Infinite King

Chapter 141: Regent

Chapter141: Regent

Faramir (mistaken in the previous chapter, Boromel is dead) hardly doubted the identity of Gaijun and others after seeing Niu Shiya's life energy vines. He firmly believed that a wizard team like Gaijun could not make him happy, so he knew almost nothing about Gaijun.

"Gandalf, a white-robed wizard, defeated Saruman and imprisoned him in Eisengaard. Well, Gandalf should be on his way back to Eisengaard now. Faramir said to Gaijun and others, "These are all my men who have informed me. It has been about a day. As for where they are now, I don't know."

Gai Jun, Niu Shiya, Li Jialei and others looked at each other. They have guessed the progress of the plot until now, which coincides with the beginning of the third part. Then the time for the reincarnation team in the Western Regions to enter the horror film is very ambiguous.

"Your Highness, another group of wizards have returned from overseas before us. I wonder if Your Highness knows their news?" At this time, Li Jialei asked Faramir.

Faramir did not answer directly, but hesitated for a moment until he led the crowd into a magnificent room. After closing the door, he said in a low voice, "Three days ago, eleven very mysterious people suddenly appeared around Gandalf. One of them had a saint more magical than the legendary Elf King. Light can treat very serious injuries, and there is also a formation that can use energy stones to arrange powerful lethality. With their help, Saruman's own army was completely destroyed in almost an hour.

Gaijun's heart was moved, and he suddenly understood why Faramir had asked Gaijun and others to enter the room before saying these words. He should be afraid of being heard. As a newly chosen prince, Faramir is loyal and filial to his father in the movie. Even if Aragon is the son of Alasan, it is impossible for him to seize the country of his father. When the Western Regions reincarnation team appeared, Faramir naturally paid great attention to it.

"To be honest, Your Highness, we actually know those wizards, but there are some contradictions between them. Our purpose and their purpose is to eliminate the evil forces of Mordor and eradicate Sauron from the world. We are here this time to help the regent. Gai Jun looked very calm, but he was overjoyed.

At this time, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, with silver hair. Although he was a little thin and weak compared with Westerners, a very energetic man slowly came in with a rather arrogant look. This was the regent De Nesse.

Faramir saw his father rushing in rashly, and just now, Gaijun said that he wanted to cooperate with his father. He immediately stood up and met De Nesse. While constantly hitting his eyes, he introduced: "Father, this is a wizard who has returned from overseas, his own partners."

De Nesse has been king for a long time, and he is naturally very shrewd. When he saw that he kept looking at him, he immediately reacted and put away his arrogant look, but he didn't know what to do next.

Faramir turned around and said, "Father, this is Mr. Gaijun, a powerful wizard. He is helping us!" Mr. Gaijun, this is my father.

If Dnessy is not a fool, then he should react. He is Faramere's father, and he more or less knows the child's character, and he is not the kind of person who respects anyone. Since he has explained that the people in front of him are here to help him, it must not be groundless, so he immediately changed to a warm expression and said, "Yours, I'm in a hurry. I came here in a hurry. I hope you can forgive me if there is anything wrong with etiquette!"

Gaijun saw the change in Denesai's expression at a glance, but did not expose it. He also stood up and said, "The regent is really energetic and famous than to meet."

Dnesai didn't know what to say at this time, so he could only laugh and wait for someone to resolve the embarrassment.

"People don't tell lies, Your Majesty. The main purpose of our coming to White City today is to help you defeat the Demon Army and help you consolidate your throne. Gaijun said his "purpose" and then waited for De Nesse's reaction.

De Nese looked at Gaijun unexpectedly and wanted to say a few words, such as "I'm actually just a regent", but on second thought, he found that it was a little inappropriate to say this at this time.

"Mr. Gaijun, your name is really rare. I don't know where your hometown is?" Denesse is ready to adopt a curved strategy to save the country, starting with some small topics to find out the origin of Gaijun and others.

"We are from far away overseas. As for our hometown, it is an oriental continent overseas." Gaijun didn't know if there were any Chinese people in the world, so he mentioned it and then said, "Your Majesty, we are here for two purposes this time. The first is to destroy the Mordo army and eradicate Solon. Their appearance has endangered the safety of overseas, so we intervened. Second, we need to kill 11 overseas wizards around Aragon within two days. They violated the rules of overseas wizards and took action against inland wizards.

Gaijun's sentence first shows that his purpose is not only to destroy the Mordo army, but also to destroy the mysterious forces around Aragon. I believe that it is impossible for De Nesse not to be excited. Secondly, he used the illusory rules of overseas wizards to rule out the possibility of Denetse and others to deal with Gandalf.

Sure enough, De Nesse was excited when he heard Gaijun's two purposes. The appearance of Aragon has endangered his position, and the sudden appearance of wizards made De Nesé feel uneasy.

"It is said that the wizards around Aragon are very powerful. I don't know you..." De Nese touched his chin and looked at Faramir at the same time, because he had said before that Gaijun and others were very powerful.

Gai Jun smiled and touched the Gaia energy cannon in his hand quietly. If you want to get the trust of De Nesse as soon as possible, then the Gaia energy cannon is the easiest way.

"Please move to a wide field of vision, and I will show you the most powerful power of wizards!" Gaijun said softly.

Denesse immediately asked Faramir to lead the way, and carefully thought about what Gaijun said about how powerful the wizard's most powerful power was.

Falamir obeyed Denetse's order and led the way in front, but with a little doubt in his heart. If one of Gaijun and others's purpose is to get rid of those wizards, why did they want their dynamics with themselves before and didn't put forward it?

He began to worry vaguely, doubting the real purpose of Gaijun and others.

Niu Shiya followed Gai Jun. She knew that Gai Jun had his own plan at this time and saw the movements in his hand just now. In fact, Niu Shiya's vines, Gai Jun's karma, and at most Li Jialei's mirror skills can already win the trust of Denesai. As for the Gaia energy cannon, Niu Shiya feels that it is too luxurious to waste here.

In addition to Denerset, the newlyweds also want to know what the power in Gaijun's mouth is, so everyone couldn't help speeding up their pace. In just ten minutes, Faramir took the crowd to the edge of the castle. From here, you can clearly see the road leading to Mordor in front of the White City.

"Then, please witness the greatest power of this era." Gai Jun laughed loudly, and the wings behind him suddenly spread out, and his right foot flew out one by one, which had surprised Denessé.

Gaijun slowly flew to the air 100 meters away from the White City, and then burned a lot of karma fire all over his body. In his hand, he summoned Suhong out, pointed to the ground in the direction of Mordo, and then launched the Gaia energy cannon.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, and all people only felt that a large amount of unknown energy in the surrounding air gathered towards Gaijun. From his direction, a frightening and terrible force is condensing.

Gaijun's Suhong was about to hit the ground. At this time, Gaijun roared, and the Gaia energy cannon in his hand emitted a dazzling white light, and then a thick white light suddenly hit in the direction of Suhong. At this moment, the world was dark, and everyone couldn't help covering their eyes with their hands.

For a long time, De Nese moved his palm and looked at the previous ground again. He saw a deep ditch with a diameter of 500 meters diagonally into the ground, and a large amount of scarlet magma kept gushing out.
