
Chapter 36 Strategy

After waking up for several days, Duan Peng still hasn't got out of bed. After all, he has been in a coma for four days, and it will take time to recover.

"I look in good spirits today. It seems that I should be able to get out of bed in a few days."

Dong Ming walked into Duan Peng's room and saw that Duan Peng was studying with a book of materials, and his smile suddenly appeared a little more.

Duan Peng read the book attentively, while Wilton stood quietly. If he hadn't said a few words to Duan Peng from time to time, Wilton would have almost become a decoration.

Hearing Dong Ming's words, Duan Peng immediately put down the book in his hand, " Uncle Dong, you're here. In fact, I've been fine for a long time, but Xiao Ruo doesn't allow me to get out of bed..."

Speaking of Dong Ruo, Duan Peng's face couldn't help but blush. After all, it was the old man Dong Ruo standing in front of him.

The topic suddenly turned to Dong Ruo. Dong Ming couldn't help but remember the topic that Duan Peng talked about with Zhong Xi before he woke up a few days ago. Thinking about the corners of Dong Ming's mouth, he couldn't help moving twice, but in the end he still couldn't say anything.

However, Duan Peng understood Dong Ming's look and said, "Abo Dong, do you have anything to say to me?"

Dong Ming was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that his actions made the little guy grab him. The smile on Dong Ming's face was immediately better. After a pause, Dong Ming said again, "You should have heard about the situation in the city these days!"

Duan Peng nodded gently, "I heard that it seems that things are not what we thought before we entered the city, and the city is not so perfect."

"Yes!" Dong Ming sighed, "However, a large number of outsiders have poured into the city for more than a decade, and these people will more or less have a certain amount of force, and the current situation is inevitable."

With Dong Ming's words, Duan Peng frowned tightly.

In the past, Duan Peng always regarded everything beautifully, but after Cheng Xudong, Liu Le, and the later assassination in the camp, Duan Peng was no longer that naive child. Of course, Duan Peng also paid more attention to the interests of his relatives.

" uncle, what on earth are you going to do?"

"Me?" A wry smile appeared on Dong Ming's face, "How can I choose? These days, people from these two sides have been communicating with me. I hope I can join their side, but..."

Needless to say, Duan Peng can also understand that the forces of the two sides have reached a balance. If there are no other external forces to join, the two sides may be able to continue steadily, but now Dongjia Village has come, and it is still a large force. Dongjiacun will break the immediate balance and break the current balance by joining either side. The balanced result may not usher in a war, but Dongjia Village will certainly attract hostility from the other side, which is a very serious consequence for Dongjia Village, a newly joined force.

"It's also very difficult. Why don't you consider Brother Xi's opinion?"

"Xiao Zhong?" Dong Ming was slightly stunned, his eyebrows tightened in an instant, and his voice became a little hesitant. "Actually, I have carefully considered Xiaozhong's opinion, but after a few days of waiting, I found that Xiaozhong's opinion is not very feasible. I'm afraid that in the end, both sides will become our enemies, and they will join hands to suppress us. Maybe."


Duan Peng finally woke up. When he woke up from Duan Peng, Dong Ming went to Duan Peng's side almost every day. Such a move made Kong Rong and Liu Le panic all day long, especially Kong Rong, who stayed at Liu Le's house most of the time every day.

"Village Liu, it's not a way to go on like this."

It's really not a way, but Liu Le's pressure did not come from Dong Ming. Liu Le's pressure was in front of him - Kong Rong originally thought that he could win over a person from Dongjia Village to get more resources, but he didn't expect that the people in Dongjia Village had a natural fear of Dong Ming. Since it was made public at the meeting After supporting Liu Le, Kong Rong's courage seems to have become much smaller.

frowned, Liu Le paced back and forth in the room, while Kong Rong's eyes followed Liu Le's body closely.

In just a few days, Kong Rong has been much more haggard than before, his hair is less meticulous than before, and his eyes are slightly dull.

"Village head Liu, do you have something to say?" Watching Liu Le walk back and forth, Kong Rong finally couldn't help opening his mouth again.

Liu Le didn't seem to hear Kong Rong's question. His footsteps continued. As he walked, Liu Le's footsteps suddenly stopped and suddenly turned his head to look at Kong Rong, "Brother Kong, I mean, if, if we divide, how many teams can you pull out?"

Kong Rong opened his mouth wide, and obviously Kong Rong was shocked by Liu Le's words.

Liu Le stared at Kong Rong and saw Kong Rong's appearance. A trace of disappointment flashed in Liu Le's eyes, but Liu Le did not look at Kong Rong. He still stared into Kong Rong's eyes.

"I..." After looking at each other for a long time, Kong Rong finally came to his senses, "You also..."

Through getting along with each other in the past few days, Liu Le has long found that although Kong Rong is a little smart, Kong Rong's courage is not enough. Before he can speak, Liu Le already knows what effect it will bring to Kong Rong. Seeing Kong Rong open his mouth, Liu Le immediately interrupted Kong Rong's words. After all, Liu Le himself only holds the ability of 200 people. The gun team, and this team has not been trained much, let alone baptized by war.

"Brother Kong, I know what you want to say, but think about it, do we still have a choice now? If we can pull out a team and then choose a force to protect them under the protection of the forces, Dong Ming will not dare to do anything to us in the future, right?

Listening to Liu Le's words, Kong Rong slowly lowered his head, and his hands hanging beside him involuntarily clenched into fists, and his thumb kept twisting on his index finger.

Liu Le did not urge him. He waited quietly, but his eyes stayed on Kong Rong's hand. When Liu Le saw the movement of Kong Rong's hand, the corners of his mouth slowly turned up.


In Duan Peng's small room, Dong Ming and Duan Peng frowned tightly. Obviously, the question raised by Dong Ming was also a problem for Duan Peng. More than ten minutes have passed, but Duan Peng leaned on ** without saying a word.

"Dad..." During this period, Dong Ruo has been here several times. Every time he saw Duan Peng's pale face but frowned bitterly, Dong Ruo's heart was drawn up with Duan Peng's eyebrows. However, because it was important, Dong Ruo could only suppress his heartache and said nothing. However, ten minutes have passed, and Dong Ming and Duan Peng were still With a frown and nothing to say, Dong Ruo finally couldn't help saying, "Xiaopeng just woke up. Can't you wait for him to get better?"

Dong Ruo's voice woke Dong Ming from meditation. Dong Ming suddenly smiled bitterly and had not yet become Duan Peng's person. Dong Ruo had begun to help Duan Peng. However, when Dong Ming's eyes moved to Duan Peng's face, Duan Peng's pale face did tell Dong Ming that in a short time Peng should not be too tired.

smiled and Dong Ming said, "Yes, then Xiaopeng, you can have a good rest. It doesn't matter if you let it go first. I'll come to see you tomorrow."

He taught his father a lesson, and in order to help Duan Peng, Dong Ruo's face was already flushed after saying something, but when he heard Dong Ming's last sentence, Dong Ruo frowned again and muttered in a low voice, "Come back, Xiaopeng can't rest as soon as you come."

All kinds of feelings of martial arts masters are more sensitive than ordinary people. Although Dong Ruo's voice is small, even Duan Peng can hear the whispers clearly. In an instant, the bitter smile on Dong Ming's face was a little more, and there was a little embarrassment. After all, this is what his beloved Dong Ruo said, and it is not easy for Dong Ming to scold. It's not even easy to export if it's heavier.

"Xiao Ruo, don't make trouble. This choice is very important to the village. Uncle Dong is tired enough about this matter. Don't talk about Uncle Dong. Besides, I'm fine."

"Whatever you want!" Dong Ruo stamped his foot and quickly walked out of Duan Peng's small room.

In fact, the reason why Dong Ruo left was not because of Duan Peng, but Duan Peng's words became an excuse for Dong Ruo to leave. Although the voice of the latter sentence was small, it reacted when the words fell to Dong Ruo. Dong Ming could hear it, and looking at Dong Ming's expression, Dong Ruo could also know that Dong Ming really heard it.

When Dong Ruo left, the small room suddenly became a little more embarrassed. Fortunately, although he was in a coma for a period of time, Duan Peng did not forget his previous skills, but after a moment of silence, Duan Peng opened his mouth.

"Bunbo Dong, I just thought of something, but..."

Sure enough, Duan Peng's words had just been exported, and the embarrassment on Dong Ming's face completely disappeared, and he immediately nervously came to Duan Peng's bedside, "But what?"

As soon as he said the words, Dong Ming was immediately stunned. He immediately realized that Duan Peng was deliberately turning the topic, "You boy, but I took your words seriously. If you can't give an opinion, don't blame me for being my uncle's punishment."

Duan Peng was stunned when he heard the words, but he didn't expect to be poked through by Dong Ming so soon. Duan Peng's face immediately had a little more embarrassed smile.

"I just thought of a rough idea, but I haven't come up with a specific solution yet!"

"It's probably okay. We'll discuss it after you say it!" Dong Ming waved his hand, and his face suddenly appeared with excitement.

Speaking of business, the smile on Duan Peng's face disappeared, and his eyebrows frowned again. After a pause for a minute or two, Duan Peng said again, "That's what I think. I think we should find a way to negotiate with the two sides to form a common organization, so that even if other teams come one after another in the future , and it will not have an impact on the forces in the city.

It's really a rough idea, but it's a relatively fresh idea. Dong Ming slowly frowned. After a long time, Dong Ming opened his mouth again, "To be honest, Xiaopeng, I think your idea is very feasible, but there are many difficulties in it, such as armed forces. If we form this co-construction organization, Who should be in charge of the armed forces in the city?


Second update, brothers, I'm waiting for you to appear!!