
Chapter 45 Thoughts on Imprisonment

"Grandpa..." Liu Shaohui's tears couldn't help sliding down his cheeks.

The resolution on the handling of Liu Le and Kong Rong has been issued. Many people have confirmed that there is indeed a person named Zhou Ming around Liu Le, and Zhou Ming did disappear on the night of Duan Peng's assassination, and Zhou Ming did not have any combat mission. The only explanation is that Zhou Ming is the assassin who assassinated Duan Peng and failed to assassinate, and then Set yourself on fire.

According to the behavior of Liu Le and Kong Rong, they should have been sentenced to death, but Liu Le was the highest officer of Liu Village Branch. In order not to cause unnecessary panic, Dong Ming and others decided to imprison them lightly. Both Liu Le and Kong Rong were sentenced to life imprisonment.

Naturally, there is no cell in Dongjia Village, but in order to imprison Liu Le and Kong Rong, Dong Ming and others still set up a special area, limited the scope of Liu Le and Kong Rong's activities, and sent special personnel to guard them.

Liu Shaohui came to see Liu Le for the last time. After all, it was the first day that Liu Le was imprisoned in this place. Dong Ming was also kind, but Dong Ming also issued an order that Liu Le and Kong Rong would not let anyone see each other in the future.

"Grandpa..." Liu Shaohui kept repeating.

Liu Le has been arrested for several days, but the wind direction has completely changed. There are few people who used to follow Liu Shaohui, and the 'congress meeting' he presided over has collapsed directly. In these days, Liu Shaohui has understood what the world is.

" Shaohui, don't cry, you should grow up." Liu Le stretched out his hand and gently rubbed Liu Shaohui's head, "Let's grow up by myself in the future. In fact, I already thought of this day after that day's failure, but I didn't expect this day to come so quickly."


"I told you not to cry, you have to grow up like a man!" Liu Le's voice became a little harsh. In fact, Liu Le, as the ruler of the village, didn't know what kind of person Liu Shaohui was. However, Liu Le didn't expect that he would have such a day.

In Liu Le's harsh reprimand, Liu Shaohui's head slowly raised and looked at Liu Le, and the sobs gradually slowed down.

Liu Le and Liu Shaohui looked at each other and looked at Liu Shaohui so sad. Liu Le was both moved and heartbroken, but Liu Le still persisted and his eyes were still firm. After this time, he did not know if there would be a chance to see him again, so Liu Le could only harden his heart and seize the time to give Liu Shaohui a little confidence.

Looking at each other, finally, Liu Shaohui's sobbing interval was getting longer and longer, and his tears were slowly decreasing. I know, Grandpa, I will grow up!"


Duan Peng was very angry about being assassinated by his own people during the war, and looking at the man's self-immolation, Duan Peng knew that there must be someone behind the man's back.

Duan Peng also thought about finding out the people behind the scenes, but when everything was over, Duan Peng did not feel happy. The more things he experienced, the faster Duan Peng grew and his strength was constantly growing. However, Duan Peng felt that it was still in the previous village, and everyone was more open when there was no entanglement. Some heart.

But fortunately, Dong Ming did not directly make the decision to be executed, which also left a little comfort to Duan Peng.

It's right that these people assassinated Duan Peng, but when everything was over, Duan Peng did not have the intention to kill them.

Wandering aimlessly in the station, many people even greeted Duan Peng, but Duan Peng did not see it.


Another voice sounded behind Duan Peng, with a little excitement, but Duan Peng still had no reaction, and his footsteps did not stop at all.

"Xiaopeng! What's wrong with you?" But this man obviously didn't mean to let Duan Peng go. Seeing that Duan Peng ignored it, he caught up from behind Duan Peng.

It was not until the visitor chased Duan Peng that Duan Peng found the appearance of the visitor, and there was a trace of stunnedness on his face, "Brother Tong, why did you come here?"

"I heard that Liu Le and Kong Rong were imprisoned, so I came to say hello to you." Li Tong smiled and almost turned into a flower. "If you want me to say that General Dong's sentence is lighter, these people should be directly executed in my opinion!"

Of course, Duan Peng knows what Li Tong thinks. Li Tong and Wang Xing have no selfishness towards Duan Peng, but Duan Peng is still a little uncomfortable. Of course, Duan Peng will not interrupt Li Tong's good mood and reluctantly smile. Duan Peng opened his mouth and said, "Brother Tong, in fact, I am very satisfied with such a punishment. After all, we are all human beings, and I'm fine now.

"That's not the case. You're fine because you have a big life..." Halfway through, Li Tong suddenly stopped, and the smile on his face also froze on his face. It was not until this time that Li Tong found that Duan Peng's face was a little ugly. Xiaopeng, what's wrong?

Duan Peng smiled bitterly, "It's okay. I just don't understand."

"What can't you figure out? If you don't say it, I'll listen to it. Even if I can't help you solve it, I will feel a little more comfortable when I say it. Just a few days after recovering, Duan Peng's face had just showed blood. Looking at Duan Peng's appearance, Li Tong was very nervous. When he was recovering, Li Tong was very worried that Duan Peng would have a good or bad time.

"I..." Facing Li Tong's concerned eyes, Duan Peng opened his mouth, but only said a word, but Duan Peng did not know how to continue.

Li Tong was anxious, "Xiaopeng, what's the matter? Isn't it inconvenient to tell me? Why don't I help you find Brother Xi and others?

Duan Peng waved his hand gently, and his bloody face was full of fatigue. After a long pause, Duan Peng opened his mouth again, "Brother Tong, it's okay. I just don't understand why Liu Le and others have to do so many things."

"Xiaopeng, these selfish people will naturally have some selfish ideas. What's so strange about this?" Li Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing Li Tong's answer, Duan Peng's eyebrows were still frowned. Obviously, Li Tong's answer was not enough to solve Duan Peng's doubts. After a short pause, Duan Peng continued: "If there is no mistake, the pattern of the whole world has collapsed. Human beings are no longer the masters of the world. We all have to take the opportunity. They can find a chance to survive in the rampant world, and Liu Le was rescued by us. Why did they do this?

Li Tong was stunned, and his mouth kept opening and closing, but in the face of Duan Peng's problem, he still looked a little tender.

"Actually, there are many answers to this question!" Just when Li Tong was in embarrassment, a voice came from afar.

Duan Peng and Li Tong followed the voice. It turned out to be Dong Ming, who was walking towards Duan Peng with a smile.

"Bunbo Dong (General)!" Duan Peng and Li Tong immediately said hello to Dong Ming.

Dong Ming nodded with a smile, "After the meeting, I felt that you were a little wrong, but I didn't expect you to be thinking about such a question. In fact, you asked a lot of questions, and everyone has different answers to your question."

Duan Peng's eyebrows finally unfolded, but his face was still puzzled, "Uncle Dong, I still don't quite understand!"

"hehe." Dong Ming smiled. Except for what happened with Dong Ruo made Dong Ming a little dissatisfied, Duan Peng almost made Dong Ming impeccable. Dong Ming stretched out his hand and touched the back of Duan Peng's head twice, and then continued to say, "Let's talk about Liu Le. Why did he do this? Because he had no sense of security, he was rescued from the concentration camp without any force in his hands, and the village was completely under our protection, so Liu Le wanted to fight for greater rights and give himself a certain strength.

"What about Brother Kong? And why did they deal with me?" Hearing Dong Ming's explanation, Duan Peng seemed to understand a little, but there seemed to be more questions. Duan Peng's eyebrows slowly frowned.

"Why should I deal with you? It's very simple, because you are my appointed heir. Kong Rong and you have had many conflicts. He is afraid that you will deal with him after you get the power." With that, Dong Ming rubbed Duan Peng twice on the back of his head again.

Duan Peng's head slowly lowered in Dong Ming's explanation. Listening to Dong Ming's explanation, Duan Peng suddenly felt that Liu Le and others did not seem to have done anything wrong. The fault was himself, and he forced them to do such behavior.

Of course, Dong Ming knew Duan Peng's idea. The reason why he said this was to cultivate Duan Peng's ability to think comprehensively. He just paused for a moment, and Dong Ming opened his mouth again.

"Of course, this is just from their position, and we also have our position." Dong Ming's voice slowly became firm, and his eyes also showed a firm light. "Dongjia Village is our village, and the strength of Dongjia Village is also the foundation of our survival, and we are more familiar with the use of this power, so we can't allow them to destroy our foundation. Since we can't tolerate it, we can only fight. Fight, but fighting, their assassination of you breaks the rules of the struggle, so they have to end up now, and we don't have to feel guilty at all. As the little boy said, it is already our tolerance for them not to be executed.

Li Tong's face smiled again. Hearing Dong Ming's words in front of him, Li Tong's eyebrows had frowned, especially when he saw that Duan Peng's face became ugly. Li Tong even had a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart. However, he didn't expect that Dong Ming just pulled everything back from a word, and it seemed to be like this. The explanation is more convincing.

Duan Peng's eyebrows were still slightly frowned, and he was still thinking about Dong Ming's words.

Dong Ming did not urge. He just looked at Duan Peng quietly. After two minutes, Dong Ming opened his mouth again, "Xiao Peng, what do you think the agreement we reached with General Qian a few days ago is for?"

Dong Ming's voice fell, and Duan Peng's eyes suddenly lit up, and Duan Peng understood.

Duan Peng participated in the tripartite talks almost all the way, which is also a kind of struggle, similar to Liu Le's fight, but Duan Peng will not want to assassinate Qian Boyu.

"Dongbo, I understand!"

Dong Ming's face immediately showed a bright smile, "Just understand!"

"Thank you, Uncle Dong!" Duan Peng bowed sincerely to Dong Ming, "I also know what to do in the future!"


Updated, be happy and happy!

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