
Chapter 45 Recommendations

"Military situation?" Hearing the voice outside the door, although Dong Ming still wanted to know what Duan Peng was talking about, Dong Ming still resisted. After all, Duan Peng was around. His plan could be asked at any time, and the military situation could not be delayed. Dong Ming immediately shouted outside the door, "Come in!"

"General!" After being summoned, the person outside the door came in without any delay.

"What military situation?" Perhaps because of Duan Peng's positive reply, Dong Ming's mood seemed to be much more stable. Although there was an emergency military situation on the first day of entering the plain, Dong Ming's voice was still calm.

"Report to the general, according to the information from the scout mecha, a small number of robots have appeared in the southeast and west of our team."

Three directions? A small amount? Dong Ming frowned gently and soon continued to ask, "How far is it?" Do you have any specific quantity information? Also, have the robots found the existence of our team?

"Report to the general, according to the information received, there are only about 30 or 40 robots in three directions, about five kilometers away from our team, but they have shown signs of moving in the direction of our team."

"Thirty or 40?" Dong Ming finally showed a reassuring smile on his face.

On the first day of entering the plain, he met a team of robots, and the team still had signs of being found by robots, which made Dong Ming very worried. However, there were only 30 or 40 robots, and even if the three directions add up, there were only 100, which still made Dong Ming's heart quickly settle down. After all, there were two or three in the team. Shitai mecha, and it is also a modified new mecha. Such a small robot team is simply vulnerable in front of the mecha.

After a short pause, Dong Ming said again, "Now you immediately go back to convey my order to Huang Chi, order Huang Chi to disperse all the mecha in three directions and fight against the robot. The mecha that is now undergoing a scouting task will immediately change the task and drag me back the robot forward to ensure that the machine will be carried out. People are annihilated outside the scope of our team!"

"Yes, General!" Dong Ming gave the battle order, but there was no fear on the face of the messenger. On the contrary, there was an excited smile on his face, just more than 100 robots, which was completely trivial for the Dong family villagers who had seen robots attack the city.

"Wait!" However, before the messenger went out, Duan Peng's voice suddenly sounded.

The military order is not a child's play. Although I don't know why Duan Peng interrupted his order, a trace of anger rose quickly on Dong Ming's smiling face, "Xiao Peng!"

Although Duan Peng has not served in the army, after all, he has also lived in Dongjia Village for nearly a year. He is also very clear about the management method of Dongjia Village. Of course, he understands what the consequences will be like to interrupt Dong Ming's speech at this time. His heart is even pounding, but Duan Peng is still stable. He is tight. Staring into Dong Ming's eyes without any evasion.

For a long time, it may have moved Dong Ming's persistence. He exhaled a long breath and said, "Well, just wait. I'd like to see what he wants to say."

The messenger was stunned when he heard the words. He knew the relationship between Duan Peng and Dong Ruo, but he never thought that Dong Ming would be so indulgent to Duan Peng. Dong Ming actually listened to Duan Peng's opinion after issuing the order.

However, the messenger said everything. He is not Duan Peng. No matter what kind of order Dong Ming is, he has to resolutely carry out it without hesitation.

Hearing Dong Ming's words, Duan Peng did not say it directly. He frowned and organized his own language. It was not until Dong Ruo couldn't help pulling the corner of Duan Peng's clothes worriedly that Duan Peng gently patted Dong Ruo's hand and said, "General, I think so. For the robot this time for the combat strength of our village, It's almost equal to nothing, so I think we can put the robot directly here.

"Pleave it here?" Dong Ming's face showed a trace of disappointment. If someone else interrupted his order, he must have given a punishment decision, but this person was Duan Peng, and he still gave him a chance. Unexpectedly, Duan Peng's opinion was like this, "Is this your opinion?"

"This is my opinion!" Of course, Duan Peng saw the disappointment in Dong Ming's eyes, and even if Duan Peng couldn't see it, Dong Ruo had been pulling the corners of his clothes to remind him, but in the face of Dong Ming's disappointment, Duan Peng still had no hesitation. He answered firmly to Dong Ming's eyes.

Looking at Duan Peng's firm eyes, although Dong Ming was moved, it was only for a moment. He quickly entered the state. After all, this is a military situation, and the robot is only about five kilometers away from the team. If the order is not conveyed, soon it will also achieve the effect that Duan Peng wants. Fruit.

"Okay, go and convey my order!" Dong Ming waved his hand and motioned to the messenger.

"Wait!" Although he knew that it might cause Dong Ming's anger, Duan Peng's voice sounded again.

"Xiaopeng!" Once again, even if Dong Ming appreciated Duan Peng, he finally couldn't help it.

"Xiao Peng, don't talk." Dong Ruo also pulled the corner of Duan Peng's clothes and whispered in Duan Peng's ear, but the small tent was too small, and Dong Ruo's voice was still clear to everyone.

Under the pressure brought by the two at the same time, a trace of hesitation flashed on Duan Peng's face, but it just flashed. In a flash, Duan Peng's eyes became resolute again. "I'm sorry, Uncle Dong, I also know this should not be, but I still want you to hear my reason."

The messenger wanted to leave and wanted to obey Dong Ming's order, but after the first tolerance, he did not know whether Dong Ming would continue to tolerate Duan Peng's second reckless. His position became very embarrassing, but there was no place for him to speak here, so he could only wait awkwardly.

Sure enough, after a long time, Dong Ming said calmly, "Okay, then I'll listen to your reason."

Although his voice was very stiff and his face was still angry, Dong Ming finally said it.

Hearing Dong Ming's words, Duan Peng was immediately relieved, but this time Duan Peng had already prepared such a result. Dong Ming's voice just fell, and he immediately followed Dong Ming's words and said, "Dong Uncle, I think so. The reason why we rescued these people is not just to increase the population, and at the same time, we also It needs their strength, but now it has just entered the plain, and the number of robots is not large, which should be a rare exercise opportunity for us.

Listening to Duan Peng's words, Dong Ming slowly frowned, "But these people may not have combat experience and have not had time to train. Can they adapt to such a battle?"

In the face of Dong Ming's question, a relaxed smile slowly appeared on the corners of Duan Peng's mouth. Dong Ming began to ask questions, at least indicating that Dong Ming's heart had begun to show signs of loosening. "Dong, the war is not because we don't adapt and will not come, and this is just the beginning. The robot has now found our team. Wu, there will be more and more robots in the future, which means that we will not have such a chance to train soldiers in the future.

Dong Ming looked up at the messenger and kept wandering between the messenger and Duan Peng. It was still a little difficult for him to make a decision. He fought with a group of people who had never been to the battlefield. Although the number of robots was only more than 100, the casualties would not be small.

"Bun Dong, I know what you are worried about." Looking at Dong Ming's hesitation, Duan Peng suddenly said again.

"Oh, can you see it? So what do you think I'm hesitating about? Dong Ming raised the corners of his eyes and glanced at Duan Peng, with a trace of disbelief in his eyes.

Of course, Duan Peng saw Dong Ming's eyes. He saw that Dong Ming did not believe it very much, but since Dong Ming's heart had been loosened, he believed that he would definitely let Dong Ming change his decision. After a moment, Duan Peng immediately said calmly, "You must be worried about the combat effectiveness of these personnel. There were so many casualties in the battle that it put pressure on the soldiers' psychology.

Dong Ming showed a trace of surprise, but soon he nodded and said, "So how do you think such a situation should be solved?"

"This is easy to do!" Duan Peng smiled easily, and Dong Ming's attitude had completely softened. "In fact, I have the same concerns as you, but I have thought about it again. Although the mecha cannot directly participate in the war, this does not mean that the mecha is not allowed to participate in the war at all. They can protect these people as a reserve force, such as If the situation is good and can be controlled, of course everything is fine, but if the situation collapses, these reserve forces can appear immediately to save the collapsed situation.

Listening to Duan Peng's words, Dong Ming's eyes became brighter and brighter, but in the end they dimmed.

After saying that, Duan Peng kept staring at Dong Ming's face. Seeing that Dong Ming's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, Duan Peng's mood immediately became excited. This was almost the first time he made military advice, and it was also completed in opposition to Dong Ming, but Duan Peng did not expect Dong Ming's eyes to suddenly It went on dark.

Seeing Dong Ming's gloomy eyes, Duan Peng just hesitated for a moment. Duan Peng asked again, "Abo Dong, is there anything else worth hesitation?"

Dong Ming naturally heard Duan Peng's question, but Dong Ming just looked up at Duan Peng, then lowered his head and did not answer. He quietly thought that Duan Peng's suggestion was indeed a good opinion, but he was the village head and the highest decision-maker of the whole village. What he wanted to take care of was a little different from Duan Peng. Same.

However, just as Dong Ming was thinking, another voice suddenly came from outside, "Report to the general! Emergency military situation!"

Hearing the sound, Dong Ming immediately looked up at Duan Peng and said, "Come in!"

"Yes!" As soon as Dong Ming's voice fell, the messenger came in without any delay. First, he strangely glanced at another messenger standing aside awkwardly, and then said, "Report to the general. There is news from the front line that the three-party robot team is less than three kilometers away from our team! Captain Huang asked the general to make a decision as soon as possible!"