Infinite King

Chapter 83: Jungle Fighting Race

The Chengying in his hand suddenly split a road into the grass higher than the people in front of him. Gaijun couldn't help twitching at the corners of his mouth. Looking at Chengying in his hand, the original invisible sword body had been completely covered with grass juice at this time, and even the pattern on the sword was clearly visible.

"What a big forest, or the island is really too big for us after we shrink." Gai Jun wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Three or four hours have passed since the beach was shocked, and the work done during this period is only an open way, so that he is already a little tired.

"Captain, does this horror film strengthen the difficulty in this way?" Li Jialei held the butterfly wings to prevent sudden **, while Niu Shiya sent the physical grapes in her hand to Gai Jun's hand, and then returned to the center of the team again.

Gai Jun ate the physical grapes, but still stopped and frowned and said, "It's not a way to go on like this. The vegetation on this island is too dense, and even the grass is surprisingly prosperous. If it goes on like this, you may not find Huangquan Xuelian for three days."

"Captain Gai, since your industry fire can be used at will, why don't you use the industry fire to open up the way?" At this time, Ke Yunlong, who had been walking at the end, suddenly said, "Captain, you should be able to control the laughter of the industry fire, but it should not be difficult for the industry fire to burn these vegetation and make a way, right?"

"Yes, captain, we almost forgot that you still have this killer!" Li Jialei's eyes lit up and then said, "Isn't it good for you to open a way for us to go there?"

Gai Jun shook his head and said, "This really consumes my mental strength too much. Simply releasing kahuo, I can quickly empty all the grass here, but in order to control kahuo without hurting you, you still need to consume a lot of mental strength, and Niu Shiya does not have the skills to restore spiritual power.

"That's it!" Li Jialei was a little disappointed, but Niu Shiya lowered her head and said, "Yes... I'm sorry!"

Gaijun frowned, and Niu Shiya's performance was sometimes really cowardly. He persuaded, "Niu Shiya, your strength in this team is not bad. You don't need to do this. No one will say anything about you."

Niu Shiya looked up at Gai Jun and nodded, but how could Gai Jun's words change her character? She has always been worried about the fact that she had been defiled by those newcomers.

"Sha.. Sand.." Just as everyone was silent, suddenly there was a rustle from the grass in front of them, and Gai Jun and Li Jialei immediately became alert. If it was other teams, they must prevent them from suddenly taking action.

The sound was getting closer and closer, and soon a huge green insect poked out. After discovering Gaijun and several people, it paused for a few seconds, and then moved forward again. Shi Shiran dragged his fat body past the five people.

"It turned out to be a big caterpillar..." He glanced at the two people around him. Their performance was not bad, at least they did not scream, and Gai Jun was slightly relieved.

However, through the size of this caterpillar, Gaijun sadly estimated his current size, which is about five centimeters high. This size is very dangerous in the woods, and many carnivores are very interested in such a size of life.

"Captain, let's go quickly, otherwise we will be in trouble if we encounter something else." Li Jialei looked at the green insect behind her with an unnatural expression, "It has taken us three or four hours. Will anyone have already got Huangquan Xuelian?"

Gai Jun shook his head to show that he didn't know. Then he looked at the surrounding situation and pointed to a tree not far away and said, "Why don't we climb up the tree first, look at the situation around it, and choose a more suitable way to move forward."

Other people have no objection. Gai Jun took Chengying to work as a weeder again. In less than half an hour, he came to a tree and then said, "Li Jialei, your skills are relatively agile. How about you let your mirror climb to the tree to have a look?"

I have to say that Gaijun's sense of crisis is still very high. In this dangerous environment, anything can happen, and what worries Gaijun most is: "This island is not only the species in the forest, but also some prehistoric creatures."

Li Jialei nodded, and then summoned a mirror image. The mirror image touched two cold shining daggers as a force tool, climbed to a height of about three or four meters, and then smiled bitterly: "I can't see anything. There are trees and grass everywhere. Wait!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Jialei's mirror image suddenly dissipated, and two daggers fell from above. Gai Jun immediately asked, "What's going on?"

"Mosquitoes, a lot of mosquitoes!" Li Jialei's face darkened and then said, "A lot of mosquitoes are coming!"

Gaijun didn't react first, mosquito? However, when he came to his senses, the sound of hundreds of mosquito flapping their wings on his head had been transmitted to their ears, and this large group of mosquitoes with wings spreading by three centimeters seemed to see a big meal after seeing Gaijun and several people, all of them surged over.

The dense mosquitoes above her head put great pressure on everyone, and Li Jialei, who had the first warning, took the lead and waved her butterfly wings with both hands. Then, taking her as the starting point, a seven-color transparent shock wave rushed to the large group of mosquitoes. In an instant, the flashing vacuum wave mixed with the fierce With tearing force, many mosquitoes near the shock wave were violently washed away, or their wings fell off.

"No, there are too many, and it is impossible to kill all the flashing vacuum waves at once!" Li Jialei turned pale and took over the empty fruit handed over by Niu Shiya. "Even if it is the recovery of the empty fruit, I need about half an hour to recover."

"No." Gai Jun looked awe-hearted and then said to Li Jialei, "Be careful." After saying that, he suddenly closed his eyes and opened them again. When he opened them again, he had entered the state of Dugu's sword. Every time he waved the shadow in his hand, he could... Mosquitoes, huge and their arms-thick mosquitoes cut off their waists, but there are too many mosquitoes, and after dozens of seconds, Gaijun can't support it.

Niu Shiya looked anxiously. Li Jialei could at least use butterfly wings to help kill, but she couldn't help. Seeing that there were more and more mosquitoes, she almost surrounded them. She suddenly had an idea, and a large amount of life energy in her body leaked out, and in an instant, these surrounded giant mosquitoes were washed away. With her help, when the remaining mosquitoes came around again, Gaijun and the two could easily deal with it, and immediately turned the danger into Yi.

However, when Gai Jun and others breathed a sigh of relief, a black cloud suddenly emerged from the treetops, which was actually dense and more mosquitoes! Niu Shiya's shock just shocked the mosquitoes in the treetops, and her face turned pale in an instant.

"Run!" Gai Jun sighed helplessly, "Li Jialei, you hold Niu Shiya!" After saying that, he grabbed Wu Xiaofan and Ke Yunlong in their hands and rushed to the grass in the north in an instant.

Li Jialei cooperated with Gai Jun many times. As soon as Gai Jun opened her mouth, she held Niu Shiya in her arms, then activated the shadow dance step and followed Gai Jun. After all this, she could already feel the fluctuation of mosquito wings.

Gai Jun rushed to the front to open the way for Li Jialei, and the grass higher than him brought great obstacles to Gai Jun's progress. Enduring the cut on their faces caused by the rapid running grass leaves, Wu Xiaofan and Ke Yunlong roared like killing pigs. They did not have fairy clothes to protect their bodies. In this case, they were very lucky not to be directly dismembered.

However, when the voice of the two people around him gradually weakened, a pure life energy from the rear was suddenly injected into the people's bodies, and then the scars on Gai Jun's face recovered as before, and then he was scratched by the grass leaves again. The sour feeling was that Gai Jun couldn't stand it. It didn't seem too much to feel it for a moment. When it was dangerous, he finally stopped, and then grabbed his face, scratching away the strong itching when the wound healed.

After Gai Jun stopped, Li Jialei also arrived quickly. At this time, Gai Jun found that everyone else's clothes were all broken into pieces. He immediately took out two sets of clothes from the space bag and threw them to Li Jialei's second daughter, and then looked coldly at Wu Xiaofan: "There are some things that you shouldn't see better not!"

"There is a sound over there!" Suddenly, a female voice sounded, and then in Gai Jun's surprised eyes, the grass in front of him was suddenly broken, and a total of 19 people appeared in Gai Jun's vision.

"Discover a member of the Eastern Reincarnation Team, kill any member, and get 10,000 reward points and an A-level side plot."

---Today's No. 1, collect or red tickets add up to 30 plus one chapter!