
Chapter 30 Fighting for Life

In Qian Boyu's helplessness, the mecha finally entered the battle. After all, this battle is directly related to the safety of the city. If the city no longer exists, it doesn't make much sense to keep these mecha.

The mecha is worthy of being mecha. I saw them punching and kicking. Robots flew around with their fists and feet, and even many robots fell directly down the wall in their attack.

Qian Boyu looked nervously and saw the movement of the mecha, and finally showed a trace of relaxation on his face.

If the impact of the robot really captured the city, Qian Boyu would become a sinner for thousands of years.

However, Qian Boyu's relaxed expression did not last long, and soon his eyebrows frowned again.

The front moved backwards, and there was no obstruction. The speed of robots climbing became extremely fast. Although the combat power of the mecha was strong, it could only stabilize the front line, because they flew the robots and more robots surged up the city wall.


The mecha team and soldiers have been assembled.

Dong Ming's eyes swept over the faces of the soldiers, and saw a determined look on the soldiers' faces, and their hands holding the energy gun were still firm.

Looking at the expressions of the soldiers, Dong Ming's heart throbbed.

Attack can be different from defense. When defending, soldiers can put down defensive fortifications and rely on fortifications to avoid, but the attack is not. They can only rely on courage.

After watching for a while, Dong Ming finally opened his mouth. After all, it is now the moment of life and death. Even if his heart hurts, Dong Ming has to make this difficult decision.

"I know that this battle will be very difficult, but everyone has seen the situation. We have no choice at all. In order to survive, we can only choose to fight, so please fight this battle!"

Dong Ming has a lot to say to these soldiers, because many of them watched them grow up, but when it came to his mouth, it turned into a few words in a hurry. Dong Ming still couldn't encourage them to participate in a life-death battle.

What Dong Ming said was very difficult, but the eyes of the warrior became more firm in Dong Ming's simple words.

Dong Ming's voice just fell, and the soldier below raised the energy gun in his hand, "Bight win!" You will win!"

One, two...

A piece, a group of...

Soon, all the voices converged into a voice, and the soldiers raised their energy guns in their hands, and a victory and death momentum burst out of the soldiers' positions.

Looking at the soldiers below, Dong Ming's eyes slowly oozed tears, but Dong Ming's face was a smile.

Whether this battle is a victory or a defeat, the soldiers in front of him have made Dong Ming feel proud.

"Bight to win! Must win! ......”

The sound was still continuing. In the screams of the soldiers' victory, Dong Ming slowly put the caller to his mouth.

"mecha team! Attack!"

At the forefront of the

position, with Dong Ming's order, 16 mechas rushed out.

Move acceleration! Move acceleration!

The speed of the mecha is getting faster and faster. Soon, the mecha has come into contact with the tail of the robot.

"Multi-footworm attack!" Dong Ming picked up the phone and gave the order again.

The multi-footworm is powerful, but the multi-footworm moves too slowly and consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, since the development, the multi-footworm has only participated in two battles, but now, the whole village has been pressed on the gambling table. As for energy, if this bet is lost, no matter how much energy there is no meaning, so the multi-footworm also It was assembled.

The movement is really slow, but the multi-legged worm is a long-range attack. The multi-legged worm has not crawled out too far. His forelimbs and those small energy cannons like claws have already glowed with white energy.

"Village Guards attack!" The last order, a trace of nostalgia flashed in Dong Ming's eyes, but the order still popped out of Dong Ming's mouth firmly.


It seemed to forget that the war would bring them huge casualties. As soon as Dong Ming's words fell, the soldiers of the village guard shouted and quickly rushed out to the battlefield.

250 meters!

The soldiers still charge at their highest speed!

Two hundred meters!

entered the range of the energy bomb, but the soldiers did not stop, and their footsteps were still firm!

150 meters!

The soldiers finally stopped, and the energy gun in their hands was quickly raised to their chest.

Fire cooperation! Three-one locking principle!

Three people work together to lock the same robot, which can ensure that a round of shooting will cause the greatest damage to the robot without wasting energy.

These are the principles that Zhong Xi has been instilling in the soldiers and are familiar with after many battles. These principles have been fully integrated into the hearts of the soldiers. In addition, life and training have always been together, and the soldiers have also formed enough tacit understanding. Just in an instant, the soldiers have completed their cooperation and locked themselves. The goal.


At the same time, the soldiers closed their eyes and pulled the trigger with their fingers.

A piece of energy covering the sky and the sun lit up!


With the help of the mecha, the robot can no longer continue to advance, but the robot keeps climbing the wall, and the mecha can't drive the robot down from the wall, and the war is stale.

Qian Boyu and Ning Xu stared at the battle in front of them, and their faces were full of anxiety.

"General! Why don't you put the mecha in front of you and let the soldiers withdraw to use energy to attack? Staring at the war in front of him for a while, Ning Xu finally couldn't help opening his mouth again.

Qian Boyu looked quietly and couldn't help but frown**. Hearing Ning Xu's suggestion, Qian Boyu was suddenly stunned, but soon, Qian Boyu shook his head slowly.

Ning Xu's suggestion is actually the most correct choice at present, because the flesh and blood of the warriors can't stop the robot's attack at all, but the mecha is different.

But Qian Boyu can't agree, because without the soldiers to attract firepower, the mecha team, which has not yet suffered casualties, will definitely suffer immediately, and such a loss is what Qian Boyu does not want to see.

Looking at Qian Boyu shaking his head, there was a trace of disappointment on Ning Xu's face.

No need to analyze, Ning Xu also knows what Qian Boyu is afraid of. After all, Ning Xu has been Qian Boyu's adjutant for more than ten years, but Ning Xu can do anything except disappointment, because even if Ning Xu is Qian Boyu's closest person, Ning Xu's identity is still just an adjutant. He can't control and has no right to control it. The team in the city.

Time passed little by little, and slowly, Ning Xu, who had been completely disappointed with Qian Boyu, gradually calmed down. There was no disappointment or anxiety. Ning Xu slowly turned his head and looked at the team outside the city.

At a glance, Ning Xu couldn't help squinting.

Outside the city, the direction of the team emitted a dazzling white light, and even the sun in the sky was covered by this white light.

He narrowed his eyes, but Ning Xu's heart was beating wildly.

Ning Xu knew the whole calculation process of Qian Boyu, and Ning Xu even smiled bitterly in his heart - laughing that Qian Boyu could not steal the rice, but Ning Xu did not expect that the team outside the city had taken an offensive at their most difficult time.

Ning Xu is also an officer for many years. Of course, he knows the difference between defense and attack. Although the team outside performed well in defense, the attack will cause them an unpredictable price, but the team still took the offensive.

Finally, the white light passed, and Ning Xu's eyes slowly opened, and his mouth kept muttering, "Great righteousness..."


The first attack was an unexpected attack on the robot, because the robot did not expect that the team outside the city would take an offensive, and many robots fell down in this attack.

But after the robot fell, the bad luck of Dongjia Village began.

The light of the energy bomb has just disappeared, and the soldiers are still re-selecting their targets. The robots behind them have launched a charge towards the team in Dongjia Village.

"mecha team! Stop the robot!" Dong Ming's voice sounded in all the mecha, "Your task is not to kill, your task is to slow down the robot!"

In an instant, all the mecha changed the way they fought. They waved iron fists or grabbed the robot's feet to turn the robot into their own weapons and waved them violently.

Maybe they didn't expect that the mecha would suddenly change the attack mode. The robot's formation was disrupted by the mecha for a while, and their footsteps were temporarily delayed by the mecha warriors.

The second time, the soldiers' energy guns were also fired in time, and soon another batch of robots fell down.

Dong Ming is very anxious, but his face is very calm. After all, Dong Ming is the village head of Dongjia Village, and he must keep calm to give everyone confidence.

Looking at the mecha in the distance finally dragging down the pace of the robot, and the cooperation of the soldiers was also quite in place. Dong Ming finally showed a smile at the corners of his mouth, but Dong Ming's smile just appeared, and then solidified like that.

Unlike the previous battles, the robot has no temptation. The battle has just broken out, and the robots have already held energy guns.

No, there are other differences.

The robots that are close to the mecha and the mecha fighting head-on still hold the energy sword firmly, while in the distance, the robots that can't fight with the mecha for a while are replaced by energy guns.

It's dangerous!

Dong Ming's face immediately turned pale, and a dangerous idea suddenly flashed in his mind!

Sure enough, the idea in Dong Ming's mind just flashed, and the muzzle of those energy guns had already glowed with the white light of energy gathering.

All the soldiers of the village guard that Dong Ming saw also saw it. Their faces also turned pale, but their faces still had a firm light.

Of course, the soldiers also have regrets.

They had expected all this for a long time, but they didn't expect it to happen so soon that they hadn't been able to kill several mecha.

The light of energy gathering is getting brighter and brighter. In this process, the soldiers fired another energy bomb. Although it caused certain casualties to the robot, it failed to stop other robots from concentrating energy.

Finally, after the energy gathered, a dazzling white light was emitted from the robot's position.


The second update is coming!

Brothers, let's communicate!! I need you very much!!

Er... I need your opinion!