Infinite King

Chapter 119: Strong jealous

It's already 9:00 a.m., and the latitude in the United States is high. In this season, the sun will only feel a little warm on people. The most important point is that in the minds of Chinese people, all demons and monsters will not move in the sun.

It took about seven or eight hours along the way, and the newlyweds were already exhausted. Rao Shiya gave them many times of physical grapes, which can't change the current fact that the resistance caused by taking physical grapes many times greatly reduces the effect of physical grapes.

"I can't walk!" First of all, it was the obscene boy who collapsed on the ground. His name is Guo Xiaoming. Because he is naturally short, only a little more than 1.5 meters, he usually dares not go out, let alone exercise. In addition, he usually does some piston exercises at night, so he is extremely weak.

"Captain Gai, I really can't walk. Shall we take a break?" Guo Xiaoming almost cried, "We have been walking for seven or eight hours, and the soles of my feet have been blistered!"

Gai Jun looked back at the newcomers. These people are indeed on the verge of collapse. If they go on, they will really faint one by one, so it's really all over.

"Then rest in place for a while. Li Jialei, let your mirror go to the front to explore the way first. I think it's been so far that the rest station should be very close. There is still no trace of a rest station in the spiritual scanning. In desperation, Gai Jun can only let Li Jialei's mirror image go to the front to explore the way.

Gaijun's words are simply a blessing for newcomers. Almost all people sat on the ground and rubbed their feet. Even the two fools and half-stupid people subconsciously rubbed the joints of their bodies after being held to the ground by others.

Niu Shiya has a very rich life energy in her body, so she has kept recovering when she walks, so the consumption of such a long walk is almost negligible.

She silently walked to Gaijun's right. On Gaijun's left was Li Jialei. At this time, Li Jialei and Gaijun were a little tired.

"Captain, do you want me to rub it for you?" Niu Shiya was bold. She pressed her tender little hand on Gaijun's right shoulder and gently pinched it, but she did it directly without waiting for Gaijun's answer.

Feel the softness of Niu Shiya's little hand, and Gaijun is also embarrassed to refuse, otherwise it will embarrass Niu Shiya. He silently accepted Niu Shiya's intimate behavior, but suddenly the same feeling came from the left. Unexpectedly, it was Li Jialei who also helped him pinch his arm.

"One side." Li Jialei didn't seem to show any special expression, but Gai Jun could hear the jealousy in her tone.

Gaijun happily enjoyed the perfect enjoyment brought to him by the two women, and the same thing happened to the newcomer.

Haotian sat on the ground, and the two girls beside him seemed to scramble to massage him. One of them was Zhang Jie, a naive girl with tiger teeth. When she was searching in the hospital, she followed Haotian. At this time, she looked at the "third party" Zhu Ning with a hostile face.

Gaijun felt ridiculous at that time. Zhu Ning's previous words gave him the feeling that this girl was very cold-blooded. In addition, she was two or three years older than Haotian, and the girl was relatively precocious, so it should be impossible to admire him because of Haotian's simple words.

Haotian is not as open-minded as Gai Jun, or he has not really understood the nature of the members of reincarnation. At this time, he can't help but have hypocrisy such as justice and kindness in his mind, and he also remembers some laws in the real world.

So he showed his goodwill to the two girls at the same time, and he acted a little too rationally. Perhaps his favorite type is a cute girl like Zhang Jie, so he tries to get closer to Zhang Jie and avoid Zhu Ning's hands.

But as a first-time man, he doesn't know how to refuse, so invisibly he seems to give Zhu Ning a hint that you are not as comfortable as Zhang Jie.

Zhang Jie saw that Haotian did not drink off Zhu Ning. He didn't think so much, but thought that Zhu Ning kept seducing Haotian, and Zhu Ning's emerging figure was even more threatening in her eyes, so he looked at her hostilely and couldn't wait to bite her.

Gai Jun looked at the different performances of the three newcomers with little interest, and suddenly heard Li Jialei's voice: "Captain, I found that the rest station is about one kilometer away from us."

"One kilometer?" Gaijun had a trace of doubt in his mind, which seemed too coincidental. When the newlyweds were too tired to walk, he subconsciously guessed that the rest station should be nearby, so there was a rest station one kilometer away?

"Is there anything unusual there, such as something abrupt?" Gaijun couldn't help asking.

Li Jialei did not answer Gai Jun's question immediately, but closed her eyes and seemed to communicate with the mirror for a while before saying, "Everything is normal. There are gas stations, supermarkets, and KFC restaurants. If you want to say something abnormal, it's probably the same as here. There is no one here.

Gaijun nodded and then said to the crowd, "There is a rest stop about a kilometer away. There is a supermarket and a restaurant. Stand up first and walk there, and it's not too late to rest there."

Gai Jun was glad that he had established enough prestige when he entered the horror film, so although these newcomers were very tired, they got up almost immediately under Gai Jun's order and did not take long.

One kilometer is only more than ten minutes for ordinary people, and these newcomers also came to this desolate rest stop in 20 minutes.

The rest station is not very big, with a public toilet, a clean-looking KFC restaurant and a small gas station, but it is no less than a paradise on earth for everyone.

The newcomers burst into great potential at this moment, which even made Gai Jun think that these people are the backbone of the future team.

With holding the fools, these people rushed into the KFC restaurant at a faster speed than Gaijun, sat on the soft sofa, and then collapsed like a side effect after excessive use of gene locks.

At this time, Gai Jun also saw the mirror image of Li Jialei. She walked to Gai Jun with a few receipts in her hand and said, "I looked around. The last receipt of this rest station is this one, and it has been three months now. The bread in the KFC kitchen still looks very fresh, but these things are foods with ultra-high preservatives that will not deteriorate for decades. However, in the supermarket, many things have not expired. We can come out a little.

It's rare to hear Li Jialei's jokes. Gai Jun looked at the KFC with a little sarcastic, and then said softly to the mirror, "Thank you for your hard work, but you still need to go and find some food."

Li Jialei's mirroring skills are very special. Even the mirror has the same way of thinking as her own scene, and even emotions are available, so it is difficult for Gai Jun to completely regard the scene as a skill product.

The mirror looked at Li Jialei flattedly, then nodded and quickly left to the supermarket next to her.

Gaijun withdrew his eyes, but suddenly his face changed. He looked out of the glass window again and suddenly found that outside the rest station, more than a dozen people in black slowly forced the restaurant. He suddenly looked at the other side, and there were also more than a dozen people in black!

"Listen, the people inside, you have been surrounded, come out immediately, or we will shoot!" Gai Jun's ears suddenly heard a line that was so bloody that he couldn't do it. He was about to take action to crush these people in black. Suddenly, a few shots were fired. Li Jialei beside him looked at Gai Jun with a stunned face and then fell to the ground softly.

Niu Shiya immediately released a lot of life energy, but she couldn't wake up Li Jialei.

Those people in black* are very special. The needles that can actually penetrate the glass wall of KFC in an instant. Among the defenseless newcomers, two fools were shot directly and then fell to the ground. The rest shouted in horror and all got under the sofa.

"Ah!" Gai Jun roared, and suddenly a large number of business fires broke out. His whole body suddenly rushed out of the restaurant, and a red light flashed in his eyes.