Infinite King

Chapter 71: Fire Purgatory

Alice looked at Gaijun with a complicated face. After finding that she could not disobey Gaijun's intention, she had to order all the elves who could participate in the war to gather and set out for Warnerheim.

The majesty of the elf queen is inviolable. Even if these elves are reluctant, they must obey the order, so in the next few hours, nearly 100,000 elves walked along the man's high cave at the exit to Jordanheim, and then led to Warnerheim under the guidance of Li Jialei, which was finally completed.

Mirror Li Jialei stood silently beside Gaijun until her main body was sure that all the elves had arrived at Warnerheim, and said, "Captain, it should be ready to start. Even if you destroy the tree of the world, they will not find it."

"Ye." Gaijun nodded. After all, it was not appropriate to ask these elves to go to Asga to help him fight. It would be inappropriate to destroy the tree of the world in front of them. Coupled with the extremely low temperature of the industry fire, it may not be safe to destroy this towering tree at the exit.

Gai Jun entered the state of speed and came to the hut, but he was a little puzzled. The lavender breath seemed to have never appeared since yesterday. I don't know if it would affect his actions. However, since he has developed to this point, Gai Jun can't control so much. He closed his eyes and began to mobilize the white breath in his body. This time, he decided to release all the karma fire.

After brewing for nearly ten minutes, all the white breath in Gaijun's body became active, flowing in circles along Gaijun's meridians. At this time, Gaijun thought that the time had come. He immediately used the improved operation route in the information state to summon the karma fire. The surface of his skin immediately ignited more than ten centimeters of the flame, and the whole Man instantly turned into a white flame god of war, and from where he stood, the tree structure of the world under his feet quickly began to burn. Almost in an instant, the whole room turned into a world of flames!

Standing in the sea of industry fire, Gaijun closed his eyes and carefully felt the intensity of industry fire. He was surprised to find that he could actually feel the speed of these industry fires: very fast!

In just a few minutes, the intensity of Gaijun's business fire has increased by nearly one-tenth, and this is only the intensity of life energy in a room. If you absorb all the life energy of the whole world tree, Gaijun can be sure that the intensity of karma in his body will reach the level of beauty at the beginning!

Walking out of the room that has turned into a sea of fire, Gaijun looked up at this huge tree. The room below is just a drop in the sea. Although it has now burned to a height of nearly ten meters, it may need more places to ignite the whole tree together.

After thinking about it, Gai Jun tried to shoot out the fire of the body surface! This is also what he thought after seeing such a big tree. Speaking while doing it, Gaijun's karma has been very active and completely under Gaijun's control, so he began to figure out how to shoot karmafire.

Soon he thought of his condenser. The appearance of the ruler made Gai Jun understand that although the introduction of the condenser is to condense energy into an entity, as long as you follow the general routine, you can simply condense the energy into your favorite shape, which can save a lot of consumption.

tried to condense the karma fire of the body surface into strips. After several failures, Gaijun actually succeeded. Then his heart moved, raised his right hand, and the white strip flame suddenly shot out and fell on the ground 100 meters of Gaijun, and then burned fiercely. Within a few minutes, Gaijun kept doing this. Finally, the world tree on Gaijun's side had burned, and a huge white flame wall in front of him was as high as 1,000 meters, and there was no end at both ends!

Li Jialei's mirror image has started the shadow dance step and retreated back. The previous chill almost dissipated directly, so she kept retreating until she was on a hill a hundred miles away from the tree of the world and looked back at the tree of the world. The horror in her heart was indescribable.

The umbrella cover of the world tree still covers the sky above Li Jialei's head, but it does not affect the light here at all. It seems that the whole world tree is a light source. The main trunk of the world tree in front of her has been completely covered by white flames, and the white flame began to erode the leaves and spread around at a desperate diffusion speed. Almost in an instant, the cold air forced Li Jialei's side. In front of her turned into a cool world in an instant, and then the rear industry swept by fiercely, mirroring Li Jialei. Dissipate directly in place.

In the fork hole, Li Jialei looked at the middle passage in surprise. The business fire did not spread into the world along the exit, but everything she saw in Li Jialei's mind. She couldn't help worrying about Gai Jun. She didn't know whether Gai Jun's business fire had destroyed the star crack.

In the

channel, Niu Shiya suddenly became very uncomfortable, as if something very important had left her, but she didn't know what it was. This uncomfortable feeling became stronger and stronger until she suddenly knelt on the ground and cried, causing others to turn their eyes to her.

"Sister Shiya, what's wrong with you?" Naturally, those newcomers dare not ask. They still dare not forget the crazy appearance of this seemingly pure and harmless girl in the main god space, but Li Jialei did not have so many scruples. After seeing Niu Shiya's obvious wrong, she asked.

Niu Shiya kept shaking her head and wanted to speak, but found that she couldn't say anything and could only cry all the time, but he didn't know why he cried, but it was just very uncomfortable. In the end, Li Jialei obviously felt something wrong and said, "Is something happened, or did you feel something?"

"Wow.. Wow, me.. I don't know.. Whoo-hoo!" Niu Shiya reluctantly said these words, and then the uncomfortable feeling in her heart intensified again, and suddenly fainted.

Gaijun stood in the sea of industry fire with a pale face. Maybe it is more appropriate to use the industry fire purgatory. The trees of this world covered an area of more than one million square kilometers. In just one hour, all of them burned, and even kept dripping down. At this time, the whole Alsheim had almost no living creatures. Even the creatures that were not within the tree of the world were all frozen to death, and the whole Arles Sea Mu has become a purgatory.

In the center of the industry fire purgatory, Gaijun looked at the burning world tree in front of him with a pale face: "How can it be? Why did the intensity of wildfire stop after only increased by one tenth? It seems that the whole tree has no life energy at all except that small room, but how is this possible?

An hour later, Gaijun finally determined that the tree of the world did not know how to transfer all the energy, and this seemingly burned half of the country's karma gy brought only one-tenth of the karma gy to Gaijun. With a sigh, Gai Jun's thoughts moved, and all the kahuo suddenly gathered into his body. This simple process also lasted for an hour and a half. Then he dragged his tired body to the original crack, where there was only a black space crack. Gai Jun plunged into it and quickly returned. Arrived at Li Jialei's side.

"How's it going, captain, how many times has the industry strengthened?" Seeing Gaijun's safe return, Li Jialei was overjoyed and was also curious about Gaijun's harvest this time.

"Where's Niu Shiya? Let her give me an empty fruit. Huh, I don't know where this world tree has hidden the energy of life, and my total white breath has only increased by a little more than one-tenth. Gai Jun suddenly sat on the ground and said, "Wow, I also consumed all my karma energy, and it may take several hours to recover."

"Niu Shiya didn't know why she cried and fainted before. The reason is unknown." Li Jialei bit her lips and looked at Niu Shiya with a pale face on the ground. "Will something go wrong? I feel a little weird."

Gaijun's heart moved and suddenly thought of Niu Shiya's inexplicable attraction to him in the morning, and now he doesn't seem to have that feeling. He thought about it carefully and then said, "I don't know, but the star field of Alsheim is full of strangeness. Let's pay attention recently. No matter what the tree of the world does, just go back to the main god space to repair the whole body."

"Yes, the Lord God's whole body can be repaired. We only need to return in a day and a half." Li Jialei nodded and then turned her eyes to the last fork, "So, is this the passage to Asgar?"

---The second update