
Chapter 85 Compromise

Kong Rong deserves to be a smart man. When he spoke, his eyes were always paying close attention to Dong Ming's expression. When Kong Rong saw a trace of hesitation on Dong Ming's face, he immediately said, "General, Captain Huang, I know that such a suggestion is difficult to accept, but the village has now come to life and death. At the moment of death, I think even Duan Peng himself is willing to wake him up.

Real? Is Duan Peng willing to do it?

However, Duan Peng is now in a coma. As for whether Duan Peng is willing or not, it can only be guessed by everyone.

However, Kong Rong's words made the hesitation on Dong Ming's face heavier, and even Huang Chi, who had always opposed it, couldn't help but stop talking.

Yes, they don't want to wake Duan Peng from his coma. They want to wait for Duan Peng to wake up from his coma, but as Kong Rong said, will the robot give them time?

has been sticking to it for one night, and Dong Ming has clearly understood the density of robots.

Maybe due to the emergence of advanced intelligence, the density of robots came to help was significantly greater than that during the day last night, but fortunately, after a day's battle, the soldiers also adapted to the attack rhythm of robots, and their fear of war has also eased a lot. There is no problem for the village to barely defend it.

But the robots began to gather, and the increased density last night has now become Dong Ming's problem. If you follow the attack density last night, I'm afraid that if you add another night in one afternoon, the robots gathered on three sides will be more than a thousand.

Not to mention more than a thousand, as long as the total number of robots invested at one time exceeds 800 and the number of the village guards themselves, the defense of the village will become extremely dangerous.

Dong Ming and Huang Chi's faces kept changing, and Kong Rong did not urge him. He just looked quietly and waited.

Of course, Kong Rong doesn't want to urge, but he doesn't dare to be afraid of self-defeating, because Huang Chi has just made it clear about the conflict between him and Duan Peng. If he is a little hasty at this time, maybe Dong Ming will really doubt his motivation for such an arrangement.

Huang Chi is the captain of the village guard. After hearing Kong Rong's words, Huang Chi also hesitated. After all, he told Kong Rong that the crisis of the whole village was right in front of him, but Huang Chi was only the captain of the village guard. After thinking about it, Huang Chi had his own decision.

"General, I think the most important thing at present is not to wake up Xiaopeng, but to make relevant preparations. Otherwise, even if Xiaopeng wakes up and Wilton also provides accurate information, we still can't make corresponding actions."

Hearing Huang Chi's words, Kong Rong's eyebrows couldn't help but ** twice. Although Huang Chi did not directly say not to wake up Duan Peng, it was obvious that Huang Chi had revealed that meaning, but these were not the most important. Importantly, after Kong Rong saw Huang Chi's words, Dong Ming's face also changed, as if suddenly He breathed a sigh of relief as if he had put down some burden.

Kong Rong will never allow such a thing to happen. Duan Peng can make up for it after a period of injury or blood loss, but if he is awakened from a coma, Duan Peng's brain * will suffer indelible trauma, which will directly affect Duan Peng's talent foundation. Such an opportunity has been sent to Kong Rong. Kong Rong will never let such an opportunity slip away in front of him.

"General, why don't we gather everyone and listen to what everyone means!"


"Xiao Zhong, do you think it's okay for Xiao Peng to lie down like this?"

Put the unconscious Duan Peng on the ground, and Wilton has been quietly waiting beside Duan Peng. Originally, he was afraid that Duan Peng would feel uncomfortable lying on the ground. Liu Bing wanted to change Duan Peng. Unexpectedly, Wilton had another movement. He did not allow others to approach at all. Even Liu Bing and Zhong Xi could not. Once they approached, Wilton will take a defensive stance.

And Zhong Xi and Liu Bing also knew that Wilton was concerned about Duan Peng, and they could not use force against Wilton, so they could only watch worriedly from a distance.

"There should be nothing wrong!" Hearing Liu Bing's question, Zhong Xi subconsciously replied, but there was too much uncertainty in his voice.

Zhong Xi is not less worried than Liu Bing, because Duan Peng is his younger brother and his hope.

"What does it mean, I don't think so!" But when he heard Zhong Xi's answer, Liu Bing immediately jumped up, "Are you Xiaopeng's eldest brother? Why don't you care about Xiaopeng at all?"

Zhong Xi smiled bitterly. If he didn't care, what would he do here?

Even if he was scolded by Liu Bing, but after a bitter smile for a while, Zhong Xi still had to open his mouth. After all, Liu Bing broke out such a big temper because of his concern for Duan Peng.

"Xiaopeng lost too much blood and was excited by Wilton's resurrection, so he was in a coma. He should be fine after a break."

With this heavy mood, he can explain so much to Liu Bing. Zhong Xi has done a good job, but since he provoked the topic, Liu Bing did not intend to let Zhong Xi go like this. As soon as Zhong Xi's voice fell, Liu Bing's voice sounded again.

"Xiaozhong, in fact, there is one more thing I have always wanted to ask you. You are Duan Peng's eldest brother. You should pay more attention to Duan Peng's safety, but why do you always let Xiaopeng learn so many combat skills? Isn't it a better choice for Duan Peng to become a mecha division and accept the protection of others?"

Liu Bing is Duan Peng's master and has always taken good care of Duan Peng. Because of Duan Peng, Zhong Xi is also full of respect for Liu Bing, but the principle is the principle. Hearing Liu Bing's words, Zhong Xi immediately put away the wry smile on his face and said, "Uncle Liu, I have always respected you, but I don't respect you on this point. I agree with you."

After a pause, Zhong Xi glanced at Duan Peng lying on the ground, and then continued to say, "It is now in troubled times, and there will always be such and such crises in troubled times. I think it is better to enhance your ability to rely on the power of others to protect yourself. For example, this time, if it hadn't been for Xiaopeng's Guwu At a certain level, Xiaopeng's current result will not be just a coma.

Is that so?

Liu Bing was a little confused. Zhong Xi's words seemed to make sense, but he always felt that something was wrong, such as Liu Bing himself, the seventh-level mecha division, but the danger never came to him.

However, even if he thought of this, Liu Bing could not bring it to the stage.


The person finally convened the second meeting in a day, but the situation was urgent and everyone could understand it.

"Okay, that's the basic situation. Let's talk about their opinions!"

Wake up Duan Peng is the simplest and fastest way now, but this result will be a little sorry for Duan Peng. However, as a village head, his personal feelings must make way for the village, so Dong Ming has been hesitant. He can only gather everyone and listen to everyone's opinions.

His eyes glanced at the faces of the people present one by one, and Huang Chi's already gloomy face became more and more gloomy, and almost all of them had turned blue.

Huang Chi doesn't understand why Dong Ming agreed to Kong Rong's proposal. You should know that Duan Peng is Dong Ming's successor. If there is any damage to the successor's brain, can Peng still become the successor? More importantly, Duan Peng is just in a coma. Maybe he will wake up the next second, and Duan Peng, who woke up, knows the process of this meeting. What will he think? Will he still be loyal to the village that abandoned him at a critical time?

However, these are not the reasons why Huang Chi's face turned pale. The main reason is the people who participated in the meeting.

Kong Rong, needless to say, such an opinion was originally proposed by Kong Rong, and he must support awakening Duan Peng.

Dong Ming did not send anyone to inform the other two decision makers in the village, Liu Bing and Zhong Xi, because he wanted to protect Duan Peng, and Liu Bing was because he had never been very concerned about decision-making issues.

As for Liu Le and the three of them, there is no need to think about it. Huang Chi knows what kind of choice Liu Le will make. After all, things are related to their survival, while Duan Peng is just a person who doesn't want to have anything to do with them.

After looking around, Huang Chi had made a decision in his heart. Before others could speak, Huang Chi said first, "General, I still have the same opinion. I think our mecha team should prepare for the work first. As for Xiaopeng's matter, we can let it go first. If it really doesn't work, we will find a way to call Wake him up. After all, waking up will cause damage to the brain.

Of course, Huang Chi knows that his opinions are nothing among everyone, but he is still struggling, hoping that his opinions can play a certain guiding role in others.

However, the result was destined to disappoint Huang Chi.

As soon as Huang Chi's voice fell, Liu Le's voice sounded, "Village Director Dong, I think if there is no other way, it's better to wake up the young man. After all, if we wake up earlier, we will have one more chance. If for a period of time at night, after a certain number of robots have been gathered, we Knowing the location of the intelligent robot, it will be much more difficult to operate.

Liu Le tried his best to suppress the stormy waves in his heart. Because of several assassinations, Liu Le thought that he had fully understood the card of the young man named Duan Peng, but he did not expect that Duan Peng's card was still constantly exposed. First, he was a four-level mecha master, then a mecha warrior, and then a warrior, one was not comparable to Zhou. A weak warrior, and now a robot has emerged, a high-level intelligent robot that obeys Duan Peng's instructions.

So all this has strengthened Liu Le's determination, and there is no possibility of reconciliation between him and Duan Peng.

Of course, the people who agreed were not only Liu Le, but also Xie De. He was almost like Liu Le's vassal. As soon as Liu Le's meaning was clearly expressed, Xie De immediately said, "I also agree with the opinion of village head Liu."