
Chapter 6 Situation

As Qian Boyu's hand pointed to the distance, he saw that at the end of his eyes, on the edge of the forest, there seemed to be a riot of a bunch of robots, and they were tightly surrounded.

Ning Xu can't see clearly, and Qian Boyu can't see clearly. The only thing he can see clearly is the riot of the robot team, but this is not difficult to beat Ning Xu and Qian Boyu. You should know that this is the army. For the army, the telescope is just a small thing.

In less than a minute, Ning Xu found two telescopes from nearby soldiers.

As soon as the telescope arrived, Qian Boyu and Ning Xu couldn't wait to look in the direction of the riot.

Only a second, or less than a second, Qian Boyu and Ning Xu put down the telescope in their hands at the same time. They looked at each other, and both of them showed unbelievable eyes.

"General, it's human, it seems that there are still many human beings!" After a little younger, Ning Xu took the lead in opening his mouth after looking at each other for less than two seconds.

Without Ning Xu talking, Qian Boyu also knew that it was human, and he also saw it, but after Ning Xu spoke, Qian Boyu's face became solemn.

Since the technology of robots has become perfect, the pace of human interstellar travel has also accelerated a lot, and interstellar migration has also become a hot topic for people. It is precisely because robots participate in the development of planets, and there are too many planets waiting for humans to emigrate, so human beings assigned to each planet and Not many, and there are fewer people naturally assigned to each city.

For example, the Acropolis, a large city, has an actual population of less than 300,000.

This is also one of the places where Qian Boyu is dissatisfied. As an early mover*, the population of the city he protects is less than 300,000, which is a shame for Qian Boyu.

After the outbreak of the war, Qian Boyu was even more dissatisfied with this, because the population was less than 300,000, so Qian Boyu's military strength was also quite limited.

So the population is also one of the resources urgently needed by Qian Boyu.

Of course, as one of the few human cities after the war, Qian Boyu also absorbed a large number of exiles, but the benefits in Qian Boyu's imagination did not appear. The exiles are not as easy to manage as the aborigines. Because of the participation of the exiles, many small groups have appeared in the city, only this kind of robot to attack the city. At that time, these small groups will gather around Qian Boyu, and only at this time can Qian Boyu realize the rights of managers.

Looking at Qian Boyu's silence, a trace of anxiety flashed in Ning Xu's eyes and said, "General, I don't think their situation is good. They came at a bad time to catch up with the robot's siege. I don't think they can last long."

"Yes." Ning Xu's voice interrupted Qian Boyu's thoughts. Qian Boyu finally recovered from the shock and said, "But these are not the most important. The important thing is that they have too many people."

Hearing this, Ning Xu raised the telescope in his hand and looked at the position of the circle, but Ning Xu was not talking, because he had already felt Qian Boyu's scruples.

After the robot violence [harmony] chaos, the Acropolis has received a lot of exiles. Of course, those who can enter the Acropolis under the pursuit of robots have a little ability, and people with some abilities are not so convenient to manage. Usually, they do not obey Qian Boyu's arrangement at all, but Qian Boyu is not good. Then suppress them. After all, they are also a part of the human force, at least when attacking the city, they are also a part of defense.

And with the passage of time, there are more and more people, and it is more and more difficult to manage.

As time passed, Qian Boyu did not speak again. He frowned tightly. Although Qian Boyu's eyes were still looking in the direction of the group of human beings, his eyes were obviously not focused in that position.

As an adjutant, Ning Xu closed his mouth tightly. He knew Qian Boyu's scruples. From the time Qian Boyu said that there were too many people, Ning Xu already knew what Qian Boyu was thinking, but Ning Xu couldn't help raising his hand again and again and putting the telescope in front of him, and every time Ning Xu looked at it, it caused The turbulent crowd couldn't help turning to look at Qian Boyu beside him.

Finally, when Ning Xu looked at Qian Boyu again, Qian Boyu couldn't help saying, "Xiaoning, do you think we should cooperate with them to enter the city?"

Hearing Qian Boyu's words, Ning Xu, who was in his forties, suddenly showed a trace of joy.

"General, are you willing to take action? It's really great. I also know that these people are not very easy to manage, but after all, they are still human beings..." Ning Xu's voice became lower and lower, because he saw that Qian Boyu's face became worse and worse with his words. Later, Ning Xu's voice stopped directly.

After hearing Ning Xu's words, Qian Boyu was very angry, but Ning Xu became Qian Boyu's adjutant since his 30s. Of course, Qian Boyu understood Ning Xu's personality, and more importantly, after more than ten years of getting along with him, Qian Boyu has regarded Ning Xu as a friend.

After a moment of anger, Qian Boyu's heart finally calmed down and said, "Xiao Ning, it's not that I don't want to take action, but that there are too many of them. Think about it, those guys in the city are enough to give us a headache. What should we do if we have a population of nearly 10,000?"

"But general, they..." Although he objected, Ning Xu's retort voice was so low that almost only Ning Xu himself could hear it.

However, Qian Boyu still heard Ning Xu's voice. He sighed long and patted Ning Xu on the shoulder before continuing to say, "I know that they are also human beings. In such a troubled world, as long as they are human beings, we should help." Halfway through, Qian Boyu sighed, "But have you ever thought that if this 10,000 people enter our city, we will even lose the dominance of the city!" Not everyone will be as kind as you!"


Ning Xu slowly raised his head. He looked quietly into Qian Boyu's eyes. Qian Boyu also met Ning Xu's eyes without any avoidance.

The two looked at each other quietly. After a while, Ning Xu finally gave in. Of course, every dispute ended with Ning Xu's retreat.

Ning Xu knew that Qian Boyu had regarded him as a friend, and he also regarded Qian Boyu as a friend, but the general is a general and the adjutant is an adjutant. Even if they are friends, there is an insurmountable gap between them. That is to say, Ning Xu may have the right to make suggestions, but the final decision is still in Qian. In Bo Yu's hands.

"I will listen to the general's decision!"

Looking at Ning Xu's softness, Qian Boyu also breathed a long breath in his heart. After all, as a general and a practical manager of a city, Qian Boyu doesn't have many friends. He doesn't want to lose a friend because of this matter. Of course, even if he loses this friend, Qian Bo Yu will also stick to his decision.

After thinking for a while, Qian Boyu patted Ning Xu on the shoulder again and said, "Well, don't be unhappy. I didn't say that I would never save it. I will pay close attention to it. At a certain time, I will also take action."

This is not the answer that Ning Xu wants, but it is also rewarding to get such an answer, and even with such an answer, Qian Boyu also gave him considerable face, so after Qian Boyu's words fell to the ground, Ning Xu squeezed out a smile on his face and said, "Thank you, General! Then I'll go down to arrange the mecha team first.

"Well, go ahead!"


Duan Peng was under great pressure. Although Kong Rong's voice was very low, the power of that sentence was not small, and because of the emergence of intelligence, Dong Ming failed to resolve everyone's complaints about Duan Peng in time. Therefore, after the intelligence report, Xie De, Liu Le and Kong Rong all showed distrustful eyes on Duan Peng. Of course, It's not just the three of them, but other people's feelings about Duan Peng are not as exaggerated as the three of them, such as Huang Chi and Dong Ming, and there is only a trace of regret between their expressions.

"Abo Dong, I want to ask Wilton to see if there is any immediate solution." Duan Peng naturally saw everyone's look, so Duan Peng wanted to find a remedy. Of course, Duan Peng did not think that he had done something wrong.


Dong Ming also noticed everyone's expressions, and more importantly, Dong Ming had regrets in his own heart, so Dong Ming felt that temporary avoidance was Duan Peng's best choice at present, so when he heard Duan Peng's voice, Dong Ming immediately nodded and agreed to Duan Peng's request.

With Dong Ming's consent and greeting everyone, Duan Peng left, but Duan Peng did not avoid as Dong Ming thought, but really went to Wilton for something, because Duan Peng had seen Wilton's analytical ability. He wanted to use Wilton to see if Wilton could come up with a solution to the crisis. .

Soon, Duan Peng returned to his small tent. For fear that other robots would find his existence, Wilton did not follow Duan Peng as an exception today.

As soon as he returned to the small tent, Duan Peng couldn't wait to shout, "Xiao Wei, help me!"

Hearing Duan Peng's voice, Wilton's electronic eyes immediately lit up. Although the signal transmitter was turned off, there was no problem with Wilton's other functions.

"You're back! What can I do for you?"

"Help me analyze the current situation, and then come up with me to find a solution." With that, Duan Peng told Wilton the current situation directly without waiting for Wilton's consent.

Of course, Wilton will not have the idea of leaving Duan Peng alone.

Because he turned off his signal device, Wilton could not know what was going on outside, so when Duan Peng spoke, Wilton just listened quietly. It was not until Duan Peng's voice stopped that the light in Wilton's eyes continued to flash.