
Chapter 25 Internal and External Worry

Dong Ming frowned and looked without saying a word. Because of the distance and height restrictions, Dong Ming could not see what was going on in the city, but Dong Ming obviously felt that the strength of the battle between the city and the robot had weakened.

"General, is it that the city has been besieged for too long, and then the soldiers inside have been exhausted." Zhong Xi also frowned tightly. Obviously, Zhong Xi also saw the situation between the city and the robot.

Dong Ming shook his head gently and said, "There is so little information that I can't judge what's going on in the city, but I don't think it should be the reason for the decline in combat effectiveness. The soldiers may be tired, but the robots will not be tired, and their combat strength is weakening too quickly."

Hearing Dong Ming's words, Zhong Xi looked in the direction of the war between the two sides again.

Sure enough, if the last time the combat power invested by the two sides was 10,000, this time, the combat power invested by the two sides was only 9,000.

Dong Ming's eyebrows frowned more and more tightly. As he said, there was too little information to understand what was going on in the city, but Dong Ming could barely guess the possible consequences of the current war situation.

After thinking for a while, Dong Ming turned his head and said, "Lao Huang, Xiao Zhong, you should go down and prepare now to prepare for the soldiers at any time for the attack of robots."

Zhong Xi was stunned, but it only took a few seconds to react. He asked, "Are you saying that the robot may free its hands to deal with us?"

staring at the direction of the city, Dong Ming nodded heavily.


"Attention from the 2IV6 team, listen to my order, five people will defend, and then retreat five people every two minutes!"

Compared with an hour ago, Qian Boyu's voice has completely calmed down.

When the concession plan was first implemented, Qian Boyu was not very depressed. This concession plan was quite risky. If the soldiers in the city retreated and the robots did not reduce the attack intensity, the city's defense would become very dangerous, but with the passage of time, Qian Boyu's heart slowly fell. Go back.

Under the command of Qian Boyu, the team on the wall decreased little by little. An hour later, a complete team has been evacuated on all sides of the wall, and what Qian Boyu was worried about did not happen. The robot was guided by Qian Boyu, and the intensity of the attack slowly decreased.

A little relieved and slightly observed the attack strength of both sides. Qian Boyu put the caller to his mouth again.

"The retreating soldiers should pay attention to take time to rest, and the whole team must ensure that it is within ten meters of the battlefield."

Success, the strength of both sides is constantly weakening, but Ning Xu's heart slowly rises with the weakening of the intensity of the battle.

If the team outside the city hadn't appeared, the robots outside the city might have retreated long ago, and the city would not have added so many losses. Ning Xu's heart also had an inexplicable hostility to the team outside.

However, hostility is hostile. When Ning Xu watched the successful implementation of Qian Boyu's plan and the pressure was about to shift to the team outside, Ning Xu's heart was still quite uncomfortable. Anyway, it was nearly 10,000 human beings.

Qian Boyu's plan is very good. He just wants to consume the combat power of the team outside, but how can the world be satisfactory? If the team outside does not have the protection of combat power, the result can be imagined.

Of course, Qian Boyu also said that as long as the combat power of that team disappears, the city will send a rescue team, but in this case, Ning Xu can't believe it.

For more than ten years, the city has been standing in the attack of robots, but Ning Xu knows that this is only because of the assistance of the wall. Without the wall, the power of the city can't compete with the robot at all, which also shows that Qian Boyu's rescue is just an empty word.


"The preparations have been completed in the east!" Zhong Xi's voice soon sounded in the phone.

Immediately after, the voices of Huang Chi, Kong Rong, Gao Ming and others also appeared in the telephone.

Hearing the sound from the caller, Dong Ming was a little relieved, but only a little relieved. Soon, Dong Ming's attention returned to the battlefield outside.

An hour has passed since Dong Ming appeared at the forefront. In this hour, the investment in combat power between robots and cities has been decreasing. Compared with an hour ago, the investment of both sides has been directly reduced by 30%, so Dong Ming dares not relax.

Suddenly, just as Dong Ming was worried about observing, the telephone around him rang again.

"General, the east robot is approaching!" It's Zhong Xi's voice, which is relatively calm.

"Western robots are also approaching!" Gao Ming.

"The robot in the north is also approaching!" Kong Rong.

Listening to the situation in several directions, Dong Ming's face suddenly became ugly. Although all this had been expected by Dong Ming, when this moment came, Dong Ming still felt black in front of him.

Obviously, this is not a good time to rest. Although it was dark in front of him, Dong Ming still held on and took a breath. Dong Ming grabbed the caller beside him and asked, "Can you see the number of robots?" Has their number increased?

The caller was quiet for a moment after Dong Ming's question, but soon the sound sounded again.

"There is an increase in the east, and the number is about 1,000!"

"The west has also increased, and the number is also 1,000!"

"There is no increase in the north!"

The situation is very serious, and Dong Ming's face is getting worse and worse. Obviously, the situation Dong Ming expected finally happened. When the investment between the city and the robot became less, the robot finally put extra power into Dongjia Village.

Difficult, Dong Ming put the caller to his mouth again, but Dong Ming's hand holding the caller trembled gently.

"Prepare to fight!" After several deep breaths, Dong Ming's voice finally sounded in the caller, but Dong Ming's voice showed strong fatigue.


"I knew it was okay, I knew it was okay..." Qian Boyu muttered, staring closely at the direction of the team outside.

At this moment, Qian Boyu's heart was completely relieved.

Responses have just come from several other directions, and the robots in each direction of the gate have been reduced to varying degrees, and the robots surrounding the team are also beginning to approach.

Ning Xu was also watching quietly. His hands had been clenched into fists at some point. His fingers faded because of too much force, and Ning Xu's eyebrows were also constantly**.

Only with the naked eye, Ning Xu can also see that there are more robots surrounding the team outside.

Maybe it was to put pressure on the team. The robot did not charge. They were advancing little by little.

The encirclement is getting smaller and smaller, and the robot formation is becoming more and more dense.

Suddenly, a white light lit up around the team.

The dazzling energy light made Ning Xu involuntarily narrow his eyes, but after the white light flashed, Ning Xu immediately opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the team.

The attack effect of the energy bomb is still good, and the robot in the innermost part of the circle has been cut off a layer.

But it was only one layer, and the approach of the robot did not stop because of this. They stepped on the 'body' of their companions and continued to move forward.

The encirclement is getting smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Suddenly, another white light lit up.

is the same as the previous one, and even worse than the previous one, because the encirclement has narrowed and the robots in the front row have become less.

Ning Xu's heart is bleeding.

Looking at the same human team struggling under the city, and he was the one who contributed to all this, Ning Xu was so sad that he was about to faint, but what Ning Xu couldn't accept was Qian Boyu's muttering to himself.

"Finally, I knew it would succeed. Haha, when the battle between them and the robot is over, I think the robot should also retreat!"

As he spoke, there was still a smile on Qian Boyu's face.

Every time he sees Qian Boyu's smile, Ning Xu's heart becomes very stable. In Ning Xu's opinion, Qian Boyu's smile represents his personal charm and is also a manifestation of self-confidence. But now, Ning Xu feels hypocritical with the same smile. It is the first time that Ning Xu feels that Qian Boyu is so disgusting.


"50 meters..."

"Twenty meters..."

Sounds from all directions keep ringing in the caller.

In fact, there is no need to report at all, and Dong Ming can also know all aspects of the situation, because the robot in front of Dong Ming is also constantly approaching.

Another white light lit up, and Dong Ming closed his eyes again.

As for the result, Dong Ming knew without looking at it. Dong Ming even showed a trace of despair when he closed his eyes, but when Dong Ming opened his eyes, the despair had disappeared.

Dong Ming is the head of Dongjia Village. Even if he is desperate, he dares not show it to everyone, because it will seriously affect everyone's morale.

"The mecha team attack!" While opening his eyes, the order also roared out of Dong Ming's mouth.

The mecha team had been waiting for a long time, and Dong Ming's voice had just sounded, and they rushed out like a tiger out of the cage.

Looking at the posture of the mecha team's attack, Dong Ming's face showed a slight fatigue, but soon Dong Ming's face became resolute.

Dong Ming is the village head of Dongjia Village. At this time, Dong Ming must build confidence in the soldiers to win, even if they must lose.

Quietly, Dong Ming observed the situation on the battlefield.

The situation is not bad. With the attack of the mecha team and the cooperation of the fighters' energy bombs, the battle situation is temporarily stable.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Dong Ming was a little relieved, but as soon as Dong Ming loosened his breath, a voice suddenly sounded beside Dong Ming.

"Village Head Dong!" It's Liu Le. I don't know when Liu Le actually came to Dong Ming's side. "I'm here to ask for war on behalf of Liucun Branch. Now the situation is grim. I hope that village head Dong can also make our Liucun branch people contribute a little."


Haha, there are two updates every day!

I tried my best, and you should also do your best!!