Infinite King

Chapter 121: Indulging

With Li Jialei's insistence, her father finally cancelled all the activities of the day and was ready to spend a whole day with this daughter who seemed to have changed a lot overnight.

Li Jialei stood in front of the wardrobe with her head tilted and tried her clothes one by one. Many of these clothes are her favorite styles, and many of them are even out-of-print goods that her mother took her to Hong Kong to buy, which really makes her a lovely and brilliant little princess.

In the dream, these clothes seem to have all turned into ashes with the appearance of that group of bandits, and Li Jialei, who was later hit, usually paid little attention to dressing.

Although she knows that everything is a dream, Li Jialei still loves these "lost" clothes, and some clothes that she was going to throw away were neatly folded by her and placed at the bottom of the wardrobe. These clothes represent a memory, a memory that Li Jialei cherishes very much now.

"Yo, Jialei is so beautiful that it takes half an hour to wear a dress?" The beautiful woman gently pushed the door open, glanced at Li Jialei, who was still thinking about how to choose, and joked, "Do you like some handsome man, Sichun?"

"It's not!" Li Jialei pushed the door with a red face and locked it back, but suddenly, she seemed to find that she had forgotten something and seemed to have an important emotion to forget.

But soon, she was attracted by all kinds of clothes in front of her and continued to immerse herself in the joy of choosing clothes.

"This one, well, some is too dark, this one is a little too thin, and it's too cold. Whoo-hoo, what should I wear? Li Jialei was happy for a while, frowned for a while, and finally went out dressed neatly ten minutes later.

It's just that when Li Jialei appeared outside the door in a light blue dress and a piece of *, her father said in surprise, "Why does the baby wear so little? Isn't it cold?"

Li Jialei shook her head, hugged his thick palm and said coquettishly, "I just like this one, can't you?"

"That's right, Jialei is so old and has her own ideas. Why do you care so much?" The beautiful woman took Li Jialei's hand and helped her tidy up the collar behind her.

"Well, hehe." Li's father opened the door happily, came to the garage of the villa, drove out the Audi inside, and carried the mother and daughter.

The smiling woman proposed, "Let's go to Qixia Mountain to burn incense. Although there are no maple leaves now, if we go early, where can we drink Zhai porridge? Her father, when you go out to socialize, you should pay more attention to your health, drink less wine, and eat less fish.

"I know, but there's nothing we can do about it! When others toast me, they have to give them face, right? Oh, let's not talk about this. It's rare to come out to play today. Don't listen to this stuff for the baby. Li's father changed the topic. When he spoke, the fat on his face trembled. Coupled with his dark and shiny hair, it seemed very funny.

However, Li Jialei was surprisingly relieved at this time. The memory of the terrible dream in her mind is getting weaker and fainter. No matter how terrible the dream is, everything in front of her is so real that whether it is cold or her mother's warm hands, these are not what can be felt in the dream.

Li Jialei's family lived in Nanjing, the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, but she rarely had the opportunity to go out like this, so even if it was very cold, she still grabbed the window and looked at everything outside curiously. She was in a particularly good mood.

Today is the weekend, but there are relatively few vehicles on the road, so Li's father quickly drove the car to the foot of Qixia Mountain. After parking the car, he took Li Jialei's hand and prepared to go up the mountain.

But at this time, Li Jialei came up with an idea. She hugged Li's father's waist coquettishly and said, "Dad, how about you carrying me on your back? I want to sit on your neck!"

Maybe I feel that Li Jialei is indeed a little neglected at ordinary times. There is rarely such an opportunity. Li's father held Li Jialei's waist in one hand and lifted her up, then put her on his neck and said happily, "Dad's BMW is about to leave. Baby, it's done!"

So along the way, Li Jialei's giggles and laughter has never been interrupted. Several pairs of passers-by on the road showed a heartfelt smile when they saw Li Jialei's family's happy appearance, while Li Jialei was completely immersed in the joy of father's love and mother's love. Even if her nose was red in the cold wind, she did not show any dissatisfaction. Light blue The colored skirt flies in the cold wind, like a bright butterfly.

The happy journey ended soon. When Li's father drove Li Jialei home, it was already * o'clock in the evening. Li Jialei, who had been excited all day, had long fallen asleep in the arms of a beautiful woman with a comfortable face.

The beautiful woman smiled helplessly and said softly, "I'm so crazy today, and I don't know if Jialei can get up** class on time tomorrow."

"Ha ha, baby doesn't have to go to school well to get out. With my official position, I can arrange any university in Nanjing for her to choose. Li's father seemed to be very proud, "In Nanjing, it's not up to me!"

"You know what you think. Isn't it good to be a good official? Well, no wonder Jialei said that she had a nightmare. I guess she dreamed that something happened to you again. The beautiful woman looked a little helpless, and then covered the quilt for Li Jialei, pushed Li's father out and turned off the light.

After hearing the sound of closing the door, Li Jialei slowly opened her eyes and recalled the beautiful woman's words just now, and then the last doubt faded.

"I must be too worried about Dad." Li Jialei muttered, then slowly shrank her head into the quilt, stretched out, and closed her eyes to fall asleep.

However, at this moment, a faint cry was suddenly heard in her ear, which was so familiar that Li Jialei calmed down to listen.

"Li Jialei, can you hear what I said? I'm Gaijun." The faint voice has been lingering in Niu Shiya's ears, but she didn't react for a moment.

"Li Jialei, can you hear me? You are now in Fred's dream. Everything is fake. You must remember all the things before, or something terrible may happen next!" Gai Jun's voice continued to sound and seemed to be very anxious. "Now I'm also in a dream, but I'm in a very strange state now. It seems that only your ** can I communicate with you."

Li Jialei realized that she moved the pillow, but didn't find anything like a tape recorder or anything.

"Li Jialei, I'm Gai Jun, don't you remember me?" There was a trace of surprise and uneasiness in Gaijun's voice.

"It seems that I am very ill and have hallucinations." Li Jialei was a little helpless, and then covered her ears with her hands, but was frozen by her cold little hands. She hurriedly took a breath of heat and covered her ears again and drilled into the quilt.

After Gai Jun found that Li Jialei did not seem to remember himself, he was not in a hurry to call again, but calmed down to think of a way.

From Gai Jun's vision, Li Jialei's room has been covered by a black fog, and just after Li Jialei shrank her head into me, the fog was thicker.

He manipulated his illusory body to float to Li Jialei's parents' room. This time he fell into a dream, but he existed in a new form. It's like God's perspective. As long as he wants, he can see any angle and reach anywhere.

However, just as he passed through Li Jialei's door and was about to go to her parents' room, the scene in front of him made him sweat coldly.

I saw Li's father and the beautiful woman, who should have returned to the room, sitting in the living room expressionlessly, with black fog gushing out, and the living room was already full of a lot of black fog.

These black fogs penetrated into her room along Li Jialei's door, and then Gai Jun understood the source of the black fog in her room.

When he looked at the two again, he found that the two men suddenly changed violently, as if they had been burned by a fire. At first, there were blisters on their skin, and then more, and finally they burst all over. The rest of them were blackened for a moment, and one eyeballs rolled under Gaijun's feet, and Gaijun In his ears, a gloomy laugh sounded, and then the living room fell into the deepest darkness.