Infinite King

Chapter 136: Hot

Gai Jun returned to the main god square again, but this time, there was one more person in the main god square, and this person was actually Zhu Ning, a cold-faced woman.

Seeing Gaijun coming out of the room with a disappointed face, I vaguely guessed that Gaijun should be sad because of the girl, so I didn't want to anger Gaijun, or didn't want to talk to Gaijun at this time.

It's just that she exchanged items in the main god space before, choosing two infinite bullets* and an anti-material rifle. The * price of unlimited bullets is 500 bonus points for each, which is very powerful, but the range is short. Another exchange weapon is a rifle designed to destroy military equipment and materials, which has a higher damage effect than a sniper rifle. Anti-materiel rifles generally use large-caliber and high destructive ammunition. Bullets are similar in appearance to sniper rifles, but they are larger in caliber and usually use .50 BMG bullets.

She didn't want to talk to Gaijun, but after seeing the anti-material rifle in her hand, Gaijun accidentally remembered the Gaia energy cannon on her finger. This super expensive high-tech weapon was useless in the last horror film.

Seeing Zhu Ning's intention of leaving, Gai Jun suddenly called her and said, "Wait, your name is Zhu Ning, right?"

Zhu Ning heard Gai Jun calling his name, so he had to look back at Gai Jun and forced a smile, "Yes, Captain Gai. What's the matter?"

Gai Jun pointed to the anti-material rifle in her hand and asked, "Is this an equipment sniper rifle?" How about the power?"

Zhu Ning looked down and then said, "This gun is officially called an anti-material sniper rifle. It generally uses large-caliber and highly destructive ammunition. The bullets are similar in appearance to sniper rifle bullets, but the caliber is large, usually .50BMG bullets are the main targets of the enemy's armored vehicles, aircraft and workers. High-value targets with certain protection capabilities such as bunkers and ships can also be used to kill enemy fighters from a long distance. The equipment sniper rifle you mentioned, and the anti-equipped equipment we generally like to say are actually short for short.

Hearing Zhu Ning's very professional introduction, Gai Jun was a little surprised and then asked, "Do you know much about guns?"

"I grew up in the military dean. I have used many kinds of weapons when I was very young. I once thought of being a female soldier when I grew up." Zhu Ning simply said, "I just know some theoretical knowledge."

Hearing Zhu Ning's perfunctory answer, Gai Jun also lost his interest in continuing to ask and went straight to the main god's light ball, wanting to continue searching for some items that could afford to buy and might wake up Li Jialei.

Seeing that Gai Jun did not intend to continue to communicate with him, Zhu Ning was slightly relieved. Since childhood, she has come into contact with many people, some of whom are very murderous, but most of them are retired officers who are only cruel to the enemy and kind to others. Gaijun gave her the feeling that as long as she didn't care about her, she could kill the cruel character without any psychological pressure, and the murderous spirit on her body was almost materialized.

There are more than a dozen options that can be exchanged over and over, but there is still nothing more suitable. Thinking of this, Gaijun walked to Niu Shiya's room, hoping to get some help from her.

Niu Shiya still has no habit of locking the door. When Gaijun knocked on her door, Niu Shiya's hair was still wet, as if she had washed her hair before.

She awkwardly welcomed Gaijun into her room, then wiped the water stains on her head with the towel in her hand and sat opposite Gaijun and said, "Is there any progress on your side?"

Gai Jun nodded helplessly. This matter is indeed very difficult. The next horror film is a team battle. Without Li Jialei, you may not be able to defeat it, but it is a little difficult to protect Li Jialei during the battle. Moreover, there are eight newcomers.

"Do you really have no way to save Li Jialei?" Gaijun asked tentatively, "Or is there any feasible way? Let me try it?"

Hearing Gai Jun's words, Niu Shiya's ruddy little face became a little lost in an instant. She pretended to straighten her hair and then said, "I know what I have said. There is really no good way."

Aware of Niu Shiya's displeasure, Gai Jun said in an apologetic tone, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I just feel that many things may not be able to be comprehensive. If you come up with me, it may be better."

Hearing Gai Jun's explanation, Niu Shiya's face improved slightly, but she still insisted: "I don't think I can think there is any way. I feel more or less guilty about this matter. I'm afraid that my participation will only make things more complicated."

Gai Jun sighed helplessly. He understood Niu Shiya's current concerns and suddenly realized that many of his actions might inadvertently hurt some people, such as the current incident.

"In that case, I'll go back first. Well, Niu Shiya, I really don't mean anything else. Whether you believe it or not, I completely believe in you. Gai Jun wanted to say that he knew her feelings, and even the purple-haired Niu Shiya did not take action on him, but he didn't say it in the end. The best way to fade a relationship is to avoid mentioning it. Time will be the best medicine.

Stepping into the main god square again, Gaijun suddenly felt very absurd. In just two hours, I have passed this place four times, and the main god square is still so deserted, as if he has always been the only one in the Eastern Reincarnation team, which makes Gaijun feel a little lonely.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped into his room, where there was a person he loved, a woman who needed him to wake up, and a girl who made her feel that the Eastern Reincarnation Team was not just him.

silently opened the door and looked at the luxurious bed. Gaijun's room is according to the configuration of a five-star hotel in the real world. Everything is the most high-end and comfortable furniture, but Li Jialei, who used to lie in **, is actually gone!

Gai Jun was shocked. At this time, a hot body suddenly jumped into his arms. Gai Jun looked down and saw Li Jialei's face blushing, and the purple breath in her eyes had completely faded, but it was shrouded in a faint red.

"Captain, I'm so hot!" Li Jialei said in a crying nasal voice, and then hugged Gaijun tightly like an octopus. "All the energy in the body is burning. It's so hot!"

Then, a hot red lip imprinted Gaijun's lips, and his eyes were facing each other in an instant. *ited instantly. At this moment, Gaijun was like a ** bull, directly throwing Li Jialei into the soft big ** and felt the thick dripping out of her eyes*. At this moment, directly Summoning the karma fire, the clothes on the tiger's body instantly turned into shatter...

This night, the house was full of spring, and the deep roar and ecstasy moans lasted almost all night. It was not until noon the next day that Gai Jun slowly opened his eyes, looked at the messy sheets, rubbed his eyes, and touched Li Jialei, who was shrinking like a kitten in his arms: "Don't pretend, the sleeping person's eyes can It's not as tight as you."

Gai Jun's arm was still around Li Jialei's waist. At this time, he suddenly smiled and slid his hand on her buttocks: "I won't get up and spank again."

After saying this, Li Jialei in his arms suddenly sneered, stretched out her body, put her head against Gai Jun's chest and said, "It's rare to sleep in such a warm lazy sleep, and the atmosphere has been destroyed by you."

Gai Jun brushed her hair, felt her meekness, and suddenly asked, "Why did you suddenly wake up yesterday?"

Li Jialei suddenly felt her mouth and said, "You don't know this, hum!" Seeing Gai Jun's curious eyes, she couldn't bear to continue to sell the secret, so she continued to say, "I can always hear what you said. Knowing what dragon fruit or spiritual fruit you gave me, I felt as if I was going to burn all over, but the purple energy in my mind has been hindered, and then you seemed to be very disappointed. , should have left.

Speaking of this, Li Jialei's face suddenly turned red: "Then the heat that disappeared from my body suddenly became worse. In an instant, I broke the defense line of purple energy and burned all this energy, and then my whole body really wanted to burn up and couldn't wait to jump into the ice water. It's just that I don't have control over your room. There is this fur and furniture everywhere. I've been holding back. When I know you're back, I'll throw myself into your arms.