
Chapter 8 Change Attitude

"Abo Dong!"

Dong Ming and the others were at a loss. Suddenly, Duan Peng's voice came from the distance, and Duan Peng was quickly running towards everyone.

Seeing Duan Peng's appearance, Dong Ming was not as happy as he imagined. Instead, he frowned more tightly.

Because of Dong Ming's strong pressure, Duan Peng's voice did not continue to appear, but Dong Ming knew that although Kong Rong was temporarily suppressed by him, Kong Rong's words had opened the door. Sooner or later, as the pressure increased, everyone's eyes would eventually focus on Duan Peng.

The best way to protect Duan Peng is to let Duan Peng temporarily disappear from the sight of everyone, but Dong Ming did not expect Duan Peng to run back.

The same is true of Zhong Xi. Looking at Duan Peng's rapidly approaching figure, Zhong Xi's eyebrows also frowned tightly.

"Xiaopeng, didn't you say you wanted to go home and discuss countermeasures with Wilton? Why did you come here so soon?" There is nothing Zhong Xi can do. The only thing Zhong Xi can do is to temporarily remove everyone's eyes from Duan Peng's suggestion.

But Zhong Xi's level of changing the topic was obviously not enough. The voice just fell, and Zhong Xi frowned more tightly, because he found that his words only changed Duan Peng from one pit to another.

Duan Peng has been away for a period of time. During this period, everyone is thinking about how to break the situation, but so many people still can't come up with an effective way. What can Duan Peng think of in such a short time?

Duan Peng has Wilton, and Wilton's strongest place is his position in robots, but now, as Wilton said, his position in robots has become his disadvantage, and Wilton dares not even expose signals to the channels of robots.

Duan Peng did not know all this. Facing the eyes of everyone, Duan Peng was running fast. He wanted to report all the results of his and Wilton's analysis to Dong Ming.

Duan Peng's speed was very fast. In just a few seconds, Duan Peng had already run to the middle of the crowd.

Although Duan Peng's ancient martial arts have entered the spiritual level, the sprint at the highest speed still brought a little load to Duan Peng's body, "Dong... Uncle Dong!"

"Why did you come here again?" They have run in front of him, and Dong Ming can't avoid it anymore. He can only frown and ask.

"I..." Duan Peng found that because he ran too fast, his throat was about to smoke, and he swallowed hard. Then he continued to say, "Wilton and I... showed something!"

Because of shortness of breath and dry throat, what Duan Peng said was not too smooth, but it was enough to make everyone understand what he meant.

In an instant, everyone's eyes lit up.

"What did you find?" Before Dong Ming could speak first, Huang Chi couldn't wait to ask.

Huang Chi has been hesitating. He likes Duan Peng, but Duan Peng made an inappropriate decision at an inappropriate time, so that the whole village was dragged into a crisis by Duan Peng's decision, so Huang Chi's heart has always been uncomfortable. He can't persuade himself to stand on Duan Peng's side, but he can't convince himself He is already standing opposite Duan Peng.

But now the opportunity finally appeared, and Duan Peng and his robot found a countermeasure.

Dong Ming didn't care about being snatched in front of him. One is that the timing is not right, and the other is that Dong Ming knows Huang Chi's personality very well, and Dong Ming can also understand Huang Chi's mood, because he is the same as Huang Chi, and even more uncomfortable than Huang Chi.

Dong Ming did not know whether Duan Peng's decision was correct, but it was true that the village was in crisis because of Duan Peng's decision. As the village head and the person in charge of the whole village, Dong Ming knew that he should punish Duan Peng.

But Duan Peng is also very important to the whole village. Dong Ming must make Duan Peng have a sense of belonging to the village. Of course, the more important reason is that Duan Peng is also his future son-in-law in addition to his ability.

In the last crisis, Dong Ming had already made a decision to apologize to Duan Peng. This time, Dong Ming did not want to make his heartache again.

Now, although I don't know what Duan Peng and others have found, it finally makes Dong Ming feel relieved.

"Through Wilton's calculations, I found that we were too pessimistic about the current situation because we missed something."

"What's missing?"

Duan Peng's words attracted everyone's attention. Even if he couldn't wait for Duan Peng to die immediately, Kong Rong would look at Duan Peng. After all, everything Duan Peng said may be related to their life and death.

"We have missed the power of the city!" Duan Peng did not hide, and now is not a time to hide. Dong Ming's question just fell, and Duan Peng's voice immediately sounded. However, after a long run, Duan Peng was still a little difficult to speak. Halfway through, Duan Peng paused and swallowed his saliva before Duan Peng opened his mouth again. He continued: "For more than ten years, the confrontation between robots and cities has been going on for more than ten years, but the city still exists, which means that the city's force is enough to confront robots..."

Duan Peng said it very hard, but with Duan Peng's words, the eyes of several people in the decision-making level lit up, such as Dong Ming, Kong Rong, Liu Le and Zhong Xi.

Only Huang Chi and Xie De are still a little confused, and Huang Chi is even a little angry.

Huang Chi is a pure technical talent. Huang Chi doesn't know much about tactics. Of course, if Huang Chi is given time to think carefully, he can also think about it, but there is not much time left for Huang Chi now, and Huang Chi is also very concerned about Duan Peng's situation.

More importantly, because of Duan Peng's words, Huang Chi has great confidence in Duan Peng. He hopes that Duan Peng can move back to the situation, and then he can stand behind Duan Peng without scruples, but Huang Chi did not expect Duan Peng to talk about the strength of the city.

"Xiaopeng, don't say that you and Wilton have only come to this conclusion after analyzing for a long time. The city's force is very strong, but their strength has nothing to do with us."

"Lao Huang!" Dong Ming would not watch Huang Chi make a fool of himself, nor did he want to see Duan Peng suffer inexplicable accusations, so Dong Ming prevented Huang Chi from continuing to say, "The conclusion given by Xiaopeng is very useful."

Huang Chi was stunned. He didn't understand why Dong Ming suddenly changed his attitude, but Huang Chi quickly reacted. After all, Dong Ming had said that Duan Peng's conclusion was useful, that is to say, the balance had begun to tilt in the direction of Duan Peng.

Although Huang Chi still doesn't understand the use of Duan Peng's words for the village, as long as the balance tilts in the direction of Duan Peng, that's enough.

Soon, Huang Chi smiled with an embarrassed smile and said, "Well, General, I don't quite understand the meaning of Duan Peng's words."

"You scold if you don't understand?" Dong Ming cursed with a smile, and then explained, "Xiaopeng means that the force of the city will contain most of the power of the robot, and the power becomes smaller, and naturally the attack we suffer will not be as strong as expected."

doubtful, suddenly enlightened and embarrassed.

With Dong Ming's explanation, his expression kept changing on Huang Chi's face.

If you usually see such a serious person as Huang Chi showing such a rich expression, everyone will definitely find it funny, but now, everyone's expression is very serious. After all, the crisis has not been completely resolved.

After explaining, he paused for a moment, and Dong Ming's head slowly turned to Duan Peng.

"Xiaopeng, did Xiaowei say anything other than this to you?"

"Hmm." Duan Peng nodded gently and said, "Xiao Wei said that although the robots surround us, their purpose is not us. Their main purpose should be the troops in the city."

Originally, his mouth was very dry, but after he came over, he kept talking. The dry feeling became heavier, so in the middle of the words, Duan Peng swallowed his saliva again.

"Our team has nearly 10,000 people, and with means of transportation, it is impossible for the people in the city not to see us, so the purpose of these robots should be to surround us here, and then use us to attract the attention of the people in the city, lead the people in the city to rescue us, and finally implement the rescue troops. Strike."

This time, Duan Peng explained clearly that no one would understand Duan Peng's meaning. Almost everyone showed joy after Duan Peng's words.

If, like Wilton's analysis, it would be ideal for people in the city to come out to rescue them.

Of course, there is also a faint worry in everyone's joy, because not only are they waiting for the rescue of the people in the city, but also the robots are waiting for the rescue of the people in the city. If the people in the city rescue them and suffer a lot of losses, it is also not good news for the people of Dongjia Village. You know, the people in Dongjia Village are the most Later, it will also enter the city.

After a short pause, when everyone digested the news, Duan Peng opened his mouth again, because he and Wilton's speculation had not finished yet.

"Also, Xiao Wei and I think that what robots need to do is not just a siege."

Originally, everyone had a sense of relaxation, but Duan Peng's words pulled everyone's attention back.

"Not just the encirclement?"

"Yes, according to Xiaowei's inference, people in the city will definitely discuss when they see us. After all, there are too many robots outside the city. If they want to save us, they will also take huge risks, so robots will definitely put pressure on them. After a period of time, robots should treat us Launch the attack, and the intensity of the attack will increase with time.

Duan Peng's words have completely controlled everyone's emotions. With Duan Peng's words, everyone's faces are constantly changing. When Duan Peng said the final inference, almost everyone frowned again.

But it's not over yet. It's just a short pause, and Duan Peng's voice sounded again.

So we have two choices at this time: First, passively wait for the robot to attack. Second, take the lead while the robot is not ready to fight!"