this world, Gai Jun and others got the information about the Black Tiger. It is said that his ancestors once went to the top of Wuzhi Mountain to worship the Heavenly Emperor. His ancestors once said that as long as their hearts are always firm, they can walk out of this desert and reach the foot of Wuzhi Mountain. Of course, the premise is that the general direction is right. You said it would be impossible for you to go north.

In addition to yellow sand and yellow sand, the temperature difference between day and night in the desert is also very large, but it can reach more than 40 degrees below zero at night. Gaijun in the flowing fairy clothes didn't feel anything, but Li Jialei couldn't stand it. Finally, Gaijun temporarily lent the flowing fairy clothes to Li Jialei. Gaijun and the others never thought that there would be no firewood in the desert to burn, nor did they expect that they would be lost in this desert for so long. For half a month, the food in Gaijun's space bag has been almost finished, and there are only some drinks that need bonus points to be exchanged. If they can't get out, the three of them are likely to die in the desert because of lack of water and food.

Su Qing's physical strength is poor, but he has been riding on the spiritual giant wolf, which is not very tired. It's just that after summoning the spiritual giant wolf for a long time, coupled with the scorching sun, Su Qing's consciousness has been a little blurred, and he has fallen from the spiritual giant wolf several times.

Gai Jun carries Li Jialei on his back, not to say how bad Li Jialei is, but women always have a few days a month. Li Jialei is weak all over. In the past two days, Gai Jun has been carrying her back forward. A few days ago, there was a huge sandstorm. They no longer knew where they were, and they also had doubts about the so-called west. After all, the west was so big. Who knows if the West is the Five-Finger Mountain.

"Captain, do you think the Beimo reincarnation team has arrived at the Yujiang Temple?" Li Jialei lay on Gaijun's back and was not as shy as two days ago. Now it is very natural. In these two days of intimate contact, Li Jialei hid her attachment to Gaijun more deeply, and even Su Qing on one side could not see it.

Gaijun shook his head to show that he didn't know either. Although he repeatedly joked that an undeveloped girl like Li Jialei was not his favorite, when Li Jialei stuck to him, the two balls of meat on his chest still felt a little. However, after living in the desert for more than half a month, Gaijun's superficial feeling of ** has been reduced a lot, and now he doesn't feel anything.

Under such extremely harsh conditions, you really have to reduce the number of words, otherwise the water will only be consumed faster. At the beginning of the scorching sun, it is noon. This desert is not like the real world, at least there will be some places where cactus can escape the summer heat. This is simply the ruins left after the war between the Emperor of Heaven and the Demon Lord, so it is impossible to say that a hundred days shine in a shade and move forward at night.

Just as Gai Jun's hair was dizzy by the sun, he suddenly felt that danger was coming. He immediately threw Li Jialei on the sand, and then opened the genetic lock and the mental scan was immediately opened. Unexpectedly, he found that there was a person hiding in the sand under him, stealing Tuo!

Gaijun was extremely surprised, but Thief Tuo did not give him a chance to be surprised. The fish intestine sword in his hand stabbed from the ground, and Gai Jun immediately flashed sideways. Unexpectedly, Thief Tuo's speed was extremely fast. At this moment, he changed his direction in the air and stabbed Gaijun again!

"Shadow Dance Steps!" Li Jialei, who was thrown to the ground, reacted as soon as possible. She held the butterfly wings and started the shadow dance step, which could block the fish intestine sword that stabbed Gaijun, and then stabbed Tuo Tuo with her left hand. This time, Tuo Tuo immediately fell into crisis.

It's just that a sneer suddenly crossed the corners of Tuo's mouth. He didn't look at Li Jialei from beginning to end, which made her feel very bad. Until she saw Tuo's smile, she was even more uneasy and roared crazily in her heart: "No, no!"

Thie Tuo looked at Gaijun coldly. In his eyes, Gaijun was already a dead man. After more than a dozen horror films, how can the bottom card only have a fish intestine sword? He is old and refined. How many times has the manager who participated in the team battle series of horror films told him that any alliance is fake, so I don't know when he has been hiding himself. Miao Miao only knows that the thief is powerful, but he doesn't know where the thief is powerful.

After stealing Tuo sneered, four arms suddenly separated from his arms, and with the original two hands, he turned into a six-armed monster! This is more than that. In Tuo's hand, the Yu Changjian has become six, and each one has a fish intestine sword in each hand, and Li Jialei's intuition tells her that every fish intestine sword is real!

There is no unnecessary nonsense. Thieve's six arms stabbed Gaijun at the same time. Li Jialei's eyes showed a trace of despair, and then a shock all over, and a familiar feeling emerged into her body. This feeling!

Li Jialei actually unlocked the gene lock a long time ago, that is, when she was imprisoned in an iron ball by Fat Tianjun and Huo Shura hit her with fire ninjutsu, when he felt desperate at that moment, he unlocked his first-order gene lock.

Li Jialei has recalled that feeling many times, although she has never entered it again, but after that, she very resolutely named this state: Prophet!

Imagine that the thief in front of him has not slowed down, but his next move has been predicted by Li Jialei, and even his weaknesses have been clearly seen by Li Jialei! It's like there are two thieves, one is relatively light and the other is more real. The light has made the next second action, and several huge red dots on his body show his dead hole. In this state, Li Jialei's thinking speed was a thousand times faster than usual. Between lightning, her whole body entered the shadow dance step state again, and then the butterfly wings in her hand suddenly inserted into two dead holes in Tuo's body, and then the whole person flew into Tuo's body and forced Tuo to cut Gai Jun's dagger to follow. Thief Tuo flew to one side together and saved Gai Jun!

At the moment when Tuo was knocked away, Gai Jun's whole body rose up and hit Tuo's body. On the boxing, a faint layer of karma was covered, and the atmospheric temperature of more than 40 degrees around him instantly dropped to below zero, but Gai Jun hit it forward!

However, suddenly, the thief in front of him was blurred, and then unexpectedly appeared more than ten meters away. The blood holes on his body kept spraying blood out, looking at Gai Jun and Li Jialei with a ferocious face, looking horrible.

Taking back the fire, Gai Jun stopped Su Qing, who was about to help, and stared at the thief who almost killed him fiercely. He really couldn't figure out how he met a thief who seemed to have been prepared here.

Li Jialei was still in a prophetic state at this time. The thief's virtual shadow in his eyes did not make extra movements, but the bright red dots on his body were slowly getting smaller. Li Jialei immediately couldn't care much and rushed forward again. The speed was so fast that she even made a sound that broke through the air, leaving a sound. Virtual shadow. These virtual shadows are special effects of shadow dance steps to confuse the enemy, but so far it seems to be useless.

The shocking eyes in Tuo's eyes kept expanding in Li Jialei's eyes. He really didn't understand why the explosive ability of the little girl in front of him was so powerful. Just a moment, he opened his first-order state of gene lock, which is very similar to Gai Jun's gene lock.

Steal Tuo has always thought that he was already very powerful. Randomly open the first-order gene lock, six-arm skills, and exchange six fish intestine swords at the same time. No fish intestine sword has a very powerful deceleration effect, which is different from common and can even be superimposed. This deceleration effect is not the so-called deceleration BUFF in the game, but involves the deceleration at the time level, that is, the person who is slowed down does not know that he has been slowed down, and even his thinking will slow down. Coupled with the ultimate version of the troll bloodline he exchanged, as long as his body is still 2/3 intact, it can be restored again, which can be said to be extremely extreme.

In the previous storm, the people of the Northern Desert Reincarnation Team were dispersed. They didn't have much food and water, so they buried themselves deep in the sand every noon during the day, which lasted for three days. Today, he happened to meet Gaijun and others. At that time, he thought that if he could kill Gaijun unexpectedly, then the people of the Eastern Reincarnation Team would become fish.

It's just that Li Jialei's strength is beyond his imagination. When Thieves opened the first-order genetic lock and thought that he would get a useful hint, he found that no information appeared in his mind. At the same time, two butterfly wings suddenly appeared in front of him, and then there was a sharp pain in his brain. He screamed and waved the bronze fish intestine sword in his hand, but was dodged one by one by Li Jialei, who was in a prophetic state.

Li Jialei was also fierce. In the face of this murderous enemy, she really didn't want to let go. The butterfly wings in her hand kept for a moment, crazily inserting the thief's head. For a few hours, the thief's head turned into a paralyzed Shaqima, but in Li Jialei's prophetic state, the thief's life still did not disappear. She can't help but be stunned!

"buzz~~" At this time, hundreds of spiritual poisonous bees flew out and surrounded the thief in an instant. Each spiritual poisonous bee launched a suicide attack. Then in Gaijun's spiritual scanning, the spiritual strength of the thief's whole person gradually faded, and finally completely turned into nothingness, leaving only one generation left. The body of the dead.

"Kill and kill a local reincarnation small pair of a member who unlocks the gene lock, and get 7000 reward points, Eastern Reincarnation Team points plus 1, current points: 2."

In the battle of the group battle series of horror films, it is too simple to know whether the enemy is dead. When the Lord God sent this information to Su Qing's body, he immediately recovered the remaining 100 spiritual poisonous bees. Thief Tuo may be very depressed before he dies, because Li Jialei, who happens to have the ability to restrain his six-arms, and Su Qing, a very rare spiritual power. All the more than a dozen horror films he is proud of have come to nothing.

At this time, Li Jialei suddenly fell to the ground, rolled her eyes and twitched all over. Gai Jun was shocked and rushed forward to investigate and found that Li Jialei's symptoms were the same as the sequelae of opening the genetic lock. He was about to hold her tightly in his arms, hoping to reduce her pain.

This feeling came and went quickly. More than ten seconds later, Li Jialei woke up, but she had no strength all over her body, and her little face was extremely pale. She looked weaker than Sister Lin, which was heartbreaking.

Gai Jun took out a bottle of the best Maotai from the space bag, fed her a few sips, and then helped her sit on the sand and said, "How many times have you unlocked the gene lock? The sequelae are a little big, and it should be okay to rest for a day or two.

Li Jialei looked at Gaijun in a distracted way, and then reacted and said, "So this is the first-order state of gene lock? I also named it idle myself. But I finally knew the feeling when you saved me. It was really an extreme explosion, hehe!"

He killed the thief Tuo, and there were no casualties in his team. Gai Jun was in a very good mood at this time. He said to Su Qing, who happened to arrive, "How many reward points did you get?"

Su Qing's face remained with an excited blush and said directly, "This person who unlocked the gene lock when he stole it!" Because there are the rules of team battle in the mission prompt of the main god, Gai Jun suddenly reacted and said with a smile, "You and Li Jialei are now rich and handsome, and the other is rich and beautiful. When you get to the Lord God space, you have to pay me back my wine money!" With that, he raised the best Maotai in his hand and fed Li Jialei again. "The thief appeared here. Whether he was deliberately waiting for us or accidentally met him, at least it proved that their team did not reach the top of Wuzhi Mountain!" This is good news, and they are likely to be near us. In recent days, we have still cheered up. Once we find the people of the Beimo reincarnation team, let's attack immediately!"

Li Jialei nodded and said, "There is only one combatant left in their team, that is, Chen Jinnan, the bomber. As long as we are careful not to step on his mine, there should be no problem. These people are all reward points. If we go late, wouldn't we lose a lot if the newcomers of their team die of thirst? When talking about the last sentence, Li Jialei showed a childlike naive smile on her face, but combined with the above content, it not only frightened Su Qing.

However, Li Jialei's words are correct. In any case, Gaijun's excellent people must quickly find the Beimo reincarnation team. First of all, after a group of people from the Beimo reincarnation team were with the Mo monk and killed the people of the Beimo reincarnation team, Gaijun could follow the Mo monk to the top of Wuzhi Mountain. At that time, they could also get water supplies.

Dali City.

At this time, it has been a month since the start of the horror film, and eight newcomers have lived in Dali City for more than half a month. During this period, Wang Wei has completely subdued these six male newcomers. As for Niu Shiya, she has also endured silently from the initial unwillingness to now. Wang Wei's brainwashing many times, the only thought in her mind now is: as long as she is strong, Gaijun will not mind that he is not clean!

It can be said that Wang Wei has now lived a more luxurious life than before her death. Although she was full of charm before her death, she was only the deputy manager, and it was difficult to satisfy some of her perverted desires in the city. Until now, the money given to them by the Black Tiger was enough for them to squander for half a year, and he himself was like a queen. Every day, he chose a male favor depending on his mood, and life should not be too moist.

Wang Wei is also very smart. A few days ago, the Eastern Reincarnation Team added another point to reach two points. She also knew that her team was not weak, or compared with the Beimo Reincarnation Team, so she took Niu Shiya around Dali City every day.

"Your Majesty, we have found out the whereabouts of that woman, who lives in the most luxurious God of War Inn in the city." A child dressed as an eunuch reported like an old man with a big belly in the position.

"Oh, that coquettish hoof? Yes, bring a hundred troops immediately. I want to get the first charming fox that has been rumored recently! Haha, little beauty, those rouge fans in my harem are so ugly that you can't see anyone!" The prince in gorgeous plain clothes suddenly stood up in a row of imperial chair, and then the imperial chair turned into wood chips. He laughed and looked at the little eunuch kneeling on the ground, "Come on, reward!"

The little eunuch was overjoyed and said excitedly, "Thank you, prince!"

After the fat prince narrowed his eyes and opened his hands to let the two deep maids help him put on his coat, he must have carried a big sedan chair outside. The fat prince's tonnage exceeded 200 kilograms, and when he sat on this special sedan chair, he actually bent eight drivers.

Soon, eight drivers pulled the prince out of the God of War Inn. At this time, Wang Wei and Niu Shiya had returned to the inn and were eating delicacies in the lobby.

The owner of the God of War Inn is a very shrewd old man and has a lot of people in contact with him, so even if he sees the prince of Dali coming, he is not too surprised, but there are still some basic people leaving home and go out of the store to welcome him.

The fat prince waved his hand and motioned the boss to get out. Then the tiger's body shook, twisted his waist, picked up his trousers and belt, and then strode into the lobby under the guidance of all his men. At first glance, he saw Wang Wei eating, and immediately smiled and said, "Hey, I didn't expect that such a coincidence that I met the recent hot thing here. Beauty Wang Wei!" After saying that, he completely ignored Wang Wei's reaction and drove away the six newcomers with a wave of his hand. He sat down and said, "All the good dishes!"

Wang Wei sneered in her heart. These days, she went out for a walk. In fact, it was just to show Prince Duan, who is known as the local emperor. In her heart, she despised that these men were controlled by the lower body, but on the surface, she said, "It turned out to be Prince Duan. It's really lucky to meet you here! Lord, the little woman has always admired your name, and now she is really extraordinary at first sight!" The fat prince was so happy that the roof fell to dust.


Two chapters will be updated later tonight