
Chapter 110 is not

"Robot team?"

Although he was weak, Huang Chi's voice was suddenly raised. After all, the shadow left by Huang Chi in the last battle was too big.

"What is the size of this team?"

Just a little stunned, Huang Chi quickly reacted. No matter how big the shadow of the last battle was, now is not the time to be stunned.

"According to the news from the front, there are about 20 robots in total, but I'm not sure that they are still investigating further."

"All right!" Huang Chi was finally relieved to hear the number, but he was just relieved. After all, everything is like the news from before, and it has not yet been decided. He has to wait for further news from the front and wave his hand. Huang Chi continued to say, "When there is further news ahead, report as soon as possible."

"Yes, captain!"

"Lao Li, you have worked hard these days. What do you think of this matter?" After the messenger left, Huang Chi immediately turned his head and looked at Li Hong, who was on the side. Because Huang Chi had fallen into guilt during this period, and all matters about the mecha team were handled by Li Hong, so even if Huang Chi was the captain, he had to listen to Li Hong's judgment on this incident first.

"In fact, there have been several similar incidents in the past few days, but they are all small fights by robots, and I think it's the same this time." Li Hong thought for a moment and gave his own opinion.

After hearing Li Hong's opinion, Huang Chi nodded gently and then fell into silence, but he was only silent for a while, and Huang Chi opened his mouth again.

"Lao Li, you can go down and arrange it as an unexpected event. If further information comes back, we will make changes at any time."


With that, Li Hong saluted and was ready to leave, but Duan Peng on one side suddenly made a sound to stop Li Hong from leaving.


Duan Peng was a little embarrassed when he was taught a lesson by Li Hong and Huang Chi, but he couldn't explain to Huang Chi and Li Hong. Fortunately, at Duan Peng's most embarrassing time, someone came in to prevent Huang Chi and Li Hong from continuing to ask questions.

Duan Peng suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief, but when he saw that Li Hong was about to leave, Duan Peng suddenly had an impulse.

Hearing Duan Peng's voice, Li Hong suddenly stopped. He turned around and looked at Duan Peng in surprise. He didn't know what Duan Peng wanted to do.

And Huang Chi on one side also has a surprised look.

Facing the surprised eyes of the two, Duan Peng smiled shyly and said, "Uncle Huang, Uncle Li, I want to participate in this battle."

Are you kidding? Although Duan Peng is already a fifth-level mecha division, Duan Peng is also a fourth-level mecha division. Huang Chi and Li Hong do not know that Duan Peng has reached the fifth-level mecha division, but even if they don't know, they will not arrange Duan Peng's mission in the battle unless they are sure to win.

Duan Peng's role is a benchmark for Li Hong and Huang Chi, which sets a benchmark for young mecha warriors to catch up, and is also a driving force for spurning.

"No." Almost at the same time, the voices of Huang Chi and Li Hong sounded.

Although Huang Chi and Li Hong are very resolute, Duan Peng is not a person who gives up easily. He just pauses for a moment. Duan Peng continued: "Uncle Huang, Uncle Li, I know you are all doing it for my good. I also know what you are about, but I am now I'm already a five-level mecha. Every battle excludes me, and what will other memecha people think of me? Besides, there are only more than 20 robots now. These numbers of robots can't pose a threat to me at all, so I hope the two uncles can give me a chance.

Hearing this, Huang Chi and Li Hong looked at each other and had to admit that what Duan Peng said was indeed reasonable. Duan Peng performed well and could indeed become the benchmark and motivation of young mecha, but if Duan Peng was not arranged to participate in a battle, what would those young mechas think of Duan Peng?

Soon Huang Chi and Li Hong made a decision.

"Well, if further news is sent back and it is confirmed that there are indeed only these 20 robots, you will be allowed to participate in this battle."

"Thank you, Uncle Huang, thank you, Uncle Li." Duan Peng clenched his fist excitedly.

It is almost every young man's dream to drive a mecha battle. Although Duan Peng is not the first time, the last appearance of Duan Peng caused He Wei's mistakes, so that the subsequent battle Duan Peng was passive and did not experience the fun of mecha combat at all, so Duan Peng seemed more excited.


The news finally came back. Sure enough, it was the same as Li Hong's judgment. It was just a robot team, and no other robots followed this team.

Duan Peng was also ready to attack, but the battle plan was a little different from before, because after hearing that the robot was indeed just a team, Duan Peng made another request. He hoped to fight alone to better test his strength.

Although such a request was a little reckless, Huang Chi still agreed after thinking about it.

Because of Huang Chi's eight-level vision, he always felt that there was something that Duan Peng did not even fully understand when driving the mecha.

And more importantly, although Duan Peng did not continue to test, the test results have indicated that Duan Peng is a five-level mecha warrior, and a five-level mecha warrior will never have any problems as long as there are no accidents.

Of course, this matter was carried out without telling everyone, especially from Liu Bing's mecha repair shop. Otherwise, if Liu Bing knew, he would definitely kill him immediately.

300 meters......

The figure of the robot can be blurred in the distance.

Two hundred meters...

has entered the effective range of energy weapons, and the figure of the robot has become very clear. You can even see the weapons around them and the movements in their hands.

100 meters......

Finally arrived, the front is King Kong driven by Duan Peng, followed by all the mecha soldiers and future mecha soldiers of the mecha team. They looked at Duan Peng's actual combat effect under Li Hong's arrangement.


Duan Peng shook his hands gently, and there was no residual shadow. Of course, there was no need for residual shadow. King Kong moved.

Regular action, move and accelerate!

Almost while the mecha took the first step, the speed of the mecha changed sharply, and even the people who had already prepared felt that their eyes were shocked.

Dong Ruo was a little nervous. Although he knew that Duan Peng had become a more powerful five-level mecha than her, and although he knew that there were only more than 20 robots opposite, Dong Ruo was still nervous. As long as Duan Peng was fighting outside, even if he could not see any danger, Dong Ruo would still feel nervous.

Wang Xing and Li Tong stood behind Dong Ruo, but their eyes were completely focused on Duan Peng's driving King Kong. Wang Xing and Li Tong's eyes were full of envy, but only a trace, and their eyes were more worship.

Duan Peng is the youngest among the people, but Duan Peng has the highest achievements among the people, and his achievements in all aspects are very high. These are the reasons why they worship Duan Peng.

There is also a person in the crowd with a strange emotion.

It was Liu Shaohui, who stared closely at the mecha driven by Duan Peng, but unlike everyone, Liu Shaohui wanted to see Duan Peng's failure. He hoped that Duan Peng would make a mistake while driving and then be hacked to death by the robot.

However, Duan Peng didn't notice these. His whole mind has been integrated into the mecha, and there are only more than 20 mecha in front of him.

Duan Peng's hands tapped gently on the keyboard, but Duan Peng himself did not notice the tapping in his hand. He just wanted the mecha to make a gesture in his heart.

Once, twice...

Duan Peng's speed of tapping the keyboard is becoming more and more intensive, and the speed of King Kong is also getting faster and faster.

The seventh time...

Like in the simulated cockpit, when the seventh acceleration, a little shadow appeared between Duan Peng's hands, and there seemed to be a few more fingers behind each finger.

The eighth time...

The shadows are finally connected into pieces one by one.

At this time, the distance between Duan Peng and the robot was only 50 meters.

The robot's energy gun was held in his hand, and even the white light of energy gathered at the muzzle of the energy gun.

Just right, the eighth time is Duan Peng's current limit, and the robot's energy gathering also appeared on the eighth time, so Duan Peng immediately changed his hand's movements.

King Kong jumped up with the change of movement in Duan Peng's hand, still like the picture shown in the simulated cockpit, King Kong's huge body shifted to the left.

Of course, it is not completely unchanged. At least Duan Peng's King Kong did not turn to the right again. King Kong's foot touched the ground, and King Kong's body bounced to the left again.

left...right right...

There is almost no rule at all, just like an elf on the plain. Duan Peng's driving King Kong seems to be really alive at this moment.

Although the robots are full of energy, they can't launch the energy bomb because they can't lock Duan Peng's King Kong at all, and the distance between Duan Peng's King Kong and the robot is rapidly approaching.

20 meters...

The energy gun still maintains a energy-gathering posture.

Ten meters......

Finally, the robot put away the energy gun, leaving only ten meters. If they don't change their weapons, they will never have a chance to change their weapons.


Is this the power of the five-level mecha?

A few days ago, the still aggressive robot completely became the foil of King Kong at a moment. Such an impact is more severe than the impact brought by Duan Peng King Kong's acceleration.

It's not only those ordinary mechas who are stupid, but also those five-level mechas.

After watching Duan Peng's assessment, they were already relieved.

Although they really hope that Duan Peng can show more miracles, if Duan Peng suddenly surpasses them in mecha driving, it is still a little difficult for them to accept, but fortunately, Duan Peng only stopped at level 5.

But at this moment, these five-level mechas were stunned. Is this really five-level?

Li Hong also frowned. Li Hong did not find it when he was in the simulation module, but in actual combat, Li Hong suddenly found a difference.

Li Hong looked in the direction of Huang Chi. He wanted to hear Huang Chi's opinion, but Li Hong just looked over, and Huang Chi's voice also sounded at the same time.

"This should not be a change of movement!"