Infinite King

Chapter 109: Entering and Violent Shock

Half asleep and half awake, Gai Jun suddenly opened his eyes and found that Niu Shiya woke up earlier than himself. While he was puzzled, Niu Shiya sat up from the ground, then looked at the watch of the main god in her hand, and read: "If you survive for seven days in the world of horror movies, each team will receive 10,000 reward points, and 1,000 reward points will be deducted for each person who dies. Kill Fred and get 5,000 reward points, a B-level side plot.

Gai Jun's eyes lit up, and then counted the newcomers on the ground. At this time, Li Jialei also woke up leisurely. With her, there were 17 people in total.

"If I guarantee that every newcomer will not die, then we can get 170000 reward points. Although there is no side plot, it is enough for us to use for a long time!" Niu Shiya looked excitedly at the watch in her hand, "Captain, it seems that we have to find a way!"

Gai Jun nodded. This ** was really too big for him. Even Li Jialei, who had just woken up, was surprised and inexplicably after hearing the 170,000 reward points.

About half a minute later, these newcomers slowly woke up. Gaijun did not pay much attention to them. The newcomers of the breeder team are very talented. Even Niu Shiya is now very powerful, but it is just a better opportunity. Gaijun can't expect these opportunities.

For him, these newcomers were originally dispensable, but after the survival rewards appeared, Gaijun immediately included them in the scope of protection. No matter what happens in the future, at least this horror film will protect them.

To Gaijun's surprise, among the 14 newcomers, women accounted for a huge proportion of 11, and the remaining three men seemed to be childish teenagers, which made Gaijun a little worried, because in the movie "Ghost Street", the perverted Fred seemed to like women very much or The little boy did it.

When these newcomers suddenly found themselves in this strange place, several people screamed, and then panic infected other newcomers. Almost all the newcomers screamed, and several younger girls even cried.

"Niu Shiya, I remember that there seems to be a confusing effect in your ability. Can you try to confuse them?" Suddenly thinking of Niu Shiya's mysterious purple energy, Gaijun suddenly asked.

Niu Shiya was shocked after hearing what Gai Jun said, and then shook her head and said, "No, my confusion is actually an alternative hypnosis. If you want to be safe in Ghost Street, you must be awake."

Hearing Niu Shiya's answer, Gai Jun was a little disappointed, and then looked at these newcomers coldly and snorted coldly, "Ten seconds for you, all shut up, or the end will be the same as this!"

He pointed to the garbage can not far away. At this time, the protective cover of the Lord God had disappeared. He shot out a mass of industry fire, and then the garbage can disappeared almost in an instant, leaving only a slowly burning white flame.

"This is not a special effect, and we are not terrorists." Seeing that all the people were shocked by his hand, Gai Jun nodded with satisfaction, "This is the world of horror movies. Everyone has seen Ghost Street. This is Elm Street in Ghost Street, and we need to complete the tasks in your strange watches to return to a safe area called the main god space. ."

Listening to Gai Jun's absurd introduction, several women in the newcomers obviously showed disbelief, and even thought that Gai Jun was a demon with evil spells and propaganda cult ideas. One of the young girls asked cautiously, "Excuse me, are All. God of ability. The person who teaches?"

Gaijun sneered and no longer made unnecessary explanations. He found it really difficult to explain to the newcomer, so he said, "Believe it or not, if someone doesn't cooperate, I will personally cut off her hands and feet, but I won't let you die." Believe me, I can do it!"

The murderous tone was startled even if the naive girl was, and then shrank back into the crowd and stopped talking.

Gai Jun smiled with satisfaction and then looked at Li Jialei. Li Jialei was very silent since she woke up. After finding that his eyes turned to her, she lowered her head. Gai Jun could only sigh helplessly and find an appropriate opportunity to explain it to her.

Using spiritual scanning, Gai Jun was surprised to find that the spiritual scanning range was only a few hundred meters in radius, which was almost less than one-tenth of the original, and the area was even smaller.

In Gaijun's mental scan, everything around him seemed very strange. Within the scope of the scan, Gaijun did not find any living people except them, and there were large black blood stains in many places, and some rooms were messy. The sheets were torn into strips by sharp weapons, and vases and table lamps were all over the ground.

Looking at the picture in the spiritual scan, Gaijun had a vague guess in his heart that all the residents in the whole Elm Street were killed by Fred, and none of them were left.

"I scanned it with mental strength. There seemed to be no living people on Elm Street, but I didn't find their bodies, only some blood stains. It's morning. Let's search everywhere. It's better to find a place where we can settle down. Gai Jun said to Li Jialei.

Li Jialei nodded but didn't say anything. She closed her eyes, used her mirror skills in front of the newcomer, and then sent the mirror to other places. She continued to stay in the crowd, but at this time, she suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Niu Shiya doubtfully. Her mouth moved but said nothing.

After seeing Li Jialei look at her, Niu Shiya looked down at herself and did not find anything unusual.

"Hello, what are your names? If we need to follow you next, we have to know what to call you, right? My name is Bian Qiuqiu. I'm a high school student. After Li Jialei used the mirror skill, the people present basically believed that Gai Jun and Li Jialei in front of them were not ordinary people, while Bian Qiuqiu looked excited. "My favorite is fantasy novels. Are you practitioners?"

"My name is Gai Jun, and I am the captain of the Eastern Reincarnation Team. As for you, my only admonition is to try not to sleep this week, or you will die miserably. Can you imagine the feeling of being killed in your sleep? Gai Jun looked at the frightened crowd below and continued, "If you really can't stand it, if someone next to you sees it, slap them hard and treat it as helping each other."

"Captain, I found several bodies in a hospital, which is terrible. Do you want to go and see them?" Li Jialei suddenly frowned, as if she wanted to see something very disgusting.

Gaijun felt ached heart, and then said to everyone, "Now follow me closely, let's go to that hospital. Li Jialei, will you lead the way?" The tone of the latter sentence is quite gentle and seems to want to make up for it.

Li Jialei looked up at him, then nodded unnaturally and said, "Come with me. I'll be there in about 15 minutes."

The newlyweds were very surprised when they heard what Li Jialei said about the very miserable body. They basically did not see the body, and generally only saw it on TV. It didn't seem terrible, so when several rotten women followed Gaijun with excited faces, chattering constantly.

"Be quiet." Hearing the noise of these girls, Gai Jun couldn't stand it. He said coldly, "Now that you are so energetic, do you still have energy at night? If you want to die, tell me in advance and I'll solve you!"

The people talking behind were suppressed by Gaijun, and they were all too scared to make a sound. Gaijun felt that it was necessary to exercise the following violent means and said to Niu Shiya, "Give me a time fruit."

Niu Shiya subconsciously gave the time and space fruit to Gaijun, and then seemed to think of something, and her face turned white.

Gai Jun suddenly pinched the most fierce Bian Qiuqiu, then directed Yehuo to start burning her limbs and forcibly control the burning speed of Yehuo. It lasted for half an hour in her sad roar. After fainting again and again and woke up from pain, he gave her a time fruit and looked at the newcomer with a pale face again. We.

"Who wants to try it?" Gai Jun turned around and completely ignored Bian Qiuqiu, who was paralyzed on the ground, "Let's go, Li Jialei. The person who just spoke behind held her up.