
Chapter 23 Confidence

Qian Boyu was afraid that the team outside would threaten his position when entering the city, and other leaders were also afraid that the team outside would break the current balance when entering the city, so Qian Boyu did not spend too much effort to convince most of the leaders. Of course, not everyone agrees with Qian Boyu's thoughts, but is that important? It doesn't matter at all. What matters is that Qian Boyu has achieved his goal.

Two days later, Qian Boyu stood on the wall and watched Qian Boyu's eyebrows slowly frown.

"Xiao Ning, has it always been like this outside?" After frowning and thinking for a while, Qian Boyu turned around and asked Ning Xu behind him.

Qian Boyu's question was very sudden, but as an adjutant who had followed Qian Boyu for more than ten years, Ning Xu certainly knew what Qian Boyu meant. As soon as Qian Boyu's words fell, Ning Xu immediately took over Qian Boyu's topic.

"Yes, I don't know what's going on. The robot seems to have adopted a remissive attitude towards the outside, and the team outside seems to be content with the status quo. Since that day, there has been no more fighting between the two sides."

Listening to Ning Xu's report, Qian Boyu's eyebrows frowned more and more tightly.

Now is the 19th day of the robot's siege, five or six days more than before, but the robot has not yet retreated. Obviously, the robot still wants to look for opportunities.

But if it keeps dragging on like this, Qian Boyu is a little worried. The city is full of human beings, and human beings will be tired, and not only soldiers, Qian Boyu is also worried about those leaders. Although Qian Boyu provoked their selfishness, Qian Boyu is worried about what will happen to them if they drag on, because of the reason for dragging down. Probably because of the team outside.

After thinking for a while, Qian Boyu muttered, "It can't go on like this!"

"Yes, General!" Ning Xu has been observing the situation outside the city. He thought that Qian Boyu's words were right to him. As soon as Qian Boyu's words were finished, Ning Xu continued: "This battle has lasted too long. The soldiers below are close to the verge of collapse. If we drag on, we may be in danger."

Hearing this, Qian Boyu looked up at Ning Xu, but Ning Xu was paying attention to the movement outside the city and didn't notice Qian Boyu's eyes at all. Qian Boyu could only shake his head helplessly and said, "Xiaoning, you inform me. I want those people to discuss the later arrangements again."

"Yes!" Ning Xu saluted and left.


Dong Ming stood at the forefront of the defensive position, and Huang Chi and Zhong Xi followed Dong Ming closely. Although the task has been arranged and there are special people watching on the position, Dong Ming still has to go to the position every day.

In the distance, the robot's team has evacuated 100 meters away, and there has been no intention of attacking or reinforcement in the past two days, but Dong Ming's heart still can't calm down, because no matter how calm these two days, the team is still surrounded by robots.

After watching for a long time, Dong Ming's head finally slowly turned back.

"Xiaopeng is getting more and more powerful. He didn't expect that what he analyzed at that time has now become a reality."

With that, Dong Ming couldn't help sighing, because two days had passed, and they still hadn't detected the cause of Duan Peng's coma, and they didn't even see any signs of awakening.

"Yes, I didn't see that Xiaopeng still has tactical talent. If he hadn't proposed to go deeper, we wouldn't have come here. If he hadn't proposed to take the initiative, we wouldn't have peace these two days." Speaking of Duan Peng, Huang Chi couldn't help sighing, and his face was a little more astringent.

Now think about it, when he was suddenly besieged by robots, everyone jumped out to blame Duan Peng. Even he once doubted Duan Peng. Huang Chi was still a little embarrassed.

"General, don't praise Xiaopeng too much. This is not Xiaopeng alone. If Wilton hadn't helped Xiaopeng analyze, Xiaopeng might not have thought so much." After all, he is Duan Peng's eldest brother. Although Zhong Xi is very happy to listen to others praising Duan Peng, he must still have some modesty.

As he spoke, Zhong Xi's voice suddenly lowered, and Zhong Xi thought of Duan Peng.

Everything was similar to what Duan Peng expected, but Duan Peng himself fell into a coma, and he was still in an unexplained coma, so Zhong Xi was very worried.

Zhong Xi's expression naturally fell into the eyes of Dong Ming and Huang Chi. To be honest, Dong Ming and Huang Chi were also very worried about Duan Peng's situation. Just a slight pause, Dong Ming said, "Xiao Zhong, let's go to see Xiaopeng again!"

In the past two days, they have been checked many times, and even Gao Ming has been invited by them, but they still haven't found out the cause of Duan Peng's coma.

However, Zhong Xi was still very happy to go and see Duan Peng. As soon as Dong Ming raised it, Zhong Xi couldn't help nodding.


Outside Duan Peng's tent, the members of the experimental team were still standing like that.

Duan Peng was in a coma for two days, and they also stood outside Duan Peng's tent for two days. Although it was a group of young people, the two days still made the faces of this group of young people full of fatigue.

"Children, take everyone back!" It is not the first time to see Li Tong and others, let alone the first time to persuade them. To be honest, Li Tong and others have also become part of Dong Ming's heart disease in the past two days.

"General..." Li Tong took a look at Dong Ming and lowered his head slowly. Obviously, Li Tong did not dare to face Dong Ming's eyes at all, but after lowering his head, Li Tong's feet still did not move at all.

Looking at Li Tong's appearance, Dong Ming had a headache, but all this also made Dong Ming sigh more about Duan Peng's role.

When the group was not yet formed, Duan Peng reported to Dong Ming the significance of the formation of this group. At that time, Dong Ming did not have any better way. He just had a try. Unexpectedly, Duan Peng really made Duan Peng do all this. The members of this team have become the establishment of Dongjia Village. Presumably this small The group also became a meat thorn in the hearts of Liu Le and Xie De.

"Children, I can understand your mood, but you can't help anything here, which will only delay your own training. If Xiaopeng wakes up, what will he think of you, and how will you explain it to him?" After sighing for a while, Dong Ming persuaded again.

This is not the first time that this sentence was said from Dong Ming. Every time Dong Ming came over, he would say this sentence again. Every time he heard this sentence, Li Tong would also be moved, but Li Tong still refused to leave, because Duan Peng in the tent made him more concerned about him.

After waiting for a while, Li Tong finally raised his head. He looked into Dong Ming's eyes and asked seriously, "General, can you promise me that Xiaopeng will wake up?"

Dong Ming was stunned when he heard the words. Of course, Dong Ming understood that this was Li Tong and his exchange.

There were not many people who dared to negotiate with Dong Ming, but Dong Ming was not angry, because he could feel Li Tong's affection for Duan Peng and pondered for a while. Dong Ming also nodded solemnly to Li Tong.

"I promise!"

Li Tong looked quietly, Wang Xing and the members of the whole experimental team watched quietly, and Dong Ming also calmly looked at this group of young people.

Finally, Li Tong saluted Dong Ming and said, "Thank you, General!"

Then, Li Tong left with the members of the group. Of course, their departure did not mean that they no longer cared. They just changed their way of caring.

Li Tong took someone away, and Dong Ming took a long breath, but before the breath was over, Dong Ming frowned again, because there were more troublesome ones still in the tent.

Sure enough, when he walked into the tent, Dong Ruo was sitting quietly next to Duan Peng, and the food brought to Dong Ruo was kept aside and hardly moved.

Frowning and looking at Dong Ruo, Dong Ming said, "Xiao Ruo..."

Dong Ruo's eyes have been fixed on Duan Peng's body, and even Dong Ming and the others did not look back when they walked into the tent. However, when Dong Ming's voice sounded, Dong Ruo suddenly interrupted Dong Ming and said, "Dad, is what you just said true?"

Two days of sleeplessness, coupled with self-reproach, Dong Ruo's voice sounded weak.

Looking at Dong Ruo's haggard appearance and hearing Dong Ruo's tired voice, Dong Ming's heart ache.

Although it is a war, even if it is a war, Dong Ming has never let Dong Ruo suffer, let alone let Dong Ruo become what it is now. After a long time, Dong Ming said again: "Xiao Ruo, I know that you are very sad and blame yourself for Xiaopeng's accident, but I think Duan Peng is willing to save you, and he doesn't want you. It will be like this, you still..."

Dong Ruo shook his head and interrupted Dong Ruo again and said, "Dad, I know what you want to say, and I can understand, but now I just want to know if what you just said outside is true?"

"Alas!" Dong Ming did not answer immediately, but sighed for a long time.

Hearing Dong Ming's sigh, Dong Ruo's eyes almost fainted, but Dong Ruo still persisted. She took a breath before saying, "Since it's not, let me accompany Xiaopeng!"

Hearing this, Dong Ming was a little stunned. After a while, Dong Ming remembered that it must be because his sigh caused Dong Ruo's misunderstanding.

Dong Ming immediately said, "Xiao Ruo, how can you look at your father like this? Of course what I said is true!"

"Really?" After receiving the positive answer, Dong Ruo's voice became a little louder, and her face seemed to be a little more red, but tears kept flowing down Dong Ruo's cheek.

Looking at Dong Ruo's appearance, Dong Ming did not dare to make any more superfluous actions. He was afraid of causing Dong Ruo's misunderstanding again.

"Xiaopeng will definitely wake up. As long as you think about Xiaopeng's attitude towards life, as long as there is a trace of hope that Xiaopeng will not give up. Moreover, Xiaopeng still has relatives waiting for him to rescue, so I believe Xiaopeng will definitely wake up."

With that, Dong Ming stepped forward and gently patted Dong Ruo on the shoulder, then pointed to Duan Peng lying down, and then said, "Xiao Ruo, you should be stronger. Even if you can't eat, you have to eat something, because Duan Peng also needs your support! I believe that even if he is in a coma, he can feel our existence.