
Chapter 34 SD57

Looking at Duan Peng's figure gradually moving away, Li Tong also slowly settled down. His physical strength is really unbearable, and his internal injury is still faintly painful. As Duan Peng said, even if he is asked to run away with the robot, he will not be able to run far. If Duan Peng sees him arrested, Duan Peng's personality will definitely not help jumping out. At that time, he will become a burden again. If you listen to Duan Peng's words, wait here honestly.

However, Li Tong also made a secret decision in his heart. If Duan Peng failed to escape, he would never go back alone.

Not long after Duan Peng left, a dark shadow rushed over from the forest. He was a little more than one meter tall, with a streamlined body, and four feet on the ground. He was in the forest, but he was walking on the flat ground. His body soared into the air and could actually make a movement to change the route. Every time he took off, his body would run forward. A distance of four to five meters.

SD57 leopard-shaped robot beast, Li Tong almost shouted in surprise. As soon as he saw the dark shadow appear, Li Tong thought it was a beast in the forest. It was until the shadow stayed under the big tree and his body glowed with a dark metallic luster. Li Tong found that it was another machine beast.

SD57 lowered his head and sniffed back and forth among the thorns next to the tree, as if he had found Duan Peng's calculation.

And Li Tong looked at SD57 on the tree and almost couldn't help jumping off the tree several times. He has been with Duan Peng for two or three days, and he also has a basic understanding of Duan Peng's ability. If it is only SD56, Li Tong believes that he can completely escape at Duan Peng's speed, but now the situation has changed again, and SD57 appears in front of him. Without the mecha, Li Tong felt that no one could be faster than the robot beast in front of him.

What should I do? Li Tong on the tree was hesitant, and it was difficult for him to choose whether to jump or not. Jumping may disrupt Duan Peng's plan and not jump. Li Tong is afraid that after SD57 catches up with Duan Peng, Duan Peng's stubbornness will be hurt.

However, before Li Tong made a decision, the following SD57 seemed to have made a judgment. He retreated only gently, and his body quickly chased in the direction of Duan Peng's departure.

Looking at the departure of SD57, Li Tong also took a long breath. SD57 has made a decision for him, as if to comfort himself or to strengthen his determination. Li Tong's eyes condensed in the direction where Duan Peng left and whispered, "Xiao Peng, I will wait for you here. If you fail I will never go back alone!" After saying that, Li Tong's eyes became firm again.

In less than a quarter of an hour, two more robot beasts appeared in Li Tong's sight. SD56, passing through the big tree where Li Tong was located, did not stop, and directly chased in the direction of SD57.

This scene still fell into Li Tong's eyes on the tree, but this time Li Tong did not hesitate, and his eyes still showed a firm look, but the hand holding the branch was gripped tighter.


After walking about two kilometers, Duan Peng stopped. It's not that he doesn't want to walk, but that he can't walk. In the process of running, he will constantly consume his physical strength, while the robot only consumes energy. He will not be the opponent of the robot. Even if he marched here, he just wanted to avoid Li Tong's sight.

walked to the thorns on one side and found some beasts and grass. Duan Peng gently crushed these beasts and scattered them near the route he had walked, and then went to the back of a big tree and sat down.

Slowly sorting out the wounds on his body. Although it is only some skin injuries, there will be a big war next. Duan Peng must ensure that his body is in the best condition.

As if returning to the moment when the first hunt was waiting for the pig to appear, Duan Peng's heart slowly integrated into the forest, as if he could feel the breathing of every tree, every thorn, and even every grass in the forest. Suddenly, Duan Peng held an iron bar and stood up against the big tree.

Quietly, Duan Peng poked his head out from behind the tree. A black figure with a black streamer was quickly running in his direction. However, when he saw the appearance of the figure, the iron bar in Duan Peng's hand couldn't help tightened.

You don't need to think much about Duan Peng to know that this is a robot beast. As he said, the beast grass is almost something that all beasts in the forest hate, and the route he has walked has such a smell everywhere. Except for the robot beast, it can't be anything else, but without the guidance of a master, Duan Peng doesn't know what's in front of him. What is the model of the robot beast?

Seeing the appearance of the robot beast, Duan Peng was also relieved. There was nothing wrong with Li Tong. Although Li Tong has been placed, Li Tong is a person with his own thinking after all, and Duan Peng is not 100% sure about his calculations.

The robot beast stopped at the place where Duan Peng sprinkled the beast with grass debris. Because it stopped too quickly, the leaves on the ground were fluttered around by its four claws. Even at that moment, the light in the woods dimmed a little.

SD57 stopped, first looked around in the forest, and then lowered his head to carefully distinguish the smell of the grass.

Duan Peng gently pulled the corners of his mouth behind the tree, and this is what he wants from the grass, but he still has to wait for an opportunity for the robot beast to get closer.

seemed to distinguish it. Before long, SD57 began to move its footsteps and slowly walked towards the tree hidden by Duan Peng, but its footsteps were not too firm. Every few steps, SD57 would look back at the place full of beasts and grass.

Scan! It is only about two meters away from the big tree, and SD57 has turned its metal head again. After so much arrangement, Duan Peng will not miss such an opportunity. Almost at the moment when SD57 turned his head, Duan Peng's figure flashed out from behind the tree, and the iron bar in his hand also waved fiercely in front of him at this moment.

It is worthy of being a combat machine beast. Almost at the same time as Duan Peng dodged, SD57's legs have made movements, and the body also has a tendency to fly away.

It's just that Duan Peng used a stick. One of the characteristics of the stick is that it has a large attack range. When there was a loud noise, the iron bar was smashed into an arc by Duan Peng at this moment, and the SD57's not large metal body was smashed out in an instant. SD57's body hit a big tree more than three meters away, and the skin of the big tree was rubbed down by its metal body.

However, this level of attack is nothing to SD57, not even tickling. Even if its whole body is flatten, as long as it does not attack its core, it can still fight. While still falling, SD57 twisted gently, and its falling body immediately turned four feet down. As long as its limbs hit the ground, it could immediately fight back.

However, Duan Peng will not give SD57 this opportunity. In the past, when I watched the battle between Zhong Xi and robots, I also used sticks, split! It can smash the robot's metal head; poke! It can penetrate the robot's breastplate. After exercising for so long, Duan Peng thought that he could do it, but after the battle with SD56 in the morning, Duan Peng knew how big the gap between him and Zhong Xi was, so as long as he had an advantage, he would never let go of this advantage again, not to mention the current situation he worked hard to create, even The hidden trees were carefully selected by him.

At the moment when Duan Peng's stick smashed SD57's body, his footsteps had already chased the SD57's body. Before the SD57's body landed and his limbs did not borrow strength, the iron bar in Duan Peng's hand quickly poked at the electronic eye of SD57.

It is inevitable that the central chip of SD57 has helped it calculate everything, but it has not calculated that Duan Peng will keep up, and it will keep up so fast. Seeing that the iron stick stick is getting bigger and bigger in its eyes, a trace of despair seems to flash in its electronic eyes.

The 'kacha' stick was fiercely inserted into SD57's brain through the electronic eye, and then against the tree behind SD57. Duan Peng's hand, which was suddenly resisted, had a layer of skin, but Duan Peng did not and could not relax. He resisted the pain from his hand. The stick in Duan Peng's hand twisted again. .' I only heard a slight explosion from SD57's brain, and SD57's body finally stopped struggling.

I took a look at the signal light behind SD57's ear and saw the red light flashing. Duan Peng, who had been a little relaxed because he had killed the robot beast, suddenly brought it back, and there was also a bitter smile at the corners of his mouth.

It seems easy to kill the robot beast, but Duan Peng knows that his current situation is getting worse. The wound pierced by the energy bullet in his left shoulder has been reminding him that he needs to rest here, which is also because of this. Duan Peng did not fully use the power of his upper left arm during several battles, and now his right hand has faded. A layer of skin, although the injury is not very serious, the place of molting brings heart pain.

Through Li Tong's statement, Duan Peng has understood the principle of robot signal transmission, and he can also release the robot's signal transmission, but he can only think that he can't do it without tools at hand.

After a bitter smile for a while, Duan Peng gritted his teeth and tore off a piece of cloth from his clothes, simply treated the wound in his hand, and then sat down with an iron bar. We can only wait and see. If robots still appear one by one, he will not have a desperate opportunity.

did not let Duan Peng wait too long, and the two SD56s had already arrived. Although the trees in the forest are dense, they are not enough to cover the huge metal body of SD56. About 150 meters away from Duan Peng's position, their bodies have been exposed to Duan Peng's sight.

Just as soon as he saw the metal body of SD56, Duan Peng made a decision to run! Quickly, Duan Peng jumped up from the ground and rushed into the unknown forest without looking back.

Duan Peng has seen the combat effectiveness of SD56. If he wants to defeat an SD56, he needs to keep wandering, but he has been fighting continuously since night to now. Basically, he has never had a rest. He doesn't know whether his physical strength can cope with an SD56, not to mention that now there are two Taiwan can also cooperate with each other. Duan Peng does not have such confidence, but Duan Peng believes that his speed is still faster than SD56, so retreat is his best choice at present.

As for the tracking ability of SD56, Duan Peng can only put it aside and continue to consider it in the process of retreating.


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