
Chapter 60 Choose one of the two

"There are only two ways to solve the problem of King Kong's arm deformation."

Liu Bing is experienced and has much more knowledge than Duan Peng, but Duan Peng also has advantages that Liu Bing does not have. His ideas are often unusive and much more vivid than Liu Bing's. For example, when transforming new mecha, Duan Peng's opinions can often play an absolute role, because his ideas have not been Constrained by rules and regulations.

So after Huang Chi left, Liu Bing and Duan Peng did not think separately, but began to discuss.

Listening to Duan Peng's words, Liu Bing couldn't help nodding. In fact, he also thought of what Duan Peng said, but every time he talked to Duan Peng, Liu Bing had a hint of examination, which also showed Duan Peng's mastery of mecha knowledge, so he did not interrupt Duan Peng.

"First, improve the metal structure and try to make the resistance of the metal harder, so that it is not so easy to deform or persist for a longer time." Duan Peng continued to say, but just talking about it, a wry smile appeared on Duan Peng's face, and he quickly overturned his idea.

"Changing the metal structure requires professional metal matchers. Unfortunately, there is no such talent in our village, and more importantly, even if there is a suitable ratio scheme, we need large-scale production equipment to improve these mecha to complete the transformation..."

said that it was a discussion, but the whole process was like Duan Peng's self-spoken, and Liu Bing just listened quietly, but Liu Bing's head was constantly moving, not only agreeing with Duan Peng's opinion, but also his recognition of Duan Peng's personal ability.

Duan Peng did not notice Liu Bing's attitude. Since Liu Bing asked him to talk about his thoughts, Duan Peng has fallen into his own world, and his thoughts have also been shown in front of Liu Bing little by little.

The first method has been denied by Duan Peng himself. Duan Peng's face was a little bitter, but Duan Peng only paused and then said, "There is a second method, which is to equip the mecha with weapons."

"I also think that only weapons are the only way to solve it." Liu Bing finally opened his mouth, but Liu Bing's eyebrows were still tightly frowned. Obviously, he had not figured out what kind of weapon to equip King Kong.

Duan Peng's eyebrows also frowned tightly.

"Cold weapons?" Duan Peng muttered to himself. Obviously, he was still trapped in his own world, but as soon as the words were said, Duan Peng shook his head and denied his decision.

Cold weapons are the easiest to build, but Duan Peng is not the first time to fight with robots. If you encounter a robot like SD56, cold weapons may still play a role, but if you encounter an energy-shaped robot with an energy sword, the cold weapons are almost useless. Maybe It will also become a burden, because Duan Peng has seen the robot's energy sword cut off the cold weapon in everyone's hand more than once.

"Yes!" Perhaps when it comes to the topic, Liu Bing also gradually joined Duan Peng's topic, "But energy weapons are not good. Although King Kong mecha is relatively energy-saving, energy weapons are big eaters. If we equip all King Kong with weapons such as energy swords, then we will only have time to travel every day. It's been half a day, and we have to wait for the energy to recover.

Duan Peng and Liu Bing were silent.

If it is not equipped with weapons, King Kong may not be able to insist on the end. With energy weapons, everyone's travel time will be lengthen, and the natural risk will be much larger if the time is lengthen.

These two conflicting problems are almost insoluble under the current conditions.


After hearing Kong Rong's words, Liu Le returned to his team, and Xie De followed him to Liucun's team.

Although there was Kong Rong's hint, Xie De and Liu Le's faces were still pale.

Just as soon as he sat down, Xie De quickly asked, "Lao Liu, you said what Kong Rong told us..."

Xie De suddenly stopped talking. He became a little vague about the two words. Everything was carried out next to Dong Ming's tent. In addition, he was mysteriously interrupted by Liu Le. He suddenly couldn't remember what Kong Rong was talking about.

"Duan Peng!" Looking at Xie De's appearance, Liu Le frowned impatiently.

"Yes, yes, yes, it's Duan Peng!" After getting Liu Le's prompt, Xie De quickly answered excitedly, "Lao Liu, what do you mean by Kong Rong talking to us?"

A trace of contempt flashed in Liu Le's eyes. In the past few days, Xie De's performance has not shined at all. He didn't know how Lincun came out such a figure. Of course, Liu Le would not put his contempt for Xie De on his face. Although he was extremely irritable, when he heard Xie De's question, he still He said, "If I expect it well, these two words should be a person's name."

"A person's name? What did he tell us about a person's name? Xie De's mind was blank, especially after seeing Liu Le's wrist and the strength of Dongjiacun, he had consciously given up his position to speak in the village and let Liu Le represent his interests, so when he heard Liu Le's words, Xie De couldn't help asking Liu Le's words.

The contempt in Liu Le's eyes was even heavier, and he was even a little annoyed, because he himself did not understand what Kong Rong meant.

But he just took a deep breath, and Liu Le still opened his mouth, "The reason why Kong Rong told us the name is nothing more than the following reasons."

Although Liu Le had tried his best to cover it up, Xie De still recognized the impatience in Liu Le's words, but Xie De did not say anything, because he needed Liu Le to help him analyze, so Xie De still waited quietly.

Liu Le said slowly while sorting out his own thoughts.

"The first possibility is that this Duan Peng is very important to us, which may be the key we can use to stand in Dongjia Village, but this can basically be ruled out, because although we have not dealt with Kong Rong, we can see that Kong Rong is a smart person through his speeches at several meetings. As a smart person, he will not do anything without a purpose, so even if he wants to help us stand, he will not directly throw a key person to us.

Although I don't know whether Liu Le's analysis is absolutely correct, it sounds reasonable. Xie De keeps moving his head with Liu Le's analysis.

And with the narrative, Liu Le seems to have entered the state. He has not even forgotten Xie De's existence. He just paused for a moment, and then said, "And the second may be that this person is Kong Rong's opposite, but Kong Rong is not easy to do this in the village. Hands, so he wants to use our strength.

"With our strength, what power do we have?" Shedd asked strangely.

has entered the state and was suddenly interrupted by Xie De's voice. Liu Le showed considerable impatientness, but he once again tolerated Xie De's ignorance. After all, Xie De is his ally no matter what, and the more Xie De is capable he is, the better he controls Xie De.

So it was just that Liu Le's eyebrows just frowned and quickly loosened.

"Our people are our strength, and Kong Rong has his own connections even in the village, but if he does anything unfavorable to the villagers, I'm afraid he can't escape Dong Ming's eyes."

"Oh." This time, he may have been suddenly awakened from meditation. Liu Le's impatience was very obvious. Of course, Xie De also looked at it clearly, but Xie De didn't care about Liu Le's attitude at all. He still asked shamelessly, "But what benefits can we get even if we help him solve this person?"

Benefits? The benefits are huge. After all, Kong Rong is also the decision-making level of the village. As long as he shows us a little information, we can think of a way to deal with it first. Perhaps thinking of the beautiful scenery in the future, a smile appeared on Liu Le's face. "For example, today's meeting, I heard that they had already had a meeting yesterday afternoon, and Dong Ming's action at today's meeting must have been discussed in yesterday afternoon's meeting. Think about it, if we knew the content of the meeting in advance. Will we still be so passive?"

Liu Le's description was very beautiful, but Xie De was still a little worried. He continued to ask, "But even if we help him, will he help us?"

"I will, I will." Liu Le's voice was not loud, but it made Xie De feel the magic in Liu Le's words, as if Liu Le would definitely do what he said.

However, Liu Le's words were not finished, but he just paused for a moment. Liu Le continued to say, "But we can't act blankly. We must get Kong Rong's approval, and at the same time, we also need to find out the details of Duan Peng."

"Did you find out the details of Duan Peng?" Xie De is confused again. In fact, Xie De is not stupid. The most important thing is that Xie De is not used to calculating other people's thoughts at all.

"Of course." Liu Le said with a smile, "Kong Rong is a high-level person in this village. It is certainly not easy for him to have scruples or hate. We also need to make a good choice to see which of these two people is more useful to us."

Liu Le seemed to have seen a bright future, his face was full of smiles, and even the gloom brought to him by Dong Ming during the meeting completely disappeared.


Mecha is a huge project, especially King Kong is a new model. It is too difficult to make changes around a new model.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Bing couldn't help sighing, "If only we could find a way to save energy while using energy weapons!"

Liu Bing just said casually, but Duan Peng's eyes suddenly lit up. He shouted happily, "Master, I have come up with a solution!"