
Chapter 54 Candidate

Liu Bing's face still has a shocked expression, but the shock is just a shock. Never expect Liu Bing to ask Dong Ming something.

Zhong Xi still looked unsurprised, but Zhong Xi's sitting posture suddenly became a little relaxed, which showed a deliberate meaning. But if Zhong Xi asked Dong Ming, it would be impossible, because Zhong Xi always asked about the speech at the meeting, and there were only many people without asking.

As for Kong Rong, he was very nervous. He looked straight at Dong Ming, and the corners of his mouth kept squirming. However, it was also impossible to expect Kong Rong to ask Dong Ming, because Kong Rong had only entered the decision-making level of the village for about two months. Even if he wanted to ask such a thing, he did not dare to ask. Ask.

He glanced around the small tent and put everyone's expressions into the bottom of his heart. After thinking about it, Huang Chi felt that he was the only one who was the most convenient to talk to talk at present, so he coughed gently, cleared his voice and said, "General, who is the candidate you choose?"

However, Dong Ming did not directly answer Huang Chi's question. He first stretched out his hand and waved it twice, waiting for a smile on his tired face before he said, "Before I tell you the candidates, you can talk about the design of today's two battle plans."

"Yes..." Huang Chi suddenly understood that unlike others, with the explanation of the messenger, Huang Chi had some understanding of the formation of the whole plan, but Huang Chi just opened his mouth and closed it tightly. He already knew that Dong Ming was fighting for more recognition for Duan Peng. He didn't want to destroy Dong because of himself. Ming's plan.

Kong Rong also opened his mouth, but when he saw Huang Chi's strange look, Kong Rong closed his mouth again. As for Zhong Xi and Liu Bing, there was basically no other performance.

After waiting for a while, he still couldn't wait for other people's speeches. Dong Ming had to say, "Lao Huang, don't you usually talk the most, and you seem to be planning to say something just now. Why don't you talk about it?"

"Uh." Huang Chi looked depressed. He knew that if no one spoke, Dong Ming's name would definitely fall on his head. After all, he had just opened his mouth, but Huang Chi just opened his mouth just because he found Duan Peng's reason. As for Dong Ming's question, he didn't expect it at all. After he hesitated for a while, Huang Chi said, " I think these two plans are very good, and they can cooperate with each other, which is very good.

Huang Chi's words were almost not constructive, but Dong Ming nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Kong Rong and said, "Xiao Kong, what do you think?"

Since entering the conference room, Kong Rong has shown a strong desire to express, but this time in the face of Dong Ming's question, Kong Rong became hesitant. His eyebrows frowned gently, and his face was full of a deep expression.

After a while, he still couldn't wait for Kong Rong's answer. Dong Ming couldn't help frowning and then asked, "Xiao Kong, what's wrong? I haven't figured it out yet? Or what are your different opinions about these two plans?

There was a little displeasure in Dong Ming's voice, because Kong Rong was the person who supported the plan the most from the beginning, and Kong Rong's current performance only shows that Kong Rong is hesitant about his heir.

Kong Rong didn't want to answer, but just looked at Huang Chi's performance. He suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, but Dong Ming's question had obviously brought displeasure. Kong Rong had been forced to a dead corner. Even if he didn't want to answer, he had to answer, "General, you misunderstood. What I mean is that my opinion is that these two plans are actually very perfect, but..." At this point, Kong Rong became a little hesitant, but after pondered for a while, Kong Rong still gritted his teeth and continued to say, "I just think these two plans are just a strategy, and as for tactics, it is completely impossible to talk about, and And because he failed to calculate our combat strength, we suffered serious losses in the face of a small number of robots, and even caused a fatal blow to the confidence of many soldiers.

Dong Ming's eyebrows only frowned gently at first, but with Kong Rong's words, Dong Ming's eyebrows frowned tighter and tighter, and there was even a trace of impatience on his face. However, Dong Ming was still listening quietly. He opened his mouth to let Kong Rong speak, and it was not convenient for him to let Kong Rong stop at this time.

As soon as Kong Rong's words fell, Dong Ming immediately asked, "But Xiao Kong, didn't you just say that these two plans were perfect?"

Perfect? That's just because Kong Rong thought this was Dong Ming's own plan, and now this plan is obviously related to Dong Ming's heir. How can Kong Rong agree? Besides, Kong Rong still doesn't know who the heir Dong Ming arranged.

Of course, this was just what Kong Rong thought. He didn't dare to say anything on his face. Dong Ming's words fell, and Kong Rong immediately continued, "General, I'm just talking about things. Until now, I also think that this plan is perfect in terms of strategy..."

This time, Dong Ming did not let Kong Rong's words go on. Kong Rong only said half of it. Dong Ming interrupted him and said, "Since you think he is perfect."

After saying that, Dong Ming turned his head to one side again and asked Zhong Xi, "Xiao Zhong, what do you think?"

Dong Ming's words made Kong Rong extremely depressed, but Kong Rong did not dare to do anything in front of Dong Ming, because although Kong Rong had the right to participate in the decision-making level meetings, his time to enter the decision-making level was still too short. His status in the decision-making level was the lowest, and more importantly, Dong Ming was in the whole decision-making level. With an absolute leadership position, not to mention Kong Rong, even Huang Chi dares not oppose Dong Ming's opinion face to face.

Zhong Xi did not pay attention to Kong Rong's performance and did not want to pay attention to it. After all, Zhong Xi also knew the small friction between Kong Rong and Duan Peng. Even Wilton's loss had a lot to do with Kong Rong, while Zhong Xi was Duan Peng's eldest brother. Therefore, Dong Ming's question was just a voice, and Zhong Xi immediately answered it. Come on.

"I think these two plans are quite cleverly arranged. As for the heirs, I also support them unconditionally. As long as they are approved by the general, I like that there will be no problems here!"

"Hmm!" Hearing Zhong Xi's answer, a smile immediately appeared on Dong Ming's face, and even the shadow brought by Kong Rong's words disappeared because of Zhong Xi's two words.

Maybe it's because he was in a good mood. Dong Ming, who was full of smile, didn't even let go of Liu Bing this time. He smiled and nodded for a while, then turned his head to Liu Bing and said, "Old Liu, let's also talk about your opinion!"

"Me?" Hearing Dong Ming's question, Liu Bing was stunned, but Liu Bing failed to give an opinion. After a while, he jumped out, "Do you also give me advice?"

"Haha." Hearing Liu Bing's words, Dong Ming immediately laughed. Dong Ming never thought that this technical maniac would have such a lovely place. He even had the impulse to often pull Liu Bing to chat in the future. Of course, this idea just flashed by. After laughing for a while, Dong Ming stopped and said, "Of course, your machine Repair shop A is also under the jurisdiction of the village. Of course, the matter of the heir needs your consent.

"Oh, all right!" Liu Bing nodded depressedly, but Liu Bing did not answer immediately, and his eyebrows slowly frowned.

Although the time was relatively tight, he watched Liu Bing frown, but Dong Ming did not urge him, but waited quietly.

Fortunately, Liu Bing was not silent for a long time, but after a while, Liu Bing opened his mouth, "As for these two plans, everyone should know me. I have no opinion, and I don't know what kind of opinion to put forward. As for the matter of the heir, as long as he doesn't interfere with the operation of my repair shop, I There is no opinion."

Liu Bing's speech speed was very slow. He could see and even hear it. Liu Bing's words were carefully thought about by him.

Hearing Liu Bing's words, the smile on Dong Ming's face became thicker, and even the wrinkles on his face became much deeper. "Okay! Brother Liu, don't worry, I promise you that the candidate I chose will never interfere with the operation of your repair shop.

The ominous premonition in Kong Rong's heart became more and more serious, especially when Dong Ming and Liu Bing made a ticket, Kong Rong's face suddenly changed. Needless to say, Kong Rong has guessed who that person is, because this village will fully support Liu Bing and understand Liu Bing only one person, that is Duan Peng!

Although he had guessed the answer, Kong Rong still couldn't give up. He still had a glimmer of hope, and then Dong Ming asked, "General, can you announce the answer now!"

Once it was aimed at Duan Peng, and this time it was two attitudes. Just hearing Kong Rong's voice, Dong Ming's face suddenly plummeted. However, when Dong Ming saw several other people with the same expectant eyes, Dong Ming still put up with it and said with a smile, "Actually, everyone is very familiar with this person. It's Duan Peng!"

Although he had guessed it, Kong Rong was still stunned when the answer popped out of Dong Ming's mouth. He was completely dumbfounded. He had targeted Duan Peng twice, but now Duan Peng has been selected as the heir by Dong Ming. How should he deal with himself in the future, especially if Dong Ming completely retreated and Duan Peng came to power. What should I do?

Zhong Xi and Liu Bing were also stunned by the news brought by Dong Ming. They have always persuaded Dong Ming's arrangement, but they never thought that the heir arranged by Dong Ming was beside them.

The only person who was not very shocked was Huang Chi, because he had been described by the messenger during the formation of the whole plan, and he had already known the candidate proposed by Dong Ming.


Duan Peng and Dong Ruo don't know what happened in the small conference room at all. He is now enjoying Dong Ruo's care.

However, this enjoyment did not last long. Suddenly, the curtain of the small tent where Duan Peng was located was lifted.

"Great! Xiaopeng, I finally found you!"