
Chapter 38 Arrest

As soon as it was dark, a group of people came to Liu Le's house at night.

Dong Ming personally led the team, followed by several leaders in Zhong Xi and the village guard. Of course, the people from Liu Village were excluded from this operation.

While ambushing, Dong Ming sighed that although it was not the first time that he felt old, it was the first time that Dong Ming felt that he was no longer suitable to continue to work in the leadership position.

In fact, when Huang Chi reported the situation, Dong Ming should have made up his mind, but at that time, Dong Ming forgot his identity as a leader, but thought that Kong Rong was also a person who grew up in Dongjia Village. He wanted to give Kong Rong another chance until Zhong Xi came over and said that the assassination of Duan Peng might have been initiated by Liu Le, and After analyzing that Kong Rong was implicated again, Dong Ming was finally able to make this difficult decision.

Waiting quietly, a dark shadow quickly rushed to Dong Ming's side, "General, Liu Le doesn't seem to be in the room."

"Isn't it?" The black shadow's report pulled Dong Ming out of his mixed thoughts, "Where else can they go?"

After a while, Zhong Xi and others also got the news of Liu Le's absence.

"General, is it possible that Liu Le and others are ready to leave?"

Zhong Xi's words reminded Dong Ming that although Huang Chi only got the news of Kong Rong's pulling people today, he must first start with those who are sure, and finally it will be those who are not sure about it. Since Huang Chi has got the news, that is to say, Kong Rong must be ready, and now The failure of Tianla people, and the possibility of Kong Rong and others running away is also quite high.

"It's very possible." Dong Ming nodded gently.

After all, he is a general. Although he is old and his nature has softened, he has made a decision that Dong Ming can still implement it resolutely. After frowning and thinking for a while, Dong Ming has already thought of a way to deal with it.

"Xiao Zhong, please assign a task and send two people to Liu Le's barracks to check. He now has more than 200 guns, and there will be no movement if he wants to leave."

"Yes, General!" Zhong Xi immediately answered and turned around to prepare for the task.

Dong Ming did not let Zhong Xi leave. Seeing that Zhong Xi was about to turn around, Dong Ming immediately pulled Zhong Xi, "Also, send someone to Lao Huang to report a letter. If they want to leave, we can't stop them and ask Lao Huang to drive the mecha team for us."


Zhong Xi's energy is even more energetic. Duan Peng's assassination has always been a mental illness of Zhong Xi. If Liu Le is to be run away, Zhong Xi's disease will not be cured. Now when he hear Huang Chi say that he will also drive the mecha team over, Zhong Xi's heart is completely relieved.

Things were going on in an orderly manner, and soon Dong Ming and others got the news.

Liu Le and the others really left, and the walking movements were almost synchronized with Dong Ming's movements. Dong Ming and others took people to Liu Le's nest, and Liu Le also chose to wipe the black and take people to prepare to leave the village.

Just as soon as he got the news, Dong Ming had already chased him in the direction of Liu Le's departure with Zhong Xi and others.

Hurry up and finally arrived. By the time Dong Ming and others arrived, Liu Le had taken his people to the edge of Dongjia Village.

"Village Liu, what are you going to do with so many people? There are no robots to attack the city now.

I didn't spend much time with the people of Liu Village, but in more than two months, I took everyone across a half of the war zone, and the whole team suffered much less losses than expected. Even the people of Liu Village, Dong Ming has established enough prestige among them.

Dong Ming's voice just sounded, and the team led by Liu Le immediately had a riot. Many of them stopped involuntarily, and even many people's footsteps had the intention of retreating.

I heard Kong Rong say that several people failed to win in, and Liu Le was immediately ready to evacuate. The sky had just dark, and Liu Le's team had begun to set out. Seeing that he was about to leave the location of Dongjia Village, Liu Le was already full of joy.

Liu Le has chosen the forces to join and communicated with the other party.

Unlike in Dongjia Village, although Dongjia Village also gave Liu Le an identity, Liu Le was always rescued from the robot fortress by the people of Dongjia Village. He was not so confident to speak. This time, Liu Le had his own armed force, and Kong Rong pulled in several mecha soldiers. Liu Le joined the other party's power. After that, the other party may have promise him a considerable position.

But Liu Le didn't expect that he was about to walk out of Dongjia Village, but Dong Ming chased him with people.

"It's village head Dong!" Although he was anxious, Liu Le still smiled, because Liu Le wanted to bring confidence to his people. "We are ready to leave, so we don't need village head Dong to see him off in person."

Liu Le is an old fox. Dong Ming has regretted several times about Liu Le, but Dong Ming also had to admit that Liu Le did have two brushes. Liu Le just stood up and said a word, and the rioting team immediately settled down. Although he could not see the expressions of the crowd, he knew everyone without looking at Dong Ming. The panic on his face is disappearing.

Looking at Xiang and taking a step and lifting his momentum, Dong Ming said again and said, "Brother Liu, I'm afraid you can't leave today. There is something we need to verify clearly, and we need Brother Liu's cooperation to verify this matter."

The smile on Liu Le's face suddenly stopped, but soon Liu Le's smile returned to normal.

"General Dong, I know that we were rescued by your troops, but we have also made efforts on the way to the city. You can't restrict us to find our own future!"

There are still a lot of bad things that have been done. For example, he often competes for power with Dong Ming, and now he has to leave with the team. Liu Le doesn't want to stay. Although it takes a lot of courage to face Dong Ming's momentum, Liu Le still speaks out his words against Dong Ming's momentum, and the voice is still a little loud. .

The direction Liu Le chose to leave is not the territory of the indigenous people of Dongjia Village. The reason for raising his voice is to wake up these people, so that he can make Dong Ming compromise under the pressure of everyone.

Sure enough, Liu Le's words fell to the ground, and someone immediately found the movement on this side and slowly surrounded this side.

Seeing the slowly surrounding crowd, Liu Le couldn't help blooming in his heart.

"General Dong, does what I said make sense?"

Looking at the slowly gathering crowd, Dong Ming frowned, and the momentum that had already risen to the peak involuntarily dropped a few points.

People are selfish, especially those rescued by Dong Ming from the robot fortress.

On the way, everyone should obey the instructions of Dongjia Village, because Dongjia Village firmly controls the force. If they do not obey the instructions of Dongjia Village, not to mention that Dongjia Village can use force to threaten them. As long as Dongjia Village no longer cares about them and abandons them, they cannot survive in a war zone full of robots, and the best As a result, he was also captured by robots again.

But now, everyone has come to a safe place, and the threat of robots has been temporarily lifted. If there is better treatment, Dongjiacun will certainly be abandoned, so Dong Ming's prevention of Liucun's branch from leaving is tantamount to cutting off these people's choice. These people look at Dong Ming with a trace of hostility.

The two sides slowly formed a confrontation. After a while of coldness, Dong Ming took a deep breath again.

"Liu Le, you don't have to be enchanted. I'm not looking for you today because you want to take someone away, but because you are involved in an assassination." With that, Dong Ming glanced around the surrounding crowd, and then continued to say, "I believe everyone knows that when he was first besieged by robots, a teenager named Duan Peng in our Dongjia Village was assassinated. We now have evidence that the assassination was planned by Liu Le. Liu Le must stay to accept our verification.

Liu Le was shocked. He did not expect that Dong Ming had contacted him about the assassination of Duan Peng, but only for a moment, Liu Le regained his composure.

"Just a child uses such a big battle, and I don't have any entanglements with that child. Who will believe General Dong's words!"

The gathered crowd had been relaxed because of Dong Ming's words, but Liu Le's words made everyone look suspicious, but it was not to blame them. What Liu Le said was also very reasonable. Duan Peng's assassination seemed serious, but after all, Duan Peng was just a child and might pretend to be like this for a child. The big battle, all together is like what Liu Le said. Dong Ming's purpose is just to prevent this group of people from leaving.

Liu Le's eloquence was really good. Looking at everyone's skeptical eyes again with Liu Le's words, Dong Ming couldn't help but feel a trace of anxiety.


Several times in a row, Dong Ming's mood slowly calmed down, "Duan Peng, 17 years old, five-level mecha warrior, five-level mecha division, fifth-level warrior, Dongjiacun tactical staff, my successor."

Dong Ming's voice was low, but the people present heard it clearly, and the whole crowd suddenly became an uproar.

Five identities, just one identity is enough to shock people, but Duan Peng put the five identities together. Such identities, not to mention assassination, even if they lose their hair, are worth Dong Ming's use of force.

The smile on Liu Le's face finally disappeared. He could see that Dong Ming was protecting Duan Peng and didn't want Duan Peng to be exposed too early, but Liu Le did not expect that Dong Ming would say all this in front of everyone. For a moment, Liu Le could not even find words to refute Dong Ming.

Both sides immediately returned to the cold stage.

"Lao Dong, what are you doing?"

When Liu Le was having nothing to do, suddenly a voice sounded behind Liu Le. Hearing the sound, a smile finally appeared on Liu Le Tieqing's face, but Dong Ming's face became extremely different.

It's Qian Boyu. Qian Boyu didn't come alone. There were a large number of soldiers behind him, and those soldiers were still fully armed.


Second update, brothers and sisters, please do something!

There are always ups and downs in the collection. Xiao Chu begged everyone not to be so quiet when they left. I know that there must be some dissatisfaction if the brothers want to leave, but if they want to leave, please leave a little advice for Xiao Chu, okay?

Thank you for helping Xiao Chu make progress!