
Chapter 13 Array

"Be careful!"

The crisis has just appeared, and Dong Ruo's voice has sounded in Duan Peng's caller.

Duan Peng is a five-level mecha, and he has seen Duan Peng's operation. Coupled with Li Tong, a five-level comparison, everyone knows better that although Duan Peng is only a five-level mecha, Duan Peng's actual combat power is much higher than that of a five-level mecha.

But it is clear that when Dong Ruo got rid of his crisis, his superfluous mind involuntarily fell on Duan Peng. After all, Duan Peng's impression on her was really bad. Almost every battle, Duan Peng would encounter one problem or another, and then bring back a little injury.

Of course, Dong Ruo is not blaming Duan Peng for fighting too hard. She just wants to help Duan Peng when the crisis occurs.

Unfortunately, the crisis that Dong Ruo was worried about has appeared, but such a crisis, coupled with the distance between the two sides, Dong Ruo can't help Duan Peng at all. She can only shout anxiously on the call channel.

Without Dong Ruo's reminder, Duan Peng also noticed what happened around him, but for a moment, Duan Peng returned to the state of one talent.

The hands of the mecha immediately returned to dance with Duan Peng's state.


In an instant, Duan Peng's King Kong sounded several crisp sounds continuously.

One, two, three...

The three robots fell down in an instant with Duan Peng's action, and the energy sword in their hands was also extinguished by the loss of chip support.

After falling down three robots, Duan Peng frowned more tightly, because several other robots still rushed in the direction of Duan Peng. After Duan Peng solved the three robots, the tip of their energy sword was even less than one meter away from King Kong's body.

The battle went smoothly, and with the success of blocking the robot two meters away, Duan Peng's heart relaxed, especially several times of distraction and several times with his basic hand speed to deal with the crisis, and Duan Peng did not pay attention to these robots.

But at this moment, Duan Peng tasted the consequences of underesight the enemy.

At the moment when he was distracted, the robot seized the opportunity, and ten robots rushed in the direction of Duan Peng at the same time. Obviously, the robot was premeditated, and they had been waiting for this opportunity to appear.

Duan Peng destroyed three in an instant, but there are still seven robots left. No matter how fast Duan Peng's hand speed is, he can destroy up to three more. The last four will naturally kill Duan Peng, which is a worthy sacrifice for the robot.

"What should I do?" Duan Peng frowned, and countless thoughts flashed through Duan Peng's mind.

Duan Peng didn't expect the current situation to happen. Originally, he wanted to solve the problem of too little lethality, but the problem had not been solved, and Duan Peng was in trouble.



Li Tong was so happy that he suddenly heard Dong Ruo's voice. Li Tong immediately looked in the direction of Duan Peng. At this glance, Li Tong was stunned by Duan Peng's situation. He did not expect that Duan Peng's technology would fall into such a dangerous situation. Just a pause, Li Tong shouted and then immediately fucked The mecha rushed in the direction of Duan Peng.

At the same time, Wang Xing is also screaming. Wang Xing is just a newly promoted four-level mecha. It has been very difficult for Wang Xing to deal with the robot in front of him, especially to be accurate. Wang Xing is even more difficult, but at this moment Wang Xing can no longer care about accuracy. He only wants to be able to deal with the robot in front of him. Let it go, and then you can get to Duan Peng's side as soon as possible.


Qian Boyu has let go, and Ning Xu also agreed to Qian Boyu's proposal, but Ning Xu's heart still can't let go of the crowd outside the city. You know, it is nearly 10,000 lives.

Ning Xu raised his telescope from time to time to observe the crowd outside. Since he could not persuade Qian Boyu, all Ning Xu could do was to pray for them.

Once again, Ning Xu put the telescope in his hand in front of him. As before, Ning Xu looked over calmly and then put it down calmly, but after only a second, Ning Xu's face suddenly appeared surprised, and his arm was raised quickly because of his arm. It was lifted so fast that the telescope even smashed Ning Xu's eyes when it came to him.

Ning Xu's eyes were sore that tears were about to flow along Ning Xu's eyes, but Ning Xu couldn't help it, and he didn't even dare to blink.

"General!" After watching for a while, Ning Xu finally couldn't help opening his mouth.

Hearing Ning Xu's voice, Qian Boyu frowned.

"Xiao Ning, haven't I already explained it to you?"

Qian Boyu was very angry. He had explained his intention to Ning Xu. As a general, it was the biggest concession Qian Boyu could make.

Of course, Ning Xu also agreed with Qian Boyu's proposal, but Ning Xu stood beside him and looked at the crowd in the distance with binoculars again and again.

Well, Qian Boyu put up with it. After all, Ning Xu didn't bring up this topic again. If you want to see it, just let him read it.

But after watching for a while, Ning Xu actually shouted again. Qian Boyu can't tolerate this. After all, Ning Xu is just an adjutant. If he is an adjutant, he should grasp his position and should not challenge his authority of Qian Boyu.

"I'm sorry, General!" Qian Boyu's voice was not loud, but as Qian Boyu's subordinate for many years and the most intimate subordinate, Ning Xu certainly knew that Qian Boyu was angry, so Ning Xu quickly explained to Qian Boyu, "Actually, I don't mean to persuade you, but there has been a fight outside!"

"Has there been a fight?" Hearing Ning Xu's explanation, Qian Boyu's anger dissipated and was replaced by a trace of surprise.

Qian Boyu said that he couldn't save it, but after all, he was a human being. After Ning Xu conveyed the order, Qian Boyu still observed the other party's team. It doesn't matter if he didn't look at it. As soon as Qian Boyu saw it, he immediately found a lot of ways.

Although the robot surrounded the other team, the encirclement was not too close. The robot's position was 50 meters away from the team, and it was known that the robot had no intention of fighting for the time being.

Qian Boyu was even a little grateful for his decision, because the purpose of the robot may be to attract the combat power in the city by the encirclement of this team.

At the same time, Qian Boyu also made his own judgment that the robot may still fight, but it will have to wait for a while.

But Qian Boyu didn't expect that it was not long before he heard the news of the fight from Ning Xu. At this moment, Qian Boyu even doubted whether he had heard it wrong.

Ning Xu didn't see the expression on Qian Boyu's face. He was still observing that there were too many robots. Ning Xu didn't know if this team could resist the robot's attack, but with Ning Xu's observation, the surprise on Ning Xu's face became heavier and heavier.

"General! It seems to be an active attack by this team!" Ning Xu said again.

Active attack!

Qian Boyu was stunned by Ning Xu's words. There is a 100,000 robot team outside. Although the robot team has also decreased a lot after 16 days of consumption, the robot team of tens of thousands of people and the team outside actually launched an initiative to attack. How much courage does it take? Qian Boyu is sure that if it is from I will never have such courage.

No longer care about being reserved, Qian Boyu also brought the telescope to his eyes.


Even if it is a desperate situation, Duan Peng will not sit back and wait for death.

'pa pa pa......'

Duan Peng's hands danced a cheerful dance on the keyboard in front of him. In an instant, a shadow appeared on the keyboard, and the shadow of two fingers appeared in the shadow.


King Kong's arm was raised with a crisp sound. Another robot fell down next to the robot just destroyed by Duan Peng. A slightly larger gap suddenly appeared in the encirclement of the whole robot, but unfortunately, this gap was not enough for King Kong to pass.

But Duan Peng doesn't care. He has succeeded in the first step.

I saw that King Kong's arm was slightly recycled, and at the same time, the fingertips of both hands glowed with energy - the blade.

The timing is just right. Two arms and two finger blades just hit the blade of the two energy swords, and the holders of the two energy swords are exactly two robots next to the gap.

In an instant, the light of the energy blade and the finger blade disappeared at the same time, and the King Kong's feet also exerted power at the same time.

Move to change direction, accelerate, and hit the sunken shoulder.

'dang! Dang!'

Two consecutive crashes sounded, and the two robots that lost their energy swords flew out with the impact of King Kong, and because of their flying, the robots behind them were also hit by them.

Of course, there is still a robot pursuit behind Duan Peng's King Kong, but the crisis has been lifted for Duan Peng, and the subsequent pursuit is even more trivial for Duan Peng.

"I'm fine!" Out of danger, Duan Peng immediately said in the phone, and his eyes also looked at Li Tong's three mecha.

Originally, Duan Peng just wanted to report his situation and observe Li Tong's situation. After all, there was a crisis on his side just now, which may affect the performance of the three of them.

But when Duan Peng looked over, his eyes suddenly widened!

Li Tong's mecha came together. Li Tong's King Kong was standing at the front of the team. His powerful attack method was simply unstoppable, while Dong Ruo and Wang Xing stood behind Li Tong. After the combination of the three people, the speed of progress suddenly more than doubled and was fast towards Duan Peng's The direction rushed over.

"Battlezhen!" Duan Peng's mouth involuntarily came out of two words, and he also manipulated the mecha to meet Li Tong in their direction.

When Duan Peng exerted all his strength, the attack power was simply the same. Coupled with Li Tong's fierce attack, the four mechas quickly came together.

After getting together, Duan Peng did not delay much and said directly, "Li Tong opened the way in front of me, my left wing, Wang Xing right wing, Dong Ruoqing tail!"