
Chapter 58 Tips

At the end of the meeting, everyone came out of Dong Ming's small tent, and their footsteps were a little heavier than before entering the small tent, especially Liu Le. In this meeting, they not only did not get the explanation they wanted, but on the contrary, they also had to pay the control of force, at least at least they were likely to pay such a price.

Just as soon as he got out of the tent, Gao Ming stepped on his car and left. He did not say hello to anyone during the whole process, but no one said anything, because Gao Ming was originally like this.

Followed by Huang Chi, who did not say hello to him. As a seven-level mecha, mecha is his world. Now the world is about to collapse, and he has no mood or mind to focus on red tape.

Then there is Zhong Xi. Zhong Xi's mentality is very good. The content of the meeting was known the day before, and he had adjusted his mentality the night before. In addition, Huang Chi is almost not in charge of the village guard now. The training of the whole village guard fell on Zhong Xi, and Zhong Xi himself is still wild. From his son's birth, Zhong Xi still needs a lot of time to explore the training of the village guard, so he has no extra time to waste here, but when Zhong Xi left, he still nodded gently to the crowd.

Li Le, Xie De and Kong Rong were soon left near Dong Ming's small tent.

Liu Le and Xie De looked up from time to time, but it didn't help their mood, because they all read deep helplessness from each other's eyes.

As for Kong Rong, he is not in a good mood. Although the planned process is almost perfect, this is not good news for Kong Rong, because the smoother the plan is, the more powerful the plan is, which shows that Duan Peng's growth is stronger and the greater the threat to him.

His eyes kept rotating in his eyes. Slowly, a trace of ferociousness appeared on Kong Rong's face, and the speed of his eyes was also slowing down.

Finally, just as Liu Le and Xie De sighed and were about to leave, Kong Rong grabbed the front of them. When they passed by Liu Le, Kong Rong's mouth suddenly popped out two words: "Duan Peng!"

Duan Peng's name popped out of Kong Rong's mouth, and Kong Rong suddenly relaxed, as if he had put down all the heavy burdens on his body.

This is the limit that Kong Rong can do. After all, this is still next to Dong Ming's tent. He can't guarantee that his words will not be heard by Dong Ming, and Kong Rong does not dare to destroy Dong Ming's plan, because he is also a member of Dongjia Village and destroys the power of Dongjia Village. On such a crisis-filled plain, he There will definitely be no good results.

Of course, Kong Rong did not think about going to find Liu Le and others after the event, but after careful consideration, Kong Rong still gave up. He could not let anyone know such a thing, and his going to see Liu Le and others was originally an eye-catching action. No matter how hidden he did, it would soon reach Dong Ming's ears.

Liu Le and Xie De were about to leave when suddenly Kong Rong squeezed over from their side, which made them very embarrassed. They even thought that what the young man had done was intentional to show them the power of Dongjia Village.

Liu Le and Xie De were about to lose their temper. After all, even if their strength weakened, they still represented their respective villages. Even if they were suppressed, they should not let this young man suppress them, but at the next moment, they stopped their actions at the same time, because Two words suddenly popped up in the young man's mouth.

The voice was very low, but Liu Le and Xie De still heard it clearly, and from Kong Rong's lowered his voice, it means that these two words were to be told to them, and Kong Rong did not want others to know.

Duan Peng?

sounds like a person's name, but even if it's a person's name, what does this name mean? Liu Le and Xie De were confused.

And Liu Le and Xie De are also puzzled by Kong Rong. They can't understand why Kong Rong did this.

Just a little stunned, Kong Rong had already stepped on the car assigned to him and left. The speed was also very fast and hurried, as if there was something behind him chasing him.

Looking at Kong Rong's back leaving quickly, Xie De opened his mouth.

However, Xie De didn't say anything. Liu Le stopped him on one side. Liu Le winced at Dong Ming's tent behind him and then took the lead in going out.


Duan Peng or Liu Bing stayed together. He didn't know anything about the heir, even Zhong Xi didn't tell him because of Dong Ming's sealing order.

In fact, even if Zhong Xi told him, Duan Peng would probably let go with a little surprise.

Because after yesterday's battle, especially after being saved by the uncle who could only vaguely name him, Duan Peng decided to change his attitude as a human being. He would do more for everyone wholeheartedly. As long as he could participate and needed him to participate, he would do his best, and he He also decided to treat everyone equally, because Duan Peng found that in order to get a person's sincerity, he should first not reject them from his heart and accept them.

"Lao Liu, Xiaopeng, have you come up with any solutions?"

Duan Peng and Liu Bing were thinking when Huang Chi suddenly rushed in and suddenly woke up Duan Peng and Liu Bing from meditation.

Seeing the state of Duan Peng and Liu Bing, Huang Chi suddenly found that he had done something wrong again, but at this time, he could not take care much. Now that he had woken up, he could only continue to ask, "What? Do you have a clue?"

"Uncle Huang." Duan Peng smiled bitterly and was suddenly awakened like this in meditation. Not to mention having no clue, even if he had a little clue, he would be scared away by Huang Chi.

Duan Peng didn't say anything, but Liu Bing was not polite. "Do you know how important the idea is for a mecha division? You break in so boldly and speak so loudly. Not to mention the idea, even people are almost scared out by you."

A trace of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Huang Chi's face, but only for a moment, Huang Chi regained his anxious look, because the mecha was the root of his life [harmony]. Now something happened to his life [harmony], and there was nothing else in his heart.

"Lao Liu, Brother Liu, I know I'm wrong, just forgive me!" Huang Chi's words put his status very low, but before Liu Bing's answer, Huang Chi immediately turned around and said, "But Lao Liu, you'd better tell me quickly. Do you have a clue? I really feel..."

Speaking of this, Huang Chi's face is not only anxious, but even his eyes are showing signs of redness.

Liu Bing is just a complaint, and even if Liu Bing is not humane, he can understand Huang Chi's feelings about mecha, because if he is not obsessed with it from the bottom of his heart, Huang Chi will not have reached the current height at all.

Therefore, as soon as Huang Chi's words fell, the anger on Liu Bing's face had disappeared, but Liu Bing did not immediately answer Huang Chi's question, and the anger on his face gradually turned into sadness.

Looking at Liu Bing's appearance, Huang Chi's heart was full of tension. His mouth kept opening and closing, and the words came to his mouth several times and swallowed them again. He wanted to know, but he didn't dared to know.

For a long time, Huang Chi still took a deep breath and opened his mouth. After all, in addition to being a mecha, he is also the captain of the village guard. He already has the courage to kill and make a decision.

"Lao Liu, just say what you have! I think I can hold on and should be able to hold on.

Liu Bing is not humane, but Liu Bing can still understand such a simple result. After all, he is not a fool. Liu Bing has already had the answer, but when he sees Huang Chi's appearance, he doesn't want to hit Huang Chi.

Listening to Huang Chi's words, Liu Bing hesitated for a while.

Liu Bing thought that his words might hit Huang Chi, but he didn't expect that he had such an expression and couldn't give a specific answer for a long time. It was even more a torture for Huang Chi. Huang Chi was about to be driven crazy by Liu Bing.

But fortunately, this hesitation did not last long. Just when Huang Chi couldn't help but want to speak again, Liu Bing suddenly opened his mouth, "Lao Huang, I'm sorry, I haven't come up with any other way for the time being."

"There's nothing we can do?" Although Liu Bing's answer had been expected for a long time, Huang Chi was still stunned by Liu Bing's answer, and he muttered with a confused expression.

"I'm sorry!" Looking at Huang Chi's expression, Liu Bing's words of sorry popped up again. According to Liu Bing's personality, this is probably the first time he has apologized so sincerely.

Although this is Liu Bing's first apology, Huang Chi has not heard it at all. It is estimated that even if Liu Bing grabs Huang's collar, slaps him twice, and then kicks him to the ground, he will not feel anything. Huang Chi has been numb. He slowly turned around and walked outside, walking under his feet. It has become a little vain.

"Uncle Huang!" But before Huang Chi could go out, Duan Peng's voice suddenly sounded.

Duan Peng's voice was very loud, but Huang Chi didn't seem to hear it. His pace was still going out, but just the next second, Huang Chi suddenly turned around. He stared at Duan Peng's eyes, and a trace of fanaticism appeared on his face. Duan Peng must have a solution to stop him at this time, and Duan Peng has already There are too many miracles in the village.

It was not only Huang Chi who was attracted. Liu Bing was also very uncomfortable looking at Huang Chi's heavy pace. He was ready to sort out his thoughts again, but he didn't expect that when he was about to enter the state, Duan Peng's voice suddenly sounded.

"Xiao Peng, did you think of any way?" Huang Chi and Liu Bing asked almost with one voice.