
Chapter 10 Attack

It's time to fight again. Ten minutes ago, Dong Ming, who had been pondered for a long time, finally adopted Duan Peng's opinion.

As Duan Peng said, although there is also a chance to succeed while waiting for the robot's attack, the chance of success lies in the choice of others. The second one is different. If the robot is afraid of the strength of the city and needs to use a lot of power to defend the city, then they consume the strength of the robot. The defense will also become much easier.

Moreover, even if it annoys the robots and sends a lot of power to attack them, they only need to withstand the first wave, because the change in the focus of the robot is equivalent to creating an opportunity for the teams in the city. They should not let go of this opportunity so easily. After all, robots The threat also exists for cities.

Duan Peng sat in the cockpit of the mecha. When he first sat in, Duan Peng was a little excited, but now he is much better. After many battles, Duan Peng has learned to adjust his mentality in the battle.

Quietly looking at the display in front of him, his fingers trembled gently like a wave. Not only did he adjust his mentality, but Duan Peng also adjusted his body. After all, as long as he fought, there would be danger. There were many things waiting for Duan Peng to do. His parents were still waiting for him to rescue him. Duan Peng would never allow it. The mistake appeared on myself.

Behind Duan Peng's King Kong, there are also three mecha, namely Dong Ruo, Li Tong and Wang Xing. This is the result of Duan Peng's request, because Duan Peng wants to check the actual combat ability of the test team and see if they have improved after such a long training, or they must reach the spiritual level of the mecha. A sudden change will occur only after driving.

Li Tong and Wang Xing are slightly excited. They have been following Duan Peng for a long time and have fought many times during this period, but this is the first time they have fought side by side with Duan Peng, and more importantly, Duan Peng will test their strength in this battle, so they have a trace of expectation in their hearts, hoping Perform better.

Dong Ruo's mood is a little complicated. Her mecha is arranged behind Duan Peng. Through the picture in the display, Dong Ruo can clearly see Duan Peng's body. Originally, following Duan Peng, Dong Ruo's mood should be very calm, but the fact is that Dong Ruo's hands are shaking slightly.

Duan Peng's battle is very hard. After each battle, Duan Peng will more or less carry a little injury, and every time Duan Peng's injury will make Dong Ruo very sad.

Before that, Dong Ruo once thought that it would be great for her to follow Duan Peng and fight side by side with Duan Peng when she fought. However, when this moment really came, Dong Ruo found that she was so excited that she could not control herself. If she could, Dong Ruo would rather hide behind. , silently pray for Duan Peng.

But no matter what the mood is, Dong Ruo, Li Tong and Wang Xing have no possibility of withdrawing. They must face this battle with Duan Peng.

In front of the mecha, the soldiers of the village guard are quickly gathering. They have to arrange the final defense in case the robots will take the opportunity to attack their village after the mecha attacks.

Little by little, like a dam is forming at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally the last gap is blocked.


Duan Peng's reaction is very fast. Of course, not only Duan Peng's reaction is fast, but Dong Ruo and they will not be much worse than Duan Peng.

Before this, Duan Peng and others have been paying close attention to the deployment of the soldiers in front of them. When the soldiers' defense formation was about to be completed, their hands had been placed on the keyboard, so when the defense formation was really completed and the order was issued, Duan Peng's hands fell to the keyboard almost at the same time. Up.


There was a dense keyboard tapping sound, and four King Kong rushed out like giant cheetahs.

And at the moment when King Kong rushed out, the remaining soldiers also quickly rushed to the space left by King Kong's departure.


The battle against the siege has never been interrupted. Robots are so good. In the case of sufficient energy, there is almost no need to rest at all, and the area of the city is so large that robots can use turns to attack to keep the robot's energy sufficient.

16 days later, the city is still as difficult to attack. Except for causing some insignificant losses to the people in the city, there is still no effect.

However, the situation is different today.

In the electronic eyes of the robot leader, the light keeps flashing. If Duan Peng, who is familiar with advanced intelligence, can definitely guess it. The robot leader is excited.

Yes, the robot leader was very excited because he finally waited for a turnaround.

Ten days ago, the robot leader got the news that a large group of people had entered his war zone.

If placed in peacetime, the robot leader will definitely lead a large number of robots to destroy or subdue them, but this time, the robot leader gave up because he was attacking the city and had no extra energy to command another war.

But later, the robot leader was excited, because the team moved straight in their direction.

At the beginning, the robot leader was excited because the pair would throw themselves into the net, but as time went by, the robot leader slowly became deeper, because he calculated more extension possibilities.

One of the best ways is to surround this team and then use this team as bait to draw out the force in the city. Without the support of the city walls, the city's force is not enough in the eyes of the robot leader.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the city's force is stronger than the calculation.

The robot leader is not greedy. In his calculation, as long as he hits the power of the city, it doesn't matter if he doesn't take the city. At least they are ready for the next siege.

Just now, the robot besieging the team suddenly came the news that the other party was preparing, and they still had a lot of mecha.

This news did not attract the attention of the robot leader. Of course, the robot leader still calculated it. After adding the conditions, his calculation results told him that the team was only a pure defense. In order to resist the attack they would give, of course, this was not the only answer to the operation. That team It is also possible to launch an attack, but the possibility of an attack is less than 1%, so this is directly ignored by the robot leader.

The robot leader put more computing power into the battle of the city. He is calculating when the people in the city will see this team and how they will react.

But when the robot leader put more computing power into the city, only a moment later, the light in his electronic eyes suddenly stopped. At this moment, he even forgot to calculate. After three seconds, the light in the robot leader's electronic eyes continued to flash, and his metal head slowly turned The direction of that team.

There is less than one percent of the possibility, but the team's action is less than one percent.


Duan Peng stared at the display in front of him. The robot in the display did not respond. They just stood so stupidly. Of course, such an opportunity would not be missed.

Hands scratched on the keyboard again, and the mecha rushed in!

King Kong's foot fell to the ground. This time, it was a little different from the previous movement. When King Kong's foot left the ground, the traces left on the ground were much deeper than the previous ones, and the King Kong's body, which was moving at high speed, seemed to pause suddenly, and then resumed moving, and the speed was much faster than before.

The battle has begun!

Before the battle, Dong Ruo and the three people's mood were very complicated, but at the beginning of the battle, all ideas were removed from their minds. The three of them were mecha warriors. Maintaining calm in the battle was one of the basic principles for mecha warriors to do.

It is worthy of being a five-level mecha. Li Tong's operation is much smoother than Dong Ruo and Wang Xing. After several moves, Li Tong's King Kong has surpassed Dong Ruo and become the second of the four King Kong.

Although he wanted to remain calm, Li Tong couldn't help but be a little excited. This was the first time Li Tong participated in the battle since he was promoted to the fifth-level mecha. It was not until then that he felt the strength of the fifth-level mecha.

But Li Tong's excitement only lasted for less than a second. The excitement just came to his head, and a basin of cold water spilled down his head.

Li Tong has been observing Duan Peng's movements. You should know that Duan Peng is the object of his worship, but Duan Peng's performance is not surprising. Maybe he is better than Li Tong, but he is not much better.

Of course, Li Tong still worships Duan Peng, because Duan Peng is four years younger than him, and Duan Peng's mecha technology is still better than him, but these are enough to make Li Tong worship him.

But the next second, Li Tong found that he was wrong and ridiculously wrong. Duan Peng was not only stronger than him. Duan Peng stood in front of his eyes like a mountain.

On the display, Duan Peng's mecha suddenly paused, and soon Li Tong knew that it was wrong. That was just his illusion, because the speed of King Kong on the display instrument has increased again, and it has been greatly improved.

Looking at Duan Peng's speed, Li Tong even felt a little frustrated at that moment, but it was just a blink of an eye. Li Tong became excited again, because he is now in Duan Peng's team. If Duan Peng's training method can be successful, he will also have the opportunity to become the same as Duan Peng - or just a little worse than Duan Peng?

Duan Peng shook them away, Li Tong overtook them again, and Dong Ruo's tooth was about to be bitten. She vowed that after this battle, she must train well. She should not become a woman praying for Duan Peng. She would stand beside Duan Peng, and she would share the pressure of fighting for Duan Peng.

and Li Tong's distance is getting farther and farther, but Wang Xing never gave up. His hand tapped on the keyboard again and again. Even if he could only make three-level movements, he never gave up.