
Chapter 54 First

Half a month ago, in the robot siege, the robot losses should not be small. In the past two days, almost all the places within 30 kilometers with the city as the center were taken by Duan Peng, but Duan Peng encountered very few robots, which obviously could not achieve the purpose of training people, so Duan Peng could only take people. Continue to search out.

It's getting late, and the sight in the woods is getting worse. If it hadn't been for Duan Peng leading the way, everyone would have been unable to move forward, but even if Duan Peng led the way, the speed of the journey would be much slower than during the day.

As he walked, he looked around nervously. Suddenly, Duan Peng, who was walking at the front of the team, stopped.

The sight is really bad. Although the whole team is composed of soldiers above level 4, only a few people in the original Dongjia Village can perform freely in a dim environment, while others' eyes are completely focused on the people in front of them, because they are afraid of being careless, and they will lose the figure of the people in front.

However, fortunately, everyone's spirit was in a state of high concentration. Duan Peng just stopped, and the people behind him immediately reacted and stopped.

"Xiaopeng, what's wrong?" Li Tong came to Duan Peng's side. Because he didn't know what had happened, Li Tong's voice was very low.

Duan Peng did not answer Li Tong's question. He stared quietly in front of him, and his ears were also gently **, and soon, the people behind him slowly came to Duan Peng's side.

For a long time, a smile suddenly appeared on Duan Peng's face, "I didn't expect that we would find an opportunity in just one afternoon."

"What's wrong? Is there a robot in front? Dong Ruo asked nervously.

The purpose of leaving the city is to break through the ancient martial arts, so this time everyone only brought a little self-defense weapon, and the heaviest weapon is just an energy gun, and it does not carry much energy.

So it is not only Dong Ruo who is nervous, but also Li Tong and the soldiers behind him are equally nervous, and even Duan Peng himself has a little nervous in his heart. However, as the leader, and the plan is proposed by himself. Even if he is nervous, Duan Peng will never put the tension on his face.

"Well, we are really lucky. I didn't expect that in just an afternoon, we met robots, and it happened to be a team of robots, with only five robots." Duan Peng said with a smile.

Smile is the best tool to relieve tension. At least the current effect is not bad. Duan Peng put on a smile, and everyone's nervousness suddenly receded a lot.

For a moment, everyone slowly calmed down, but at the same time, everyone showed a surprised expression.

"Xiaopeng, how do you know the location and number of robots?"

"Uh..." Duan Peng scratched the back of his head with embarrassment. "I forgot to tell you. Brother Xi told me that I have entered the sixth level of ancient martial arts, so I feel a little better than everyone, and the scope is a little bigger than everyone."

"Wang..." Everyone couldn't help staring and covering their mouths at the same time. Only in this way can they hold back the surprised voice.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Duan Peng smiled.

According to Duan Peng's personality, he will never say this in front of everyone, but Duan Peng can see that everyone is very nervous, so Duan Peng can only break some hot news to relieve the tension in everyone's hearts.

The effect is obvious, not only without tension, Duan Peng's news, the news of the robot has been completely thrown aside by them.

"Father, come back!" After waiting for a while, when everyone almost digested the news, Duan Peng waved his hand again, "Now let's put my business aside. There are five robots in front of us, which can be said to be a rare opportunity, so let's talk about training."

He spoke and waved his hands. Although Duan Peng had made efforts, everyone's spirit was still in a trance and shook his head. Li Tong seemed to remember what he was doing now.

"Xiaopeng, it's just five robots, doesn't it seem to be enough?"

"Who said that five robots can be said to be just right!" Duan Peng shook his head and then glanced around the faces of the crowd, "Who do you decide to go first?"

Duan Peng's words fell, and everyone's eyes immediately returned to Qingming.

They recognized Duan Peng's meaning, and at the same time, they were awakened by Duan Peng's decision, because they seemed to hear that Duan Peng wanted them to fight alone.

"Xiaopeng, do you mean there is only one person?" Dongjiacun holds a coming-of-age ceremony every year, and it is inevitable to encounter some robots, but it is still a little difficult for everyone to single-pick five robots.

"Yes!" Duan Peng nodded with a smile, "Didn't I say that when I came out? People's potential is infinite. Only when we encounter difficulties will human potential explode. Only when our potential explodes can we find opportunities for breakthroughs. You don't think that shortcuts are so easy to go!"

With that, the smile on Duan Peng's face slowly converged, and his expression gradually became serious. His serious eyes swept over everyone's faces again, and everyone couldn't help lowering their heads.

"Although it has come out, I still won't force it. Let's volunteer!"

Wang Xing stared at Duan Peng for a while, and then his eyes shifted to the people around him, slowly showing a trace of anxiety.

If possible, Wang Xing really wants to jump out, because Wang Xing can see that everyone's morale seems to have encountered another setback at this moment. Now Duan Peng needs a person to stand up and boost morale again, but Wang Xing can only be anxious, because he has reached level 5 and he is no longer in line with Duan Peng's conditions.

Quietly, the wind passed by everyone's ears, and Duan Peng was also a little anxious, but Duan Peng did not urge him. Even if everyone convinced him, Duan Peng did not want to give orders at this time.

"I'll go!"

Almost at the same time, three deep voices sounded, and Dong Ruo, Li Tong and Gao Fei raised their heads at the same time.

The forest at night was very quiet, so Dong Ruo deliberately lowered their voices, but even if the voice was not loud, everyone could hear the firmness in their voices, and with the sound of the sound of the three of them, everyone's heads also raised, but there was a trace of shame in everyone's eyes.

Duan Peng was secretly relieved. The leader was really not so easy to do. One after another of the levels kept appearing in front of him. He not only had to consider the improvement of everyone's strength, but also the cohesion of the team, but fortunately, the current level was finally broken through by him again.

"Very good, but this time it can only be done by one person, so the three of you also have to split up. Do you want to guess?"

It is necessary to consider not only the current situation, but also the mood of the remaining silent people, so Duan Peng deliberately used some witty tone. Sure enough, as Duan Peng's voice fell, everyone's faces smiled.

"Xiao Peng, let me go!" Of course, there is no need to guess. Duan Peng's voice fell, and Li Tong's voice sounded.

As a follower of Duan Peng, Li Tong was a little ashamed. He felt that he should stand up without hesitation when Duan Peng needed it. Unexpectedly, he hesitated for a few seconds because of timidity. Originally, it didn't matter if he hesitated for a few seconds, but when he woke up in these few seconds, two people sent it with him at the same time. The sound.

"Xiaopeng..." It is difficult to make up his mind, but if a decision has been made, it will not be changed. Obviously, Dong Ruo and Gao Fei will not give this opportunity to Li Tong. Their voices sounded almost at the same time.

Duan Peng did not let them argue. He waved his hand to stop Dong Ruo and Gao Fei from talking. Duan Peng said, "Let Brother Tong go!"

As he spoke, Duan Peng stared at Dong Ruo and Gao Fei. He could see that both Dong Ruo and Gao Fei were a little dissatisfied with Duan Peng's decision. As Duan Peng's words fell, Dong Ruo and Gao Fei's eyebrows slowly frowned.

"Actually, I have a reason to make this decision." Duan Peng gently held Dong Ruo's hand and patted Gao Fei's shoulder twice. "Although I don't often go to the training ground, I pay attention to your training. After many observations, I think Brother Tong is the most solid and most likely to break through among you, so I think Brother Tong is the most at present. Good choice, what do you think?"


Li Tong tightened the long sword in his hand again. Not only his forehead, but also the palm of Li Tong's hand were covered with sweat, and his heartbeat seemed to be much faster than usual.

Although the decision has been made, Li Tong couldn't help but be a little nervous when he really got out of the team.

In the past, Li Tong also encountered robots in the coming-of-age ceremony, but they were all the lowest model SD102, and even if there was a battle, Li Tong only needed to face one, but now, five robots are in front of Li Tong, and Li Tong does not know the models of these five robots.

After taking a breath and suppressing the impulse to turn back, Li Tong began to slowly move forward again.

Step by step, seconds after seconds, Li Tong's footsteps are getting faster and smoother. In the process, Li Tong has begun to skillfully use mobile technology.

Walking, he lowered his body and used the bush to hide his figure.

Suddenly, Li Tong's footsteps stopped.

Without breaking through to reach level 5, Li Tong's various feelings are naturally impossible to be as perverted as Duan Peng, but with Duan Peng's guidance and high mental concentration, Li Tong can naturally find the position of the robot after a certain distance.

The five black shadows wandered about ten meters away from Li Tong. The height of more than two meters, and the height of the five black shadows is almost exactly the same, which is enough to show their identity.

The five shadows walked leisurely, not fast, and not in the direction of Li Tong and others. Obviously, the robot did not expect that human beings would walk out of the city.

Slowly put the iron sword on the ground and wiped it with his hands on his body. Li Tong took a deep breath, and his legs were lifted again by Li Tong.


Come on!