Infinite King

Chapter 124: Return to "Reality"

When Gai Jun said what was in his heart, he suddenly felt refreshed. All the self-deception in his heart disappeared in an instant, and although Xiaoyu still occupies a very important position in Gaijun's heart, Gaijun knows that this feeling has been different from the original and has been transformed into a treasure in memory.

Li Jialei in her arms was still crying. Gai Jun held her like this and let her cry in his arms for nearly an hour without moving, which may be the only comfort he could give her. At this time, any comforting words are too pale, and only Li Jialei's heart is clear. Such a long effort has not been in vain.

Finally, Li Jialei may be tired of crying. She wiped her tears and looked at the funny appearance of her tears soaking the whole clothes in front of Gaijun. She couldn't help laughing: "I'm so happy. I really hope this is not a dream!"

"Cough, Li Jialei, this is really a dream." Gaijun couldn't help saying this sentence and then joked, "But this is a real dream. We still have to find a way to wake up and return to the main god space. I don't know when Niu Shiya's world is now. It should be the sixth day.

At this time, Li Jialei did not care much about whether she could return to the main god space, but ** heard the three words Niu Shiya. Knowing that it was very rare to get Gaijun's love, he said almost without hesitation, "Captain, as long as you have me in your heart. As for Sister Shiya, I can also accept it.

Gai Jun smiled bitterly, pinched the face in his arms and said, "My feelings for Niu Shiya have always been my brother's care for my sister. This really can't be changed by time. However, when it comes to time, Niu Shiya is still too young. Maybe many things are not clear. She feels good or I give her a sense of security, and she thinks she likes me. Especially in the world of horror movies, this emotion is increasing day by day, and it is difficult to say, so in the end, it still needs time to solve everything.

Hearing this, Li Jialei felt a sense of happiness in her heart. At this time, she suddenly thought of Gai Jun's return to the real space where "Niu Shiya" was located, and then she reacted and asked, "By the way, I should have won * that's why I entered this dream world. I remember that you didn't wake up at that time. How did you find me?

"No, I woke up once and found that you fell into a deep sleep, so I took the initiative to enter the dream world. I'm afraid that something will happen to you." Speaking of this, Gaijun looked around and said, "This dream space is very special, completely different from my previous two worlds. My dream world is the same as your previous world. After entering it, I basically forget that I am in the dream world, or I don't know that I am in the dream world.

"But this time, it's completely different." Gaijun was a little worried, "As soon as I entered this world, the world was still nothing. I just vaguely felt your position. Now, the world is full of violent elements, and I can feel a faint danger, and it is getting stronger and stronger. We must leave here as soon as possible.

Hearing Gai Jun's words, Li Jialei immediately woke up. Now is not the time to talk about children's private affairs. In the world of horror films, you may encounter danger at any time, so you must always be vigilant.

"Actually, I'm very curious. Although this horror film is Ghost Street, I haven't seen Fred with my own eyes at all. It's either a man in black or a character in my memory." Speaking of this, Gaijun vaguely remembered that when he was beaten by the group of people, there seemed to be a heavily charred figure who looked extremely similar to Fred.

In this strange dream world, you can see large groups of violent elements mixed with each other, followed by a slight explosion, becoming more violent elements. In this cycle, the sky is like a pool of boiling water, and Gaijun, the frog in the pot, may be cooked at any time.

However, just as the two of them were worried about finding a way out, a huge suction appeared. Gai Jun only felt dizzy. At this moment, he subconsciously grabbed it and touched the ground.

When he suddenly opened his eyes, Gai Jun was surprised to find himself on the bench of the KFC restaurant at the rest station. When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Niu Shiya's expression from worry to surprise: "Captain, you're awake!"

"Where's Li Jialei?" Gai Jun quickly got up, and then a soft body jumped into his arms. He hugged Li Jialei tightly and said, "It's all over. It's all true."

"I'm really afraid. It was just a dream." Li Jialei left Gai Jun's arms. As long as she knew that all this was true, it was the greatest comfort for her, so she didn't want to get tired of him all the time.

Gai Jun smiled and looked at her. He knew all his ideas without communication. He looked at the situation of the team, and now there are only eight newcomers, two boys and six girls. As for the three fools, they are all dead.

"There are 11 people left. Even if everyone survives, none of us will have 4,000 reward points. It's true, hehe." Gai Jun smiled bitterly and then asked, "Niu Shiya, was everything all right before I woke up?"

Niu Shiya is just a 13 or 14-year-old girl. Even though she has been in the world of horror movies for so long, she has always been protected by Gai Jun. Until then, Gai Jun also fell asleep. When she was the only one left to support the whole team, she had countless grievances in her heart.

When Gai Jun's words were asked, the emotions that had been suppressed in Niu Shiya's heart broke out in an instant. Niu Shiya cried out and cried so quickly that she couldn't even speak: "Team... Captain, woo-woo, I've been responsible for... I'm afraid that you won't wake up again!"

"How can it be? How can I leave you?" Gai Jun comforted, but when he thought that he almost died in his dream before, he actually felt a little guilty. "You see, you have also survived alone, which shows that you have also begun to grow up and have a strong person who can take responsibility as the core of the team."

Li Jialei smiled and looked at Gai Jun's safety. She is not a petty woman, and with Gai Jun's previous answer to her, she walked up and said softly, "Now should be the sixth day. We still have a little more than one day left, so how should we arrange it next?"

Gai Jun wiped the tears from Niu Shiya's face and thought for a moment and said, "Although a day in midsummer seems short, it is still very fatal once something happens. By the way, do you know the origin of those people in black before?

This sentence is more about asking Niu Shiya. After all, she is the only old man in the eastern team who has been awake from the beginning to the end of this horror film. She should know some information better than herself.

"I don't know. These people seem to appear suddenly. Once the * in their hands are shot, they will immediately fall into a coma. There is nothing they can do. Yesterday's four newcomers, shortly after falling into a coma... He was ripped open by Fred, and even the body disappeared. Recalling what she saw yesterday, Niu Shiya's face was a little pale. At that time, she was really worried that Gai Jun would do the same and was broken by Fred.

I often walk by the river, but there are no wet shoes. Three times in a row, Gaijun has entered the sleeping space three times, and in China, three is a very magical number, and there is nothing more than three.

"Captain, no matter what, don't fall asleep again, okay?" Niu Shiya understood that her request was a little unreasonable. "No matter who, please don't fall asleep again. I'm really worried!"

Gaijun nodded solemnly and said, "I promise you. Next, let's continue to move towards the city. In short, it's too dangerous to stay here. Who knows if there will be people in black? My mental scanning range is also relatively small, and it's not even as far as their range.

"Captain Gai, there is something I must discuss with you." Suddenly, a faint voice appeared behind Gaijun, which seemed to be Haotian.

Gai Jun looked back and found that Haotian's whole eyes were red and swollen, and his eyes were almost squeezed together, and the blood was dense inside.

He was a little annoyed and asked, "There is still so much refreshing liquid left. Why don't you drink a bottle?"

"I said that I will support this horror film with my own perseverance!" Haotian said firmly.