Infinite King

Chapter 96: Rushing into the Central Mountains

Ten thousand years, maybe 100,000 years, millions of years.

The tree of the world is unconscious, just a tree that photosynthes every day and breathes at night. I don't know when she gradually developed her intelligence and began to observe the lifestyle of the creatures around her.

She was surprised to find that there were many creatures around her, and they could move freely without being fixed here as eternally as themselves. They can also absorb a very magical energy from heaven and earth to strengthen themselves.

The Tree of the World believes that these Holy Spirits were a big tree like themselves in the early days, but after they absorbed this energy, they became all kinds of creatures. She began to try to absorb the energy, but found that she absorbed the energy much faster than the creatures around her.

hundreds of years, thousands of years, tens of thousands of years.

The tree of the world contains more and more life energy, and the creatures around her and even farther away live around her, making her feel no longer lonely. However, in tens of thousands of years, the Tree of the World has seen many struggles and intrigues.

Year after year, the Tree of the World was surprised to find that although it absorbed more and more energy, a larger part was taken away by the creatures around it. She was very anxious and wanted to become a real creature quickly, so she carefully observed one of the most powerful creatures and followed her cultivation method for success.

Gradually, she found that a large amount of life energy in her body could be transformed into a purple breath after some mysterious transformation, which was exactly the same as that of the most powerful creature. She was very happy and practiced harder.

Gradually, the surrounding energy is getting less and less, and the tree of the world can leave less energy for the surrounding creatures than all the creatures to practice, so these creatures actually began to destroy the branches of the world's tree and absorb a large amount of aura from it, even the most powerful creatures.

The tree of the world was afraid. If she went on like this, she would definitely be killed by them. Fear made her subconsciously use the purple breath in her body. Then she was surprised to find that her vines actually rose from the ground and rolled up to death. She was frightened!

Thoughts were interrupted. Niu Shiya looked coldly at the half-length dragon people around her, and then a large amount of life in her body ran along the mysterious route, and a purple breath was also separated from her head. After a series of complicated transformations, the two finally merged together, and then suddenly a large number of vines suddenly emerged from the ground, each The vines all have the thickness of a human waist, and then those vines seem to come alive, and the tip suddenly cracks into a big mouth of purple flesh and blood. The white teeth look cold in the moonlight.

These vines seemed to have long eyes. Each vine opened their mouth to a half-length dragon man. In the face of the sudden appearance of the terrible monster, those half-length dragon people panicked for a moment. The strange gun in their hand shot at the vines. The bullet exploded the vines at the moment they hit the vines. It even exploded in half.

However, what made them desperate was that the burst vines quickly healed, and the broken vines grew a large mouth from the fracture, and then swallowed the half-length dragon man!

For a while, the whole hillside of the city's half-length dragon people screamed. They were swallowed by the vines but did not die immediately. From the purple breath of the dream in Niu Shiya's brain followed the vines into the bodies of these half-length dragons, and then these half-length dragon people underwent very strange changes. !

The half-dragon man who was spit out, their eyes emitted red light, picked up the strange gun they dropped, and then silently gave way for Gai Jun, which was actually controlled by Niu Shiya.

Gaijun completely ignored what had happened on both sides. He just went to the central mountain and took him as the center. Between a large number of man-eating vines 100 meters, more than half of the half-length dragon people had been controlled by Niu Shiya.

After seeing this strange scene, a handful of the remaining half-length dragons in front of them actually fled back. Maybe they have fought with the fierce Tyrannosaurus Rex on the island and seen the majestic Golden Dragon, but this must be the first time they have seen such a strange scene, so many half-length dragons collapsed directly.

Death is not terrible. What you are afraid of is that life is worse than death, and even your thoughts are manipulated by others.

However, how could these half-length dragon people escape faster than Gaijun's running speed? For a moment, Niu Shiya once again controlled hundreds of famous half-length dragonmen. It was not until then that she found that she was weak and consumed too much energy. She immediately ate a yellow spring snow lotus seed to fill the life energy, but the purple breath There is no reply from the old one.

The horrible vines finally stopped appearing. After running for a distance, the surviving half-length dragons finally calmed down and looked at the three people who left in horror. Many of them finally couldn't help crying. This day, from early morning to midnight, was later called the Dark Day by the Dragon Man.

After rushing through the dragon crowd, there was no obstruction along the way. Gaijun took his two women closer and closer to the central mountain range. When they climbed over a mountain, the foot of the central mountain appeared in front of them. What colleagues saw was also a huge cave, which went straight to the interior of the mountain.

You can't rush here. After all, Shenlong lives in this mountain. If you are not careful, you may destroy the Eastern Reincarnation Team.

Looking at this cave, Gaijun suddenly thought of what Xiao Yifeng said, that is, only through the central mountains can you reach the north of the island. Does it mean that you must pass through this hole?

Looking carefully at the surrounding terrain, Gai Jun suddenly found that the whole island seemed to be divided into two by the central mountains, and the continuous mountains in the center. After limiting the existence of the aircraft, it was difficult to climb to the sky. What's more, according to Xiao Yifeng, it seemed that only the return passage after defeating the dragon would appear.

"Let's go in. Sooner or later, we will be chased by them. We might as well bet on the divine dragon to refine the divine body. If we just pass by simply, I guess he won't do anything to us." Gai Jun erased the last trace of hesitation and rushed to the entrance of the cave with Niu Shiya and Li Jialei without hesitation.

In just a few kilometers, Gaijun quickly came to the mouth of the cave. At this time, he and Niu Shiya were a little nervous. There was a continuous roar from inside the cave. It should be that the dragon used the yellow spring to refine its body. Gaijun couldn't help thinking, is the seemingly ordinary Huangquan really so powerful that the dragon is difficult to bear?

"Captain, I'm a little scared!" Niu Shiya hugged Gaijun tightly and looked around warily, "Don't you feel very depressed? It seems to be the pressure of the dragon."

"pressive?" Gai Jun frowned and felt it carefully for a moment, but did not find the pressure Niu Shiya said. He immediately comforted him, "Maybe it's your psychological hint. I didn't feel it. We have reached this point, and we have no chance to turn back.

Gai Jun's statement made Niu Shiya very confused. She thought that she was not the kind of person who would hallucinate because of fear, so she seriously felt the dragon power around her again. The feeling was very clear and shocking, as if a pair of eyes were staring at her in the dark.

"Captain, really, I really feel the pressure. The Dragon God seems to be peeping at us!" Niu Shiya firmed her statement and said again, "Captain, believe me!"

Gai Jun stopped after a moment of silence. It is not very dark in the cave. This passage seems to be hovering upward. The petition may be Guangyuan, reflecting the bright light along the arc-shaped passage, and the cave suddenly disappears.

"Niu Shiya, we have no choice. No matter what is ahead, we must go forward. Maybe I can't accept Li Jialei's love, but unconsciously she has a very important position in my heart, just like my sister, do you understand? Gai Jun took a deep breath, "What I'm most worried about now is that the Zhongzhou reincarnation team is looking for us outside. If it takes a day, then Li Jialei..."

"I see. Do you mean we are going to create chaos?"