
Chapter 7 He is hope

In the silent forest, a bright light moved rapidly in the forest, and two dark shadows followed closely behind the light.

Duan Peng's breathing was a little disordered, and there were fine sweat on his forehead, but now he can't care about these. He can only stare at the figure in front of him. There is nothing he can do. The woods in the night is too dark. Once the distance between him and Zhong Xi is more than five meters, Zhong Xi's figure and the tree shadow next to him seem to be Mixed into a ball, he trembled desperately in his eyes, making it impossible for him to distinguish the direction to go.

It has been two hours after following Zhong Xi. After these two hours, Duan Peng knew how powerful the two eldest brothers were. At the beginning of the journey, Duan Peng found that Zhong Xi was different from him. The light of the energy lamp in Zhong Xi's hand was adjusted to divergent by him. When choosing the road, Zhong Xi had almost no Any pause is as if the whole route has already been marked in his mind. Occasionally, when he encounters a complex route, he just slows down his pace slightly and then begins to move on.

As for Zhong Li, Duan Peng didn't see what was extraordinary about Zhong Li at the beginning, but after a while, Duan Peng found the difference between Zhong Li. Zhong Li pressed at the end of the team, about five meters away from Duan Peng, but whether Duan Peng's speed is fast or low, Zhong Li seems to maintain the same rhythm as him. The distance between him and Zhong Li seems to have been about five meters and has never changed. What's worse, Duan Peng has never heard him at all. The sound of breathing, whether rapid or stable.

Continuing for a while, Duan Peng felt that his legs were like lead, and his throat was also smoky. Every time he breathed in and out of the gas brought him a tingling pain. The sweat on his head flowed into his eyes before he could wipe it, and his vision became blurred. Zhong Xi's figure became more in Duan Peng's eyes. Duan Peng felt as if he would lose Zhong Xi's figure at any time.

"Stop!" A crisp sound popped out of Zhong Xi's mouth at the front, "Half an hour's rest!"

As soon as he heard the rest, Duan Peng only felt soft all over. This sentence seemed to be the best natural sound he had ever heard in his life. He supported his knees, and big beads of sweat dripped from his head, opening his mouth desperately pouring air into his lungs.

Zhong Li walked to Zhong Xi's side and showed an inquiring look, but Zhong Xi didn't seem to see Zhong Li's movements. He just frowned and stood quietly and looked at Duan Peng without saying anything.

"Brother!" Zhong Li didn't understand what Zhong Xi was going to do. He just wanted to ask, but Zhong Xi waved to him and went straight to one side and sat down.

Needless to say, Zhong Li also knows his eldest brother's attitude, but he can't figure it out. He is about to fight, but Zhong Xi consumed Duan Peng's physical strength at this time. Although Duan Peng may not help in the next battle, one more person will always have more strength. Zhong Li stared at Zhong Xi for a while and He turned his head to look at Duan Peng, who was holding his legs and breathing hard. He shook his head and walked to Duan Peng's side. He patted Duan Peng's back and asked, "How's it going?"

Duan Peng opened his eyes and turned his head. He only felt that both eyes seemed to jump out of his eyes. He opened his mouth to answer Zhong Xi's question, but his breathing had not been adjusted. In addition, his mouth was dry. After opening his mouth for a long time, he could not jump out a word. Finally, he could only lower his head and shake it gently.

"Xiao Peng, breathe with my rhythm." Looking at Duan Peng's uncomfortable appearance, Zhong Li didn't care whether Zhong Xi had any plans or not, so he said directly.

Zhong Xi, who sat not far away and closed his eyes, opened his eyes and took a look at Zhong Li, and then closed his eyes again.

"exhale" and "suhale" and breathe with Zhong Li's rhythm. Not long after, the breathing calmed down, and the feeling of dizziness also eased a lot, but his legs were still a little sore and swollen. Duan Peng swallowed his throat. Unfortunately, there was no saliva in his mouth and his throat was not moistened. A bitter smile appeared on Duan Peng's face. "Thank you, Brother Li!"

Zhong Li patted Duan Peng on the shoulder and motioned Duan Peng to sit down. After Duan Peng sat down, he grabbed Duan Peng's leg and put it on his leg. First, he frowned and pressed Duan Peng's calf a few times, and then began to rub it.

Every time Zhong Li's palm touches his calf, Duan Peng couldn't help shouting out. Every time Zhong Li rubbed it, it would send him a feeling of soreness mixed with crispness from his calf.

Zhong Xi's ears, not far away, gently shook twice, but did not open his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing his first smile after the accident.

"Okay! Time is up, let's move on!" Duan Peng's leg had just regained consciousness under Zhong Li's massage, and Zhong Xi stood up and walked to them and said.

Duan Peng shouted 'life' and got up from the ground with difficulty, but Zhong Li said nothing. He stood up and walked aside and was ready to set off.

Another sprint. When Duan Peng thought he was about to stand it, Zhong Xi stopped, "This time we will rest for two hours and leave until dawn!" After giving the order, Zhong Xi went straight to one side and sat down without saying much.

Duan Peng is more unbearable than last time. His legs are trembling slightly, and his whole body seems to have signs of falling down at any time.

Zhong Li frowned and looked at Zhong Xi. He walked to Zhong Xi and said, "Brother, I have something to say to you." After saying that, Zhong Li walked towards the night.

Zhong Xi frowned. He knew that his brother's stubbornness was offended again. If he didn't give him an explanation, he could not continue like this. Zhong Xi took a look at Duan Peng and followed Zhong Li into the night.

"Brother! What the hell are you going to do? If it goes on like this, I'm afraid Xiaopeng can't support it without waiting for the robot!" Although Zhong Li tried his best to lower his voice, he could tell his anger just from his tone. Usually, he didn't dare to talk to Zhong Xi like this.

"What do you think of our result this time?" Zhong Xi sighed, but did not answer Zhong Li's question, but asked rhetorically.

Zhong Li was stunned. He was a little confused. Obviously, he asked about Duan Peng. Why did his brother ask about his views on this action? However, Zhong Li did not dare to neglect him. His brother is not only powerful, but also has excellent intelligence. He never asked anything irrelevant things in the village. There are people with higher force value than Zhong Xi, but they are not opponents of Zhong Xi. Zhong Li thought carefully and said, "There is no hope!"

"Yes! There is no hope!" Zhong Xi nodded gently and looked at Duan Peng's direction. Although he could not see Duan Peng's figure, his eyes seemed to have crossed the darkness and fell directly on Duan Peng. "I have already lost the courage to fight, but I seem to see hope when I see this boy. He is better than me!"

"He?" Zhong Li curled his lips disdainfully. Although he had a lot of protection for Duan Peng, it did not mean that he thought Duan Peng was their hope.

"Let's go back! He may recover in a little while!" Zhong Xi saw that Zhong Li did not agree with his statement, but he didn't want to say anything more. If he didn't see the end of some things, no one could predict the final result.

Without waiting for Zhong Li to reply, Zhong Xi took the lead and walked back. As soon as his eyes fell on Duan Peng's body, Zhong Xi's eyes showed surprise. Yes, he was surprised. Duan Peng's breath was already breathing well and was sitting on the ground grinning and rubbing his calf belly, but Zhong Xi didn't say much, just aimed at Duan Peng nodded and walked aside and began to close his eyes to refresh his mind.

"Brother! You haven't answered me yet?" As soon as Zhong Xi sat down, Zhong Li hurriedly chased after him. When his eyes fell on Duan Peng, his eyes widened. Duan Peng's second performance was much more embarrassed than the first time, but unexpectedly, Duan Peng had recovered in the short minutes of their conversation.

Seeing Zhong Li, Duan Peng grinned at Zhong Li, and then lowered his head and continued to grin and rub his calf.

Zhong Li looked at Duan Peng thoughtfully, turned his head and looked at Zhong Xi, who closed his eyes, and then walked aside and sat down.

Time passed quickly, and it didn't take long for dawn. At least Duan Peng felt so. He felt as if he had just fallen asleep and was called by Zhong Xi. Although it was very difficult, Duan Peng still got up from the ground and stood behind Zhong Xi.

"Xiao Peng, you lead the way!" Zhong Xi looked at Duan Peng and said lightly.

"Me? Leading the way?" Duan Peng stared into Zhong Xi's eyes, doubting whether he had heard it wrong.

Seeing Zhong Xi nodded, Duan Peng confirmed that he had heard it correctly, but his heart was a little weak. He swallowed his saliva. Duan Peng walked to the front and began to carefully distinguish the traces left by the robot.

"Does such obvious traces need to be seen so carefully?" Zhong Xi's harsh voice sounded behind Duan Peng, "You just need to identify the direction and don't go back!"


Duan Peng ran in front with his team, but not long after, Duan Peng's breathing became disordered. Zhong Xi followed him, which brought him too much pressure.

"Four steps, one breath, three steps, one suction, adjust your own rhythm!" Zhong Xi's voice sounded behind him.

Following Zhong Xi's request, Duan Peng deliberately controlled his breathing rhythm and soon entered a stable state. A smile appeared on Duan Peng's face, which turned out to be not so difficult.

"Idiot! Keep an eye on the road!" Just a trace of joy, Zhong Xi's scolding sounded behind him again.

Along the traces left by the robot, Duan Peng ran more and more easily. He never thought that he could run for such a long time, but thanks to Zhong Xi's continuous guidance all the way, Zhong Xi not only taught him how to adjust his breathing, but also explained to him how to exert strength in his legs during running to save more physical strength. And every time he encounters indistinguishable traces, Zhong Xi will also explain to him how to distinguish what traces are left.

Later, he can almost do the same as Zhong Xi. He can distinguish the direction of travel by scanning in a hurry. Even if it is a relatively difficult trace, he can still distinguish it by slowing down a little.


Children's shoes, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, future flowers! Although there are only ten clicks after publishing every day, I am still very satisfied. After all, it is a new book, but can you give me some advice? Or does everyone think that I am well written and have no objection? xiing~~

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