
Chapter 83 Heavy Loss

The rescue mecha finally entered the repair shop. The first thing printed into their eyes was a monster they had never seen. The upper body of the monster raised was more than one meter higher than their mecha, and there were countless tentacles shaking on both sides of the monster's body, and what was more frightening was the lower body of the monster. , almost a thicker tail than an adult's hug is coiled under the monster.

What kind of monster is this?

All the mecha that rushed into the repair shop stopped involuntarily. For a long time, no one dared to take a step forward.

"It's not a monster! It's machinery!"

Finally, someone realized that the mechanical traces of the energy cannon in the upper body of the multi-legged worm are still very obvious.

"It may be a new mecha, which is confronting the robot!"

It's just that someone reminded, and others also reacted, because at the other end of the multi-legged worm, the production line is full of robots, and there are more than 20 robots.

Of course, the new mecha also has a telephone. The call of the mecha that rushed in not only woke up the mecha that rushed in, but also woke up Duan Peng, who confronted the robot.

Duan Peng's heart was still jumping wildly, and the rescue mecha had arrived, but there was no relaxed feeling in his heart. The scene he just saw was really strange. He actually seemed to understand the ideas of these robots. They were laughing, as if they had completed the task, laughing easily.

"Don't come near everyone!" He grabbed the caller and shouted.

As if to confirm Duan Peng's speculation, everyone has not understood what Duan Peng's words mean, or they have understood, but they haven't had time to make any action.


There was a loud noise.

Although Duan Peng used a mecha perspective, while the explosion sounded, Duan Peng still felt that his eyes were burned by the strong white light, and tears kept sliding down his eyes.

Not to mention the ears, nothing can be heard except the sound of Weng Ming after the explosion.

In addition to his eyes and ears, Duan Peng also felt that he had taken off and kept hitting the inner wall of the cockpit of the mecha. Fortunately, Duan Peng had activated the mecha, and the cockpit was full of buffers.

But even so, when Duan Peng stopped shaking, he still felt that he had lost his strength and could not climb out of the cockpit of the mecha at all, and there was severe pain all over his body.


As a martial arts master, although his physical strength has declined a lot due to his age, Dong Ming's speed to get to his house is not much slower than those mechas that rush to the repair shop.

Hearing the sound of the explosion, he had already expected the result. When he really saw all this, Dong Ming couldn't help but feel grief.

I don't know how much energy these robots put in, and the whole house has turned into ruins. Not only Dong Ming's family, but also the residences on both sides have been affected.

Dong Ming's footsteps suddenly accelerated a little, and his figure soon appeared on the ruins without stopping. Dong Ming turned frantically in the ruins.


still not!

Dong Ming's crazy figure turned almost every corner of the ruins, but he still didn't see Dong Ruo.

In the face of such a result, Dong Ming doesn't know whether to be happy or sad.

In fact, when he heard someone report that a robot appeared in the village, Dong Ming had figured everything out.

The robot's unexpected attack method, its familiarity with the village response, and the secret channel, everything has turned into a line, especially the secret channel, not to mention robots, even the people in the village do not know much.

It's just that Dong Ming can't figure out why Cheng Xi did all this for? What can he get if he abandons humans and comes together with robots?

To be honest, Dong Ming can't say how he feels now.

When Cheng Xi just ran away with Cheng Xudong, Dong Ming once had a feeling of being abandoned. A friend who had been abandoned for more than ten years said that he would be abandoned. That feeling was very uncomfortable. He had hated and been hostile.

But now, Dong Ming doesn't have that kind of hatred. He just thinks Cheng Xi is very ridiculous. What's the use of taking Dong Ruo away? To threaten him and make the whole village surrender? Okay, even if Dong Ming agrees, will the rest of the village agree?

Which person in the village is not a deep blood grudge against the robot? How can he compromise because of Dong Ruo?


Before Dong Ming figured out everything, suddenly there was a loud noise not far from him. At that moment, the sky of the whole village seemed to become day, and everything was illuminated.

Even a martial arts master as strong as Dong Ming was stunned by the sudden explosion.

Repair factory!

Dong Ming quickly reacted. He quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of the repair shop. There were flying debris everywhere in the garage, mixed with several mecha and a huge thing that Dong Ming had never seen before.

Although his ears were still buzzing, Dong Ming quickly ran in the direction of the repair shop.

It's so miserable!

When Dong Ming ran to the repair shop, all the thrown mecha was still rolling on the ground, and the debris over the repair shop had not completely fallen, but the repair shop was gone, and there was only one deep pit left in the largest building in the village.

The explosion of the repair shop was bigger than that of Dong Ming's house, and it also affected the buildings next to it. The fires were everywhere, and the crying and panicked calls of villagers were everywhere.

"Cheng Xi, is this really what you did? Don't you have any feelings for these people in the village who have been with you for more than ten years?" Dong Ming's face was so blue that his teeth were almost bitten by him.

But this is not the time to think about it. Those who survived the explosion are still waiting for the rescue of others.

Although it was at night, almost every family had people fighting on the wall. How could anyone fall asleep at this time? Hearing the first explosion, almost all of them ran in the direction of the explosion, and now they are just catching up with the rescue work of the repair shop.

Duan Peng was dragged out of the cockpit of the multi-footed bug. He was in pain all over. When the rescuer's hand fell on him, he almost fainted in pain.

Out of the cockpit, Duan Peng glanced over and knew how powerful the explosion was.

Although the body of the multi-legged worm is huge, it is still blown away by the air waves caused by the explosion, not to mention other mecha, now they have all flown 20 or 30 meters away.

Because the two cockpits under the multi-legged worm have not been opened, and the buffer cannot work. The mecha division in the other two cockpits hidden in the multi-legged worm were dragged out. The corners of their mouths were still bleeding, and several parts of their bodies had been broken and deformed.

Duan Peng's eyes are about to bleed.

Although he has experienced battles again and again, Duan Peng has never personally experienced the death of close people beside him.

"Uncle Guan! Uncle Tan!"

Although Duan Peng's body couldn't help twitching twice every time he moved, Duan Peng still tried to climb in the direction of the other two mecha masters.

The two mecha masters lying on the ground looked at Duan Peng's sad eyes, shook their heads hard, and then opened their mouths. Unfortunately, their mouths had just opened, and more blood came out of their mouths.

Several other mecha masters hiding in other mecha were also dragged out, and they were all injured. However, the mecha they hid at that time just stood behind the multi-legged insects, and the multi-legged insects took most of the impact for them, so although their injuries looked serious, they did not worry about their lives.

As the rescue work continued, Dong Ming's face became more and more gloomy.

The explosion of the repair shop affected six nearby residential houses. At that time, a total of ten people were still living in the six residential houses. Three people died on the spot, two were seriously injured, and the remaining five people did not escape the fate of minor injuries.

The mecha team suffered even more heavy losses. Except for the nine that were being repaired, the remaining 17 old mechas were sent by Dong Ming. The mechas were still there, but none of the mechamen in it could stand up. All of them either broke their arms or legs, and even two were directly broken in their necks, and those mecha I'm also lying on the ground at this moment, and I don't know if I can still use it.

The most serious loss is the repair shop. The production line, as the center point of the explosion, was directly vaporized by the energy of the bomb, and other repair equipment placed near the production line also suffered serious losses.

There are also personnel. Four of these mecha masters who are usually regarded as treasures died directly in this attack, and the remaining five also have broken arms and legs. I don't know when they will continue their work.


The battle on the wall continues, but everyone's mind has flown to the repair shop.

Dong Ming's order made it very clear that robots appeared in the village, and a total of 17 mecha rushed to the rescue. Did they be rescued? What happened to the huge explosion that just came from the repair shop?

Zhong Xi's heart can no longer concentrate on the battle. Duan Peng is still in the repair shop, and there are only three people left from the village. Not to mention Duan Peng's talent is extremely important to them. Even if Duan Peng is a very ordinary person, he can't accept such a result.

Kong Rong was also bitter. Dong Ming said that the next battle would be handed over to him, but he had no experience and the strength to suppress the other three gates, and his order could not be said at all.

But fortunately, the battle has formed inertia. Even if several leaders are not on the battlefield, the battle is still going very smoothly.

"The robot has retreated!"

"The robot has retreated!"

Suddenly, there were cheers in everyone's phone, and Huang Chi and other leaders were awakened by the sound. They quickly poked their heads out from behind the bunker and looked out.

Sure enough, the robot has retreated!

Soon there was only a King Kong mecha that had not yet figured out the current situation.


Second update!