
Chapter 74 citation

The mecha warriors were praying for a miracle to happen, but the next second, when the miracle really appeared in front of them, they couldn't believe their eyes.

Is this really King Kong? Can King Kong really do this?

Because their vision is blocked, they can't see the movement under King Kong's feet, but because King Kong's body is taller than the robot, they can clearly see the trajectory of King Kong's movement, which is too fast.

The robot just blocked the loophole, and the mecha in King Kong didn't know what operation he had done. King Kong's huge body actually made a change of direction and flashed to the right.

With the movement of King Kong, the mechamen suddenly found that the left side was blocked, and the right side of the robot was empty again.

Operation, consciousness and rhythm are simply classic educational images, and they are also advanced mecha science images.

The mechas have found that robots that are better at calculating than humans are certainly no exception, and they immediately moved the formation to the right.

However, before the robot fully moved into place this time, King Kong moved again and returned to the left.

The robot followed King Kong's movements to the left.


Looking at the King Kong driven by Duan Peng, everyone almost forgot the movements in their hands. The robot that was best at calculating actually collapsed in the formation in King Kong's high-speed movement. Not only was the weak link in the formation not blocked, but also because King Kong's pull became bigger and bigger, and there was more than one.

Of course, it is not only the high speed change of King Kong, but also the movement speed of King Kong that makes many mechas feel magical.

Generally speaking, as long as the mecha in high-speed movement makes actions other than running, the speed of the mecha will inevitably decrease, but the current King Kong has subverted their perception. The speed of King Kong moving forward in the change of direction not only shows no sign of decreasing, but also has a tendency to break through.


Duan Peng has forgotten everything. He is paying full attention to the screen in front of him. He doesn't even notice the movements in his hand, and he doesn't know how amazing his performance is.

Of course, even if Duan Peng has reached the level of shadow, such an operation is too heavy for Duan Peng's hands. First, blood, and then slowly converge into blood, constantly oozing from Duan Peng's fingers.

As the distance between the two sides keeps getting closer, the operating space is getting smaller and smaller, and the speed of Duan Peng's hand is getting faster and faster. The shadows emerging above the keyboard can no longer distinguish between fingers and shadows, and because of the exudation of blood, the whole shadows have a dark red color.

Sweat oozed from his forehead and the tip of his nose, but as time went by and the distance between the two sides kept getting closer, Duan Peng slowly showed a smile.

It worked! Because of the continuous pulling, the empty place now is not only on both sides, but also in the middle, there is a huge gap between Duan Peng and He Wei.

I've been busy for a long time now!

Duan Peng's hand crossed the keyboard again, and King Kong, who had exceeded the theoretical speed, once again increased his speed and hit the empty space in the middle.

Robots also found empty, and they also quickly made adjustments.

Although the robot reacted, Duan Peng did not show tension on his face. He just stared at the display in front of him and smiled quietly, as if he were watching a farce.

Everything has been calculated by Duan Peng. The distance between the two sides is too close. Even if the robot reacts, they can't stop it.

Sure enough, Duan Peng's driving King Kong quickly passed through the robot's blocking team. Although the two robots had rushed to the middle position, they did not have time to make a siege, and their thin bodies could not stop King Kong's advance.


A sharp metal friction sound almost pierced people's eardrums, and the friction also brought a collision spark. Duan Peng smiled brightly in the sparks.

Finally, Duan Peng passed.


King Kong, who has lost his power, can't adjust the picture angle of the display. In fact, even if it can be adjusted, He Wei will not adjust it, because everything he sees is what he is most interested in, and he is even willing to exchange his life.

He Wei's eyes stared at the display in front of him. Unlike other mecha warriors, they would only marvel at the magic of the movements made by King Kong, but He Wei could see the meaning of these movements represented by King Kong.

is already an old six-level mechast. He Wei can also complete the movements shown by the King Kong manipulated by Duan Peng, but He Wei knows that he can only do these actions in training, and in battle, He Wei dares not risk his life.

But the King Kong in front of him did it, and his movements were not wrong at all.

Is it Huang Chi? This idea was suppressed by He Wei as soon as it came out.

The driving style of King Kong and Huang Chi who came to help are completely different, and Huang Chi is also leading the team to carry out tasks in the other direction, so the mecha that came to help can't be Huang Chi at all, but who is Huang Chi?

He Wei suddenly found that his brain was not enough. He thought about almost all possible people and even those veteran five-level mecha, but he still couldn't figure out who this person was.

"Is it really Duan Peng?"

Suddenly, He Wei thought of the first voice, but when this idea came out, He Wei was shocked by his idea.

Then He Wei denied his idea again, because He Wei also saw Duan Peng's operation with his own eyes. Duan Peng's hand speed was extremely fast, but his habits had not been completely corrected. In a short period of time, it was impossible for Duan Peng to show such a level.


Duan Peng did not know what He Wei was thinking. He had arrived at the side of King Kong driven by He Wei, and the energy sword in the robot's hand was less than five centimeters away from the cockpit.

Duan Peng took a long breath, and he finally arrived.

Of course, spitting out a breath does not mean that Duan Peng is relaxed. On the contrary, Duan Peng's hand has become smoother and more compact.

Duan Peng's hand slipped gently, and King Kong, who was moving at high speed, immediately sank his shoulder and directly hit the robot holding the sword.

Although Duan Peng in the cockpit was also dizzy because of the violent impact, this was calculated by Duan Peng.

Because of rescuing He Wei, King Kong's speed has been raised to the limit by Duan Peng. In a short period of time, Duan Peng can't come up with a way to stop. Only by crashing the robot, Jin may just take the opportunity to slow down and temporarily resolve He Wei's crisis.

Sure enough, everything was calculated by Duan Peng. At the collision of King Kong, the robot's body immediately flew out, and the energy blade that was being cut also left King Kong's body with the robot's flying up, and He Wei's crisis was temporarily relieved.

And almost at the same time, Duan Peng's hand slipped on the keyboard again. Although Duan Peng himself was dizzy because of the violent impact, when Duan Peng recovered, King Kong stopped and just stopped beside He Wei.


A series of clean and smooth movements, accurate prediction, and finally achieved the desired result. Suddenly, there were cheers in Peng's caller.

Duan Peng smiled, but the movement in Duan Peng's hand did not stop. He only saw King Kong's long arms wave quickly, but this wave was not to fight with the robot. He saw King Kong's giant hand press on He Wei's cabin door, the hatch bounced open, and He Wei's body appeared.

And King Kong took He Wei out of the cockpit before the robot could react.


King Kong began to dance its unique dance again, and Duan Peng issued an order to retreat while moving out.

In fact, when Duan Peng saw the battlefield, he already thought of retreating, because Duan Peng's advice to Liu Bing was to attract or harass robots and cause damage to the assembly of robots, instead of taking King Kong and robots desperately, because the number of King Kong can't compete with the robots that keep helping.

But Duan Peng didn't expect that his appearance would cause He Wei's crisis, but fortunately, the crisis was finally resolved.

In the blink of an eye, King Kong rushed out of the robot's encirclement again. This time it was still the same dance, but the action was much worse than just now, because He Wei was still in King Kong's arms, and He Wei's body was not as strong as King Kong, so Duan Peng could only use King Kong's body to protect He Wei from injury. Harm.

Everyone heard Duan Peng's order, but they did not respond immediately. After all, Duan Peng's voice was too strange for these mechas. They didn't know whether they should obey Duan Peng's order.

But fortunately, after not having been here for a long time, the mecha soldiers moved. After all, Duan Peng showed that they did not have the ability, as if they had to obey, and He Wei, the temporary commander of their team, was also in Duan Peng's hands. Even if they didn't want to, they must follow Duan Peng. Leave.

It may be very difficult to meet the enemy head-on, but it is extremely easy for these four-level mechamen to escape. After Duan Peng broke out of the encirclement, these mechas just waved their hands twice, and their car got rid of the entanglement of the robot and chased Duan Peng.

Duan Peng adjusted his perspective and looked behind. It was very good. Everyone followed, and the robots were also angered by their behavior. Instead of waiting for the assembly again, they followed Duan Peng and their rear.

King Kong is much bigger than the robot. Similarly, the pace is much faster. After a while, the distance between King Kong and the robot is pulled away, even beyond the shooting range of the robot.

"Decelerate and keep a distance!" Duan Peng issued the order again.

The King Kong team was stunned by Duan Peng's order, but since there had been the first time, the second time also became more acceptable. Duan Peng's voice just fell, and the mecha soldiers began to follow Duan Peng's intention.

The whole team and the robot have been kept at a distance of about 200 meters. Just as the robot's energy weapons cannot be shot, and their movements can be clearly seen.

So, the robots did not give up, and their mission seemed to have changed, following Duan Peng and others all the time.