
Chapter 11 I'll come too

"You?" Zhong Xi's nose again, without looking at Zhong Li's angry face, said to himself, "Your force is strong, but how much do you think you can lead away?"

Zhong Li's face turned blue, and his hands holding the iron gun trembled more violently. His whole face turned red, his teeth clenched tightly, and the blue veins on his neck also protrud out, beating with his anger.

Duan Peng looked at the two big brothers. He didn't know why Zhong Xi stimulated Zhong Li so much at this time, but he was worried that Zhong Li would not be able to control his anger. You know, Zhong Li was originally a straightforward temper.

In the face of Zhong Li's anger, Zhong Xi didn't seem to see it. He paused and continued to say, "Okay! Even if you can lead most of the robots, ask yourself how long you can hold back these robots? You should know that it is not the purpose to lead away, and it is the key to delay it!"

"But isn't there nothing we can do? I think I can try it." Zhong Li's voice became lower and lower. In the end, he could hardly hear his voice clearly, and his whole body seemed to be pulled down by the strength of his whole body. There are only three people in total. If the plan fails and one or two more people are damaged, there is no need to think about the rescue later.

Duan Peng turned his head and looked at his parents in the camp. There was a tingling in his heart. His heart was already confused and he couldn't think of anything at all. Zhong Xi and Zhong Li also lowered their heads and didn't want to talk. Any strategy was so pale and weak in front of the absolute power.

"I'll go!" Zhong Xi suddenly sighed and said.

"No!" Zhong Li and Duan Peng said at the same time.

Why not? I can lead away more robots than you, and I can hold them for a longer time!"

"Brother Xi, it doesn't work! You have attracted more robots, which means that you are facing greater danger, not to mention that you have to drag these robots. Also, if you go, what should we do? Everything that can't save people is in vain!" Duan Peng eagerly retorted that he proposed this plan just to make a bet, but he didn't want to take Zhong Xi to fight. They couldn't afford to lose.

Although Duan Peng's words were a little hurtful, Zhong Li did not refute. He knew the gap between him and his eldest brother Zhong Xi. Even if there were only a few robots left, he was not confident that he could save people.

"Your main purpose is to save people, not to fight with robots. Besides, there are people inside. As long as you work with each other, you are not completely free." Zhong Xi looked at the direction of the camp, looked at it for a while, and then withdrew his eyes. "That's it. I'll go to the side of the camp and start again."

"Brother Xi..."

"Big brother..."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. In fact, as long as there are no scruples, several people in the circle will be fine!" Zhong Xi smiled, but with the shaking of the firelight, Zhong Xi's smile looked extremely desolate. Pay attention to observation and seize the opportunity!" After another warning, Zhong Xi walked towards the darkness.

Zhong Xi walked quickly. After a few times, his body melted into the darkness and could no longer be seen. Zhong Li and Duan Peng looked at the direction in which Zhong Xi left. Duan Peng didn't expect that his suggestion finally turned into such a result. After staring at each other for a long time, the two looked at each other as if they remembered something, but After that, they all looked back at the direction of the camp.

Although he looked at the direction of the camp, the scene in his eyes did not enter Duan Peng's heart. Even his parents imprisoned in the center of the camp were blinded by him at this moment. Duan Peng was extremely worried. Zhong Xi took on the task of attracting the enemy, so there was only one of them left. The road is feasible, that is, you can only win but not lose.

"Don't think about it, it's useless to think about it again!" Zhong Li touched Duan Peng's arm, and he saw that Duan Peng was a little absent-minded.

Duan Peng looked back blankly and looked at Zhong Li for a while. It was not until Zhong Li impatiently reached out to wake him up before his eyes returned to Qingming. I'm sorry!" Duan Peng even sued, and Zhong Xi has gone. Now the most important thing is not to let Zhong Xi's sacrifice become meaningless, but he was stunned at such an important moment.

Shaking his head, Duan Peng stretched out his hand and pinched it twice on his thigh, which brought pain to his thigh, which immediately made Duan Peng take two breaths of cold air.


Zhong Xi's pace is very fast. Now no one follows him anymore, and he no longer has to care whether the people behind him can keep up with him. Although the night is dark, it does not bring much inconvenience to people like him who often live in the woodland, not to mention that the robot's camp has flashing fire from time to time. With just a few breaths, Zhong Xi has already run a quarter of the circle around the camp, and the scheduled goal has been half completed by him.

Suddenly, Zhong Xi's ears trembled and his footsteps stopped. He immediately shrank into the shadow of a big tree. He clung to the trunk, but his ears kept shaking.

Sure enough, Zhong Xi just stood up, and the two robots slid over. They stopped at the place where Zhong Xi had just stood and looked around, and there was only a tree between them.

Hearing the movement of the two robots, Zhong Xi was a little annoyed. At a moment, he had to carry out almost a lifeless plan, which made his mood a little disordered, so that he could not control his movements to the extreme. In addition, the smooth sailing in front of him made him a little careless. He didn't expect it to be like this. The result.


The two robots suddenly left their patrol route and slid in the direction of Zhong Xi's movement. Duan Peng and Zhong Li's hearts suddenly pulled up. They didn't know what had happened. The two looked at each other and read panic in each other's eyes, but the two of them could do nothing and could only pin their hopes on Zhong Xi's body.

One minute...two minutes...The woods at night were very quiet, which made Zhong Li and Duan Peng feel unbearable. Duan Peng only felt that his heart was about to jump out, but all he could do was to wait. Duan Peng kept comfort himself in his heart. Don't worry. Brother Xi is the best. He said without sound. It's okay.


The robot stood still with an energy gun and kept turning its head to observe the movement around it. From time to time, green light flashed from its electronic eyes. After a few minutes, a small red light flashed twice in their ears, and the two robots retreated.

Zhong Xi leaned against the tree with his eyes closed, and his sweat had soaked through his whole body. Unexpectedly, he had been reminding Duan Peng that 'the more dangerous it is, the calmer he should be' now used for himself.

took two breaths and shook his head gently. Zhong Xi suddenly laughed at himself. He was the most powerful person in the village and the idol of almost all the children in the village. He didn't expect that he would not be as ordinary people when he was about to face danger.

However, since I know the heart knot, I naturally know how to adjust it for people who are experienced in fighting like Zhong Xi. After taking two deep breaths and giving herself some hints in his heart, Zhong Xi felt that his mentality seemed to be much more normal, and then gently turned his head, and his ears began to tremble again to collect the sound from the camp.


Zhong Li and Duan Peng kept looking at the direction of the robot's disappearance until the robot appeared again. The two of them exhaled at the same time. In the quiet night, they were shocked by the loud voice. The two hurriedly looked in the direction of the camp. Fortunately, there was almost no reaction in the camp, and the two relaxed at the same time. He looked at the other party, but found that the other party had the same reaction as himself, and an awkward smile appeared on their faces at the same time.


Duan Peng's attention to Zhong Xi did not know. He was paying attention to the direction of the camp, but it was strange that there was no movement in the camp, and even the two robots seemed to stop after going out.

"Damn! When did the robot become so smart!" With a fierce slander in his heart, Zhong Xi slowly leaned against the big tree, let the big tree support his body, and sweat kept coming out of his forehead. The present situation made him calm down again. He didn't know what was going on outside, let alone what to do next.

Several times, Zhong Xi's head showed signs of protrude out, but every time he just moved a little, he twisted back. "Don't worry! Don't worry!" Zhong Xi whispered, "If I don't start, Xiaopeng, they won't come out!"

I don't know how long it took. Just as Zhong Xi thought he was about to endure to the limit, the sound of the robot stepping on the leaves as it moved suddenly sounded. Although the sound was very light, it was like the sound of nature in Zhong Xi's ears.

Zhong Xi exhaled a long breath and broke out in a cold sweat. It turned out that the robot really became smart. The departure at the beginning was just an illusion, and the ultimate purpose was just to lure him out. Thinking of this, Zhong Xi couldn't help but have some doubts about the plan. Is it possible to succeed in the face of such a group of robots?

Zhong Xi shook his head fiercely twice, as if he wanted to throw these doubts out of his mind.

After a break, Zhong Xi turned his head and continued to pay attention to the sound outside. This time, it was no longer fake, and the footsteps slowly walked into the distance. A wry smile appeared at the corners of Zhong Xi's mouth. He didn't expect the robot to be so difficult to deal with, which made him have a cup of bow and snake shadow.

took two breaths, and Zhong Xi quickly rushed out from behind the hidden tree. This time, his movements were smaller, and his body stayed in the light for a shorter time. He almost exerted his potential to the extreme. Not to mention that the robot did not pay attention, I'm afraid that even if they knew it, they might not be able to see it.

Without any accident this time, Zhong Xi quickly moved to the predetermined place and looked at the direction of the camp. Zhong Xi slowly lowered his head, stretched out his hand and took out a cotton handkerchief from his arms, stroked his lover's skin, and gently wiped his handkerchief on his weapon. After wiping the weapon, he carefully cleaned up the sweat stains on his hand. Finally, he carefully folded the handkerchief and put it back in his arms.

After all this, Zhong Xi seemed to be a different person, and the whole momentum changed completely. Looking at the camp, his eyes showed firm eyes. When the momentum reached its peak, Zhong Xi suddenly shouted: "I'll do it!" The whole person rushed out in the direction of the camp like a cannonball.


Brick artist identification: After identification - the book friend is determined and can completely defend against the author's sweet words, sugar-coated cannonballs, and even threats. Please take care of yourself! Identification completed! The bricklayer on January 15