
Chapter 104 Differences in Advanced Intelligence

He has been with Wilton for nearly two months, but looking at Wilton's movements, Duan Peng suddenly found that he could not understand Wilton. The repair of the scooter is indeed very simple, but no matter how simple the work is, it does not mean that Wilton, as a robot, can complete it independently without his instructions.

Duan Peng suddenly found that he should have a good talk with Wilton.

However, before Duan Peng found Wilton, Liu Bing had already found him.

"Xiaopeng, what's going on?"

Listening to Liu Bing's question, Duan Peng looked back at Wilton's position.

Sure enough, everything was the same as Duan Peng's hunch. Although Duan Peng had left and no one continued to point out Wilton, Wilton's movements did not stop, and he was still working hard to repair there.

As a high-level intelligence, how could Wilton not notice the movement around him? Everyone's surprise Wilton had seen it for a long time, but Wilton did not put down his work. Even after Duan Peng left, he was still repairing it. All this was just because Duan Peng said that all the heavy work would be left to him.

Of course, Duan Peng can't know Wilton's emotions, because robots can't show their expressions.

Originally, I just wanted Wilton to do something or do some rough work, but I didn't expect Wilton to take care of all the work, so when he heard Liu Bing's question, Duan Peng could only smile bitterly, stared at Wilton's figure for a while, and then said again, "Master, this I don't know what's going on."

Hearing Duan Peng's answer, Liu Bing was stunned. He thought that Duan Peng knew Wilton's new function and came to help. It turned out that Duan Peng himself was also in the dark.

After being stunned for a while, Liu Bing said again and said, "Xiaopeng, it seems that we still have too many things to know about robots. When it is convenient for you to communicate with Wilton, I think he should be more than just showing these roles."

"I will, Master!" Duan Peng immediately answered solemnly.

In fact, even if Liu Bing didn't say anything, after seeing Wilton's performance, Duan Peng also had the idea of communicating with Wilton. After all, Wilton's performance today was really too amazing.


The two-hour activity time was soon over. Duan Peng himself did not feel it, but Dong Ruo came over.

It's too easy to find Duan Peng, because for Duan Peng, there are only three places to go.

Although he is reluctant, under the double oppression of Dong Ruo and Liu Bing, Duan Peng can only go back obediently. Who said that he is still a disabled person in everyone's eyes?

However, to everyone's surprise, Duan Peng was going to leave, and Wei Duan actually had to follow Duan Peng.

After seeing Wilton's repair speed, everyone thought that there was a strong helper, because Wilton's repair speed was not only fast, but more importantly, Wilton did not need to rest at all, but he did not expect that even if Duan Peng gave Wilton an order or persuaded him, Wilton would not leave Duan Peng. Edge.

But in this case, Duan Peng also has time to communicate with Wilton alone.

As soon as it was dark, he changed the medicine for Duan Peng, and Dong Ruo went back. As soon as Dong Ruo's forefoot left, Duan Peng couldn't help opening his mouth.

Of course, Duan Peng did not want to avoid Dong Ruo, but looking at Wilton's attitude, Duan Peng was afraid that even if he opened his mouth, Wilton would not say anything with Dong Ruo on the side.

"Xiao Wei, how can you repair those scooters? And the repair speed is still so fast?

Without others, Wilton's answer was very fast. As soon as Duan Peng's voice fell, Wilton's voice sounded, "Because I am tactical intelligence."

Although Wilton gave the answer, this answer is too simple. Duan Peng doesn't know what Wilton's answer represents at all, just like the robot can't calculate the result without the necessary conditions.

After thinking for a while, Duan Peng still couldn't figure out what this tactical intelligence represented, so he had to return the problem to Wilton again.

"Xiao Wei, since the last advanced intelligence emerged, you said that the other party is combat intelligence, and you are tactical intelligence. What's the difference? Or what's the point?"

Hearing Duan Peng's question, the light in Wilton's eyes slowly flashed, making Duan Peng a little at a loss. He didn't know if he had asked any taboo topics.

However, it was obvious that Duan Peng misunderstood Wilton's intention. Wilton was just sorting it out, only paused for two seconds, and Wilton's electronic synthesis sound sounded in the tent again.

"Tactical intelligence evolved from tactical command robots, because it was a command mecha before evolution, so the ability after evolution is also mostly reflected in tactical command."

Er, I still don't understand. Duan Peng is even a little vague about robots and advanced robots.

He stretched out his hand and scratched his head. Duan Peng interrupted Wilton's words and asked, "Since you already had the difference between tactical and combat before evolution, how are you different from those ordinary robots after evolution?"

Wilton did not stop this time. Maybe he had already calculated Duan Peng's reaction. Duan Peng's voice just fell, and Wilton's voice sounded.

"General robots are called artificial intelligence, that is to say, their intelligence is artificially created. In fact, it is just a program, which includes almost all possible situations, and then writes coping methods. When the corresponding situation occurs, they will execute according to the procedural coping methods."

"After evolution, we learn to choose. When each situation occurs, we will distinguish it. After all, every situation cannot be exactly the same. The big direction may be the same, but there will be many differences in small aspects. As advanced intelligence, we will choose a better way to deal with it, or generate a whole A new way to deal with it."

Listening to Wilton's explanation, Duan Peng nodded slowly. Although he had been talking about advanced intelligence before, Duan Peng did not have a clear understanding of advanced intelligence until this moment.

"What is the difference between combat intelligence and tactical intelligence?"

"I just explained, for example, I was an SD24 before evolution, a standard command robot, so after evolution, my ability is mostly reflected in tactics." After a short pause and giving Duan Peng a little time to understand, Wilton continued, "And combat robots, without further explanation, you should also understand that their ability before evolution is mainly reflected in combat, so after evolution, their combat ability has also become stronger."

What Wilton said is very simple, but these are the results of Wilton's collation of all the information in the chip, so these simple things are the essence, and it is easier for Duan Peng to grasp quickly.

Sure enough, after listening to Wilton's words, Duan Peng has a clear understanding of robots.

Just paused for a moment, and the information given by Wilton had been almost digested. Duan Peng asked again, "How many kinds of robots are there?"

"There are only three general categories."

"Which three categories?" Wilton's words have aroused Duan Peng's strong interest, and he habitually asked tightly.

However, as soon as he said the words, Duan Peng realized that it was wrong, but there was nothing he could do. Duan Peng's thirst for knowledge was crazy, but Duan Peng still smiled apologetically at Wilton and almost completely regarded Wilton as a person.

Seeing the smile on Duan Peng's face, Wilton's voice suddenly stopped. Of course, he knew what the smile meant.

Although Wilton has long been used to Duan Peng's attitude towards him, Wilton can't help but be a little moved every time these expressions appear.

"It is roughly divided into combat type, tactical type, and maintenance type." After a pause for a while, Wilton opened his mouth again.

"And the repair type?" When the last model popped out of Wilton's mouth, Duan Peng was stunned. Duan Peng had never seen the maintenance mecha, but when he heard the name, he knew that it should be the mecha master in the robot.

And just thinking of the word mecha master made Duan Peng tremble inexplicably.

If it is true that with Wilton, with advanced maintenance intelligence, that is to say, there will be an extra senior mecha division in the robot, who can constantly modify the robot to provide stronger force to the robot.

But fortunately, Duan Peng's fearful idea just emerged, and Wilton's voice resolved Duan Peng's idea.

"Maybe it is because there is almost no communication with human beings, and the maintenance mecha has never appeared in advanced intelligence."

Hearing Wilton's words, Duan Peng took a long breath. After a long time, Duan Peng asked again as if he remembered something, "Yes, you just said that you are only tactical intelligence. How can you do repair work?"

"It's because I'm tactical intelligence that I repair my job!"

Duan Peng's black line, what is this answer?

Maybe Wilton also realized that such an answer is difficult to understand, but after a slight pause, Wilton said, "As a tactical robot, our job is first to understand our subordinates and know what abilities they have, so that they can better play their role in battle. , and each war zone will be equipped with a robot repair station, so it is normal to know a little mecha maintenance.

Well, it turned out that Duan Peng fully understood, and his eyes were also bright.

"Since you know everything, and you have evolved, that is to say, your maintenance is also..."

Before Duan Peng finished his words, Wilton directly interrupted Duan Peng's words. He had understood what Duan Peng meant.

"It's not what you think. I just know that I can complete the repair, but evolution can only change my tactical ability. As for repair, I'm just drawing, and my repair speed can't be compared with that of a real repair robot. "

"Alas!" Duan Peng sighed, "If only you had told me earlier. It would be great if we could bring a few maintenance robots from your defense zone when we came out!"