
Chapter 1 Training

It has been more than half a month since the last battle. With the passage of time, the traces of the battlefield have faded a lot, and even three small tents have been added to the abandoned village.

Duan Peng ran back from outside the village, his head covered with sweat. He had just finished the morning exercise, "Brother Xi! What are we going to practice today? Duan Peng said while wiping the sweat on his head.

"Xiaopeng, there should also be tension and relaxation in training, or we will take a day off today!"

Because he lost his parents, Duan Peng has been tossing himself like crazy for the past half a month. The daily training is full, but he has less than 4 hours to sleep. Even Zhong Xi feels sad when he sees it.

"Brother Xi, it's okay! I can hold on!" Although his face was full of smiles, anyone could see that Duan Peng's smile was very pale.

Zhong Xi shook his head and sighed, "All right! Go to dinner and rest for a while, and come back to me later!"

Duan Peng nodded and left, but it wasn't long before he ran back. Zhong Xi looked up at Duan Peng in surprise and saw that Duan Peng was holding two pieces of dried meat in his hand, and there were still soup stains on the corners of his mouth.

Zhong Xi's eyebrows frowned in an instant, and his face turned blue, "Duan Peng! Do you know what you are doing?

This is the first time that Zhong Xi did not call Xiaopeng, but directly shouted Duan Peng. Duan Peng was suddenly stared on the spot and forgot to continue chewing.

Although Duan Peng looked pitiful, Zhong Xi was not soft-hearted about it. He continued to scold him seriously: "Do you know that this is overdraw your life? Yes, you got the score in a short time, but how long can you keep this score until you save your uncle and aunt? Speaking of this, Zhong Xi stopped for a moment, waved to Duan Peng, and continued, "You go back to have a good meal first, and come back after a rest."

Looking at Duan Peng's obedient departure, Zhong Xi couldn't help smiling at the corners of his mouth. In fact, he doesn't want to reprimand Duan Peng. One is afraid of hurting Duan Peng's enthusiasm, and the other is really unbearable, because this is the only way Duan Peng can relieve the pain in his heart. But now he can't help it. He can't see such a good seedling destroyed in his own hands.

Although he was severely criticized by Zhong Xi, Duan Peng could not rest for too long, but after about ten minutes, Duan Peng ran back, but this time he paid a lot of attention to it. The soup stains on the corners of his mouth had been wiped, and even his hands were simply cleaned.

"Brother Xi, I have a good rest!" Although he did not look directly into Zhong Xi's eyes, Duan Peng's words did not mean any hesitation.

Zhong Xi sighed and had to admit that after a life-and-death battle, Duan Peng grew up. Although he would still listen to him, he would add some of his own understanding while being obedient, "Okay! Xiaopeng, let's change our mind today. You come to teach me!"

"Why is this arrangement? Brother Xi, do you think I didn't have a good rest, that's why I arranged this? Duan Peng's voice was full of surprise and even anger. He paused and continued to say, "Brother Xi! Don't do this. I know my body. Don't worry, I can really stick to it!"

Zhong Xi patted Duan Peng on the shoulder and motioned him not to be impatient. "Xiao Peng, to be honest, there are some reasons for this arrangement, but most of the reasons are still because of them." With that, Zhong Xi's hand pointed to the side. The three mechas are exactly three mechas. Although they look shabby and seem to have the possibility of falling down at any time, no one can deny that this is mecha. "Because you have done them, even if there is nothing today, I will arrange you to give me a lesson, but not This course will not be scheduled for today.

Duan Peng's face suddenly blushed, and he was still a little embarrassed to be praised in person like this: "Actually, this is nothing. I'm just doing the assembly."

Zhong Xi looked at Duan Peng and smiled and said nothing more. That being said, but how many people can assemble the mecha, at least he doesn't have the ability, let alone find the right parts in the scrapped robots and mecha, and then assemble them into mecha.

Duan Pengshan scratched his head with a smile. He was really a little uncomfortable with Zhong Xi's approval.

Not only Zhong Xi, but Zhong Li also rushed over after finishing his work. The two listened to Duan Peng explaining the knowledge of mecha like students and listened very carefully. However, Duan Peng is really not a good teacher. In the middle of the conversation, he suddenly thought of a problem that he usually didn't notice, and then he got into the mecha and began to be busy. When he finished busy, he found that there were still two people outside listening to his lectures.

But fortunately, Zhong Xi is also a mecha warrior. Whenever Duan Peng forgets the existence of the two of them, Zhong Xi will take Zhong Li to the mecha and slowly teach Zhong Li the experience of operation.


The mecha is flying in the forest. After listening to Duan Peng explain the mecha knowledge all morning, Zhong Xi suddenly felt that he had also improved a lot in the operation level of the mecha.

Duan Peng's mecha closely followed Zhong Xi. Although his movements were not as smooth as Zhong Xi's, he could barely keep up with Zhong Xi's pace.

Zhong Li at the end of the team can't do it. He is just a novice. In addition, the two mecha assembled in the back are not as good as the one assembled in front of Duan Peng, and there is not even a display screen showing the sight of the mecha in the cockpit. He didn't see the branch and hit his head again. Although the branch in front of Zhong Li was broken by him, the body of the mecha was also hit and fell to the ground.

Zhong Xi and Duan Peng in front of them ran back quickly, took a look at Zhong Li, who lay on the ground and refused to move, and asked, "Xiao Li! It's okay!"

Zhong Li hummed twice in the mecha to show that he was still alive. There is nothing we can do, because the robot does not need buffer, so the mecha assembled by Duan Peng still adheres to his usual style. Without buffer, it can only rely on the driver's body to resist.

After humming for a long time, Zhong Li got up from the ground. As soon as he got up, Zhong Li couldn't help complaining, "Xiaopeng, can you install a mecha perspective? It's really difficult to manipulate!"

"If you are stupid, you are stupid. What kind of mecha perspective!" Zhong Xi sarcastically without mercy.

Duan Peng felt a little guilty and quickly said, "Brother Li is just a novice. It's more difficult to manipulate without a mecha perspective." After saying that, he turned around and said to Zhong Li, "Brother Li, I will look for it again after I go back. There should be no problem."

Zhong Xi was a little impatient and waved his hand to greet everyone to leave. Suddenly, the sound of metal impact sounded not far from them, and the sound was getting closer and closer.

Without instructions, the three immediately manipulated the mecha and ran in the direction of the sound. When they were still about 50 meters away from the two sides at war, the three stopped. It turned out that a group of about 12 robots that had never seen before were besieging a mecha. The mecha tried to break through the robot several times, but it failed.

Fortunately, the robots seem to have decided to win, so they didn't take out any heavy weapons, but attacked the body of the mecha with metal claws.

However, that's it. According to Duan Peng's eyesight, this mecha doesn't seem to last long. Brother Xi! Shall we take action?"

The mecha can't support it. Even Duan Peng can see it. Of course, it can't escape Zhong Xi's eyes. However, Zhong Xi is still a little hesitant. At present, these robots have not yet dispatched weapons. In case they appear, the robots immediately dispatched weapons, this mecha will still not be preserved. Moreover, even if they attack, it may not be a steady victory. At least, it is better for Zhong Li to let him go out to fight with the mecha now than to rush directly with his weapon.

"Brother Xi!" Duan Peng looked at Zhong Xi in silence and couldn't help shouting again. The movement of the surrounded mecha became a little slower, and even the cockpit of the mecha was a little deformed. If he didn't take action, it would be too late.

"All right!" Zhong Xi finally nodded.

As soon as Zhong Xi's words fell, Duan Peng's mecha slipped out, and Zhong Li's mecha also ran at the moment of Duan Peng's movement. Obviously, both of them are planning to save people from the bottom of their hearts and are ready to take action at any time.

The distance of 50 meters is only a momentary thing for the mecha, almost a blink of an eye. Duan Peng has appeared in the scope of war between the two sides.

The besieged mecha saw reinforcements. Although it was only an extremely broken mecha, it was like a shot of stimulant, and the movement of his hand accelerated a little. The besieged robot was also shocked, but it was just the moment when Duan Peng appeared and slowed down. Then, they just separated two units to meet Duan Peng, and then began to attack the mecha.

"Kill!" With a roar, another mecha jumped out from behind Duan Peng. It was Zhong Li. After all, he was still a novice. Zhong Li's speed was much slower than Duan Peng's, but his momentum on the stage was stronger than Duan Peng's. Zhong Li's mecha almost crossed Duan Peng's head and hit the battlefield like a meteorite.

During the whole process, he also broke two branches that blocked his body. When he reached the top of the robot's head, he had completely lost control of the mecha. Compared with the robot, the huge body of the mecha hit them fiercely and hardly responded. The four robots were directly smashed and flew away. I went out and couldn't get up for a long time.

Of course, Zhong Li's mecha is the same. He couldn't get up for a long time, and could only hear Zhong Li's painful hum in the mecha.


Today is Valentine's Day. I wish everyone a happy holiday! It doesn't matter if you are a bachelor. I hope you go out and pick up your other half! Haha! Come on!

The code of this chapter is not smooth. One is to enter the next chapter. The link of the plot, and the second is the click I saw, which is really miserable. By this time today, my week is less than 40, that is to say, these two days... Alas, let's not talk about it, I really hope you have any comments. He told me that this is for me... I can't afford it... Come on!